Exemplo n.º 1
        //private SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
        public Scene(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ContentManager content, Vector2 screenSize, Game1 game)
            entities        = new List <Entity>();
            entitiesID      = new Dictionary <int, Entity>();
            deadEntities    = new List <Entity>();
            players         = new List <Player>();
            localPlayers    = new List <Player>();
            enemies         = new List <BaseEnemy>();
            worldObjects    = new List <WorldObject>();
            cargos          = new List <Cargo>();
            activeAbilities = new List <ActiveAbility>();
            camera          = new Camera(spriteBatch, screenSize, cargos, players, enemies, worldObjects, activeAbilities);
            this.game       = game;
            networkThread   = game.networkThread;
            //textureCollection = new TextureCollection(content);
            collisionCheck = new CollisionCheck(cargos, players, enemies, worldObjects, activeAbilities);

            worldObjectHandling = new WorldObjectHandling(this, worldObjects);
            tilemap             = new Tilemap(1, content);

            //enemyAI = new EnemyAI(tilemap, enemies, cargo);
            enemyAI      = new EnemyAI(worldObjects, enemies, cargos);
            this.content = content;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public WaitForServerStart(Network.NetworkThread networkThread, SpriteBatch spriteBatchInit) : base(spriteBatchInit, null, 4)
     this.networkThread = networkThread;
     registerServer     = false;
     lastKeys           = Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys();
     background         = TextureCollection.Instance.GetTexture(TextureType.Menu_Background);
     carrierTexture     = TextureCollection.Instance.GetTexture(TextureType.MainMenuCarrier);
     menuYes            = TextureCollection.Instance.GetTexture(TextureType.Menu_Yes);
     menuNo             = TextureCollection.Instance.GetTexture(TextureType.Menu_No);
     spriteFont         = FontCollection.Instance.GetFont(FontCollection.Fonttyp.MainMenuButtonFont);
     serverPollCounter  = 0;
     numButtons         = 4;
     buttons            = new List <Vector2>();
     for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++)
         buttons.Add(new Vector2(300, 300 + (int)i * 100));
     serverName = Settings.Instance.PlayerName + "sServer";
     port       = "23451";
     texts      = new String[numButtons];
     texts[0]   = "Server Name";
     texts[1]   = "Port";
     texts[2]   = "Public";
     texts[3]   = "Start Server";
     inputMode  = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public LaunchMenu(SpriteBatch spriteBatchInit, Game1 game, Network.NetworkThread networkThread) : base(spriteBatchInit, game, 3)
            this.networkThread = networkThread;

            buttons = new List <Vector2>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++)
                buttons.Add(new Vector2(300, 300 + (int)i * 100));

            texts    = new String[numButtons];
            texts[0] = "Local Game";
            texts[1] = "Host Game";
            texts[2] = "Join Game";

            //Set Background
            MainMenuBackground = TextureCollection.Instance.GetTexture(TextureType.MainMenuBackground);
            carrierTexture     = TextureCollection.Instance.GetTexture(TextureType.MainMenuCarrier);

            //Set font for Buttontext
            spriteFont = FontCollection.Instance.GetFont(FontCollection.Fonttyp.MainMenuButtonFont);

            soundHorn = SoundCollection.Instance.GetSoundInstance(SoundType.Car_Horn);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
 /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
 /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
 /// and initialize them as well.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void Initialize()
     // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
     spriteBatch   = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
     lobbyOnline   = new LobbyOnline(spriteBatch, this);
     localUpdates  = new Network.LocalUpdates(this, lobbyOnline);
     networkThread = new Network.NetworkThread(localUpdates);
     scene         = new Scene(spriteBatch, Content, new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight), this);
     lobbySearch   = new LobbySearch(spriteBatch, this);
     mainMenu           = new MainMenu(spriteBatch, this);
     postGameMenu       = new PostGameMenu(spriteBatch, this);
     modifierMenu       = new ModifierMenu(spriteBatch, this);
     menuSettings       = new MenuSettings(spriteBatch, this);
     menuControls       = new MenuControls(spriteBatch, this);
     menuPause          = new MenuPause(spriteBatch, this);
     creditScreen       = new CreditScreen(spriteBatch, this);
     loadingScreen      = new LoadingScreen(spriteBatch, this);
     launchMenu         = new LaunchMenu(spriteBatch, this, networkThread);
     waitForServerStart = new WaitForServerStart(networkThread, spriteBatch);
     music          = SoundCollection.Instance.GetSoundInstance(SoundType.Menu_Music);
     music.IsLooped = true;
     music.Volume   = 0.5f * Settings.Instance.VolumeMusic;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public NetworkThread(LocalUpdates localUpdates)
            this.localUpdates = localUpdates;
            NetPeerConfiguration config = new NetPeerConfiguration("GameServer");

            config.AutoFlushSendQueue = false;
            s_client = new NetClient(config);

            //s_client.RegisterReceivedCallback(new SendOrPostCallback(GotMessage),new SynchronizationContext());
            port     = 23451;
            Instance = this;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void SetNetworkThread(NetworkThread networkThread)
     this.networkThread = networkThread;