Exemplo n.º 1
        /*function to be called when the settings form that we opened is being closed.
         * This function takes in an init form which we will use to calculate the new total costs.*/
        public void SettingsClosed(Init init)
            ListedToPrint newCars = new ListedToPrint();

            newCars = init.RecalculateMPG(carList, carList.SelectedCar);
            carList = newCars.CarList;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /*Function that takes in:
         * a. the textbox that contains the text.
         * b. the listed object so we can search through the manufacturers models
         * c. the listbox we wish to populate
         * and then returns an updated Listed object that contains the new CurrentCars
         * list.*/
        public Listed UpdatedModelsThroughSearch(TextBox text, Listed carList, ListBox ModelBox)
            CarListReader listReader = new CarListReader();

            //using the CarListReader to search the Json file for the search result.
            IEnumerable <Car> searchedModels =
                listReader.searchModels(carList.CarsFromManufacturer, text.Text);
            //searching the description for what has been typed.
            IEnumerable <Car> searchedDescription =
                listReader.searchDescriptions(carList.CarsFromManufacturer, text.Text);

            //creating a list that contains both searchModels and searchedDescription
            carList.CurrentCars = searchedModels.Concat(searchedDescription);

            /*Setting the Current cars without restrictions to be the same as
             * the only difference between this and CurrentCars is this does not contain
             * the restrictions applied by the user.*/
            carList.CurrentCarsWithoutRestrictions = carList.CurrentCars;

            //for each car that contains what we searched we will print the Car and the Description.
            PopulateListBoxWithCarsDetails(ModelBox, carList.CurrentCars);

            //if the user empties the search box then we want to refill the listbox with the array of models.
            if (text.Text.Equals(""))
                carList.CurrentCars = carList.CarsFromManufacturer;
                PopulateListBoxWithCarsDetails(ModelBox, carList.CurrentCars);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /*Function that takes in:
         *   a. the fueltype of the vehicle we want to display e.g. if the user wants to display
         *      only petrol cars then the fuelType would be petrol.
         *   b. the list box we want to update, most likely ModelBox.
         *   c. the IEnumerable<Car> we wish to update.
         * The function will then remove all but the selected from the array and return the new
         * array.*/
        public Listed ShowOnlySelectedFuelType(string fuelType, ListBox list, Listed carList)
                /*Only remove fuelTypes if the list we was given is not empty or null.*/
                if (carList.CurrentCarsWithoutRestrictions.Count() != 0 &&
                    carList.CurrentCarsWithoutRestrictions != null)
                    Order order = new Order();

                    /*Setting the carLists CurrentCars to be the carlist without restrictions incase we have
                     * a restriction already applied which will cause the carList to become empty
                     * as a car cannot have 2 fuel types.*/
                    carList.CurrentCars = carList.CurrentCarsWithoutRestrictions;

                    /*removing all but the cars with the selected fuelType.*/
                    carList.CurrentCars = order.RemoveAllButSpecified(carList.CurrentCars, fuelType);
                    /*redrawing the ListBox with only cars of this fuelType.*/
                    PopulateListBoxWithCarsDetails(list, carList.CurrentCars);
                    /*Returning the cars to be sorted when we remove all but the necessary fueltypes.*/
            } catch (Exception error)
Exemplo n.º 4
        /*function that takes in the listed object and alters 2 arrays:
         * 1. the cars from the specific manufacturer e.g. Ford as these are the currently
         *  selected cars that we wish to update
         * 2. All the cars so when the user swithces manufacturers these also show the corrected
         *  fuel costs.
         * the program also requires the selected car, this is so we can update the current selected car.
         * then calculates the new MPGs using the Recalculate function and returns a ListedToPrint, which is
         * a listed object with a printable string*/
        public ListedToPrint RecalculateMPG(Listed cars, Car selectedCar)
            CarPrinter printer = new CarPrinter();

            /*Creating a new ListedToPrint object.*/
            ListedToPrint list = new ListedToPrint();

            /*The current cars we want to recalculate*/
            cars.CurrentCars = RecalculateCarList(cars.CurrentCars);
            cars.Cars        = RecalculateCarList(cars.CurrentCars);

            list.CarList = cars;
            list.ToPrint = "";

                /*Only do the following if the user has selected a car.*/
                if (selectedCar != null)
                    /*Recalculating the cost of a single car.*/
                    selectedCar = RecalculateCar(selectedCar);

                    /*Getting all the cars details into a string*/
                    list.ToPrint = printer.carHeader(selectedCar) + printer.printcar(selectedCar,
            } catch (Exception error)

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ModBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //clearing the ModelBox so we can replace it with the searched models.

