Exemplo n.º 1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] sendList = { "jtgreer", "richards",     "leslie", "danielb", "davidb", "robbieb", "jeffs", "mattb", "williamp", "stevenh", "toddw", "phillips", "bobe",
                                  "bobbyt",  "installation", "graywilliams" };
            string   subject = "CSI AUTOMATED EMAIL: MESSAGE ALERT";
            string   body    = "You are on our CSI/SMS notification list to receive an automated alert when a new CSI Job is created.\n";

            body += "I am currently re-writing the old VB6 program and creating an equivilent C# program.\n";
            body += " This will allow us to maintain, modify, and fix issues with our CSI SMS fairly easy.\n\n";
            body += " As we get the system up and running, we will add USER PERMISSIONS, mainly controlled by USER PROFILES\n";
            body += " and DEPARTMENTS.\n";
            body += "For example, Managers usually receive full reports, while others, based upon DEPT, etc. (with unsubscribe option).\n";
            body += "Current Email list catagories: ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, SCADA, INSTALLATION, SERVICE, PLC, HMI, etc.\n";
            body += "Note: Our testing will be limited to Job Numbers 150 to 199, therefore, if you get a test email in this range,\n";
            body += " you know this is for testing and review only.\n\n";
            body += " Thanks, JT Greer\n";
            body += " PS: You can respond to [email protected] during our testing period for comments, email list requests, etc.\n";
            bool OK = CEmail.SendEmail(sendList, "*****@*****.**", subject, body, false);

            if (OK == false)
                MessageBox.Show("EMAIL FAILED");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void button_AddRecToDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strSQL  = "";
            string xFields = "";
            string xVals   = "";

            // Check that Request Job Number is entered, and not already in Database
            if (textBox_jobnumber.Text.Length <= 2) // Error
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Job Number field, please re-enter and try again.", "WARNING");

            // Create SQL Insert String:

            xFields = "(Job_No";
            xVals   = "(" + textBox_jobnumber.Text;
            if (textBox_jobname.Text != "")
                xFields += ",Location";
                //  Text2.Text = Replace(Text2.Text, "'", "''", 1) {
                xVals += ",'" + textBox_jobname.Text + "'";
            // State
            if (textBox_state.Text != "")
                xFields           += ",State";
                textBox_state.Text = textBox_state.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + textBox_state.Text + "'";

            // Job Name
            if (textBox_jobname.Text != "")
                xFields += ",Name";
                textBox_jobname.Text = textBox_jobname.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + textBox_jobname.Text + "'";

            // Combo Customer Name
            if (comboBox_CustName.Text != "")
                xFields += ",CustName";
                comboBox_CustName.Text = comboBox_CustName.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + comboBox_CustName.Text + "'";

            // Combo Backlog Manager
            if (comboBox_BacklogMgr.Text != "")
                xFields += ",Salesman";
                comboBox_BacklogMgr.Text = comboBox_BacklogMgr.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + comboBox_BacklogMgr.Text + "'";

            // Order Entry Date
            if (textBox_EntryDate.Text != "")
                xFields += ",[Date]";
                textBox_EntryDate.Text = textBox_EntryDate.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + textBox_EntryDate.Text + "'";

            // Customer PO
            if (textBox_custPO.Text != "")
                xFields            += ",Cust_PO";
                textBox_custPO.Text = textBox_custPO.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + textBox_custPO.Text + "'";

            // Combo Project Eng

            if (comboBox_ProgEng.Text != "")
                xFields += ",ProjEng";
                comboBox_ProgEng.Text = comboBox_ProgEng.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + comboBox_ProgEng.Text + "'";

            // Est Production Time
            if (numericUpDn_EstProdHours.Value > 0)
                xFields += ",Est_Time_";
                //  Text10.Text = Replace(Text10.Text, "'", "''", 1);
                xVals += ",'" + numericUpDn_EstProdHours.Value.ToString("0") + "'";

            // CSI Components

            if (textBox_CSIprods.Text != "")
                xFields += ",CSIComponents";
                textBox_CSIprods.Text = textBox_CSIprods.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + textBox_CSIprods.Text + "'";

            // Approval Required
            if (checkBox_aprovReq.Checked == true)
                xFields += ",Aprvl_Rqd";
                xVals   += ",-1";

            // Req Shipping Date

            if (textBox_reqShipDate.Text != "")
                xFields += ",Rqstd_Shpg";
                textBox_reqShipDate.Text = textBox_reqShipDate.Text.Replace("'", "''");
                xVals += ",'" + textBox_reqShipDate.Text + "'";

            // SCADA Req

            if (checkBox_SCADAreq.Checked == true)
                xFields += ",DEVREQUIRED";
                xVals   += ",-1";
                xFields += ",SCADACheckoutReady";    //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",SCADACheckoutComplete"; //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",SCADACheckoutReady";    //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",SCADACheckoutComplete"; //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";

