Exemplo n.º 1
         * Gets the specified sheet within this workbook
         * @param index the zero based index of the required sheet
         * @return The sheet specified by the index
        public override Sheet getSheet(int index)
            // First see if the last sheet index is the same as this sheet index.
            // If so, then the same sheet is being re-requested, so simply
            // return it instead of rereading it
            if ((lastSheet != null) && lastSheetIndex == index)

            // Flush out all of the cached data in the last sheet
            if (lastSheet != null)

                //if (!settings.getGCDisabled())
                //    {
                //    System.gc();
                //    }

            lastSheet      = (SheetImpl)sheets[index];
            lastSheetIndex = index;

Exemplo n.º 2
         * Constructs this object
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param si the sheet
        public ErrorRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            errorCode = data[6];
Exemplo n.º 3
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param si the sheet
         * @param ws the workbook settings
         * @param dummy dummy overload to indicate a biff 7 workbook
        public LabelRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si, WorkbookSettings ws, Biff7 dummy)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();
            length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6], data[7]);

            description = StringHelper.getString(data, length, 8, ws);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Constructor.  Retrieves the index from the raw data and looks it up
  * in the shared string table
  * @param stringTable the shared string table
  * @param t the raw data
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param si the sheet
 public LabelSSTRecord(Record t, SSTRecord stringTable, FormattingRecords fr,
                       SheetImpl si)
     : base(t, fr, si)
     byte[] data = getRecord().getData();
     index       = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9]);
     description = stringTable.getString(index);
Exemplo n.º 5
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param num the numerical representation of this
         * @param xfi the java equivalent of the excel date format
         * @param fr  the formatting records
         * @param nf  flag indicating whether we are using the 1904 date system
         * @param si  the sheet
        public DateRecord(NumberCell num,
                          int xfi, FormattingRecords fr,
                          bool nf, SheetImpl si)
            row               = num.getRow();
            column            = num.getColumn();
            xfIndex           = xfi;
            formattingRecords = fr;
            sheet             = si;
            initialized       = false;

            format = formattingRecords.getDateFormat(xfIndex);

            // This value represents the number of days since 01 Jan 1900
            double numValue = num.getValue();

            if (Math.Abs(numValue) < 1)
                if (format == null)
                    format = timeFormat;
                time = true;
                if (format == null)
                    format = dateFormat;
                time = false;

            // Work round a bug in excel.  Excel seems to think there is a date
            // called the 29th Feb, 1900 - but in actual fact this was not a leap year.
            // Therefore for values less than 61 in the 1900 date system,
            // add one to the numeric value
            if (!nf && !time && numValue < nonLeapDay)
                numValue += 1;

            // Get rid of any timezone adjustments - we are not interested
            // in automatic adjustments
// TODO: CML -- don't know what to do here....
//			format.setTimeZone(gmtZone);

            // Convert this to the number of days since 01 Jan 1970
            int    offsetDays = nf ? utcOffsetDays1904 : utcOffsetDays;
            double utcDays    = numValue - offsetDays;

            // Convert this into utc by multiplying by the number of milliseconds
            // in a day.  Use the round function prior to ms conversion due
            // to a rounding feature of Excel (contributed by Jurgen)
            long utcValue = (long)Math.Round(utcDays * secondsInADay) * msInASecond;

