Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary> Constructs a new 'AnWTFilterSpec' for the specified number of
		/// components and tiles.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">The number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">The number of components
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="type">the type of the specification module i.e. tile specific,
		/// component specific or both.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="qts">Quantization specifications
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The ParameterList
		/// </param>
		public AnWTFilterSpec(int nt, int nc, byte type, QuantTypeSpec qts, ParameterList pl):base(nt, nc, type)
			// Check parameters
			pl.checkList(AnWTFilter.OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(AnWTFilter.ParameterInfo));
			System.String param = pl.getParameter("Ffilters");
			bool isFilterSpecified = true;
			// No parameter specified
			if (param == null)
				isFilterSpecified = false;
				// If lossless compression, uses the reversible filters in each
				// tile-components 
				if (pl.getBooleanParameter("lossless"))
					return ;
				// If no filter is specified through the command-line, use
				// REV_FILTER_STR or NON_REV_FILTER_STR according to the
				// quantization type
				for (int t = nt - 1; t >= 0; t--)
					for (int c = nc - 1; c >= 0; c--)
						switch (qts.getSpecValType(t, c))
							case SPEC_DEF: 
								if (getDefault() == null)
									if (pl.getBooleanParameter("lossless"))
									if (((System.String) qts.getDefault()).Equals("reversible"))
								specValType[t][c] = SPEC_DEF;
							case SPEC_COMP_DEF: 
								if (!isCompSpecified(c))
									if (((System.String) qts.getCompDef(c)).Equals("reversible"))
										setCompDef(c, parseFilters(REV_FILTER_STR));
										setCompDef(c, parseFilters(NON_REV_FILTER_STR));
								specValType[t][c] = SPEC_COMP_DEF;
							case SPEC_TILE_DEF: 
								if (!isTileSpecified(t))
									if (((System.String) qts.getTileDef(t)).Equals("reversible"))
										setTileDef(t, parseFilters(REV_FILTER_STR));
										setTileDef(t, parseFilters(NON_REV_FILTER_STR));
								specValType[t][c] = SPEC_TILE_DEF;
							case SPEC_TILE_COMP: 
								if (!isTileCompSpecified(t, c))
									if (((System.String) qts.getTileCompVal(t, c)).Equals("reversible"))
										setTileCompVal(t, c, parseFilters(REV_FILTER_STR));
										setTileCompVal(t, c, parseFilters(NON_REV_FILTER_STR));
								specValType[t][c] = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
								throw new System.ArgumentException("Unsupported " + "specification " + "type");
				return ;
			// Parse argument
			SupportClass.Tokenizer stk = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(param);
			System.String word; // current word
			byte curSpecType = SPEC_DEF; // Specification type of the
			// current parameter
			bool[] tileSpec = null; // Tiles concerned by the specification
			bool[] compSpec = null; // Components concerned by the specification
			AnWTFilter[][] filter;
			while (stk.HasMoreTokens())
				word = stk.NextToken();
				switch (word[0])
					case 't': 
					// Tiles specification
					case 'T':  // Tiles specification
						tileSpec = parseIdx(word, nTiles);
						if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_DEF;
					case 'c': 
					// Components specification
					case 'C':  // Components specification
						compSpec = parseIdx(word, nComp);
						if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
							curSpecType = SPEC_COMP_DEF;
					case 'w': 
					// WT filters specification
					case 'W':  // WT filters specification
						if (pl.getBooleanParameter("lossless") && word.ToUpper().Equals("w9x7".ToUpper()))
							throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot use non " + "reversible " + "wavelet transform with" + " '-lossless' option");
						filter = parseFilters(word);
						if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
						else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
							for (int i = tileSpec.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
								if (tileSpec[i])
									setTileDef(i, filter);
						else if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
							for (int i = compSpec.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
								if (compSpec[i])
									setCompDef(i, filter);
							for (int i = tileSpec.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
								for (int j = compSpec.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
									if (tileSpec[i] && compSpec[j])
										setTileCompVal(i, j, filter);
						// Re-initialize
						curSpecType = SPEC_DEF;
						tileSpec = null;
						compSpec = null;
						throw new System.ArgumentException("Bad construction for " + "parameter: " + word);
			// Check that default value has been specified
			if (getDefault() == null)
				int ndefspec = 0;
				for (int t = nt - 1; t >= 0; t--)
					for (int c = nc - 1; c >= 0; c--)
						if (specValType[t][c] == SPEC_DEF)
				// If some tile-component have received no specification, it takes
				// the default value defined in ParameterList
				if (ndefspec != 0)
					if (((System.String) qts.getDefault()).Equals("reversible"))
					// All tile-component have been specified, takes the first
					// tile-component value as default.
