public override void FinalizeForPixel(IntVector2 pixelBase)
            if(_minIdx == -1)
                // There was no disparity for pixel : set as invalid
                DisparityMap.Set(pixelBase.Y, pixelBase.X,
                    new Disparity(pixelBase, pixelBase, double.PositiveInfinity, 0.0, (int)DisparityFlags.Invalid));

            Disparity bestDisp = _dispForPixel[_minIdx];
            bestDisp.Confidence = ConfidenceComp.ComputeConfidence(_dispForPixel, _minIdx, _min2Idx);

            if(_minIdx > 0 && _minIdx < _dispForPixel.Count - 1)
                // D'[d-1] = D[d] + c[d-1]/c[d] * (D[d-1] - D[d])
                // D'[d+1] = D[d] + c[d+1]/c[d] * (D[d+1] - D[d])
                // Fit quadratic func. to d,d-1,d+1
                double c_n = _dispForPixel[_minIdx - 1].Cost / _minCost;
                double c_p = _dispForPixel[_minIdx + 1].Cost / _minCost;
                double dx = _dispForPixel[_minIdx].DX;
                double dy = _dispForPixel[_minIdx].DY;
                double dx_n = dx + c_n * (_dispForPixel[_minIdx - 1].DX - dx);
                double dy_n = dy + c_n * (_dispForPixel[_minIdx - 1].DY - dy);
                double dx_p = dx + c_p * (_dispForPixel[_minIdx + 1].DX - dx);
                double dy_p = dy + c_p * (_dispForPixel[_minIdx + 1].DY - dy);

                _D.At(0, 0, (_minIdx - 1) * (_minIdx - 1));
                _D.At(0, 1, _minIdx - 1);
                _D.At(1, 0, _minIdx * _minIdx);
                _D.At(1, 1, _minIdx);
                _D.At(2, 0, (_minIdx + 1) * (_minIdx + 1));
                _D.At(2, 1, (_minIdx + 1));

                _d.At(0, dx_n);
                _d.At(1, dx);
                _d.At(2, dx_p);

                _a = SvdSolver.Solve(_D, _d);
                bestDisp.SubDX = _a.At(0) * _minIdx * _minIdx + _a.At(1) * _minIdx + _a.At(2);

                _d.At(0, dy_n);
                _d.At(1, dy);
                _d.At(2, dy_p);

                _a = SvdSolver.Solve(_D, _d);
                bestDisp.SubDY = _a.At(0) * _minIdx * _minIdx + _a.At(1) * _minIdx + _a.At(2);

            IntVector2 pm = bestDisp.GetMatchedPixel(pixelBase);

            DisparityMap.Set(pm.Y, pm.X, bestDisp);

            _dispForPixel = new List<Disparity>(2 * _dispForPixel.Count);
            _minIdx = 0;
            _min2Idx = 0;
            _minCost = double.PositiveInfinity;
            _min2Cost = double.PositiveInfinity;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Disparity(IntVector2 pixelBase, IntVector2 pixelMacthed, double cost = 0.0, double confidence = 0.0, int flags = (int)DisparityFlags.Invalid)
     DX = pixelMacthed.X - pixelBase.X;
     DY = pixelMacthed.Y - pixelBase.Y;
     SubDX = DX;
     SubDY = DY;
     Cost = cost;
     Confidence = confidence;
     Flags = flags;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override double GetCost(IntVector2 pixelBase, IntVector2 pixelMatched)
     int cost = 0;
     for(int dx = -CorrMaskWidth; dx <= CorrMaskWidth; ++dx)
         for(int dy = -CorrMaskHeight; dy <= CorrMaskHeight; ++dy)
             cost += Math.Abs(RankBase[pixelBase.Y + dy, pixelBase.X + dx] -
                 RankMatched[pixelMatched.Y + dy, pixelMatched.X + dx]);
     return cost;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override double GetCost_Border(IntVector2 pixelBase, IntVector2 pixelMatched)
            int cost = 0;
            int px_b, px_m, py_b, py_m;
            for(int dx = -CorrMaskWidth; dx <= CorrMaskWidth; ++dx)
                for(int dy = -CorrMaskHeight; dy <= CorrMaskHeight; ++dy)
                    px_b = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(ImageBase.ColumnCount - 1, pixelBase.X + dx));
                    py_b = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(ImageBase.RowCount - 1, pixelBase.Y + dy));
                    px_m = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(ImageMatched.ColumnCount - 1, pixelMatched.X + dx));
                    py_m = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(ImageMatched.RowCount - 1, pixelMatched.Y + dy));