            carList = listBoxes.UpdatedModelsThroughSearch(ModBox, carList, ModelBox);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /*When the Car2ManufacturerList Index is changed a couple of things will happen
  * a. The logo at the bottom will change to correlate with the selected manufacturer
  * b. We will populate the models with the manufacturers models.*/
 private void Car2ManufacturorList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //only change the image when we have something selected(if selected has not been wiped.)
     if (Car2ManufacturorList.SelectedIndex != -1)
         string manufacturer = Car2ManufacturorList.SelectedItem.ToString();
         changeImage(Car2LogoPicture, manufacturer);
         car2List = listBoxes.ManufactuerSelected(Car2ModelList, manufacturer, car2List, Car2LogoPicture);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void AddCarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Listed list = new Listed();

            list = list.DefaultForm1ToLoad();
            Form1 addCar = new Form1(list);

            addCar.Closed += (s, args) => this.Close();
Exemplo n.º 8
        /*When the user types something into the manufactuer textbox, then clear the existing
         * list of manufacturers and repopulate with the searched manufacturers.*/
        private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //clearning the CarBox so we can repopulate it.
            //clearing the modbox search box as we are no longer on the same manufactorer.
            ModBox.Text = "";
            //clearing the ModelBox as we are not longer on the same manufactorer.

            /*Searching for manufacturers based on what was typed into the MakeBox TexbBox.*/
            carList = listBoxes.UpdateManufacturersThroughSearch(MakeBox, carList, CarBox);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /*Function for when an item is selected in the CarBox.*/
        private void CarBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //clearing the model searchbox as we're selecting a different model.
            ModBox.Text = "";

            /*Clearing the unecessary lists in the carList.*/
            carList = carList.ClearLists(carList);

            /*The manufactorer that has been selected by the CarBox*/
            string manufactorer = CarBox.SelectedItem.ToString();

            listBoxes.ManufactuerSelected(ModelBox, manufactorer, carList, LogoBox);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void CompareButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /*Creating a listed object to send to the compare form.*/
            Listed list = new Listed();

            list = list.DefaultForm1ToLoad();
            Listed list2 = new Listed();

            list2 = list.DefaultForm1ToLoad();
            Compare compareCar = new Compare(list, list2);

            compareCar.Closed += (s, args) => this.Close();
Exemplo n.º 11
        /*Function that takes in:
         * a. the ListBox for the model.
         * b. the manufactuerer selected from the ManufacturerBox.
         * c. the current Listed object.
         * d. the pictureBox we want to update with the selected manufacturers logo.
         * then returns all the cars from this selected manufacturer.*/
        public Listed ManufactuerSelected(ListBox ModelBox, string manufacturer, Listed carList, PictureBox LogoBox)
            CarListReader listReader = new CarListReader();

            /*If the item is not all then do the following*/
            if (!manufacturer.Equals("All"))
                /*Getting the models*/
                //contstructor that takes in a manufactorer and searches the array for cars that match the manufactorer.
                carList.CarsFromManufacturer = listReader.searchCars(carList.Cars, manufacturer);

                /*As we've only just drew the list of models we should assume that
                 * the CurrentCars is the CarsFromManufacturer*/
                carList.CurrentCars = carList.CarsFromManufacturer;

                carList.CurrentCarsWithoutRestrictions = carList.CurrentCars;

                /*Loading the manufacturers logo in the form.*/
                CarBadge badge = new CarBadge();
                string   url   = badge.getBadge(manufacturer);
                    LogoBox.Image    = Image.FromFile(url);
                    LogoBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
                } catch (Exception error)
                PopulateListBoxWithCarsDetails(ModelBox, carList.CarsFromManufacturer);
                /*As we've selected all, just set the manufacturers to each available car in the
                 * Listed object.*/
                carList.CarsFromManufacturer           = carList.Cars;
                carList.CurrentCars                    = carList.CarsFromManufacturer;
                carList.CurrentCarsWithoutRestrictions = carList.CurrentCars;

                PopulateListBoxWithCarsDetails(ModelBox, carList.CarsFromManufacturer);

            /*Returning the carList after updating the carLists CarsFromManufacturer*/
Exemplo n.º 12
        public Listed DefaultForm1ToLoad()
            CarListReader reader = new CarListReader();

            Listed list = new Listed();

            /*Setting the cars in JSON reader to be that of the most recent year.*/
            JsonReader json = new JsonReader();

            /*Getting the list of cars from json.*/
            list.Cars = json.getCars();

            list.Manufacturers = reader.GetManufacturers(list.Cars);

            list.searchedManufacturers = list.Manufacturers;

            list.LatestFileYear = json.getMostRecent();

Exemplo n.º 13
        public void SettingsClosed(Init init)
            ListedToPrint newCars1 = new ListedToPrint();

            newCars1 = init.RecalculateMPG(car1List, car1List.SelectedCar);
            car1List = newCars1.CarList;