					setDefault(getTileCompVal(0, 0));
					switch (specValType[0][0])
						case SPEC_TILE_DEF: 
							for (int c = nc - 1; c >= 0; c--)
								if (specValType[0][c] == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
									specValType[0][c] = SPEC_DEF;
							tileDef[0] = null;
						case SPEC_COMP_DEF: 
							for (int t = nt - 1; t >= 0; t--)
								if (specValType[t][0] == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
									specValType[t][0] = SPEC_DEF;
							compDef[0] = null;
						case SPEC_TILE_COMP: 
							specValType[0][0] = SPEC_DEF;
							tileCompVal["t0c0"] = null;
			// Check consistency between filter and quantization type
			// specification
			for (int t = nt - 1; t >= 0; t--)
				for (int c = nc - 1; c >= 0; c--)
					// Reversible quantization
					if (((System.String) qts.getTileCompVal(t, c)).Equals("reversible"))
						// If filter is reversible, it is OK
						if (isReversible(t, c))
						// If no filter has been defined, use reversible filter
						if (!isFilterSpecified)
							setTileCompVal(t, c, parseFilters(REV_FILTER_STR));
							// Non reversible filter specified -> Error
							throw new System.ArgumentException("Filter of " + "tile-component" + " (" + t + "," + c + ") does" + " not allow " + "reversible " + "quantization. " + "Specify '-Qtype " + "expounded' or " + "'-Qtype derived'" + "in " + "the command line.");
						// No reversible quantization
						// No reversible filter -> OK
						if (!isReversible(t, c))
						// If no filter has been specified, use non-reversible
						// filter
						if (!isFilterSpecified)
							setTileCompVal(t, c, parseFilters(NON_REV_FILTER_STR));
							// Reversible filter specified -> Error
							throw new System.ArgumentException("Filter of " + "tile-component" + " (" + t + "," + c + ") does" + " not allow " + "non-reversible " + "quantization. " + "Specify '-Qtype " + "reversible' in " + "the command line");
Exemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">Number of components
		/// </param>
		public DecoderSpecs(int nt, int nc)
			// Quantization
			qts = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			gbs = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Wavelet transform
			wfs = new SynWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Component transformation
			cts = new CompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Entropy decoder
			ecopts = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			ers = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			cblks = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Precinct partition
			pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, dls);
			// Codestream
			nls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pos = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pcs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			sops = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			ephs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pphs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			iccs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pphs.setDefault((System.Object) false);
Exemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary> Initializes the source of wavelet transform coefficients. The
		/// constructor takes information on whether the quantizer is in
		/// reversible, derived or expounded mode. If the quantizer is reversible
		/// the value of 'derived' is ignored. If the source data is not integer
		/// (int) then the quantizer can not be reversible.
		/// <p>After initializing member attributes, getAnSubbandTree is called for
		/// all components setting the 'stepWMSE' for all subbands in the current
		/// tile.</p>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">The source of wavelet transform coefficients.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="encSpec">The encoder specifications
		/// </param>
		public StdQuantizer(CBlkWTDataSrc src, EncoderSpecs encSpec):base(src)
			qts = encSpec.qts;
			qsss = encSpec.qsss;
			gbs = encSpec.gbs;
Exemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components
		/// and the command-line arguments stored in a ParameterList instance
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">Number of components
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
		/// </param>
		public EncoderSpecs(int nt, int nc, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, ParameterList pl)
			nTiles = nt;
			nComp = nc;
			// ROI
			rois = new MaxShiftSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Quantization
			pl.checkList(Quantizer.OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(Quantizer.ParameterInfo));
			qts = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			gbs = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			// Wavelet transform
			wfs = new AnWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, qts, pl);
			dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl, "Wlev");
			// Component transformation
			cts = new ForwCompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, wfs, pl);
			// Entropy coder
			System.String[] strLcs = new System.String[]{"near_opt", "lazy_good", "lazy"};
			lcs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Clen_calc", strLcs, pl);
			System.String[] strTerm = new System.String[]{"near_opt", "easy", "predict", "full"};
			tts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterm_type", strTerm, pl);
			System.String[] strBoolean = new System.String[]{"on", "off"};
			sss = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cseg_symbol", strBoolean, pl);
			css = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Ccausal", strBoolean, pl);
			rts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterminate", strBoolean, pl);
			mqrs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "CresetMQ", strBoolean, pl);
			bms = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cbypass", strBoolean, pl);
			cblks = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			// Precinct partition
			pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, imgsrc, dls, pl);
			// Codestream
			sops = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Psop", strBoolean, pl);
			ephs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Peph", strBoolean, pl);
Exemplo n.º 5
		/// <summary> Initializes the source of compressed data. And sets the number of range
		/// bits and fraction bits and receives the parameters for the dequantizer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">From where to obtain the quantized data.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="rb">The number of "range bits" (bitdepth) for each component
		/// (must be the "range bits" of the un-transformed components). For a
		/// definition of "range bits" see the getNomRangeBits() method.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="qts">The quantizer type spec
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="qsss">The dequantizer step sizes spec
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="Dequantizer.getNomRangeBits">
		/// </seealso>
		/// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">Thrown if 'outdt' is neither
		/// TYPE_FLOAT nor TYPE_INT, or if 'param' specify reversible quantization
		/// and 'outdt' is not TYPE_INT or 'fp' has non-zero values, or if 'outdt'
		/// is TYPE_FLOAT and 'fp' has non-zero values.
		/// </exception>
		public StdDequantizer(CBlkQuantDataSrcDec src, int[] utrb, DecoderSpecs decSpec):base(src, utrb, decSpec)
			if (utrb.Length != src.NumComps)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid rb argument");
			this.qsss = decSpec.qsss;
			this.qts = decSpec.qts;
			this.gbs = decSpec.gbs;