Exemplo n.º 1
        public void DeserializeStatsYieldsExpectedValue()
            var dict = FeedRegistry.DeserializeIcalStatsFromJson(blobhost, containername, statsfile);

            Assert.AreEqual(testscore, dict[testurl].score);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void AfternoonTeaAt3PMLocal()
            var example = "hillside";
            var source  = "hillside";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);
            var zes     = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley, true);

            HillsideExampleIsCorrectObj(zes, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void InvestmentAndFinancialPlanningDoesNotRecurToPresent()
            var example = "investment";
            var source  = "Ann Arbor City";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void LissaSchneckenburgerAt8PMLocal()
            var example = "folklore";
            var source  = "Monadnock Folklore Society";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];

            Assert.That(evt.title.EndsWith("Lissa Schneckenburger | Nelson Town Hall"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 20);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void HealthProfessionsProgramAt10AMLocal()
            var example = "ucb";
            var source  = "UC Berkeley";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];

            Assert.That(evt.title.EndsWith("Post-Baccalaureate Health Professions Program"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 10);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void KeeneChoraleAt4PMLocal()
            var example = "chorale";
            var source  = "Keene Chorale";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];

            Assert.That(evt.title == "Keene Chorale Winter concert");
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 16);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void BrowerYouthAwardsAt530PMLocal()
            var example = "berkeleyside";
            var source  = "berkeleyside";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];

            Assert.That(evt.title.EndsWith("Brower Youth Awards 2011"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 17);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 30);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void LifeRecoveryMinistryAt6PMLocal()
            var example = "graceworship";
            var source  = "Grace Worship";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];

            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 18);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void CedarHillCommemoratesAt10AMLocal()
            var example = "cedarhill";
            var source  = "Cedar Hill Commemorates";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];

            Assert.That(evt.title.StartsWith("Cedar Hill Commemorates"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 10);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static bool _AfternoonTeaAt3PMLocal()            // this version expects an altered feed
            var example = "hillside";
            var source  = "hillside";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);
            var zes     = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley, false);

                HillsideExampleIsCorrectObj(zes, "Afternoon Tea", "Afternoon Coffee");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static bool __AfternoonTeaAt3PMLocal()              // this version leaves cached ics and obj
            var example = "hillside";
            var source  = "hillside";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);
            var zes     = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley, false);

                HillsideExampleIsCorrectObj(zes, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void SilkCityIsAllDay()
            var example = "silkcity";
            var source  = "Silk City Flick Fest";
            var fr      = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene, true);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];

            Assert.That(evt.title.StartsWith("The Silk City Flick Fest"));
            Assert.That(evt.allday == true);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void SetShowBadgesForHub()
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(this.id);

                this.show_eventbrite_badge = Utils.ShowEventBriteBadge(this, fr);
                this.show_eventful_badge   = Utils.ShowEventfulBadge(this);
                this.show_meetup_badge     = Utils.ShowMeetupBadge(this, fr);
                this.show_facebook_badge   = Utils.ShowFacebookBadge(fr);
            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "SetShowBadgesForHub: " + this.id, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void CollectIcal(FeedRegistry fr, ZonedEventStore es)
     CollectIcal(fr, es, false);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void CollectIcal(FeedRegistry fr, ZonedEventStore es, bool test)

            using (ical_ical)
                Dictionary<string, string> feeds = fr.feeds;
                DateTime utc_midnight_in_tz = Utils.MidnightInTz(this.calinfo.tzinfo).UniversalTime;

                // enforce the limit. necessary because processing of icalendar sources can involve
                // the unrolling of recurrence, and that can't go on forever
                DateTime then = utc_midnight_in_tz.AddDays(calinfo.icalendar_horizon_days);

                List<string> feedurls = test ? feeds.Keys.Take(test_feeds).ToList() : feeds.Keys.ToList();

                ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions();
                options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Convert.ToInt32(this.settings["max_feed_processing_parallelism"]);
                //options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1; // for debugging

                List<string> hubs_to_skip_date_only_recurrence = new List<string>();

                    hubs_to_skip_date_only_recurrence = settings["hubs_to_skip_date_only_recurrence"].Split(',').ToList();
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "hubs_to_skip_date_only_recurrence", e.Message);

                GenUtils.LogMsg("info", id + " loading " + feedurls.Count() + " feeds", null);

                var results_dict = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>();

                    //foreach (var feedurl in feedurls)
                    Parallel.ForEach(source: feedurls, parallelOptions: options, body: (feedurl) =>