            date = new System.DateTime(ticksTo1970 + (utcValue * msTicks));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Constructs this object from the raw data
  * @param t the basic number formula record
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param es the external sheet
  * @param nt the name table
  * @param nf flag indicating whether the 1904 date system is in use
  * @param si the sheet
 public DateFormulaRecord(NumberFormulaRecord t, FormattingRecords fr,
                          ExternalSheet es, WorkbookMethods nt,
                          bool nf, SheetImpl si)
     : base(t, t.getXFIndex(), fr, nf, si)
     externalSheet = es;
     nameTable     = nt;
     data          = t.getFormulaData();
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Constructs this number
  * @param t the data
  * @param excelFile the excel biff data
  * @param v the value
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param es the external sheet
  * @param nt the name table
  * @param si the sheet
 public SharedBooleanFormulaRecord(Record t,
                                   File excelFile,
                                   bool v,
                                   FormattingRecords fr,
                                   ExternalSheet es,
                                   WorkbookMethods nt,
                                   SheetImpl si)
     : base(t, fr, es, nt, si, excelFile.getPos())
     value = v;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Constructs this object from the raw cell data
  * @param t the raw cell data
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param si the sheet containing this cell
 protected CellValue(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si)
     : base(t)
     byte[] data = getRecord().getData();
     row               = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0], data[1]);
     column            = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[2], data[3]);
     xfIndex           = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[4], data[5]);
     sheet             = si;
     formattingRecords = fr;
     initialized       = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Constructs this string formula
  * @param t the record
  * @param excelFile the excel file
  * @param fr the formatting record
  * @param es the external sheet
  * @param nt the workbook
  * @param si the sheet
  * @param dummy the overload indicator
 public SharedStringFormulaRecord(Record t,
                                  File excelFile,
                                  FormattingRecords fr,
                                  ExternalSheet es,
                                  WorkbookMethods nt,
                                  SheetImpl si,
                                  EmptyString dummy)
     : base(t, fr, es, nt, si, excelFile.getPos())
     value = string.Empty;
  * Constructs this number
  * @param t the data
  * @param excelFile the excel biff data
  * @param v the errorCode
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param es the external sheet
  * @param nt the name table
  * @param si the sheet
 public SharedErrorFormulaRecord(Record t,
                                 File excelFile,
                                 int ec,
                                 FormattingRecords fr,
                                 ExternalSheet es,
                                 WorkbookMethods nt,
                                 SheetImpl si)
     : base(t, fr, es, nt, si, excelFile.getPos())
     errorCode = ec;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Constructs this cell
  * @param r the zero based row
  * @param c the zero base column
  * @param xfi the xf index
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param si the sheet
 public MulBlankCell(int r, int c,
                     int xfi,
                     FormattingRecords fr,
                     SheetImpl si)
     row               = r;
     column            = c;
     xfIndex           = xfi;
     formattingRecords = fr;
     sheet             = si;
     initialized       = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Constructs this number
  * @param t the record
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param es the external sheet
  * @param nt the name table
  * @param si the sheet
  * @param pos the position of the next record in the file
 public BaseSharedFormulaRecord(Record t,
                                FormattingRecords fr,
                                ExternalSheet es,
                                WorkbookMethods nt,
                                SheetImpl si,
                                int pos)
     : base(t, fr, si)
     externalSheet = es;
     nameTable     = nt;
     filePos       = pos;
Exemplo n.º 13
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param es the external sheet
         * @param nt the name table
         * @param si the sheet
        public ErrorFormulaRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, ExternalSheet es,
                                  WorkbookMethods nt, SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            externalSheet = es;
            nameTable     = nt;
            data          = getRecord().getData();

            Assert.verify(data[6] == 2);

            errorCode = data[8];
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Constructs this number
  * @param t the data
  * @param excelFile the excel biff data
  * @param v the value
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param es the external sheet
  * @param nt the name table
  * @param si the sheet
 public SharedNumberFormulaRecord(Record t,
                                  File excelFile,
                                  double v,
                                  FormattingRecords fr,
                                  ExternalSheet es,
                                  WorkbookMethods nt,
                                  SheetImpl si)
     : base(t, fr, es, nt, si, excelFile.getPos())
     value  = v;
     format = defaultFormat;                // format is set up later from the
     // SharedFormulaRecord
Exemplo n.º 15
         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  Used when reading in formula
         * strings which evaluate to null (in the case of some IF statements)
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param es the external sheet records
         * @param nt the workbook
         * @param si the sheet impl
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public StringFormulaRecord(Record t,
                                   FormattingRecords fr,
                                   ExternalSheet es,
                                   WorkbookMethods nt,
                                   SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            externalSheet = es;
            nameTable     = nt;

            data  = getRecord().getData();
            value = string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Constructs this number
  * @param r the zero based row
  * @param c the zero base column
  * @param val the value
  * @param xfi the xf index
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param si the sheet
 public NumberValue(int r, int c, double val,
                    int xfi,
                    FormattingRecords fr,
                    SheetImpl si)
     row               = r;
     column            = c;
     value             = val;
     format            = defaultFormat;
     xfIndex           = xfi;
     formattingRecords = fr;
     sheet             = si;
     initialized       = false;
Exemplo n.º 17
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the available formats
         * @param si the sheet
        public NumberRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6);

            // Now get the number format
            format = fr.getNumberFormat(getXFIndex());
            if (format == null)
                format = defaultFormat;
Exemplo n.º 18
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr  the formatting records
         * @param si the sheet
        public BooleanRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            error = false;
            value = false;

