Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void btnSaveClaimService_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ClaimService claimService = null;
            ClaimComment diary = null;
            AdjusterMaster adjuster = null;
            Claim myClaim = null;
            CarrierInvoiceProfile CarrierInvoice = null;

            int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId();
            int claimID = SessionHelper.getClaimID();
            int id = 0;
            int myAdjusterID = 0;
            int profileID = 0;

            if (!Page.IsValid)

            id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ClaimServiceID"]);

            //Get current claim info to pass through to emails
            ClaimManager cm = new ClaimManager();
            myClaim =  cm.Get(claimID);


            try {
                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                    using (ClaimServiceManager repository = new ClaimServiceManager())
                        if (id == 0)
                            claimService = new ClaimService();
                            claimService.ClaimID = claimID;
                            claimService = repository.Get(id);

                        claimService.ServiceQty = this.txtServiceQty.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtServiceQty.Value);
                        claimService.ServiceDate = txtServiceDate.Date;
                        claimService.ServiceDescription = txtServiceDescription.Text.Trim();
                        claimService.ServiceTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlInvoiceServiceType.SelectedValue);
                        claimService.UserID = userID;
                        claimService.AdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(hf_serviceAdjusterID.Value);
                        claimService.Activity = ddlActivity.SelectedItem.Text;
                        claimService.InternalComments = txtMyComments.Text.Trim();
                        claimService.IsBillable = cbIsBillable.Checked;
                        claimService.Billed = false;
                        //save to db
                        claimService = repository.Save(claimService);

                        //string EmailService = ddlInvoiceServiceType.SelectedItem.Text;
                        //string EmailActivity = ddlActivity.SelectedItem.Text;
                        //string EmailDescription = txtServiceDescription.Text;
                        //string EmailInternal = txtMyComments.Text;
                        //string EmailQuantity = txtServiceQty.Text;
                        //string EmailDate = txtServiceDate.Text;


                    // diary
                    diary = new ClaimComment();
                    diary.ClaimID = claimID;
                    diary.CommentDate = DateTime.Now;
                    diary.UserId = userID;
                    diary.ActivityType = ddlActivity.SelectedItem.Text;
                    diary.InternalComments = txtMyComments.Text.Trim();
                    diary.CommentText = string.Format("Service: {0}, Description: {1}, Date {2:MM/dd/yyyy}, Qty: {3:N2}, Adjuster: {4}",

                    myAdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(claimService.AdjusterID); //Convert.ToInt32(myClaim.AdjusterID);

                    //EMAIL ADJUSTER OC 10/21/2014
                    if (myAdjusterID != 0 || myAdjusterID != null)
                        adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetAdjusterId(myAdjusterID);
                    if (cbEmailAdjuster.Checked == true)
                            notifyAdjuster(adjuster, claimService, myClaim);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to adjuster";
                            lblMessage.CssClass = "error";
                    //EMAIL CLIENT CONTACT OC 10/22/2014
                    if (cbEmailClient.Checked == true) //Dont need to check if invoice Pro ID is empty becuase to get to this point, one has to exist already
                        if (Session["ComingFromAllClaims"] != null) //if the user got here straight from the all claims screen
                            profileID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CarrierInvoiceID"]);
                        else//coming from claim detail page
                            profileID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["InvoiceProfileID"]);
                        CarrierInvoice = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID);
                            notifyClientContact(CarrierInvoice, claimService, myClaim, adjuster);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to client contact";
                            lblMessage.CssClass = "error";

                    //EMAIL TO WHOMEVER
                    if(txtEmailTo.Text != "")

                            notifySpecifiedUser(adjuster, claimService, myClaim);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to adjuster";
                            lblMessage.CssClass = "error";



                lblMessage.Text = "Service was saved successfully.";
                lblMessage.CssClass = "ok";

                // keep edit form active
                lbtnNewClaimService_Click(null, null);

                // refresh grid
                gvClaimService.DataSource = loadClaimServices(claimID);

            catch (Exception ex)

                lblMessage.Text = "Unable to save claim service.";
                lblMessage.CssClass = "error";
            //send email to adjuster
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void processClaimServices(int claimID, CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile, int invoiceID)
            CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized profileTEFee = null;
            List<ClaimService> claimServices = null;
            decimal lineTotal = 0;
            decimal quantity = 0;
            decimal rateAmount = 0;
            string serviceDescription = null;
            string serviceComments = null;
            string activity = null;
            string activityDescription = null;
            bool isBillable = true;
            bool billed = true;
            InvoiceServiceType invoiceServiceType = null;