            // HMI Required
            if (checkBox_HMIreq.Checked == true)
                xFields += ",HMIReq";
                xVals   += ",-1";
                xFields += ",HMIType";
                xVals   += ",'" + comboBox_HMItype.Text + "'";
                xFields += ",HMIDateAssigned";
                xVals   += ",'" + textBox_EntryDate.Text + "'";
                xFields += ",HMIActive";
                xVals   += ",-1";
                xFields += ",HMIAuthor";
                xVals   += ",'" + userName + "'";
                xFields += ",HMIPriority";
                xVals   += ",-1";
                xFields += ",HMIComplete";
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",CTUComplete"; //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",RTUComplete"; //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",PLCComplete"; // 'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",HMIComplete";
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",CTUComplete"; //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",RTUComplete"; //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";
                xFields += ",PLCComplete"; //'added 8/31/12
                xVals   += ",0";

            // Radio Required
            if (checkBox_radioReq.Checked == true)
                xFields += ",RADIOReq";
                xVals   += ",-1";

            // CSI Installation Req
            if (checkBox_CSIinstReq.Checked == true)
                xFields += ",CSIInstall";
                xVals   += ",-1";

            // CSI Startup Req
            if (checkBox_CSIstartup.Checked == true)
                xFields += ",CSIStartup";
                xVals   += ",-1";

            xFields += ")";
            xVals   += ")";

            //''' Begin addition 08-07-2018
            strSQL = "Select Count(*) from JobsDB Where Job_NO = " + textBox_jobnumber.Text;
            List <string[]> sqlResults0 = Database.SQLquery(strSQL);

            // Append to test file for analysis. Remove
            if (sqlResults0.Count > 0)
                string[] xr = sqlResults0[0].ToArray();
                // Database.AppendTextToFile(sqldebug, @"C:\CSI_DEV\CSIdb\testsql.txt");
                if (xr[0].Length > 0)
                    int iret = -1;
                    if (int.TryParse(xr[0], out iret))
                        if (iret != 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("This job alread exists. Try again. N=" + iret, "WARNING"); // REMOVE DEBUG
                        MessageBox.Show("Error reading this job, or does not exist. Try again.", "WARNING"); // REMOVE DEBUG
            //Set CmbCd = New ADODB.Command
            //Set CmbRs = New ADODB.Recordset

            //CmbCd.ActiveConnection = frmMain.MSCnn
            //CmbCd.CommandType = adCmdText
            //CmbCd.CommandText = strSQL
            //CmbRs.Open CmbCd
            //if(CmbRs.RecordCount > 0 ) {
            //    MsgBox "Given Job Number " + Text1.Text + " is already in use. Please choose another job number for this job!", vbOKOnly
            //    CmbRs.Close
            //    Set CmbRs = Nothing
            //    Set CmbCd = Nothing
            //    Exit Sub
            //Set CmbRs = Nothing
            //Set CmbCd = Nothing
            //''' End addition 08-07-2018

            //  Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
            strSQL = "Insert Into JobsDB " + xFields + " values " + xVals;
            MessageBox.Show(strSQL, "DEBUG"); // REMOVE DEBUG
            Database.AppendTextToFile("\n " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" + strSQL + "\n", @"C:\CSI_DEV\CSIdb\testsql.txt");

            List <string[]> sqlResults1 = Database.SQLquery(strSQL);

            if (sqlResults1.Count > 0)
                string[] xr = sqlResults1[0].ToArray();
                // Database.AppendTextToFile(sqldebug, @"C:\CSI_DEV\CSIdb\testsql.txt");
                if (xr.Length > 0)
                    string ret = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < xr.Length; i++)
                        ret += xr[i] + "\n";
                    MessageBox.Show("Query Results=" + ret, "WARNING"); // REMOVE DEBUG

            //'MsgBox strSql
            //frmMain.MSCnn.Execute strSQL

            // HMI Required: Send Email Notificaitons

            // Base Header
            emailHeader = "New Job Number Added:" + textBox_jobnumber.Text + ", " + textBox_location.Text;
            emailMsg    = "Job Number: " + textBox_jobnumber.Text + "\n" +
                          "Job Name: " + textBox_jobname.Text + "\n" +
                          "Job Location: " + textBox_location.Text + ", " + textBox_state.Text + "\n" +
                          "Customer Name: " + comboBox_CustName.Text + "\n";
            MessageBox.Show("BASE:" + emailHeader + "\n MESSAGE:\n" + emailMsg, "DEBUG"); // REMOVE DEBUG

            if (checkBox_HMIreq.Checked == true || checkBox_SCADAreq.Checked == true)
                emailHeader += ", Requires SCADA/HMI";
                emailMsg    += "\n Has been designated as requiring SCADA Development by " + userName + ".";
                MessageBox.Show("SCADA:" + emailHeader + "\n MESSAGE:\n" + emailMsg, "DEBUG"); // REMOVE DEBUG