            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            error = (data[7] == 1);

            if (!error)
                value = data[6] == 1 ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Constructs this number formula
  * @param nfr the number formula records
  * @param fr the formatting records
  * @param nf flag indicating whether this uses the 1904 date system
  * @param si the sheet
  * @param pos the position
 public SharedDateFormulaRecord(SharedNumberFormulaRecord nfr,
                                FormattingRecords fr,
                                bool nf,
                                SheetImpl si,
                                int pos)
     : base(nfr.getRecord(),
     dateRecord = new DateRecord(nfr, nfr.getXFIndex(), fr, nf, si);
     value      = nfr.getValue();
Exemplo n.º 20
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param si the sheet
         * @param es the sheet
         * @param nt the name table
        public BooleanFormulaRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr,
                                    ExternalSheet es, WorkbookMethods nt,
                                    SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            externalSheet = es;
            nameTable     = nt;
            value         = false;

            data = getRecord().getData();

            Assert.verify(data[6] != 2);

            value = data[8] == 1 ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 21
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param si the sheet
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public LabelRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si, WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();
            length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6], data[7]);

            if (data[8] == 0x0)
                description = StringHelper.getString(data, length, 9, ws);
                description = StringHelper.getUnicodeString(data, length, 9);
Exemplo n.º 22
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the available cell formats
         * @param si the sheet
        public RKRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data  = getRecord().getData();
            int    rknum = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9]);

            value = RKHelper.getDouble(rknum);

            // Now get the number format
            format = fr.getNumberFormat(getXFIndex());
            if (format == null)
                format = defaultFormat;
Exemplo n.º 23
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting record
         * @param es the external sheet
         * @param nt the name table
         * @param si the sheet
        public NumberFormulaRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr,
                                   ExternalSheet es, WorkbookMethods nt,
                                   SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            externalSheet = es;
            nameTable     = nt;
            data          = getRecord().getData();

            format = fr.getNumberFormat(getXFIndex());

            if (format == null)
                format = defaultFormat;

            value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6);
Exemplo n.º 24
         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  We need to use the excelFile
         * to retrieve the string record which follows this formula record
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param excelFile the excel file
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param es the external sheet records
         * @param nt the workbook
         * @param si the sheet impl
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public StringFormulaRecord(Record t, File excelFile,
                                   FormattingRecords fr,
                                   ExternalSheet es,
                                   WorkbookMethods nt,
                                   SheetImpl si,
                                   WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            externalSheet = es;
            nameTable     = nt;

            data = getRecord().getData();

            int pos = excelFile.getPos();

            // Look for the string record in one of the records after the
            // formula.  Put a cap on it to prevent looping

            Record nextRecord = excelFile.next();
            int    count      = 0;

            while (nextRecord.getType() != Type.STRING && count < 4)
                nextRecord = excelFile.next();
            Assert.verify(count < 4, " @ " + pos);
            byte[] stringData = nextRecord.getData();

            // Read in any continuation records
            nextRecord = excelFile.peek();
            while (nextRecord.getType() == Type.CONTINUE)
                nextRecord = excelFile.next();                 // move the pointer within the data
                byte[] d = new byte[stringData.Length + nextRecord.getLength() - 1];
                System.Array.Copy(stringData, 0, d, 0, stringData.Length);
                System.Array.Copy(nextRecord.getData(), 1, d,
                                  stringData.Length, nextRecord.getLength() - 1);
                stringData = d;
                nextRecord = excelFile.peek();
            readString(stringData, ws);
Exemplo n.º 25
         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  Creates either a
         * NumberFormulaRecord or a StringFormulaRecord depending on whether
         * this formula represents a numerical calculation or not
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the base shared formula
         * @param es the workbook, which contains the external sheet references
         * @param nt the workbook
         * @param si the sheet
        public SharedFormulaRecord(Record t, BaseSharedFormulaRecord fr,
                                   ExternalSheet es, WorkbookMethods nt,
                                   SheetImpl si)
            sheet = si;
            byte[] data = t.getData();

            firstRow = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0], data[1]);
            lastRow  = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[2], data[3]);
            firstCol = data[4] & 0xff;
            lastCol  = data[5] & 0xff;

            formulas = new ArrayList();

            templateFormula = fr;

            tokens = new byte[data.Length - 10];
            System.Array.Copy(data, 10, tokens, 0, tokens.Length);
Exemplo n.º 26
         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  Creates either a
         * NumberFormulaRecord or a StringFormulaRecord depending on whether
         * this formula represents a numerical calculation or not
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param excelFile the excel file
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param es the workbook, which contains the external sheet references
         * @param nt the name table
         * @param i a dummy override to indicate that we don't want to do
         * any shared formula processing
         * @param si the sheet impl
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public FormulaRecord(Record t,
                             File excelFile,
                             FormattingRecords fr,
                             ExternalSheet es,
                             WorkbookMethods nt,
                             IgnoreSharedFormula i,
                             SheetImpl si,
                             WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            shared = false;