                    cost += Math.Abs(RankBase[py_b, px_b] - RankMatched[py_m, px_m]);
            return cost;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void ComputeMatchingCosts()
            // For each pixel pb in ImageBase:
            // 1) Find corresponding epiline on matched image
            // == 2) Find y0 = e(x=0) (point on epiline with x = 0) == NOPE
            // 3) Find xmax = min(Im.cols, xd=e(y=Im.rows)) (point where epilines corsses border)
            // 4) For each xd = [0, 1, ... , xmax-1]
            // 4.1) find yd0 = e(x=xd) and yd1 = e(x=xd+1)
            // === 4b) if (int)yd0 == (int)yd1 : skip ( it will be later or was checked already) === NOPE
            // 4.2) For each yd = [(int)yd0, (int)yd1] (may also use range [(int)yd0-1, (int)yd1+1] - or [(int)yd0+1, (int)yd1-1] if yd0 > yd1)
            //  - Set disparity D = (px-xd,px-yd) (or (xd,yd))
            //  - Compute cost for disparity

            for(int c = 0; c < ImageBase.ColumnCount; ++c)
                for(int r = 0; r < ImageBase.RowCount; ++r)
                    if(ImageBase.HaveValueAt(r, c))
                        Vector2 pb_d = new Vector2(x: c, y: r);
                        CurrentPixel = new IntVector2(x: c, y: r);
                        Vector<double> epiLine = IsLeftImageBase ?
                            FindCorrespondingEpiline_OnRightImage(pb_d) : FindCorrespondingEpiline_OnLeftImage(pb_d);

                        if(Math.Abs(epiLine[0]) < Math.Abs(epiLine[1]) * 1e-12)
                            // Horizotal
                        else if(Math.Abs(epiLine[1]) < Math.Abs(epiLine[0]) * 1e-12)
                            // Vertical
                            FindDisparitiesCosts(CurrentPixel, epiLine);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void ComputeMatchingCosts()
            IntVector2 pm = new IntVector2();

            int mindx = IsLeftImageBase ? -MaxDisp_NegX : -MaxDisp_PosX;
            int maxdx = IsLeftImageBase ? MaxDisp_PosX : MaxDisp_NegX;
            int mindy = IsLeftImageBase ? -MaxDisp_NegY : -MaxDisp_PosY;
            int maxdy = IsLeftImageBase ? MaxDisp_PosY : MaxDisp_NegY;

            for(int c = 0; c < ImageBase.ColumnCount; ++c)
                int xmin = Math.Max(0, c + mindx);
                int xmax = Math.Min(ImageBase.ColumnCount, c + maxdx);

                for(int r = 0; r < ImageBase.RowCount; ++r)
                    CurrentPixel = new IntVector2(x: c, y: r);
                    if(ImageBase.HaveValueAt(r, c))
                        int ymin = Math.Max(0, r + mindx);
                        int ymax = Math.Min(ImageBase.RowCount, r + maxdy);

                        for(int xm = xmin; xm < xmax; ++xm)
                            for(int ym = ymin; ym < ymax; ++ym)
                                if(ImageMatched.HaveValueAt(ym, xm))
                                    pm.X = xm;
                                    pm.Y = ym;
                                    double cost = CostComp.GetCost_Border(CurrentPixel, pm);
                                    DispComp.StoreDisparity(CurrentPixel, pm, cost);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void FinalizeForPixel(IntVector2 pixelBase)
            if(_minIdx == -1)
                // There was no disparity for pixel : set as invalid
                DisparityMap.Set(pixelBase.Y, pixelBase.X,
                    new Disparity(pixelBase, pixelBase, double.PositiveInfinity, 0.0, (int)DisparityFlags.Invalid));

            Disparity bestDisp = _dispForPixel[_minIdx];
            bestDisp.Confidence = ConfidenceComp.ComputeConfidence(_dispForPixel, _minIdx, _min2Idx);

               // IntVector2 pm = bestDisp.GetMatchedPixel(pixelBase);

            DisparityMap.Set(pixelBase.Y, pixelBase.X, bestDisp);

            _dispForPixel = new List<Disparity>(2 * _dispForPixel.Count);
            _minIdx = -1;
            _min2Idx = -1;
            _minCost = double.PositiveInfinity;
            _min2Cost = double.PositiveInfinity;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Vector2(IntVector2 other)
     _x = (double)other.X;
     _y = (double)other.Y;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public int DotProduct(IntVector2 v)
     return X * v.X + Y * v.Y;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public int DistanceToSquared(IntVector2 v)
     return (X - v.X) * X - v.X + (Y - v.Y) * Y - v.Y;
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: Path.cs Projeto: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public static IntVector2 GetBorderPixel(IntVector2 pixel, int rows, int columns)
     if(columns - 1 - pixel.X <= pixel.Y * 2) // Bounded by x
         return new IntVector2(columns - 1, pixel.Y - (columns - 1 - pixel.X) / 2);
     else // Bounded by y
         IntVector2 pb = new IntVector2(pixel.X + pixel.Y * 2, 0);
         pb.X = ((columns - 1 - pixel.X) & 1) != 0 ? pb.X + 1 : pb.X;
         return pb;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void StoreDisparity(IntVector2 pixelBase, IntVector2 pixelMatched, double cost)
     StoreDisparity(new Disparity(pixelBase, pixelMatched, cost, 0.0, (int)DisparityFlags.Valid));
Exemplo n.º 13
 // Returns cost of matching pixels from base / matched image for int pixel coords
 // Check if matching mask is inside bounds of image and if outside bounds uses mirrored values
 public abstract double GetCost_Border(IntVector2 pixelBase, IntVector2 pixelMatched);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void FindDisparitiesCosts_HorizontalEpiline(int y)
            IntVector2 pm = new IntVector2();