                        if (settings["eventful_feeds_enabled"] == "False" && feedurl.StartsWith("http://eventful.com/") )

                        if ( settings["eventbrite_feeds_enabled"] == "False" && feedurl.Contains("ics_from_eventbrite") )

                        var tid = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

                        results_dict.TryAdd(feedurl, null);

                        ZonedEventStore es_feed_cache = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);

                        var eids_and_categories = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); // for augmenting eventful ics feeds with categories from corresponding atom feeds

                        // http://eventful.com/ical/annarbor/venues/michigan-theater-/V0-001-000827373-5
                        if ( feedurl.StartsWith("http://eventful.com/ical") )
                            var atom_url = feedurl.Replace("ical","atom");
                            eids_and_categories = Utils.CategoriesFromEventfulAtomFeed(atom_url);

                        iCalendar ical = new DDay.iCal.iCalendar();
                        string source_name = "source_name";
                        List<DDay.iCal.Event> events_to_include = new List<DDay.iCal.Event>();
                        Dictionary<DDay.iCal.Event, RecurrenceType> event_recurrence_types = new Dictionary<DDay.iCal.Event, RecurrenceType>();
                        List<DDay.iCal.Event> uniques = new List<DDay.iCal.Event>();
                        string feedtext = "";

                            source_name = FeedSetup(fr, feeds, feedurl, tid, source_name);
                        catch (Exception e0)
                                HandleE0(results_dict, feedurl, tid, e0);
                                return;  // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3765038/is-there-an-equivalent-to-continue-in-a-parallel-foreach
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleE0", e.Message); }

                        bool changed = false;

                            feedtext = GetFeedTextFromFeedUrl(fr, this.calinfo, source_name, feedurl, this.wait_secs, this.max_retries, this.timeout_secs, this.settings, ref changed);
                        catch (Exception e1)  // exception while loading feed
                                HandleE1(results_dict, feedurl, tid, source_name, e1);
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleE1", e.Message); return; }

                            var setting = "use_ics_cached_objects";
                            if (changed == false && Utils.CachedFeedObjExists(id, feedurl) && settings[setting].StartsWith("y") )
                                GenUtils.LogMsg("info", "CollectIcal: using cached obj for " + feedurl,  null); // the test UnchangedFeedUsesCachedObj checks for this entry
                                AddEventsFromCachedIcalFeedObj(es, feedurl);  // get events for the feedurl from the cached obj
                                TransferCachedResults(this.id, results_dict, feedurl); // and result for this feedurl from the cached results
                                TransferCachedStats(this.id, fr, feedurl); // and stats for this feedurl from cached stats
                                return;  // done for this feedurl
                                ical = ParseTheFeed(feedtext);
                        catch (Exception e2)
                                HandleE2(fr, results_dict, feedurl, tid, source_name, e2);
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleE2", e.Message); return; }

                        if (ical == null || ical.Events.Count == 0)
                                HandleNoEvents(results_dict, feedurl, tid, source_name);
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleNoEvents", e.Message); return; }

                            var skip_date_only_recurrence = hubs_to_skip_date_only_recurrence.Exists(x => x == this.id);
                            FeedGather(utc_midnight_in_tz, then, tid, ical, source_name, events_to_include, event_recurrence_types, skip_date_only_recurrence);
                        catch (Exception e3)
                                HandleE3(fr, results_dict, feedurl, tid, source_name, e3);
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleE3", e.Message); return; }

                            uniques = Utils.UniqueByTitleAndStart(events_to_include);
                        catch (Exception e4)
                                HandleE4(fr, results_dict, feedurl, tid, source_name, e4);
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleE4", e.Message); return; }

                            foreach (var unique in uniques)
                                // MaybeAugmentEventfulCategories(unique, eids_and_categories);
                                // sadly eventful categories can be haphazard so this augmentation has to be suppressed for now

                                lock (es)
                                    AddIcalEvent(unique, fr, es, feedurl, source_name); // add to the all-feeds store

                                AddIcalEvent(unique, new FeedRegistry(id), es_feed_cache, feedurl, source_name); // and the per-feed cache
                        catch (Exception e5)
                                HandleE5(fr, results_dict, feedurl, tid, source_name, e5);
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleE5", e.Message); return; }

                            FeedStats(fr, feedurl, event_recurrence_types, uniques);
                        catch (Exception e6)
                                HandleE6(results_dict, feedurl, tid, source_name, e6);
                            catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "HandleE6", e.Message); return; }