            // microsoft and their magic values determine whether this
            // is a string or a number value
            if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                // we have a string
                formula = new StringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, ws);
            else if (data[6] == 1 &&
                     data[12] == 0xff &&
                     data[13] == 0xff)
                // We have a bool formula
                // multiple values.  Thanks to Frank for spotting this
                formula = new BooleanFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
            else if (data[6] == 2 &&
                     data[12] == 0xff &&
                     data[13] == 0xff)
                // The cell is in error
                formula = new ErrorFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
                // it is most assuredly a number
                formula = new NumberFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
Exemplo n.º 27
         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  Creates either a
         * NumberFormulaRecord or a StringFormulaRecord depending on whether
         * this formula represents a numerical calculation or not
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param excelFile the excel file
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param es the workbook, which contains the external sheet references
         * @param nt the name table
         * @param si the sheet
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public FormulaRecord(Record t,
                             File excelFile,
                             FormattingRecords fr,
                             ExternalSheet es,
                             WorkbookMethods nt,
                             SheetImpl si,
                             WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            shared = false;

            // Check to see if this forms part of a shared formula
            int grbit = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[14], data[15]);

            if ((grbit & 0x08) != 0)
                shared = true;

                if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                    // It is a shared string formula
                    formula = new SharedStringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, ws);
                else if (data[6] == 3 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                    // We have a string which evaluates to null
                    formula = new SharedStringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, SharedStringFormulaRecord.EMPTY_STRING);
                else if (data[6] == 2 &&
                         data[12] == 0xff &&
                         data[13] == 0xff)
                    // The cell is in error
                    int errorCode = data[8];
                    formula = new SharedErrorFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, errorCode,
                                                           fr, es, nt, si);
                else if (data[6] == 1 &&
                         data[12] == 0xff &&
                         data[13] == 0xff)
                    bool value = data[8] == 1 ? true : false;
                    formula = new SharedBooleanFormulaRecord
                                  (t, excelFile, value, fr, es, nt, si);
                    // It is a numerical formula
                    double value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6);
                    SharedNumberFormulaRecord snfr = new SharedNumberFormulaRecord
                                                         (t, excelFile, value, fr, es, nt, si);
                    formula = snfr;


            // microsoft and their goddam magic values determine whether this
            // is a string or a number value
            if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                // we have a string
                formula = new StringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, ws);
            else if (data[6] == 1 &&
                     data[12] == 0xff &&
                     data[13] == 0xff)
                // We have a bool formula
                // multiple values.  Thanks to Frank for spotting this
                formula = new BooleanFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
            else if (data[6] == 2 &&
                     data[12] == 0xff &&
                     data[13] == 0xff)
                // The cell is in error
                formula = new ErrorFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
            else if (data[6] == 3 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                // we have a string which evaluates to null
                formula = new StringFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
                // it is most assuredly a number
                formula = new NumberFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
Exemplo n.º 28
         * Does the hard work of building up the object graph from the excel bytes
         * @exception BiffException
         * @exception PasswordException if the workbook is password protected
        protected override void parse()
            Record r = null;

            BOFRecord bof = new BOFRecord(excelFile.next());

            workbookBof = bof;

            if (!bof.isBiff8() && !bof.isBiff7())
                throw new BiffException(BiffException.unrecognizedBiffVersion);

            if (!bof.isWorkbookGlobals())
                throw new BiffException(BiffException.expectedGlobals);
            ArrayList continueRecords = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList localNames      = new ArrayList();

            nameTable      = new ArrayList();
            addInFunctions = new ArrayList();

            // Skip to the first worksheet
            while (bofs == 1)
                r = excelFile.next();

                if (r.getType() == Type.SST)
                    Record nextrec = excelFile.peek();
                    while (nextrec.getType() == Type.CONTINUE)
                        nextrec = excelFile.peek();

