Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the ambient Intensity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object</param>
        /// <param name="light">The light source</param>
        /// <returns>The ambient intensity for each color channel</returns>
        public static Color GetAmbientIntensity(GenericObject obj)
            Color ambientLight = Color.FromScRgb(1,
            float multiplier = (float)obj.AmbientCoefficient;

            return(ambientLight * multiplier);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the diffuse intensity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object</param>
        /// <param name="s">vector from intersection to light source</param>
        /// <param name="n">normal to the intersection point</param>
        /// <param name="light">The light source</param>
        /// <returns>The diffuse intensity for each color channel</returns>
        public static Color GetDiffuseIntensity(GenericObject obj, Vector3D s, Vector3D n, Light light)
            float  r, g, b;
            double multiplier = Math.Max(0, Cosine(s, n));

            float redLight = light.Color.ScR;

            r = (float)(redLight * obj.DiffuseCoefficient * multiplier);

            double greenLight = light.Color.ScG;

            g = (float)(greenLight * obj.DiffuseCoefficient * multiplier);

            double blueLight = light.Color.ScB;

            b = (float)(blueLight * obj.DiffuseCoefficient * multiplier);

            return(Color.FromScRgb(1, r, g, b));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private Vector3D GetNormal(GenericObject obj, Point3D intersection)
            Vector3D n = new Vector3D();

            // The normal vector depends on the objects shape. The following computations get the correct normal.
            if (obj is Sphere)
                n = (Vector3D)intersection;
            else if (obj is Plane)
                n = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
            else if (obj is Cylinder)
                if (Math.Round(intersection.Z, 5) == 1.0)
                    n = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
                else if (Math.Round(intersection.Z, 5) == -1.0)
                    n = new Vector3D(0, 0, -1);
                    n = new Vector3D(intersection.X, intersection.Y, 0);
            else if (obj is Cone)
                if (Math.Round(intersection.Z, 5) == -1.0)
                    n = new Vector3D(0, 0, -1);
                    Vector3D tmp   = new Vector3D(2.0 * intersection.X, 2.0 * intersection.Y, (1.0 - intersection.Z) / 2.0);
                    double   coeff = Math.Pow(2.0 * intersection.X * intersection.X + 2.0 * intersection.Y * intersection.Y + Math.Pow((1.0 - intersection.Z) / 2.0, 2), -0.5);
                    n = tmp * coeff;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the specular intensity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object</param>
        /// <param name="s">Vector from intersection to light source</param>
        /// <param name="n">The normal of at the point of intersection</param>
        /// <param name="v">vector from intersection to camera</param>
        /// <param name="light">The light source</param>
        /// <returns>The specular intensity for each color channel</returns>
        public static Color GetSpecularIntensity(GenericObject obj, Vector3D s, Vector3D n, Vector3D v, Light light)
            float red, green, blue;

            Vector3D r          = -s + 2 * (Vector3D.DotProduct(s, n) / n.LengthSquared) * n;
            double   multiplier = Math.Pow(Math.Max(0, Cosine(r, v)), obj.F);

            float redLight = light.Color.ScR;

            red = (float)(redLight * obj.SpecularCoefficient * multiplier);

            double greenLight = light.Color.ScG;

            green = (float)(greenLight * obj.SpecularCoefficient * multiplier);

            double blueLight = light.Color.ScB;

            blue = (float)(blueLight * obj.SpecularCoefficient * multiplier);

            return(Color.FromScRgb(1, red, green, blue));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public bool Intesects(GenericObject o, List <GenericObject> objects, Vector3D d, Point3D e)
            foreach (GenericObject obj in objects.Where(x => x != o))
                // We need the inverse of the transformation matrix
                Matrix3D m = obj.M;

                // The starting point of the ray transformed by M^-1
                // Treat it as a vector to do the following math
                Vector3D E = (Vector3D)(e * m);
                // The direction ray tranformed by m^-1
                Vector3D D = d * m;