                            Utils.SaveFeedObjToCache(id, feedurl, es_feed_cache);  // cache the per-feed zoned eventstore
                        catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "SaveFeedObjToCache: " + this.id + ", " + feedurl, e.Message); return; }

                        try { results_dict[feedurl] = "ok: " + source_name; }
                        catch (Exception e)
                            GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "update results_dict[feedurl]", e.Message);


                catch (AggregateException agg_ex)
                    var inners = agg_ex.InnerExceptions;
                    foreach (var inner in inners)
                        GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "CollectIcal: parallel inner exception: " + inner.Message, inner.StackTrace);

                var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(results_dict);
                json = GenUtils.PrettifyJson(json);
                bs.PutBlob(id, "feed_processing_results.json", json);
                SerializeStatsAndIntermediateOutputs(fr, es, ical_ical, new NonIcalStats(), SourceType.ical);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static string GetFeedTextFromFeedUrl(FeedRegistry fr, Calinfo calinfo, string source, string feedurl, int wait_secs, int max_retries, TimeSpan timeout_secs, Dictionary<string,string> settings, ref bool changed)
            HttpWebRequest request;
                var _feedurl = Utils.MaybeChangeWebcalToHttp(feedurl);               // original is for feed registry and cache
                request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(_feedurl));      // only modify (if necessary) when actually fetching
            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", "GetFeedTextFromFeedUrl", "cannot use " + feedurl + " : " + e.Message);
                return String.Empty;

            string feedtext = "";
            string cached_feed_text = Utils.GetCachedFeedText(feedurl);

            var response = HttpUtils.RetryHttpRequestExpectingStatus(request, HttpStatusCode.OK, data: null, wait_secs: wait_secs, max_tries: max_retries, timeout_secs: timeout_secs);
            if (response.status != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                var msg = "could not fetch " + source;
                GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", msg, response.status.ToString());
                feedtext = cached_feed_text;
                feedtext = response.DataAsString();

            if (cached_feed_text.Contains("X-QUOTA-THROTTLED"))
                GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", "GetFeedTextFromFeed", "cached text contains X-QUOTA-THROTTLED");

            if (feedtext != cached_feed_text && feedtext.Contains("X-QUOTA-THROTTLED") == false ) // don't cache if throttled
                changed = true;
                Utils.SaveFeedTextToCache(feedurl, feedtext);

            feedtext = MassageFeedText(calinfo, feedurl, feedtext, settings);

            if (fr != null)
                EnsureProdId(fr, feedurl, feedtext);

            return feedtext;
Exemplo n.º 17
        // put the event into a) the eventstore, and b) the per-type intermediate icalendar object
        public void AddIcalEvent(DDay.iCal.Event evt, FeedRegistry fr, ZonedEventStore es, string feedurl, string source)
                evt = NormalizeIcalEvt(evt, feedurl, source);

                DateTimeWithZone dtstart;
                DateTimeWithZone dtend;
                var tzinfo = this.calinfo.tzinfo;

                //dtstart = Utils.DtWithZoneFromICalDateTime(evt.Start.Value, tzinfo);
                //dtend = (evt.DTEnd == null) ? new Utils.DateTimeWithZone(DateTime.MinValue, tzinfo) : Utils.DtWithZoneFromICalDateTime(evt.End.Value, tzinfo);

                //dtstart = new Utils.DateTimeWithZone(evt.Start.Value,tzinfo);
                //dtend = new Utils.DateTimeWithZone(evt.End.Value,tzinfo);

                var localstart = evt.DTStart.IsUniversalTime ? TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(evt.Start.UTC, tzinfo) : evt.Start.Local;
                dtstart = new DateTimeWithZone(localstart, tzinfo);

                var localend = evt.DTEnd.IsUniversalTime ? TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(evt.End.UTC, tzinfo) : evt.End.Local;
                dtend = new DateTimeWithZone(localend, tzinfo);