                    // cast the array
                    Record[] records = new Record[continueRecords.Count];
                    int      pos     = 0;
                    foreach (Record record in continueRecords)
                        records[pos++] = record;

                    sharedStrings = new SSTRecord(r, records, settings);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.FILEPASS)
                    throw new PasswordException();
                else if (r.getType() == Type.NAME)
                    NameRecord nr = null;

                    if (bof.isBiff8())
                        nr = new NameRecord(r, settings, nameTable.Count);
                        nr = new NameRecord(r, settings, nameTable.Count,

                    // Add all local and global names to the name table in order to
                    // preserve the indexing

                    if (nr.isGlobal())
                        namedRecords.Add(nr.getName(), nr);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.FONT)
                    FontRecord fr = null;

                    if (bof.isBiff8())
                        fr = new FontRecord(r, settings);
                        fr = new FontRecord(r, settings, FontRecord.biff7);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.PALETTE)
                    CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.PaletteRecord palette = new CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.PaletteRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.NINETEENFOUR)
                    NineteenFourRecord nr = new NineteenFourRecord(r);
                    nineteenFour = nr.is1904();
                else if (r.getType() == Type.FORMAT)
                    FormatRecord fr = null;
                    if (bof.isBiff8())
                        fr = new FormatRecord(r, settings, FormatRecord.biff8);
                        fr = new FormatRecord(r, settings, FormatRecord.biff7);
                    catch (NumFormatRecordsException e)
                        // This should not happen.  Bomb out
                        Assert.verify(false, e.Message);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.XF)
                    XFRecord xfr = null;
                    if (bof.isBiff8())
                        xfr = new XFRecord(r, settings, XFRecord.biff8);
                        xfr = new XFRecord(r, settings, XFRecord.biff7);

                    catch (NumFormatRecordsException e)
                        // This should not happen.  Bomb out
                        Assert.verify(false, e.Message);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.BOUNDSHEET)
                    BoundsheetRecord br = null;

                    if (bof.isBiff8())
                        br = new BoundsheetRecord(r, settings);
                        br = new BoundsheetRecord(r, BoundsheetRecord.biff7);

                    if (br.isSheet())
                    else if (br.isChart() && !settings.getDrawingsDisabled())
                else if (r.getType() == Type.EXTERNSHEET)
                    if (bof.isBiff8())
                        externSheet = new ExternalSheetRecord(r, settings);
                        externSheet = new ExternalSheetRecord(r, settings, ExternalSheetRecord.biff7);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.XCT)
                    XCTRecord xctr = new XCTRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.CODEPAGE)
                    CodepageRecord cr = new CodepageRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.SUPBOOK)
                    Record nextrec = excelFile.peek();
                    while (nextrec.getType() == Type.CONTINUE)
                        nextrec = excelFile.peek();

                    SupbookRecord sr = new SupbookRecord(r, settings);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.EXTERNNAME)
                    ExternalNameRecord enr = new ExternalNameRecord(r, settings);

                    if (enr.isAddInFunction())
                else if (r.getType() == Type.PROTECT)
                    ProtectRecord pr = new ProtectRecord(r);
                    wbProtected = pr.isProtected();
                else if (r.getType() == Type.OBJPROJ)
                    doesContainMacros = true;
                else if (r.getType() == Type.COUNTRY)
                    countryRecord = new CountryRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.MSODRAWINGGROUP)
                    if (!settings.getDrawingsDisabled())
                        msoDrawingGroup = new MsoDrawingGroupRecord(r);

                        if (drawingGroup == null)
                            drawingGroup = new DrawingGroup(Origin.READ);


                        Record nextrec = excelFile.peek();
                        while (nextrec.getType() == Type.CONTINUE)
                            nextrec = excelFile.peek();
                else if (r.getType() == Type.BUTTONPROPERTYSET)
                    buttonPropertySet = new ButtonPropertySetRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.EOF)
                else if (r.getType() == Type.REFRESHALL)
                    RefreshAllRecord rfm = new RefreshAllRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.TEMPLATE)
                    TemplateRecord rfm = new TemplateRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.EXCEL9FILE)
                    Excel9FileRecord e9f = new Excel9FileRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.WINDOWPROTECT)
                    WindowProtectedRecord winp = new WindowProtectedRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.HIDEOBJ)
                    HideobjRecord hobj = new HideobjRecord(r);
                else if (r.getType() == Type.WRITEACCESS)
                    WriteAccessRecord war = new WriteAccessRecord(r, bof.isBiff8(), settings);
                    // logger.info("Unsupported record type: " +
                    //            Integer.toHexString(r.getCode())+"h");

            bof = null;
            if (excelFile.hasNext())
                r = excelFile.next();

                if (r.getType() == Type.BOF)
                    bof = new BOFRecord(r);