                // The constant t to multiply the direction vector d
                double t = 0;

                if (obj is Sphere)
                    // Get the parameters for the quadratic equation
                    double a = D.LengthSquared;
                    double b = Vector3D.DotProduct(E, D);
                    double c = E.LengthSquared - 1;

                    // The discriminent will indicate how many solutions there are
                    double discriminent = b * b - a * c;
                    if (discriminent < 0) // discrim < 0 --> No intersection
                    else if (discriminent == 0) // discrim = 0 --> One intersection
                        t = -b / a;
                    else if (discriminent > 0) // discrim > 0 --> Two intersections
                        double t1 = -(b + Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        double t2 = -(b - Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        t = Math.Min(t1, t2);

                    if (t <= 0)
                        continue; // We're only concerned with positive t values

                else if (obj is Plane)
                    if (E.Z == 0)
                        continue; // The plane is parallel to the viewing direction.

                    t = -E.Z / D.Z;

                    if (t <= 0)
                        continue; // We're only concerned with positiv t values

                else if (obj is Cylinder)
                    double a = Math.Pow(D.X, 2) + Math.Pow(D.Y, 2);
                    double b = E.X * D.X + E.Y * D.Y;
                    double c = Math.Pow(E.X, 2) + Math.Pow(E.Y, 2) - 1;

                    // The discriminent will indicate how many solutions there are
                    double discriminent = b * b - a * c;
                    if (discriminent < 0) // discrim < 0 --> No intersection
                    else if (discriminent == 0) // discrim = 0 --> One intersection
                        t = -b / a;
                    else if (discriminent > 0) // discrim > 0 --> Two intersections
                        double t1 = -(b + Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        double t2 = -(b - Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        if (t1 > 0 && t2 > 0)
                            t = Math.Min(t1, t2);
                        else if (t1 < 0 && t2 > 0)
                            t = t2;

                    if (t <= 0)

                    Point3D int1 = (Point3D)(E + D * t);
                    if (int1.Z < 1 && int1.Z > -1)

                    Matrix3D topCap = Matrix3D.Identity; topCap.OffsetZ = 1;
                    Matrix3D bottomCap = Matrix3D.Identity; bottomCap.OffsetZ = -1;

                    Vector3D E_top = (Vector3D)(((Point3D)E) * topCap);
                    Vector3D D_top = D * topCap;
                    if (D_top.Z != 0)
                        double t_top = -E_top.Z / D_top.Z;
                        if (t_top > 0)
                            Point3D int_top = (Point3D)(E_top + D_top * t_top);
                            if (Math.Pow(int_top.X, 2) + Math.Pow(int_top.Y, 2) <= 1)

                    Vector3D E_bottom = (Vector3D)(((Point3D)E) * bottomCap);
                    Vector3D D_bottom = D * bottomCap;
                    if (D_bottom.Z != 0)
                        double t_bottom = -E_bottom.Z / D_bottom.Z;
                        if (t_bottom > 0)
                            Point3D int_bottom = (Point3D)(E_bottom + D_bottom * t_bottom);
                            if (Math.Pow(int_bottom.X, 2) + Math.Pow(int_bottom.Y, 2) <= 1)
                else if (obj is Cone)
                    double a = Math.Pow(D.X, 2) + Math.Pow(D.Y, 2) - 0.25 * Math.Pow(D.Z, 2);
                    double b = E.X * D.X + E.Y * D.Y + D.Z * (1 - E.Z) / 4.0;
                    double c = Math.Pow(E.X, 2) + Math.Pow(E.Y, 2) - Math.Pow(1.0 - E.Z, 2) / 4.0;
                    // The discriminent will indicate how many solutions there are
                    double discriminent = b * b - a * c;
                    if (discriminent < 0) // discrim < 0 --> No intersection
                    else if (discriminent == 0) // discrim = 0 --> One intersection
                        t = -b / a;
                    else if (discriminent > 0) // discrim > 0 --> Two intersections
                        double t1 = -(b + Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        double t2 = -(b - Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        if (t1 > 0 && t2 > 0)
                            t = Math.Min(t1, t2);
                        else if (t1 < 0 && t2 > 0)
                            t = t2;
                    if (t <= 0)
                        continue; // The intersection is behind the view point