                MakeGeo(this.calinfo, evt, this.calinfo.lat, this.calinfo.lon);

                string categories = null;
                if (evt.Categories != null && evt.Categories.Count() > 0)
                    categories = string.Join(",", evt.Categories.ToList().Select(cat => cat.ToString().ToLower()));

                string description = this.calinfo.has_descriptions ? evt.Description : null;

                string location = this.calinfo.has_locations ? evt.Location : null;

                es.AddEvent(title: evt.Summary, url: evt.Url.ToString(), source: source, dtstart: dtstart, dtend: dtend, lat: this.calinfo.lat, lon: this.calinfo.lon, allday: evt.IsAllDay, categories: categories, description: description, location: location);

                var evt_tmp = MakeTmpEvt(this.calinfo, dtstart: dtstart, dtend: dtend, title: evt.Summary, url: evt.Url.ToString(), location: evt.Location, description: source, lat: this.calinfo.lat, lon: this.calinfo.lon, allday: evt.IsAllDay);
                AddEventToDDayIcal(ical_ical, evt_tmp);

                if ( fr.stats.ContainsKey(feedurl) )   // won't be true when adding to the per-feed obj cache
                    fr.stats[feedurl].loaded++;        // and this will have already been counted by the all-feeds AddIcalEvent

            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "AddIcalEvent", source + ": " + e.Message + ": " + evt.Summary);
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void HandleE5(FeedRegistry fr, ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> results_dict, string feedurl, int tid, string source_name, Exception e5)
     var msg = string.Format("exception adding events for {0} {1}, {2}, {3}", id, tid, source_name, e5.Message);
     GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", msg, e5.StackTrace + "," + e5.Data.ToString() + "," + e5.InnerException.Message);
     results_dict[feedurl] = msg;
     fr.stats[feedurl].dday_error += " | " + msg;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void SerializeStatsAndIntermediateOutputs(FeedRegistry fr, EventStore es, iCalendar ical, NonIcalStats stats, SourceType type)
            BlobStorageResponse bsr;
            HttpResponse tsr;

            if (BlobStorage.ExistsContainer(this.id) == false)
                bs.CreateContainer(this.id, is_public: true, headers: new Hashtable());

            if (type == SourceType.ical) // NonIcalStats is null in this case, and not used
                bsr = fr.SerializeIcalStatsToJson();
                GenUtils.LogMsg("info", this.id + ": SerializeIcalStatsToJson",  bsr.HttpResponse.status.ToString());
                tsr = fr.SaveStatsToAzure();
                GenUtils.LogMsg("info", this.id + ": FeedRegistry.SaveStatsToAzure", tsr.status.ToString());

                bsr = Utils.SerializeObjectToJson(stats, this.id, stats.blobname + ".json");
                GenUtils.LogMsg("info", this.id + ": Collector: SerializeObjectToJson: " + stats.blobname + ".json", bsr.HttpResponse.status.ToString());
                tsr = this.SaveStatsToAzure(type);
                GenUtils.LogMsg("info", this.id + ": Collector: SaveStatsToAzure", tsr.status.ToString());


            bsr = this.SerializeIcalEventsToIcs(ical, type);
            GenUtils.LogMsg("info", this.id + ": SerializeIcalStatsToIcs: " + id + "_" + type.ToString() + ".ics", bsr.HttpResponse.status.ToString());

            bsr = es.Serialize();
            GenUtils.LogMsg("info", this.id + ": EventStore.Serialize: " + es.objfile, bsr.HttpResponse.status.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 20
 private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessIcalExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, FeedRegistry fr, Collector collector)
     var feedurl = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri("admin", example + ".ics", false).ToString();
     fr.AddFeed(feedurl, source);
     var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);
     collector.CollectIcal(fr, es, false);
     EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(calinfo.id, settings);
     var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize();
     return zes;
Exemplo n.º 21
 // a feed without a PRODID property is actually invalid, but some homegrown feeds
 // don't include it, try giving benefit of doubt
 private static void EnsureProdId(FeedRegistry fr, string feedurl, string feedtext)
         fr.stats[feedurl].prodid = GenUtils.RegexFindGroups(feedtext, "PRODID:(.+)")[1];
         fr.stats[feedurl].prodid = "unknown";
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void KeeneChoraleAt4PMLocal()
            var example = "chorale";
            var source = "Keene Chorale";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];
            Assert.That(evt.title == "Keene Chorale Winter concert");
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 16);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void LissaSchneckenburgerAt8PMLocal()
            var example = "folklore";
            var source = "Monadnock Folklore Society";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];
            Assert.That(evt.title.EndsWith("Lissa Schneckenburger | Nelson Town Hall"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 20);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void HealthProfessionsProgramAt10AMLocal()
            var example = "ucb";
            var source = "UC Berkeley";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];
            Assert.That(evt.title.EndsWith("Post-Baccalaureate Health Professions Program"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 10);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void BrowerYouthAwardsAt530PMLocal()
            var example = "berkeleyside";
            var source = "berkeleyside";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];
            Assert.That(evt.title.EndsWith("Brower Youth Awards 2011"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 17);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 30);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public ActionResult view_calendar(string feedurl, string id)
            var r = new ContentResult();
            r.ContentType = "text/html";

            if (id != String.Empty && Utils.CachedFeedObjExists(id, feedurl))
                return view_cached_calendar(feedurl, id);

