Exemplo n.º 1
         * Gets the data
        public virtual byte[] getData()
            byte[] data = new byte[18];

            int options = 0;

            if (promptBoxVisible)
                options |= PROMPT_BOX_VISIBLE_MASK;

            if (promptBoxAtCell)
                options |= PROMPT_BOX_AT_CELL_MASK;

            if (validityDataCached)
                options |= VALIDITY_DATA_CACHED_MASK;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(options, data, 0);
            IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(objectId, data, 10);
            IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(numDVRecords, data, 14);

Exemplo n.º 2
         * Gets the data
        public virtual byte[] getData()
            // Compute the length of the data
            byte[] f1Bytes = formula1 != null?formula1.getBytes() : new byte[0];

            byte[] f2Bytes = formula2 != null?formula2.getBytes() : new byte[0];

            int dataLength = 4 +                          // the options
                             promptTitle.Length * 2 + 3 + // the prompt title
                             errorTitle.Length * 2 + 3 +  // the error title
                             promptText.Length * 2 + 3 +  // the prompt text
                             errorText.Length * 2 + 3 +   // the error text
                             f1Bytes.Length + 2 +         // first formula
                             f2Bytes.Length + 2 +         // second formula
                             +4 +                         // unused bytes
                             10;                          // cell range

            byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];

            // The position
            int pos = 0;

            // The options
            int options = 0;

            options |= type.getValue();
            options |= errorStyle.getValue() << 4;
            options |= condition.getValue() << 20;

            if (stringListGiven)
                options |= STRING_LIST_GIVEN_MASK;

            if (emptyCellsAllowed)
                options |= EMPTY_CELLS_ALLOWED_MASK;

            if (suppressArrow)
                options |= SUPPRESS_ARROW_MASK;

            if (showPrompt)
                options |= SHOW_PROMPT_MASK;

            if (showError)
                options |= SHOW_ERROR_MASK;

            // The text
            IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(options, data, pos);
            pos += 4;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(promptTitle.Length, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            data[pos] = (byte)0x1;             // unicode indicator

            StringHelper.getUnicodeBytes(promptTitle, data, pos);
            pos += promptTitle.Length * 2;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(errorTitle.Length, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            data[pos] = (byte)0x1;             // unicode indicator

            StringHelper.getUnicodeBytes(errorTitle, data, pos);
            pos += errorTitle.Length * 2;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(promptText.Length, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            data[pos] = (byte)0x1;             // unicode indicator

            StringHelper.getUnicodeBytes(promptText, data, pos);
            pos += promptText.Length * 2;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(errorText.Length, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            data[pos] = (byte)0x1;             // unicode indicator

            StringHelper.getUnicodeBytes(errorText, data, pos);
            pos += errorText.Length * 2;

            // Formula 1
            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(f1Bytes.Length, data, pos);
            pos += 4;

            System.Array.Copy(f1Bytes, 0, data, pos, f1Bytes.Length);
            pos += f1Bytes.Length;

            // Formula 2
            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(f2Bytes.Length, data, pos);
            pos += 4;

            System.Array.Copy(f2Bytes, 0, data, pos, f2Bytes.Length);
            pos += f2Bytes.Length;

            // The cell ranges
            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(1, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(row1, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(row2, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(column1, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

            IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(column2, data, pos);
            pos += 2;

Exemplo n.º 3
  * Sets the child
  * @param dir the child
 public void setChild(int dir)
     child = dir;
     IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(child, data, CHILD_POS);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Sets the next block
  * @param nxt the next block
 public void setNext(int nxt)
     next = nxt;
     IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(next, data, NEXT_POS);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Sets the previous block
  * @param prev the previous block
 public void setPrevious(int prev)
     previous = prev;
     IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(prev, data, PREVIOUS_POS);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Sets the size of the file
  * @param s the size
 public void setSize(int s)
     size = s;
     IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(s, data, SIZE_POS);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Sets the number of the start block
  * @param sb the number of the start block
 public void setStartBlock(int sb)
     startBlock = sb;
     IntegerHelper.getFourBytes(sb, data, START_BLOCK_POS);