Exemplo n.º 1
        public void RefreshDateFieldList()
            frmTableSetup frmTableSetupCopy = new frmTableSetup();
            var           LIndex            = 0;

                //retrieve the list of table fields
                modGlobal.gv_sql = "Select * ";
                modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " from tbl_setup_DataDef ";
                modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0} Where BaseTableID =  {1}", modGlobal.gv_sql, frmTableSetupCopy.cboTableList.SelectedItem.Text);
                modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " and fieldtype = 'Date' ";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modGlobal.gv_State))
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " and (tbl_Setup_DataDef.state = '' or tbl_Setup_DataDef.State is null) ";
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0} and (tbl_Setup_DataDef.state = '' or tbl_Setup_DataDef.State is null or tbl_Setup_DataDef.state = '{1}')", modGlobal.gv_sql, modGlobal.gv_status);
                modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " order by FieldName ";

                //LDW modGlobal.gv_rs = modGlobal.gv_cn.OpenResultset(modGlobal.gv_sql, RDO.ResultsetTypeConstants.rdOpenStatic);
                const string sqlTableName2 = "tbl_setup_DataDef";
                modGlobal.gv_rs = DALcop.DalConnectDataSet(modGlobal.gv_cn.ConnectionString, modGlobal.gv_sql, sqlTableName2, modGlobal.gv_rs);
                //Display the list of fields
                LIndex = -1;

                //LDW while (!modGlobal.gv_rs.EOF)
                foreach (DataRow myRow2 in modGlobal.gv_rs.Tables[sqlTableName2].Rows)
                    LIndex = LIndex + 1;
                    //LDW cboDateFields.Items.Add(new ListBoxItem(modGlobal.gv_rs.rdoColumns["FieldName"].Value, modGlobal.gv_rs.rdoColumns["DDID"].Value));
                    cboDateFields.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", myRow2.Field <string>("FieldName"), myRow2.Field <int>("DDID")));
                    //LDW modGlobal.gv_rs.MoveNext();
            catch (Exception ex)
                const string errorMessage = "Oops...Something went wrong... ";

                // Create an EventLog instance and assign its source.
                EventLog appLog = new EventLog();
                appLog.Source = "CopSetup";

                appLog.WriteEntry(errorMessage + "Source: " + ex.Source + "=>" + "TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite + "Exception #: " + ex.HResult + " => " + "Error Message: " +
                                  ex.Message + " => " + "Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException + " => " + "Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace, EventLogEntryType.Error, 1002);

                RadMessageBox.Show(errorMessage + String.Format(format: "Exception: {0}  => Inner Exception: {1}", arg0: ex.Message, arg1: ex.InnerException));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void cmdAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmTableSetup frmTableSetupCopy = new frmTableSetup();
            string        FieldSize         = null;

                if (cboFieldType.Text != "Text")
                    FieldSize = "Null";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFieldSize.Text))
                        lblFieldSize.Visible = true;
                        txtFieldSize.Visible = true;
                        //LDW RadMessageBox.Show("Please define the field size.");

                        DialogResult ds1 = RadMessageBox.Show(this, "Please define the field size.", "Add Field Size", MessageBoxButtons.OK, RadMessageIcon.Error);
                        this.Text = ds1.ToString();
                        FieldSize = txtFieldSize.Text;

                if (cboFieldType.Text == "Time" & cboDateFields.SelectedIndex < 0)
                    //LDW RadMessageBox.Show("There has to be a date field associated with this time field. Please define...");

                    DialogResult ds2 = RadMessageBox.Show(this, "There has to be a date field associated with this time field. Please define...", "Add Date Field", MessageBoxButtons.OK, RadMessageIcon.Error);
                    this.Text = ds2.ToString();

                if (cbo_LookupTbls.SelectedIndex > -1 & chkMultipleSel.CheckState == CheckState.Checked & (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMaxSel.Text) | Information.IsNumeric(txtMaxSel.Text) == false))
                    //LDW RadMessageBox.Show("There has to be a max number of selections associated with this field. Please define...");