                    Point3D int1 = (Point3D)(E + D * t);
                    if (int1.Z < 1 && int1.Z > -1)

                    Matrix3D bottomCap = Matrix3D.Identity; bottomCap.OffsetZ = -1;
                    Vector3D E_bottom = (Vector3D)(((Point3D)E) * bottomCap);
                    Vector3D D_bottom = D * bottomCap;
                    if (D_bottom.Z != 0)
                        double t_bottom = -E_bottom.Z / D_bottom.Z;
                        if (t_bottom > 0)
                            Point3D int_bottom = (Point3D)(E_bottom + D_bottom * t_bottom);
                            if (Math.Pow(int_bottom.X, 2) + Math.Pow(int_bottom.Y, 2) <= 1)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public Color RayTrace(List <GenericObject> objects, Vector3D d, Point3D e, PointLight pointLight, DirectionalLight directionalLight)
            Dictionary <GenericObject, double> hitTimes = new Dictionary <GenericObject, double>();

            foreach (GenericObject obj in objects)
                // We need the inverse of the transformation matrix
                Matrix3D m = obj.M;

                // The starting point of the ray transformed by M^-1
                // Treat it as a vector to do the following math
                Vector3D E = (Vector3D)(e * m);
                // The direction ray tranformed by m^-1
                Vector3D D = d * m;
                // Consider this 't' in r(t) = e + d*t
                double directionMultiplier = 0;
                if (obj is Sphere)
                    #region Sphere
                    // Get the parameters for the quadratic equation
                    double a = D.LengthSquared;
                    double b = Vector3D.DotProduct(E, D);
                    double c = E.LengthSquared - 1;

                    // The discriminent will indicate how many solutions there are
                    double discriminent = b * b - a * c;
                    if (discriminent < 0) // discrim < 0 --> No intersection
                    else if (discriminent == 0) // discrim = 0 --> One intersection
                        directionMultiplier = -b / a;
                    else if (discriminent > 0) // discrim > 0 --> Two intersections
                        double t1 = -(b + Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        double t2 = -(b - Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        directionMultiplier = Math.Min(t1, t2);

                    // We're only concerned with positive t values
                    if (directionMultiplier <= 0)
                    hitTimes.Add(obj, directionMultiplier);
                else if (obj is Plane)
                    #region Plane
                    if (D.Z == 0)
                        continue; // The plane is parallel to the viewing direction.

                    directionMultiplier = -E.Z / D.Z;

                    if (directionMultiplier <= 0)
                        continue; // We're only concerned with positive t values

                    Point3D canonicalIntersection = Camera.S1T1Mp.Transform(Camera.Mv.Transform(e + d * directionMultiplier));
                    if (canonicalIntersection.Z > 1)
                        continue; // I'm only concerned with those z values that are in the viewing volume

                    hitTimes.Add(obj, directionMultiplier);
                else if (obj is Cylinder)
                    #region Cylinder
                    #region Rounded side
                    double a = Math.Pow(D.X, 2) + Math.Pow(D.Y, 2);
                    double b = E.X * D.X + E.Y * D.Y;
                    double c = Math.Pow(E.X, 2) + Math.Pow(E.Y, 2) - 1;

                    // The discriminent will indicate how many solutions there are
                    double discriminent = b * b - a * c;
                    if (discriminent < 0) // discrim < 0 --> No intersection
                    else if (discriminent == 0) // discrim = 0 --> One intersection
                        directionMultiplier = -b / a;
                    else if (discriminent > 0) // discrim > 0 --> Two intersections
                        double t1 = -(b + Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        double t2 = -(b - Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        directionMultiplier = Math.Min(t1, t2);

                    if (directionMultiplier <= 0)