                //varHeader = "Job Number " + textBox_jobnumber.Text + ", " + textBox_location.Text + " Requires SCADA Development";
                //varMsg = "Job Number: " + textBox_jobnumber.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Job Name: " +  textBox_jobname.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Job Location: " + textBox_location.Text + ", " + textBox_state.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Customer Name: " + comboBox_CustName.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Has been designated as requiring SCADA Development by " + userName + ".";

            // HMI Required: Send Emails
            if (checkBox_HMIreq.Checked == true)
                //   emailHeader = "Job Number " + textBox_jobnumber.Text + ", " + textBox_location.Text + " Requires HMI Development";
//'        varMsg = "Job Number " + textBox_jobnumber.Text + ", " + textBox_location.Text + " has been designated as requiring HMI Development by " + userName + ".\n" +
//'           "  The HMI type is requested to be " + comboBox_HMItype.Text + ".";

                emailMsg += "\nHas been designated as requiring SCADA Development by " + userName + "." +
                            "\n The HMI type requested: " + comboBox_HMItype.Text + ".";
                MessageBox.Show("SCADA:" + emailHeader + "\n MESSAGE:\n" + emailMsg, "DEBUG"); // REMOVE DEBUG

                //        varMsg = "Job Number: " + textBox_jobnumber.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Job Name: " +  textBox_jobname.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Job Location: " + textBox_location.Text + ", " + textBox_state.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Customer Name: " + comboBox_CustName.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Has been designated as requiring SCADA Development by " + userName + ".";

                //varMsg = "Job Number: " + textBox_jobnumber.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Job Name: " + Text4.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Job Location: " + Text2.Text + ", " + Text3.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Customer Name: " + Combo1.Text + "\n" +
                //         "Has been designated as requiring HMI Development by " + varCurrentUser + "." +
                //         "The HMI type is requested to be " + Combo4.Text + ".";

            // Radio(s) Required: Add info to email

            if (checkBox_radioReq.Checked == true)
                emailMsg += "\n Has been designated as requiring RF RADIO(s) by " + userName + ".";
            //varHeader = "Job Number " + Text1.Text + ", " + Text2.Text + " Requires Radio"
            //varMsg = "Job Number " + Text1.Text + ", " + Text2.Text + " has been designated as requiring a RADIO by " + varCurrentUser + "."

            //varMsg = "Job Number: " + Text1.Text + "\m" + _
            //         "Job Name: " + Text4.Text + "\m" + _
            //         "Job Location: " + Text2.Text + ", " + Text3.Text + "\m" + _
            //         "Customer Name: " + Combo1.Text + "\m" + _

            // CSI Installation Required

            if (checkBox_CSIinstReq.Checked == true)
                emailMsg += "\n Has been designated as requiring installation by " + userName + ".";
            //    varHeader = "Job Number " + Text1.Text + ", " + Text2.Text + " Requires CSI Installation"
            //    varMsg = "Job Number " + Text1.Text + ", " + Text2.Text + " has been designated as requiring installation by " + varCurrentUser + "."

            //    varMsg = "Job Number: " + Text1.Text + "\m" + _
            //             "Job Name: " + Text4.Text + "\m" + _
            //             "Job Location: " + Text2.Text + ", " + Text3.Text + "\m" + _
            //             "Customer Name: " + Combo1.Text + "\m" + _
            //             "Has been designated as requiring installation by " + varCurrentUser + "."

            //    MailNotify CLng(Text1.Text) {, varCurrentUser, varHeader, varMsg, "*****@*****.**"
            //    MailNotify CLng(Text1.Text) {, varCurrentUser, varHeader, varMsg, "*****@*****.**"
//    }

//'    strMsg = MsgBox("Does this job require SCADA development?  Please choose Yes or No.", vbYesNo, "SCADA Development Required")
//'    if(strMsg = vbYes ) {
//'        strSql = "Update JobsDB set DEVREQUIRED=1 where Job_No=" + Text1.Text
//'        frmMain.MSCnn.BeginTrans
//'        frmMain.MSCnn.Execute strSql
//'        frmMain.MSCnn.CommitTrans
//'        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
//'        varHeader = "Job Number " + Text1 + ", " + Text2 + " Requires SCADA Development"
//'        varMsg = "Job Number " + Text1 + ", " + Text2 + " has been designated as requiring SCADA Development by " + varCurrentUser
//'        'Debug.Print Text1.Text, varCurrentUser, varHeader, varMsg
//'        MailNotify CLng(Text1.Text), varCurrentUser, varHeader, varMsg, "*****@*****.**"
//'    }

            //  MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred.  Please check to make sure all information if valid and that "
            //   + "the job does not already exist.  Click Cancel if you do not wish to correct this job entry.",  "Error In Job Creation")
            string[] sendList = { "*****@*****.**" };
            CEmail.SendEmail(sendList, "*****@*****.**", emailHeader, emailMsg, false);
        }  // End Submit New Job to DB