                    DialogResult ds3 = RadMessageBox.Show(this, "There has to be a date field associated with this time field. Please define...", "Add Date Field", MessageBoxButtons.OK, RadMessageIcon.Error);
                    this.Text = ds3.ToString();

                int li_MaxSel  = 0;
                int li_cnt     = 1;
                int ParentDDID = 0;
                int NextNewID  = 0;

                if (cbo_LookupTbls.SelectedIndex > -1 & chkMultipleSel.CheckState == CheckState.Checked & Information.IsNumeric(txtMaxSel.Text) == true)
                    li_MaxSel = Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxSel.Text);
                    li_MaxSel = 1;

                while (li_cnt <= li_MaxSel)
                    modGlobal.gv_Action = "Add";

                    NextNewID = modDBSetup.FindMaxRecID("tbl_setup_datadef", "DDID");
                    if (ParentDDID == 0)
                        ParentDDID = NextNewID;

                    modGlobal.gv_sql = "Insert into tbl_setup_DataDef ";
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " (DDID, BaseTableID, FieldName, ";
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " FieldType, FieldSize, Lookuptableid, ";
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " Help,  FieldCategory, State, RecordStatus,  ";
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " DateFieldDDID, Inactive ";
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + (li_MaxSel > 1 ? ", ParentDDID" : "");
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + ", AllowUTD, IsPhysician)";

                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0} values ({1},{2},", modGlobal.gv_sql, NextNewID, Support.GetItemData(frmTableSetupCopy.cboTableList, frmTableSetupCopy.cboTableList.SelectedIndex));
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0}'{1}{2}', ", modGlobal.gv_sql, txtFieldName.Text, li_MaxSel > 1 & li_cnt > 1 ? "-" + Convert.ToString(li_cnt) : "");
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0}'{1}',{2},", modGlobal.gv_sql, cboFieldType.Text, FieldSize);
                    if (cboFieldType.Text != "Text" | string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbo_LookupTbls.Text))
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " Null, ";
                    else if (cbo_LookupTbls.SelectedIndex > -1)
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0}{1}, ", modGlobal.gv_sql, Support.GetItemData(cbo_LookupTbls, cbo_LookupTbls.SelectedIndex));
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0}'{1}', ", modGlobal.gv_sql, txtHelp.Text);


                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0}'{1}',", modGlobal.gv_sql, Convert.ToBoolean(chkDynamic.CheckState) ? "Dynamic" : "Fix");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modGlobal.gv_State))
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " Null, ";
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0} '{1}', ", modGlobal.gv_sql, modGlobal.gv_State);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modGlobal.gv_status))
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " null, ";
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0} '{1}',", modGlobal.gv_sql, modGlobal.gv_status);
                    if (cboDateFields.SelectedIndex > -1 & cboDateFields.Visible == true)
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0}{1} ", modGlobal.gv_sql, Support.GetItemData(cboDateFields, cboDateFields.SelectedIndex));
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " null ";
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + ", ";
                    if (chkInactive.CheckState == 0)
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " null";
                        modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + " 'I' ";

                    modGlobal.gv_sql = modGlobal.gv_sql + (li_MaxSel > 1 ? ", " + Convert.ToString(ParentDDID) : "");
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0},{1}", modGlobal.gv_sql, chkUTD.Visible == false ? "NULL" : chkUTD.CheckState.ToString());
                    //gv_sql = gv_sql & ")"
                    modGlobal.gv_sql = string.Format("{0}, {1})", modGlobal.gv_sql, chkPhysician.CheckState);

                    //LDW modGlobal.gv_cn.Execute(modGlobal.gv_sql);
                    DALcop.ExecuteCommand(modGlobal.gv_cn.ConnectionString, modGlobal.gv_sql);
                    li_cnt = li_cnt + 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                const string errorMessage = "Oops...Something went wrong... ";

                // Create an EventLog instance and assign its source.
                EventLog appLog = new EventLog();
                appLog.Source = "CopSetup";

                appLog.WriteEntry(errorMessage + "Source: " + ex.Source + "=>" + "TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite + "Exception #: " + ex.HResult + " => " + "Error Message: " +
                                  ex.Message + " => " + "Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException + " => " + "Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace, EventLogEntryType.Error, 1002);

                RadMessageBox.Show(errorMessage + String.Format(format: "Exception: {0}  => Inner Exception: {1}", arg0: ex.Message, arg1: ex.InnerException));