            DDay.iCal.iCalendar ical;
            var source = ""; // unneeded for this single-cal purpose
                ical = Utils.iCalFromFeedUrl(feedurl, settings);
            catch (Exception e)
                r.Content = string.Format(@"Sorry, unable to parse {0} as an iCalendar feed. The error was: {1}", feedurl, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                return r;

            var events_to_include = new List<DDay.iCal.Event>();
            var event_recurrence_types = new Dictionary<DDay.iCal.Event, Collector.RecurrenceType>();
            var calinfo = new Calinfo(id);
            var collector = new Collector(calinfo, settings);
                DateTime utc_midnight_in_tz = Utils.MidnightInTz(calinfo.tzinfo).UniversalTime;
                DateTime then = utc_midnight_in_tz.AddDays(calinfo.icalendar_horizon_days);
                collector.FeedGather(utc_midnight_in_tz, then, 0, ical, source, events_to_include, event_recurrence_types, false);
                var es_zoned = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);
                var fr = new FeedRegistry(id);
                foreach (var evt in events_to_include)
                    collector.AddIcalEvent(evt, fr, es_zoned, feedurl, source);
                var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo);
                r = view_calendar_helper(id, r, es_zoned, es_zoneless);
            catch (Exception e)
                r.Content = "Unable to view calendar. " + e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                return r;
            return r;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public FeedRegistryTest()
     containername = this.id;
     fr            = new FeedRegistry(this.id);
     fr.AddFeed(testurl, testsource);
Exemplo n.º 28
        private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessIcalExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, FeedRegistry fr, Collector collector, bool purge)
            if (purge)
            var feedurl = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri("admin", example + ".ics", false).ToString();

            fr.AddFeed(feedurl, source);
            var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);

            collector.CollectIcal(fr, es, false);
            EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(calinfo.id, settings);
            var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize();

Exemplo n.º 29
 private static void FeedStats(FeedRegistry fr, string feedurl, Dictionary<DDay.iCal.Event, RecurrenceType> event_recurrence_types, List<DDay.iCal.Event> uniques)
     HashSet<string> recurring_uids = new HashSet<string>();
     UpdateIcalStats(fr, feedurl, event_recurrence_types, uniques, recurring_uids);
     fr.stats[feedurl].recurringcount = recurring_uids.Count;    // count recurring events
Exemplo n.º 30
 private void SetShowBadgesForHub()
     var fr = new FeedRegistry(this.id);
         this.show_eventbrite_badge = Utils.ShowEventBriteBadge(this, fr);
         this.show_eventful_badge = Utils.ShowEventfulBadge(this);
         this.show_meetup_badge = Utils.ShowMeetupBadge(this, fr);
         this.show_facebook_badge = Utils.ShowFacebookBadge(fr);
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "SetShowBadgesForHub: " + this.id, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public void AfternoonTeaAt3PMLocal()
     var example = "hillside";
     var source = "hillside";
     var fr = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);
     var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley);
     HillsideExampleIsCorrectObj(zes, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 32
        // when using cached obj, transfer (relevant parts of) the entry from the saved ical_stats.json into the live one
        private static void TransferCachedStats(string id, FeedRegistry fr, string feedurl)
                var uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(id, "ical_stats.json");
                var json = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(uri).DataAsString();
                var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>>(json);
                var entry = dict[feedurl];