                    Point3D int1 = (Point3D)(E + D * directionMultiplier);
                    if (int1.Z < 1 && int1.Z > -1)
                        hitTimes.Add(obj, directionMultiplier);

                    #region Caps
                    Matrix3D topCap = Matrix3D.Identity; topCap.OffsetZ = 1;
                    Matrix3D bottomCap = Matrix3D.Identity; bottomCap.OffsetZ = -1;

                    Vector3D E_top                   = (Vector3D)(((Point3D)E) * topCap);
                    Vector3D D_top                   = D * topCap;
                    bool     intersectsTop           = false;
                    double   directionMultiplier_top = double.MaxValue;
                    if (D_top.Z != 0)
                        double t_top = -E_top.Z / D_top.Z;
                        if (t_top > 0 && Camera.S1T1Mp.Transform(Camera.Mv.Transform(e + d * t_top)).Z < 1)
                            Point3D int_top = (Point3D)(E_top + D_top * t_top);
                            if (Math.Pow(int_top.X, 2) + Math.Pow(int_top.Y, 2) <= 1)
                                // intersects top cap.
                                directionMultiplier_top = t_top;
                                intersectsTop           = true;

                    Vector3D E_bottom                   = (Vector3D)(((Point3D)E) * bottomCap);
                    Vector3D D_bottom                   = D * bottomCap;
                    bool     intersectsBottom           = false;
                    double   directionMultiplier_bottom = double.MaxValue;
                    if (D_bottom.Z != 0)
                        double t_bottom = -E_bottom.Z / D_bottom.Z;
                        if (t_bottom > 0 && Camera.S1T1Mp.Transform(Camera.Mv.Transform(e + d * t_bottom)).Z < 1)
                            Point3D int_bottom = (Point3D)(E_bottom + D_bottom * t_bottom);
                            if (Math.Pow(int_bottom.X, 2) + Math.Pow(int_bottom.Y, 2) <= 1)
                                directionMultiplier_bottom = t_bottom;
                                intersectsBottom           = true;

                    if (intersectsTop || intersectsBottom)
                        directionMultiplier = Math.Min(directionMultiplier_bottom, directionMultiplier_top);
                        hitTimes.Add(obj, directionMultiplier);
                else if (obj is Cone)
                    #region Cone
                    double a = Math.Pow(D.X, 2) + Math.Pow(D.Y, 2) - 0.25 * Math.Pow(D.Z, 2);
                    double b = E.X * D.X + E.Y * D.Y + D.Z * (1 - E.Z) / 4.0;
                    double c = Math.Pow(E.X, 2) + Math.Pow(E.Y, 2) - Math.Pow(1.0 - E.Z, 2) / 4.0;
                    // The discriminent will indicate how many solutions there are
                    double discriminent = b * b - a * c;
                    if (discriminent < 0) // discrim < 0 --> No intersection
                    else if (discriminent == 0) // discrim = 0 --> One intersection
                        directionMultiplier = -b / a;
                    else if (discriminent > 0) // discrim > 0 --> Two intersections
                        double t1 = -(b + Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        double t2 = -(b - Math.Sqrt(discriminent)) / a;
                        directionMultiplier = Math.Min(t1, t2);
                    if (directionMultiplier <= 0)
                        continue; // The intersection is behind the view point

                    Point3D int1 = (Point3D)(E + D * directionMultiplier);
                    if (int1.Z < 1 && int1.Z > -1)
                        hitTimes.Add(obj, directionMultiplier);

                    Matrix3D bottomCap = Matrix3D.Identity; bottomCap.OffsetZ = -1;
                    bottomCap.Invert(); Vector3D E_bottom = (Vector3D)(((Point3D)E) * bottomCap);

