Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes this storage object into a byte array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IncludeHeader">Whether or not to include the storage header in the output</param>
        /// <returns>A serialized byte array representation of all stored value entries</returns>
        public byte[] Serialize(bool IncludeHeader = true)
            // Lock our dictionary to prevent race conditions
            lock (Entries)
                // Begin by creating an empty output buffer
                byte[] Output = new byte[0];

                // Write header to output buffer if specified
                if (IncludeHeader)
                    // Add signatures and version
                    Output = Output.AppendBytes(STORAGE_SIGNATURE_A);
                    Output = Output.AppendBytes(STORAGE_SIGNATURE_B);
                    Output = Output.AppendBytes(STORAGE_VERSION);

                // Add the number of entries our entry dictionary contains as a varint
                Output = Output.AppendBytes(PackP2pVarInt(Entries.Count));

                // Iterate over and serialize each entry into our output buffer
                foreach (var Entry in Entries)
                    // Serialize entry object
                    byte[] ObjectBytes = SerializeObject(Entry);

                    // Append to output buffer
                    Output = Output.AppendBytes(ObjectBytes);

                // Return output array
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Deserialized a storage entry from a byte buffer
        private byte[] DeserializeEntry(byte[] Data)
            // Buffer is empty
            if (Data.Length == 0)

            // Get entry name
            int NameLength = ByteArrayToInteger <byte>(Data, 0);

            if (NameLength < 1 || NameLength > MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
                throw new Exception("Name size exceeds allowed string bounds");
            string Name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Data, 1, NameLength);

            Data = Data.SubBytes(NameLength + 1, Data.Length - NameLength - 1);

            // Get object type
            int ValueType = Data.SubBytes(0, 1)[0];

            // Type is a serializable type
            if (ValueType > 0 || ValueType < 14)
                // Get serialization type
                SerializationType Type = (SerializationType)ValueType;
                Data = Data.SubBytes(1, Data.Length - 1);

                // Deserialize object based on type
                switch (Type)
                    #region Integers

                case SerializationType.LONG:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <long>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(8, Data.Length - 8));

                case SerializationType.INT:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <int>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(4, Data.Length - 4));

                case SerializationType.SHORT:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <short>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(2, Data.Length - 2));

                case SerializationType.SBYTE:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <sbyte>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(1, Data.Length - 1));

                case SerializationType.ULONG:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(8, Data.Length - 8));

                case SerializationType.UINT:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(4, Data.Length - 4));

                case SerializationType.USHORT:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <ushort>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(2, Data.Length - 2));

                case SerializationType.BYTE:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <byte>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(1, Data.Length - 1));

                case SerializationType.DOUBLE:
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToInteger <double>(Data));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(8, Data.Length - 8));

                case SerializationType.BOOL:
                    Entries.Add(Name, Convert.ToBoolean(ByteArrayToInteger <byte>(Data)));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(1, Data.Length - 1));


                    #region Miscellaneous

                case SerializationType.STRING:
                    int Length = UnpackP2pVarInt <int>(Data, 0, out int Offset);
                    Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToHexString(Data.SubBytes(Offset, Length)));
                    return(Data.SubBytes(Offset + Length, Data.Length - Offset - Length));


                    #region Not Implemented

                case SerializationType.OBJECT:
                    PortableStorage Storage = new PortableStorage(Data, out Data, false);
                    Entries.Add(Name, Storage.Entries);

                case SerializationType.OBJECTARRAY:
                    return(new byte[0]);

                    return(new byte[0]);


            // Non-serializable type, treat as a single long hex string
                // TODO - DEBUG CODE
                Entries.Add(Name, ByteArrayToHexString(Data));
                return(new byte[0]);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Serializes an object to a byte array
        private static byte[] SerializeObject(dynamic Value)
            // Get object's type
            var Type = GetType(Value);

            byte[] Output = new[] { (byte)Type };

            // Serialize object based on type
            switch (Type)
                #region Integers

            case SerializationType.LONG:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((long)Value);

            case SerializationType.INT:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((int)Value);

            case SerializationType.SHORT:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((short)Value);

            case SerializationType.SBYTE:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((sbyte)Value);

            case SerializationType.ULONG:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((ulong)Value);

            case SerializationType.UINT:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((uint)Value);

            case SerializationType.USHORT:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((ushort)Value);

            case SerializationType.BYTE:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((byte)Value);

            case SerializationType.DOUBLE:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((double)Value);

            case SerializationType.BOOL:
                Output = Output.AppendInteger((bool)Value ? (byte)0x01 : (byte)0x00);


                #region Others

            case SerializationType.STRING:
                // String size exceeds maximum length, default to nothing
                if (((string)Value).Length > MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Entry string was too long to serialize");

                // Append string length as a varint
                Output = Output.AppendBytes(PackP2pVarInt(((string)Value).Length));

                // Append string bytes
                Output = Output.AppendString((string)Value);

            case SerializationType.BYTEARRAY:
                // Set serialization type to string
                Output = new byte[] { (byte)SerializationType.STRING };

                // Byte size exceeds maximum length, default to nothing
                if (((byte[])Value).Length > MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Entry byte array was too long to serialize");

                // Append string length as a varint
                Output = Output.AppendBytes(PackP2pVarInt(((byte[])Value).Length));

                // Append string bytes
                Output = Output.AppendBytes((byte[])Value);


                #region Not Implemented

            case SerializationType.OBJECT:
                // Object is a dictionary
                Type ValueType = Value.GetType();
                if (ValueType.IsGenericType && ValueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary <,>))
                    // Create a portable storage from dictionary
                    PortableStorage Storage = (Dictionary <string, dynamic>)Value;

                    // Append bytes
                    Output = Output.AppendBytes(Storage.Serialize(false));
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case SerializationType.OBJECTARRAY:
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                return(new byte[0]);


            // Return resulting output buffer