            ListedToPrint newCars2 = new ListedToPrint();

            newCars2 = init.RecalculateMPG(car2List, car2List.SelectedCar);
            car2List = newCars2.CarList;

                setComparison(car1List.SelectedCar, car2List.SelectedCar);
            } catch (Exception error)
Exemplo n.º 14
        /*Function that takes in:
         * a. the textbox which contains the text.
         * b. the listed object so we can search through its manufacturers
         * c. the ListBox we wish to populate.
         * and then returns an updated Listed object that contains the new SearchedManufactuers
         * list.*/
        public Listed UpdateManufacturersThroughSearch(TextBox text, Listed carList, ListBox CarBox)
            CarListReader listReader = new CarListReader();

            carList.searchedManufacturers =
                listReader.searchString(carList.Manufacturers, text.Text);

            /*Repopulating the listbox with what was searched rather than all the
             * manufacturers.*/
            PopulateListBoxWithManufacturers(CarBox, carList.searchedManufacturers);

            /*if the user has reset the search box ie. MakeBox.Text = "" then we will
             * repopulate the listbox with all the makes.*/
            if (text.Text.Equals(""))
                carList.searchedManufacturers = carList.Manufacturers;
                PopulateListBoxWithManufacturers(CarBox, carList.searchedManufacturers);

Exemplo n.º 15
        static void Main()

            Listed list = new Listed();


            //loading a car from the database.
            LoadCar           load       = new LoadCar();
            IEnumerable <Car> loadedCars = load.Load();

            //if the car is null then there was no saved car.
            if (loadedCars.Count() == 0)
                Application.Run(new Form1(list));
                Application.Run(new Overview());
Exemplo n.º 16
        /*Function that takes in:
         * a. the classes Listed Object.
         * b. the element from the ListBox that the user has selected.*/
        public Listed ModelSelected(int element, Listed carList)
            Car car = null;

            /*If the user has selected a legitimate element that's not null.*/
            if (element > -1)
                /*selecting the car at the selected element.*/
                car = carList.CurrentCars.ElementAt(element);
                /*If the car we just got is not null then we will calculate the cost.*/
                if (car != null)
                    TaxCalculator tax     = new TaxCalculator();
                    float?        taxCost = tax.CalculateTax(car);

            /*setting the carLists selected car to either be the car at the element selected
             * or if the element selected is invalid then null.*/
            carList.SelectedCar = car;

            /*Returns the car list after we've seleted the chosen car.*/
Exemplo n.º 17
        /*Function that takes in:
         *   a. The ListBox of the year that we want to display.
         *   b. The Listed object we wish to update with the new cars.
         *   c. The ListBox we wish to update with the new manufacturers.
         * and switches the Listed object to display the specific years cars.*/
        private void SwitchingYear(ListBox year, Listed list, ListBox toUpdate)
            //if the user has selected a year.
            if (year.SelectedIndex != -1)
                CarListReader listReader = new CarListReader();

                //the year that the user has selected.
                string selectedYear = year.SelectedItem.ToString();

                JsonReader json = new JsonReader(selectedYear);
                list.Cars = json.getCars();

                list.Manufacturers = listReader.GetManufacturers(list.Cars);

                list.searchedManufacturers = list.Manufacturers;

                listBoxes.PopulateListBoxWithManufacturers(toUpdate, list.Manufacturers);
                //setting the year to be the year that was selected.
                //year = selectedYear;

Exemplo n.º 18
 /*Function that clears all the uncecessary lists when they are not needed.*/
 public Listed ClearLists(Listed list)
Exemplo n.º 19
 /*constructor that takes in 2 Listed objects and sets thhe car1List, and the car2List
  * with these inputs.*/
 public Compare(Listed list1, Listed list2)
     car1List = list1;
     car2List = list2;
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void Car2ElectricButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     car2List = listBoxes.ShowOnlySelectedFuelType("Electric", Car2ModelList, car2List);
Exemplo n.º 21
 private void Car2HyrbidButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     car2List = listBoxes.ShowOnlySelectedFuelType("Hybrid", Car2ModelList, car2List);
Exemplo n.º 22
 private void Car1DieselButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     car1List = listBoxes.ShowOnlySelectedFuelType("Diesel", Car1ModelList, car1List);
Exemplo n.º 23
 private void ModelBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     carList = listBoxes.ModelSelected(ModelBox.SelectedIndex, carList);
Exemplo n.º 24
 private void HybridButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     carList = listBoxes.ShowOnlySelectedFuelType("Hybrid", ModelBox, carList);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public Form1(Listed theCarList)
     carList = theCarList;
Exemplo n.º 26
 private void ElectricButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     carList = listBoxes.ShowOnlySelectedFuelType("Electricity", ModelBox, carList);