Inheritance: IFtpClient
Exemplo n.º 1
        public void try_ftp_client()
            string password = "******";
            var c = new FtpClient("topcat", password);

            string s = c.DownloadString("");

            string filePath = @"C:\Work\test-data.csv";
            c.UploadFile("" + new FileInfo(filePath).Name, filePath);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static int RunPublishOpenData(PublishOpenDataOptions options)

            // load the config
            var configPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "data-gov-uk-publisher-config.json");
            if (!File.Exists(configPath))
                throw new Exception("No data-gov-uk-publisher-config.json file in current directory.");
            string configJson = File.ReadAllText(configPath);
            var config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OpenDataPublisherConfig>(configJson);
            if (config.FtpRootUrl.IsBlank())
                throw new Exception("No FtpRootUrl specified in data-gov-uk-publisher-config.json file.");
            if (config.HttpRootUrl.IsBlank())
                throw new Exception("No HttpRootUrl specified in data-gov-uk-publisher-config.json file.");
            if (config.FtpUsername.IsBlank())
                throw new Exception("No FtpUsername specified in data-gov-uk-publisher-config.json file.");
            if (config.FtpPassword.IsBlank())
                throw new Exception("No FtpPassword specified in data-gov-uk-publisher-config.json file.");

            Console.WriteLine("Publishing to '{0}'", config.FtpRootUrl);

            var ids = new List<Guid>();

            using (var db = DocumentStore.OpenSession())
                if (options.RecordId.IsNotBlank())
                    // publish the specified record
                    ids = new List<Guid> { Guid.Parse(options.RecordId) };
                    // get the records that are pending publication (ie not PublishedSinceLastUpdated)
                    ids = db.Query<RecordsWithOpenDataPublicationInfoIndex.Result, RecordsWithOpenDataPublicationInfoIndex>()
                        .Where(x => !x.PublishedSinceLastUpdated)
                        .Where(x => x.GeminiValidated) // all open data should be gemini-valid - this is a safety
                        .OfType<Record>() //.Select(r => r.Id) // this doesn't work in RavenDB, and doesn't throw!
                        .Take(1000) // so take 1000 which is enough for one run
                        .ToList() // so materialize the record first
                        .Where(r => !r.Publication.OpenData.Paused) //  .Where(x => !x.PublishingIsPaused) on the server doesn't work on live - thanks, ravenDB
                        .Select(r => r.Id)


            Console.WriteLine("Publishing {0} records...", ids.Count);

            if (!options.WhatIf)
                foreach (var id in ids)
                    var ftpClient = new FtpClient(config.FtpUsername, config.FtpPassword);

                    using (var db = DocumentStore.OpenSession())
                        new OpenDataRecordPublisher(db, config, options.MetadataOnly, ftpClient).PublishRecord(id);

            Console.WriteLine("Published (or skipped) {0} records.", ids.Count);

            if (options.WhatIf)
                Console.WriteLine("Ran in 'what-if' mode. Nothing was really done.");

            return 1;