Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>Provides an enumerator that will enumerate <see cref="NativeInstruction"/>
 /// instances marshaled back from a call to cs_disasm.</summary>
 /// <param name="pNativeArray">A pointer to the native collection. The pointer
 /// should be initialized to the collection's starting address.</param>
 /// <param name="codeSize">The collection's codeSize.</param>
 /// <returns>An enumerable object.</returns>
 /// <remarks>CAUTION : Make sure not to release native memory until you are
 /// done with the enumerator.</remarks>
 private IEnumerable <NativeInstruction> EnumerateNativeInstructions(IntPtr pNativeArray, int size)
     for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
         yield return(NativeInstruction.Create(this, ref pNativeArray));
     yield break;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Iteratively disassemble source code.</summary>
        /// <param name="callback">A delegate that will be invoked on each disassembled
        /// instruction.</param>
        public void Disassemble(byte[] code, IterativeDisassemblyDelegate callback)
            bool   shouldContinue = true;
            ulong  address        = DefaultStartAddress;
            int    totalSize      = 0;
            IntPtr nativeCode     = IntPtr.Zero;

            try {
                IntPtr nativeInstruction = IntPtr.Zero;
                using (SafeNativeInstructionHandle hInstruction = CapstoneImport.AllocateInstruction(this)) {
                    nativeInstruction = hInstruction.DangerousGetHandle();
                    // Transfer the managed byte array into a native buffer.
                    nativeCode = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(code.Length);
                    Marshal.Copy(code, 0, nativeCode, code.Length);
                    IntPtr remainingSize = (IntPtr)code.Length;

                        if (hInstruction.IsClosed)
                            throw new ApplicationException();
                        ulong instructionStartAddress = address;
                        shouldContinue |= CapstoneImport.DisassembleIteratively(this,
                                                                                ref nativeCode, ref remainingSize, ref address, hInstruction);
                        if (shouldContinue)
                            int instructionSize = (int)(address - instructionStartAddress);
                            totalSize      += instructionSize;
                            shouldContinue |= callback(NativeInstruction.Create(this, ref nativeInstruction),
                                                       instructionSize, address);
                    } while (shouldContinue && (0 < (long)remainingSize));
                    // TODO : Consider releasing nativeInstruction handle.
                    if (hInstruction.IsClosed)
                        throw new ApplicationException();
            finally {
                if (IntPtr.Zero != nativeCode)
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Create a managed representation of a native instruction from
        /// the given native buffer.</summary>
        /// <param name="from">Native data to be decoded. On return the native data
        /// address is incremented to point at next instruction assuming instructions
        /// are stored in an array, such as the one returned by cs_disasm..</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of this class.</returns>
        internal static NativeInstruction Create <Inst, Reg, Group, Detail>(
            CapstoneDisassembler <Inst, Reg, Group, Detail> onBehalfOf, ref IntPtr from)
            int offset = 0;
            // WARNING : Do not change properties initialization order. They match
            // the native structure field order. Order of parameters in some Helpers
            // functions is also very sensitive.
            NativeInstruction result = new NativeInstruction()
                InstructionId   = Helpers.GetNativeUInt32(from, ref offset),
                Address         = Helpers.GetNativeUInt64(from, ref offset),
                ManagedBytes    = Helpers.GetNativeInlineBufferArray(from, 16, Helpers.GetNativeUInt16(from, ref offset), ref offset),
                ManagedMnemonic = Helpers.GetAnsiString(from, 32, ref offset),
                ManagedOperand  = Helpers.GetAnsiString(from, 160, ref offset),
            IntPtr nativeDetails = Helpers.GetNativeIntPtr(from, ref offset);

            from += offset;
            // TODO : Handle details.
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>Create a Dissembled Instruction.</summary>
 /// <param name="nativeInstruction">A native instruction.</param>
 /// <returns>A dissembled instruction.</returns>
 protected abstract Instruction <Inst, Reg, Group, Detail> CreateInstruction(NativeInstruction nativeInstruction);
        /// <summary>Convert a Native Instruction to an X86 Dissembled Instruction.</summary>
        /// <param name="this">A native instruction.</param>
        /// <returns>A dissembled instruction.</returns>
        public static Instruction <X86Instruction, X86Register, X86InstructionGroup, X86InstructionDetail> AsX86Instruction(this NativeInstruction @this)
            var @object = @this.AsInstruction <X86Instruction, X86Register, X86InstructionGroup, X86InstructionDetail>();

            @object.Id = (X86Instruction)@this.InstructionId;

        /// <summary>Convert a Native Instruction to a ARM64 Dissembled Instruction.</summary>
        /// <param name="this">A native instruction.</param>
        /// <returns>A dissembled instruction.</returns>
        public static Instruction <Arm64Instruction, Arm64Register, Arm64InstructionGroup, Arm64InstructionDetail> AsArm64Instruction(this NativeInstruction @this)
            var @object = @this.AsInstruction <Arm64Instruction, Arm64Register, Arm64InstructionGroup, Arm64InstructionDetail>();

            @object.Id = (Arm64Instruction)@this.InstructionId;

 /// <summary>Convert a Native Instruction to a Dissembled Instruction.</summary>
 /// <param name="this">A native instruction.</param>
 /// <returns>A dissembled instruction.</returns>
 public static Instruction <ArchInst, ArchReg, ArchGroup, ArchDetail> AsInstruction <ArchInst, ArchReg, ArchGroup, ArchDetail>(this NativeInstruction @this)
     where ArchInst : struct, System.IConvertible
     return(new Instruction <ArchInst, ArchReg, ArchGroup, ArchDetail>()
         Address = (long)@this.Address,
         Bytes = @this.ManagedBytes,
         Mnemonic = @this.ManagedMnemonic,
         Operand = @this.ManagedOperand,
         Id = (ArchInst)(System.Enum.ToObject(typeof(ArchInst), @this.InstructionId))