Exemplo n.º 1
 public Cplc ReadCplc()
     byte[] buffer = GetData(FileIdCplc);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Cplc Parse(byte[] cplc)
            if (cplc == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException();
            if (cplc.Length != CplcLength)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("CPLC length mismatch");

            BinaryParser parser = new BinaryParser(cplc, ByteEndianess.BigEndian, BitEndianess.Msb);
            Cplc         output = new Cplc();

             * 5 ROM identifiers (10 bytes), each consisting of 4 digits coded on 2 bytes:

            // -  IC Fabricator (2B)
            output.ICFabricator = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  IC Type (2B)
            output.ICType = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Operating System Provider Identifier (2B)
            output.OSProviderId = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Operating System Release Date (2B)
            output.OSReleaseDate = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Operating System Release Level (2B)
            output.OSReleaseLevel = parser.ReadUInt16();

             * EEPROM Identifiers contain chip, card, pre-perso & personalizer info., in the given order :

            // -  Chip Identifiers:
            // -  IC Fabrication Date (2B)
            output.ICFabricationDate = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  IC Serial Number (4B)
            output.ICSerialNo = parser.ReadUInt32();

            // -  IC Batch Identifier (2B)
            output.ICBatchId = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Card identifiers :
            // -  IC Module Fabricator  (2B)
            output.ICModuleFabricator = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  IC Module Packaging Date      (2B)
            output.ICModulePackagingDate = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  ICC Manufacturer      (2B)
            output.ICCManufacturer = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  IC Embedding date     (2B)
            output.ICEmbeddingDate = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Pre-personalization identifiers :
            // -  Pre-personalizer Identifier (2B)
            output.PrePersoId = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Pre-personalization Date (2B)
            output.PrePersoDate = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Pre-personalization Equipment (4B)
            output.PrePersoEquipment = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Personalization identifiers :
            // -  Personalizer Identifier (2B)
            output.PersoId = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Personalization Date (2B)
            output.PersoDate = parser.ReadUInt16();

            // -  Personalization Equipment (4B)
            output.PersoEquipment = parser.ReadUInt16();