            // Only get sheets for which there is a corresponding Boundsheet record
            while (bof != null && getNumberOfSheets() < boundsheets.Count)
                if (!bof.isBiff8() && !bof.isBiff7())
                    throw new BiffException(BiffException.unrecognizedBiffVersion);

                if (bof.isWorksheet())
                    // Read the sheet in
                    SheetImpl s = new SheetImpl(excelFile,

                    BoundsheetRecord br = (BoundsheetRecord)boundsheets[getNumberOfSheets()];
                else if (bof.isChart())
                    // Read the sheet in
                    SheetImpl s = new SheetImpl(excelFile,

                    BoundsheetRecord br = (BoundsheetRecord)boundsheets[getNumberOfSheets()];
                    //logger.warn("BOF is unrecognized");

                    while (excelFile.hasNext() && r.getType() != Type.EOF)
                        r = excelFile.next();

                // The next record will normally be a BOF or empty padding until
                // the end of the block is reached.  In exceptionally unlucky cases,
                // the last EOF  will coincide with a block division, so we have to
                // check there is more data to retrieve.
                // Thanks to liamg for spotting this
                bof = null;
                if (excelFile.hasNext())
                    r = excelFile.next();

                    if (r.getType() == Type.BOF)
                        bof = new BOFRecord(r);

            // Add all the local names to the specific sheets
            foreach (NameRecord nr in localNames)
                if (nr.getBuiltInName() == null)
                    //logger.warn("Usage of a local non-builtin name");
                else if (nr.getBuiltInName() == BuiltInName.PRINT_AREA ||
                         nr.getBuiltInName() == BuiltInName.PRINT_TITLES)
                    // appears to use the internal tab number rather than the
                    // external sheet index
                    SheetImpl s = (SheetImpl)sheets[nr.getSheetRef() - 1];
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Constructs this object from the raw data
  * @param t the raw data
  * @param fr the available formats
  * @param si the sheet
 public BlankCell(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si)
     : base(t, fr, si)
Exemplo n.º 30
         * Constructs this string formula
         * @param t the record
         * @param excelFile the excel file
         * @param fr the formatting record
         * @param es the external sheet
         * @param nt the workbook
         * @param si the sheet
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public SharedStringFormulaRecord(Record t,
                                         File excelFile,
                                         FormattingRecords fr,
                                         ExternalSheet es,
                                         WorkbookMethods nt,
                                         SheetImpl si,
                                         WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(t, fr, es, nt, si, excelFile.getPos())
            int pos = excelFile.getPos();

            // Save the position in the excel file
            int filepos = excelFile.getPos();

            // Look for the string record in one of the records after the
            // formula.  Put a cap on it to prevent ednas
            Record nextRecord = excelFile.next();
            int    count      = 0;

            while (nextRecord.getType() != Type.STRING && count < 4)
                nextRecord = excelFile.next();
            Assert.verify(count < 4, " @ " + pos);

            byte[] stringData = nextRecord.getData();

            // Read in any continuation records
            nextRecord = excelFile.peek();
            while (nextRecord.getType() == Type.CONTINUE)
                nextRecord = excelFile.next();                 // move the pointer within the data
                byte[] d = new byte[stringData.Length + nextRecord.getLength() - 1];
                System.Array.Copy(stringData, 0, d, 0, stringData.Length);
                System.Array.Copy(nextRecord.getData(), 1, d,
                                  stringData.Length, nextRecord.getLength() - 1);
                stringData = d;
                nextRecord = excelFile.peek();

            int chars = IntegerHelper.getInt(stringData[0], stringData[1]);

            bool unicode  = false;
            int  startpos = 3;

            if (stringData.Length == chars + 2)
                // string might only consist of a one byte length indicator, instead
                // of the more normal 2
                startpos = 2;
                unicode  = false;
            else if (stringData[2] == 0x1)
                // unicode string, two byte length indicator
                startpos = 3;
                unicode  = true;
                // ascii string, two byte length indicator
                startpos = 3;
                unicode  = false;

            if (!unicode)
                value = StringHelper.getString(stringData, chars, startpos, ws);
                value = StringHelper.getUnicodeString(stringData, chars, startpos);

            // Restore the position in the excel file, to enable the SHRFMLA
            // record to be picked up