            for(int xm = 0; xm < ImageBase.ColumnCount; ++xm)
                if(ImageMatched.HaveValueAt(y, xm))
                    pm.X = xm;
                    pm.Y = y;
                    double cost = CostComp.GetCost_Border(CurrentPixel, pm);
                    DispComp.StoreDisparity(CurrentPixel, pm, cost);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void FinalizeForPixel(IntVector2 pixelBase)
            if(_idx == 0)
                // There was no disparity for pixel : set as invalid
                DisparityMap.Set(pixelBase.Y, pixelBase.X,
                    new Disparity(pixelBase, pixelBase, double.PositiveInfinity, 0.0, (int)DisparityFlags.Invalid));

            // 1) Sort by disparity
            Array.Sort(_dispForPixel, 0, _idx, new DisparityComparer());

            int start = 0;
            int count = _idx;
            bool costLower = true;

            // 2) Find weighted mean m of disparities and distances s to m, s = ||m - d|| (or ||m - d||^2)
            // Cost function: C = sum(||m - d||) / n^2 || C = sqrt(sum(||m - d||^2)) / n^2
            double mean = _meanComputer(start, count);
            double cost = _costComputer(mean, start, count);
                // 3) Remove one disp from ends and check if cost is lower
                double mean1 = _meanComputer(start + 1, count - 1);
                double cost1 = _costComputer(mean1, start + 1, count - 1);
                double mean2 = _meanComputer(start, count - 1);
                double cost2 = _costComputer(mean2, start, count - 1);

                if(cost > cost1 || cost > cost2)
                    if(cost1 < cost2) // Remove first one -> move start by one pos
                        start += 1;
                        cost = cost1;
                        mean = mean1;
                    else // Remove last one -> just decrement count
                        cost = cost2;
                        mean = mean2;
                    count -= 1;
                    costLower = true;
                    costLower = false;
            while(costLower && count > 3); // 4) Repeat untill cost is minimised

            // 5) Confidence ?

            DisparityMap.Set(pixelBase.Y, pixelBase.X, new Disparity()
                DX = mean.Round(),
                DY = 0,
                SubDX = mean,
                SubDY = 0.0,
                Cost = CostComp.GetCost_Border(pixelBase, new IntVector2(pixelBase.X + mean.Round(), pixelBase.Y)),
                Confidence = ((double)count / (double)_idx) * (1.0 / (cost + 1.0)),
                Flags = (int)DisparityFlags.Valid

            _idx = 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: Path.cs Projeto: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public static IntVector2 GetBorderPixel(IntVector2 pixel, int rows, int columns)
     return new IntVector2(pixel.X, 0);
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: Path.cs Projeto: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public static IntVector2 GetBorderPixel(IntVector2 pixel, int rows, int columns)
     int d = Math.Min(pixel.X, pixel.Y);
     return new IntVector2(pixel.X - d, pixel.Y - d);
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: Path.cs Projeto: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public static IntVector2 GetBorderPixel(IntVector2 pixel, int rows, int columns)
     int d = Math.Min(columns - pixel.X - 1, rows - pixel.Y - 1);
     return new IntVector2(pixel.X + d, pixel.Y + d);
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: Path.cs Projeto: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public static IntVector2 GetBorderPixel(IntVector2 pixel, int rows, int columns)
     if(pixel.Y <= pixel.X * 2) // Bounded by y
         return new IntVector2(pixel.X - pixel.Y / 2, 0);
     else // Bounded by x
         IntVector2 pb = new IntVector2(0, pixel.Y - pixel.X * 2);
         pb.Y = ((pixel.Y & 1) & 1) != 0 ? pb.Y - 1 : pb.Y;
         return pb;
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: Path.cs Projeto: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public static IntVector2 GetBorderPixel(IntVector2 pixel, int rows, int columns)
     if(pixel.Y <= (columns - 1 - pixel.X) * 2) // Bounded by y
         return new IntVector2(pixel.X + pixel.Y / 2, 0);
     else // Bounded by x
         IntVector2 pb = new IntVector2(columns - 1, pixel.Y - (columns - 1 - pixel.X) * 2);
         pb.Y = ((rows - 1 - pixel.Y) & 1) != 0 ? pb.Y + 1 : pb.Y;
         return pb;
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: Path.cs Projeto: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public static IntVector2 GetBorderPixel(IntVector2 pixel, int rows, int columns)
     if(pixel.X <= pixel.Y * 2) // Bounded by x
         return new IntVector2(0, pixel.Y - pixel.X / 2);
     else // Bounded by y
         IntVector2 pb = new IntVector2(pixel.X - pixel.Y * 2, 0);
         pb.X = (pixel.X & 1) != 0 ? pb.X - 1 : pb.X;
         return pb;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public IntVector2(IntVector2 other)
     _x = other.X;
     _y = other.Y;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void FindDisparitiesCosts(IntVector2 pb, Vector<double> epiLine)
            IntVector2 pm = new IntVector2();
            int xmax = FindXmax(epiLine);
            int x0 = FindX0(epiLine);
            xmax = xmax - 1;