                /*  "prodid": "unknown",
                "source": "Monadnock Regional High",
                "valid": false,
                "score": "0",
                "loaded": 0,
                "dday_error": "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",
                "contenttype": null,
                "singlecount": 0,
                "recurringcount": 0,
                "recurringinstancecount": 0,
                "futurecount": 0,
                "whenchecked": "2013-02-26T12:42:59.1193517Z"
                lock (fr)
                    fr.stats[feedurl].futurecount = Convert.ToInt32(entry["futurecount"]);
                    fr.stats[feedurl].loaded = Convert.ToInt32(entry["loaded"]);
                    fr.stats[feedurl].singlecount = Convert.ToInt32(entry["singlecount"]);
                    fr.stats[feedurl].singlecount = Convert.ToInt32(entry["singlecount"]);
                    fr.stats[feedurl].recurringcount = Convert.ToInt32(entry["recurringcount"]);
                    fr.stats[feedurl].recurringinstancecount = Convert.ToInt32(entry["recurringinstancecount"]);
                    fr.stats[feedurl].futurecount = Convert.ToInt32(entry["futurecount"]);
            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "TransferCachedStats", e.Message + e.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void CedarHillCommemoratesAt10AMLocal()
            var example = "cedarhill";
            var source = "Cedar Hill Commemorates";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];
            Assert.That(evt.title.StartsWith("Cedar Hill Commemorates"));
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 10);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 34
 private static void UpdateIcalStats(FeedRegistry fr, string feedurl, Dictionary<DDay.iCal.Event, RecurrenceType> event_recurrence_types, List<DDay.iCal.Event> uniques, HashSet<string> recurring_uids)
     foreach (var unique in uniques)                       // count as single event or instance of recurring
         var recurrence_type = event_recurrence_types[unique];
         if (recurrence_type == RecurrenceType.Recurring)
             lock (recurring_uids)
Exemplo n.º 35
        public void InvestmentAndFinancialPlanningDoesNotRecurToPresent()
            var example = "investment";
            var source = "Ann Arbor City";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 0);
Exemplo n.º 36
 private string FeedSetup(FeedRegistry fr, Dictionary<string, string> feeds, string feedurl, int tid, string source_name)
     source_name = feeds[feedurl];
     fr.stats[feedurl].whenchecked = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
     per_feed_metadata_cache[feedurl] = Metadata.LoadFeedMetadataFromAzureTableForFeedurlAndId(feedurl, id);
     Metadata.TryLoadCatmapFromMetadict(per_feed_catmaps, per_feed_metadata_cache[feedurl]);
     if ( per_feed_catmaps.ContainsKey(feedurl) )
         foreach (var cat in per_feed_catmaps[feedurl].Values)  // it was a curatorial decision
             foreach ( var c in cat.Split(',') )                // (could be multiple)
                 var _c = c.ToLower().Trim();
                 if ( ! this.tags.HasItem(_c) )
                     this.tags.Add(_c);									// so add to active taxonomy
     return source_name;
Exemplo n.º 37
        public void LifeRecoveryMinistryAt6PMLocal()
            var example = "graceworship";
            var source = "Grace Worship";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 18);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 38
 private void HandleE2(FeedRegistry fr, ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> results_dict, string feedurl, int tid, string source_name, Exception e2)
     var msg = String.Format("exception loading calendar {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, tid, source_name, e2.Message);
     GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", msg, e2.StackTrace);
     fr.stats[feedurl].dday_error = e2.Message;
     results_dict[feedurl] = msg;
Exemplo n.º 39
        public void SilkCityIsAllDay()
            var example = "silkcity";
            var source = "Silk City Flick Fest";
            var fr = new FeedRegistry(keene_test_hub);

            var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_keene, fr, collector_keene);

            Assert.That(zes.events.Count == 1);
            var evt = zes.events[0];
            Assert.That(evt.title.StartsWith("The Silk City Flick Fest"));
            Assert.That(evt.allday == true);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Hour == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Minute == 0);
            Assert.That(evt.dtstart.Second == 0);
Exemplo n.º 40
 private void HandleE3(FeedRegistry fr, ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> results_dict, string feedurl, int tid, string source_name, Exception e3)
     var msg = String.Format("exception gathering future events for {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", id, tid, source_name, e3.Message, e3.InnerException.Message);
     GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", msg, e3.StackTrace);
     results_dict[feedurl] = msg;
     fr.stats[feedurl].dday_error += " | " + msg;
Exemplo n.º 41
 // this version expects an altered feed
 private static bool _AfternoonTeaAt3PMLocal()
     var example = "hillside";
     var source = "hillside";
     var fr = new FeedRegistry(berkeley_test_hub);
     var zes = ProcessIcalExample(example, source, calinfo_berkeley, fr, collector_berkeley);
         HillsideExampleIsCorrectObj(zes, "Afternoon Tea", "Afternoon Coffee");
         return true;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 42
 private void HandleE4(FeedRegistry fr, ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> results_dict, string feedurl, int tid, string source_name, Exception e4)
     var msg = String.Format("exception deduplicating events for {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", id, tid, source_name, e4.Message);
     GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", msg, e4.StackTrace);
     results_dict[feedurl] = msg;
     fr.stats[feedurl].dday_error += " | " + msg;