Exemplo n.º 1
        // helper function to map an actor to a skeleton
        public void ConvertActor(CapturyActor actor, IntPtr actorData, ref CapturySkeleton skel)
            if (skel == null)
                Debug.Log("Null skeleton reference");

            // copy data over
            skel.name    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(actor.name);
            skel.id      = actor.id;
            skel.rawData = actorData;

            // create joints
            int szStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyJoint));

            skel.joints = new CapturySkeletonJoint[actor.numJoints];
            for (uint i = 0; i < actor.numJoints; i++)
                // marshall the joints into a new joint struct
                CapturyJoint joint = new CapturyJoint();
                joint = (CapturyJoint)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(actor.joints.ToInt64() + (szStruct * i)), typeof(CapturyJoint));

                skel.joints[i]      = new CapturySkeletonJoint();
                skel.joints[i].name = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(joint.name);
                int jpos = skel.joints[i].name.IndexOf("\0");
                skel.joints[i].name = skel.joints[i].name.Substring(0, jpos);
                skel.joints[i].offset.Set(joint.ox, joint.oy, joint.oz);
                skel.joints[i].orientation.Set(joint.rx, joint.ry, joint.rz);
                skel.joints[i].parent = joint.parent;

                //Debug.Log ("Got joint " + skel.joints[i].name + " at " + joint.ox + joint.oy + joint.oz);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private System.IntPtr ConvertGameObjectToCapturyActor(GameObject g)
            CapturyActor actor = new CapturyActor();

            Transform[] trafos = g.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
            //Debug.Log("have " + (trafos.Length - 1) + " children");
            actor.name      = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(g.name);
            actor.id        = 17;
            actor.numJoints = trafos.Length - 1;

            System.IntPtr mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyActor)) + actor.numJoints * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyJoint)));
            actor.joints = new System.IntPtr(mem.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyActor)));

            actor.numBlobs = 0;
            actor.blobs    = System.IntPtr.Zero;

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(actor, mem, false);

            CapturyJoint[] joints               = new CapturyJoint[trafos.Length - 1];
            Vector3[]      globalPositions      = new Vector3[trafos.Length - 1];
            Vector3[]      globalPositionsUnity = new Vector3[trafos.Length - 1];
            Vector3[]      trafoPos             = new Vector3[trafos.Length];

            Dictionary <string, int> names = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            names[trafos[0].name] = -1; // this is the overall parent

            System.IntPtr j = actor.joints;
            for (int i = 0; i < actor.numJoints; ++i)
                names[trafos[i + 1].name] = i;
                joints[i].parent          = names[trafos[i + 1].parent.name];

                joints[i].name = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(trafos[i + 1].name);
                Vector3 pos;
                int     parent = joints[i].parent;
                if (parent != -1)
                    pos = networkPlugin.ConvertPositionToLive(trafos[i + 1].position - trafos[i + 1].parent.position);
                    pos = networkPlugin.ConvertPositionToLive(trafos[i + 1].position);
                joints[i].ox = pos.x;
                joints[i].oy = pos.y;
                joints[i].oz = pos.z;

                Quaternion delta     = trafos[i + 1].rotation;
                Quaternion liveDelta = networkPlugin.ConvertRotationToLive(delta);
                Vector3    rot       = networkPlugin.ConvertToEulerAngles(liveDelta);
                joints[i].rx = 0.0f; // rot.x;
                joints[i].ry = 0.0f; // rot.y;
                joints[i].rz = 0.0f; // rot.z;

                trafoPos[i] = trafos[i + 1].position;

                globalPositions[i] = new Vector3(joints[i].ox, joints[i].oy, joints[i].oz);
                int p = joints[i].parent;
                if (p > -1)
                    globalPositions[i] += globalPositions[p];
                globalPositionsUnity[i] = networkPlugin.ConvertPosition(globalPositions[i]) - trafoPos[i];

                Marshal.StructureToPtr(joints[i], j, false);
                j = new System.IntPtr(j.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyJoint)));