            for(int xm = x0 + 1; xm < xmax; ++xm)
                double ym0 = FindYd(xm, epiLine);
                double ym1 = FindYd(xm + 1, epiLine);
                for(int ym = (int)ym0; ym < (int)ym1; ++ym)
                    if(ImageMatched.HaveValueAt(ym, xm))
                        pm.X = xm;
                        pm.Y = ym;
                        double cost = CostComp.GetCost_Border(CurrentPixel, pm);
                        DispComp.StoreDisparity(CurrentPixel, pm, cost);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public abstract void FinalizeForPixel(IntVector2 pixelBase);
Exemplo n.º 25
        private void FindDisparitiesCosts_VerticalEpiline(int x)
            IntVector2 pm = new IntVector2();

            for(int ym = 0; ym < ImageBase.RowCount; ++ym)
                if(ImageMatched.HaveValueAt(ym, x))
                    pm.X = x;
                    pm.Y = ym;
                    double cost = CostComp.GetCost_Border(CurrentPixel, pm);
                    DispComp.StoreDisparity(CurrentPixel, pm, cost);
Exemplo n.º 26
        // Moments vector : [m00, m01, m10, m11, m02, m20, m12, m21, m03, m30]
        Vector<double> ComputeMomentVectorForPatch(IntVector2 centerPixel, IImage image)
            Vector<double> moments = new DenseVector(10);
            // M00 = total_intensity
            // Mpq = sum{x,y}( x^p*y^q*I(x,y) )
            for(int dx = -WindowRadius; dx <= WindowRadius; ++dx)
                for(int dy = -_ybounds[dx + WindowRadius]; dy <= _ybounds[dx + WindowRadius]; ++dy)
                    if(image.HaveValueAt(centerPixel.Y + dy, centerPixel.X + dx))
                        double val = image[centerPixel.Y + dy, centerPixel.X + dx];
                        moments[m00] += val;
                        moments[m01] += dy * val;
                        moments[m10] += dx * val;

                        moments[m11] += dx * dy * val;
                        moments[m02] += dy * dy * val;
                        moments[m20] += dx * dx * val;

                        moments[m12] += dx * dy * dy * val;
                        moments[m21] += dx * dx * dy * val;
                        moments[m03] += dy * dy * dy * val;
                        moments[m30] += dx * dx * dx * val;
            return moments;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public override void ComputeMatchingCosts_Rectified()
     // For each pixel pb in ImageBase:
     // 1) Find corresponding epiline on matched image (as its recified its just x' = px)
     // 2) For each xd = [0, 1, ... , xmax] (xmax = Im.cols)
     //  - Set disparity D = (px-xd, 0) (or (xd,yd))
     //  - Compute cost for disparity
     //  - Save only best one, but delegate each disparity to DisparityComputer
     // 3) 2 may be repeated for yd = 1/-1
     for(int c = 0; c < ImageBase.ColumnCount; ++c)
         for(int r = 0; r < ImageBase.RowCount; ++r)
             Vector2 pb_d = new Vector2(x: c, y: r);
             CurrentPixel = new IntVector2(x: c, y: r);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public double DistanceTo(IntVector2 v)
     return (double)Math.Sqrt(DistanceToSquared(v));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public abstract void StoreDisparity(IntVector2 pixelBase, IntVector2 pixelMatched, double cost);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public override double GetCost_Border(IntVector2 pixelBase, IntVector2 pixelMatched)
     return _aggFunction(
         CostComputer_Red.GetCost_Border(pixelBase, pixelMatched),
         CostComputer_Green.GetCost_Border(pixelBase, pixelMatched),
         CostComputer_Blue.GetCost_Border(pixelBase, pixelMatched));