                    Vector3D D_bottom = D * bottomCap;
                    if (D_bottom.Z != 0)
                        double t_bottom = -E_bottom.Z / D_bottom.Z;
                        if (t_bottom > 0 && Camera.S1T1Mp.Transform(Camera.Mv.Transform(e + d * t_bottom)).Z < 1)
                            Point3D int_bottom = (Point3D)(E_bottom + D_bottom * t_bottom);
                            if (Math.Pow(int_bottom.X, 2) + Math.Pow(int_bottom.Y, 2) <= 1)
                                hitTimes.Add(obj, t_bottom);

            if (hitTimes.Count == 0)
                return(new Color());

            KeyValuePair <GenericObject, double> hit = hitTimes.OrderBy(x => x.Value).First();
            GenericObject ob = hit.Key;
            double        t  = hit.Value;

            // Move everything into generic form
            Matrix3D M = ob.M;

            Point3D  cameraPos    = e * M;                       // Camera in generic world coords
            Point3D  lightPos     = pointLight.Position * M;     // Light position in generic world coords
            Point3D  intersection = cameraPos + (d * M) * t;     // Insersection point in generic world coords
            Vector3D n            = GetNormal(ob, intersection); // The normal vector in generic world coords

            Vector3D s = (Vector3D)(lightPos - intersection);    // Direction to the point light source from the intersection, in generic space
            Vector3D v = (Vector3D)(cameraPos - intersection);   // Direction to the camera from the intersection, in generic space

            // Prepare the color values
            Color Id       = Colors.Black; // Diffuse intensity
            Color Is       = Colors.Black; // Specular intensity
            Color Ia       = Colors.Black; // Ambient intensity
            Color diffuse  = Colors.Black; // diffuse component
            Color specular = Colors.Black; // specular component
            Color ambient  = Colors.Black; // ambient component

            bool inShadowOfPointLight = Intesects(ob, objects, (Vector3D)(pointLight.Position - (e + d * t)), e + d * t);

            if (!inShadowOfPointLight)
                Id       = LightingModel.GetDiffuseIntensity(ob, s, n, pointLight);
                diffuse += Color.FromScRgb(1, Id.ScR * ob.DiffuseColor.ScR, Id.ScG * ob.DiffuseColor.ScG, Id.ScB * ob.DiffuseColor.ScB);

                Is        = LightingModel.GetSpecularIntensity(ob, s, n, v, pointLight);
                specular += Color.FromScRgb(1, Is.ScR * ob.SpecularColor.ScR, Is.ScG * ob.SpecularColor.ScG, Is.ScB * ob.SpecularColor.ScB);

            bool inShadowOfDirectionalLight = Intesects(ob, objects, directionalLight.Direction * -1.0, e + d * t);

            if (!inShadowOfDirectionalLight)
                Id       = LightingModel.GetDiffuseIntensity(ob, directionalLight.Direction * -1.0, n, directionalLight);
                diffuse += Color.FromScRgb(1, Id.ScR * ob.DiffuseColor.ScR, Id.ScG * ob.DiffuseColor.ScG, Id.ScB * ob.DiffuseColor.ScB);

                Is        = LightingModel.GetSpecularIntensity(ob, directionalLight.Direction * -1.0, n, v, pointLight);
                specular += Color.FromScRgb(1, Is.ScR * ob.SpecularColor.ScR, Is.ScG * ob.SpecularColor.ScG, Is.ScB * ob.SpecularColor.ScB);

            // The scene will always have ambient light
            Ia      = LightingModel.GetAmbientIntensity(ob);
            ambient = Color.FromScRgb(1, Ia.ScR * ob.AmbientColor.ScR, Ia.ScG * ob.AmbientColor.ScG, Ia.ScB * ob.AmbientColor.ScB);

            return(diffuse + specular + ambient + ob.Color);