Exemplo n.º 1
 public CommandResultSchema(CommandSchema command, string name, CommandResultColumnSchema[] columns)
     this.database = command.Database;
     this.command = command;
     this.name = name;
     this.columns = new List<CommandResultColumnSchema>();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public CommandResultColumnSchema(CommandSchema command, string name, DbType dataType, string nativeType, int size, byte precision, int scale, bool isAllowDBNull)
     this.database = command.Database;
     this.command = command;
     this.name = name;
     this.dataType = dataType;
     this.nativeType = nativeType;
     this.size = size;
     this.precision = precision;
     this.scale = scale;
     this.isAllowDBNull = isAllowDBNull;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ParameterSchema(CommandSchema command, string name, ParameterDirection direction, DbType dataType, string nativeType, int size, byte precision, int scale, bool allowDBNull)
     this.database = command.Database;
     this.command = command;
     this.name = name;
     this.direction = direction;
     this.dataType = dataType;
     this.nativeType = nativeType;
     this.size = size;
     this.precision = precision;
     this.scale = scale;
     this.isAllowDBNull = allowDBNull;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public ParameterSchema(CommandSchema command, string name, ParameterDirection direction, DbType dataType, string nativeType, int size, byte precision, int scale, bool allowDBNull, ExtendedProperty[] extendedProperties)
     : this(command, name, direction, dataType, nativeType, size, precision, scale, allowDBNull)
     this.extendedProperties = new List<ExtendedProperty>();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public CommandResultSchema(CommandSchema command, string name, CommandResultColumnSchema[] columns, ExtendedProperty[] extendedProperties)
     : this(command, name, columns)
     this.extendedProperties = new List<ExtendedProperty>();
Exemplo n.º 6
 public CommandResultColumnSchema(CommandSchema command, string name, DbType dataType, string nativeType, int size, byte precision, int scale, bool isAllowDBNull, ExtendedProperty[] extendedProperties)
     : this(command, name, dataType, nativeType, size, precision, scale, isAllowDBNull)
     this.extendedProperties = new List<ExtendedProperty>();
Exemplo n.º 7
		public CommandResultSchema[] GetCommandResultSchemas(string connectionString, CommandSchema command)
			throw new NotSupportedException("GetCommandResultSchemas() is not supported in this release.");
Exemplo n.º 8
		public ParameterSchema[] GetCommandParameters(string connectionString, CommandSchema command)
			string sqlstring = string.Empty;
			List<ParameterSchema> parameters = new List<ParameterSchema>();
			sqlstring = string.Format("\r\n                 declare @SchemaName nvarchar(200)\r\n         declare @CommandName nvarchar(200)\r\n         select @CommandName='{0}'\r\n         select @SchemaName='{1}'  {2}", command.Name, "dbo", "\r\n            SELECT\r\n\t            DB_NAME() AS [PROCEDURE_CATALOG],\r\n\t            @SchemaName AS [PROCEDURE_SCHEMA],\r\n\t            NULL AS [PROCEDURE_NAME],\r\n\t            '@RETURN_VALUE' AS [PARAMETER_NAME],\r\n\t            0 AS [ORDINAL_POSITION],\r\n\t            CAST(4 AS smallint) AS [PARAMETER_TYPE],\r\n\t            0 AS [PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT],\r\n\t            NULL AS [PARAMETER_DEFAULT],\r\n\t            CAST(0 AS bit) AS [IS_NULLABLE],\r\n\t            0 AS [DATA_TYPE],\r\n                NULL AS [CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH],\r\n                NULL AS [CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH],\r\n                CAST(10 AS smallint) AS [NUMERIC_PRECISION],\r\n                CAST(NULL AS smallint) AS [NUMERIC_SCALE],\r\n                NULL AS [DESCRIPTION],\r\n                'int' AS [TYPE_NAME],\r\n                'int' AS [LOCAL_TYPE_NAME]\r\n            UNION ALL\r\n            SELECT\r\n\t            DB_NAME() AS [PROCEDURE_CATALOG],\r\n\t            SCHEMA_NAME(sp.schema_id) AS [PROCEDURE_SCHEMA],\r\n\t            NULL AS [PROCEDURE_NAME],\r\n\t            param.name AS [PARAMETER_NAME],\r\n\t            param.parameter_id AS [ORDINAL_POSITION],\r\n\t            CAST(CASE WHEN param.is_output = 1 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END AS smallint) AS [PARAMETER_TYPE],\r\n\t            0 AS [PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT],\r\n\t            NULL AS [PARAMETER_DEFAULT],\r\n\t            CAST(1 AS bit) AS [IS_NULLABLE],\r\n\t            0 AS [DATA_TYPE],\r\n                CAST(CASE WHEN baset.name IN (N'nchar', N'nvarchar') AND param.max_length <> -1 THEN param.max_length/2 ELSE param.max_length END AS int) AS [CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH],\r\n                NULL AS [CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH],\r\n                CAST(param.precision AS smallint) AS [NUMERIC_PRECISION],\r\n                CAST(param.scale AS smallint) AS [NUMERIC_SCALE],\r\n                NULL AS [DESCRIPTION],\r\n                ISNULL(baset.name, N'') AS [TYPE_NAME],\r\n                ISNULL(baset.name, N'') AS [LOCAL_TYPE_NAME]\r\n            FROM\r\n\t            sys.all_objects AS sp\r\n\t            INNER JOIN sys.all_parameters AS param ON param.object_id=sp.object_id\r\n\t            LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.types AS baset ON baset.user_type_id = param.system_type_id and baset.user_type_id = baset.system_type_id\r\n            WHERE\r\n\t            (sp.type = N'P' OR sp.type = N'RF' OR sp.type='PC')and(sp.name=@CommandName and SCHEMA_NAME(sp.schema_id)=@SchemaName)\r\n            ORDER BY\r\n\t            5 ASC");
			using (DbConnection dbConnection = MsSqlSchemaProvider.CreateConnection(connectionString))
				DbCommand dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand();
				dbCommand.CommandText = sqlstring;
				dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection;
				using (IDataReader reader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader())
					while (reader.Read())
						string name = reader.GetString(3);
						ParameterDirection direction = this.GetParameterDirection(reader.GetInt16(5));
						string nativeType = reader.IsDBNull(15) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(15);
						DbType dataType = reader.IsDBNull(15) ? DbType.Object : this.GetDbType(nativeType);
						int size = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10);
                        int precision = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? 0 : reader.GetInt16(12);
						int scale = (int)(reader.IsDBNull(13) ? 0 : reader.GetInt16(13));
						bool allowDBNull = reader.GetBoolean(8);
						string defaultValue = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(7);
						List<ExtendedProperty> extendedProperties = new List<ExtendedProperty>();
						extendedProperties.Add(new ExtendedProperty("CS_Default", defaultValue, DbType.String, PropertyStateEnum.ReadOnly));
						parameters.Add(new ParameterSchema(command, name, direction, dataType, nativeType, size, Convert.ToByte(precision), scale, allowDBNull, extendedProperties.ToArray()));
			return parameters.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 9
		public string GetCommandText(string connectionString, CommandSchema commandSchema)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			string commandText = string.Format("sp_helptext '{0}'", commandSchema.Name);
			using (DbConnection dbConnection = MsSqlSchemaProvider.CreateConnection(connectionString))
				DbCommand dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand();
				dbCommand.CommandText = commandText;
				dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection;
				using (IDataReader dataReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
					while (dataReader.Read())
					if (!dataReader.IsClosed)
				if (dbConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
			return stringBuilder.ToString();