            // get TE services for claim entered by adjuster
            using (ClaimServiceManager repositiory = new ClaimServiceManager())
                claimServices = repositiory.GetAllForInvoice(claimID);

            if (claimServices != null && claimServices.Count > 0)

                foreach (ClaimService claimService in claimServices)

                    profileTEFee = (from x in invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized
                                 where x.ServiceTypeID == claimService.ServiceTypeID
                                 select x
                    int claimServiceID = claimService.ClaimServiceID;
                    quantity = (claimService.ServiceQty ?? 0);
                    serviceDescription = claimService.InvoiceServiceType == null ? string.Empty : claimService.InvoiceServiceType.ServiceDescription;
                    invoiceServiceType = claimService.InvoiceServiceType;
                    activity = claimService.Activity == null ? string.Empty : claimService.Activity;
                    activityDescription = claimService.ServiceDescription;
                    isBillable = claimService.IsBillable.Value;
                    billed = claimService.Billed.Value;
                    if (profileTEFee != null)
                        // use override from invoice profile
                        if (profileTEFee.ItemRate > 0)
                            serviceComments = profileTEFee.ItemDescription;
                            rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate;

                            lineTotal = rateAmount * quantity;
                            if (isBillable == true)
                                insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, activity, activityDescription, lineTotal, quantity, rateAmount, claimService.ServiceDate, serviceComments);
                                using (ClaimServiceManager myRepository = new ClaimServiceManager())
                                    ClaimService myClaimService = myRepository.Get(claimServiceID);
                                    myClaimService.Billed = true;

                        else if (profileTEFee.ItemPercentage > 0)
                        if ((invoiceServiceType.ServiceRate ?? 0) > 0)
                            rateAmount = invoiceServiceType.ServiceRate ?? 0;
                            quantity = claimService.ServiceQty ?? 0;
                            lineTotal = rateAmount * quantity;
                        else if ((invoiceServiceType.ServicePercentage ?? 0) > 0)
                        if (isBillable == true )
                            insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, activity, activityDescription, lineTotal, quantity, rateAmount, claimService.ServiceDate, serviceComments);
                            using (ClaimServiceManager myRepository = new ClaimServiceManager())
                                ClaimService myClaimService = myRepository.Get(claimServiceID);
                                myClaimService.Billed = true;

        public static string SaveNotes(int claimID, string serviceQty, string serviceDate, string descp, string invoiceServiceType, int invoiceServiceTypeId, string serviceAdjuster, string serviceAdjustId, int leadID, string emailTo)
            string json = "";
            ClaimService claimService = null;
            ClaimComment diary = null;
            Leads objLeads = null;
            Claim objClaim = null;
            int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId();

                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                    using (ClaimServiceManager repository = new ClaimServiceManager())
                        claimService = new ClaimService();
                        claimService.ClaimID = claimID;

                        claimService.ServiceQty = serviceQty == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(serviceQty);
                        claimService.ServiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(serviceDate);
                        claimService.ServiceDescription = descp.Trim();
                        claimService.ServiceTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(invoiceServiceTypeId);
                        claimService.UserID = userID;
                        claimService.AdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(serviceAdjustId);

                        claimService = repository.Save(claimService);

                    // diary
                    diary = new ClaimComment();
                    diary.ClaimID = claimID;
                    diary.CommentDate = DateTime.Now;
                    diary.UserId = userID;
                    diary.ActivityType = "Service: " + invoiceServiceType;
                    diary.CommentText = string.Format("Description: {0}, Date {1:MM/dd/yyyy h:mm}, Qty: {2:N2}, Adjuster: {3}",

                    //  SendNoteEmail();
                objLeads = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(leadID);
                ClaimManager objClaimManager = new ClaimManager();
                objClaim = objClaimManager.Get(claimID);
                string insuerFileId = objClaim.InsurerClaimNumber;
                string insurerName = objLeads.InsuredName;
                string claimNumber = objClaim.AdjusterClaimNumber;
                string userName = SessionHelper.getUserName();
                SendNoteEmail(insuerFileId, insurerName, claimNumber, serviceAdjuster, descp.Trim(), userName, emailTo, serviceDate, serviceQty);

                json = "Service save successfully";

            catch (Exception ex)

            return json;