Exemplo n.º 1
 public ProjectView(RequestView request)
     this.RequestedBy = request.RequestedBy;
     this.SubmittedBy = request.SubmittedBy;
     this.AssignedTo = request.AssignedTo;
     this.CType = request.CType;
     this.SupportArea = request.SupportArea;
     this.Program = request.Program;
     this.ValueDriver = request.ValueDriver;
     this.RequestedDueDate = request.RequestedDueDate;
     this.EstimatedDueDate = request.EstimatedDueDate;
     this.ResumeDate = request.ResumeDate;
     this.ManagerQueueDate = request.ManagerQueueDate;
     this.ManagerApprovedDate = request.ManagerApprovedDate;
     this.EstimatedHours = request.EstimatedHours;
     this.Value = request.Value;
     this.EstimatedCost = request.EstimatedCost;
     this.ActualCost = request.ActualCost;
     this.Description = request.Description;
     this.ValueReason = request.ValueReason;
     this.ManagerNote = request.ManagerNote;
     this.Summary = request.Summary;
     this.RequestList = new List<RequestView>();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ElementView(RequestView parent)
     this.OpenDate = DateTime.Today;
     this.PercentComplete = 0;
     this.Hours = 0;
     this.Note = new List<Note>();
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ElementView(ELEMENT element, IList<Note> noteList, IUser assignedTo, LookupSorted elementStatus, RequestView parent)
     : base(element.ELEMENT_ID, elementStatus, element.ASSIGNED_DATE, element.CLOSED_DATE, element.LAST_UPDATED_DATE, element.ELEMENT_SUMMARY)
     this.AssignedTo = (User)assignedTo;
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.percentComplete = element.PERCENT_COMPLETE;
     this.hours = element.HOURS;
     this.Resolution = element.RESOLUTION;
     this.Note = noteList == null ? new List<Note>() : noteList;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static string requestEmailPromoteBody(RequestView request)
            string url = MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console/Dashboard/Request/" + request.ID;

            string email = "<html>";
            email += "A Request to promote to project has been made for: <b>" + request.Summary + "</b>";
            email += "<br><br>To View the Request: <a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a>";
            email += "<br><br>Or view all pending requests in the <a href='http://" + MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console/Manager" + "'>Manager Dashboard</a>";
            email += "</html>";

            return email;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public ActionResult CreateProject(RequestView requestView, DateTime startDate)
     ProjectView project = null;
     try {
         RequestMgr requestMgr = new RequestMgr(ConsoleFactory.getRequestSvc());
         project = requestMgr.saveProject(requestView, startDate);
         TempData["valid"] = true;
         TempData["error"] = "New project created.";
         return RedirectToAction("Project", "Console", new { id = project.ID });
     } catch (Exception e) {
         TempData["valid"] = false;
         TempData["error"] = "Unable to create Project: " + e.Message;
         return RedirectToAction("Request", "Console", new { id = requestView.ID });
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static string requestEmailSupportBody(RequestView request)
            string url = "http://" + MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console/Dashboard/Request/" + request.ID;

            string email = "<html>";
            email += "<h3>A new request has been assigned to you.</h3><br /><table>";
            email += "<tr><th style='text-align: left'>Requested by: </th><td style='text-align: left'>" + request.RequestedBy.EnglishName + "</td></tr>";
            email += "<tr><th style='text-align: left'>Request Area: </th><td style='text-align: left'>" + request.SupportArea.Text + "</td></tr>";
            email += "<tr><th style='text-align: left'>Request Summary: </th><td style='text-align: left'>" + request.Summary + "</td></tr></table>";
            email += "<br><br>You can view the entire summary at <a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a>";
            email += "<br><br>Or view all your pending details in the <a href='http://" + MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console" + "'>Dashboard</a>";
            email += "</html>";

            return email;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static string requestEmailSubmitterStatusChange(RequestView request)
            string url = MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console/Dashboard/Request/" + request.ID;

            string email = "<html>";
            email += "This is to notify you of a status change to your request : <b>" + request.Summary + "</b>";
            email += "<br><br>The status of this request has been marked as " + request.Status.Text + ".";

            email += "<br><br>You may choose to read the details at :";
            email += "<br><a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a>";
            email += "<br><br>Or view all your pending details in the <a href='http://" + MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console" + "'>Dashboard</a>";
            email += "</html>";

            return email;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void addToNewRequests(RequestView request)
            List<RequestView> requests = (List<RequestView>)HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Application["newRequests"];
            if (requests == null)
                requests = new List<RequestView>();

            if (!requests.Any(x => x.ID == request.ID))

            HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Application["newRequests"] = requests;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public RequestView updateRequest(RequestView request)
            LookupMgr lookupMgr = new LookupMgr(this.svc);
            RequestView oldRequest = getRequest(request.ID);

            string from = (string)MainFactory.getConfiguration().get(CONFIG_EMAIL);

            if (request.EstimatedDueDate == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Estimated Due Date cannot be empty.");

            string status = this.requestStatusList.Data.Where(x => x.ID == request.Status.ID).FirstOrDefault().Text.ToLower();
            request.Status.Text = status;
            // update elements
            if (status.Equals("complete") && request.Status.ID != oldRequest.Status.ID) {
                if (request.Resolution == null || request.Resolution.Length < 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("You are closing this request. Please provide a resolution.");
                foreach (ElementView element in oldRequest.ElementList.ToList()) {
                    if (element.ClosedDate == null) {
                        if (!element.AssignedTo.Equals(request.AssignedTo))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("There are elements that are not assigned to you. You cannot close this request until these elements are closed manually.");

                        element.PercentComplete = 100;
                        element.Resolution = "AutoStamp: " + request.Resolution;
                        element.Status = this.elementStatusList.Data.Where(x => x.Text.Equals("Complete")).FirstOrDefault();
                        updateElement(element, true);
                                "Request " + request.ID + " - " + request.Summary + " has been completed",
            } else if ((status.Equals("rejected") || status.Equals("cancelled")) && request.Status.ID != oldRequest.Status.ID) {
                if (request.Resolution == null || request.Resolution.Length < 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("You are closing this request. Please provide a resolution.");
                                "Request " + request.ID + " - " + request.Summary + " has been " + request.Resolution + ".",
            } else if (status.Equals("on hold") && request.Status.ID != oldRequest.Status.ID)
            else if (oldRequest.Status.Text.ToLower().Equals("on hold") && request.Status.ID != oldRequest.Status.ID)
            else if (status.Equals("moved to project") && request.Status.ID != oldRequest.Status.ID) {
                UserMgr userMgr = new UserMgr(MainFactory.getUserSvc());

                if (request.EstimatedHours == null || request.EstimatedHours <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Request must have estimated hours before being requested for promotion.");

                                "Request " + request.ID + " - " + request.Summary + " has been updated",
                request.ManagerQueueDate = DateTime.Today;

            // hours are different. update cost
            if (request.EstimatedHours != oldRequest.EstimatedHours)
                request.EstimatedCost = request.EstimatedHours * request.InternalHoursMultiplier;

            request.ActualCost = oldRequest.ElementList.Sum(x => x.Hours) * request.InternalHoursMultiplier;
            request.isNew = false;

            RequestView r = convertRequest(this.svc.updateRequest(request));

            //change oldRequest's child Element's parent pointer to this
            foreach (ElementView e in oldRequest.ElementList)
                e.Parent = r;

            r.ElementList = oldRequest.ElementList;

            // change Parent's pointer to this
            if (r.Parent != null) {

            // if a u parent was added in this update.
            if (r.Parent == null && request.Parent != null && request.Parent.ID != 0) {
                foreach (RequestView rv in this.requestList.Data)
                    if (rv.Parent != null && rv.Parent.ID == request.Parent.ID) {
                        r.Parent = rv.Parent;

            // change the pointer in the requestList to point to this object
            foreach (RequestView rv in this.requestList.Data.ToList())
                if (rv.ID == request.ID)

            HttpContext.Current.Application["Request"] = this.requestList;
            return r;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ProjectView saveProject(RequestView request, DateTime startDate)
            if (request.Parent != null && request.Parent.ID != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Request is already part of a project. It cannot be promoted to project.");
            LookupMgr lookupMgr = new LookupMgr(this.svc);
            UserMgr userMgr = new UserMgr(MainFactory.getUserSvc());
            request.SubmittedBy = (User)userMgr.getUser(request.SubmittedBy.EmployeeID);
            request.RequestedBy = (User)userMgr.getUser(request.RequestedBy.EmployeeID);
            request.AssignedTo = (User)userMgr.getUser(request.AssignedTo.EmployeeID);
            request.Program = lookupMgr.getPrograms().Where(x => x.ID == request.Program.ID).Cast<Program>().FirstOrDefault();
            request.RequestCategory = lookupMgr.getRequestCategories(true).Where(x => x.ID == request.RequestCategory.ID).FirstOrDefault();
            request.Status = this.requestStatusList.Data.Where(x => x.Text.ToLower().Equals("moved to project")).FirstOrDefault();
            request.CType = lookupMgr.getRequestTypes(EOpenType.Request, true).Where(x => x.ID == request.CType.ID).FirstOrDefault();
            request.SupportArea = lookupMgr.getSupportAreas().Where(x => x.ID == request.SupportArea.ID).FirstOrDefault();
            request.ValueDriver = lookupMgr.getValueDrivers().Where(x => x.ID == request.ValueDriver.ID).Cast<ValueDriver>().FirstOrDefault();

            ProjectView project = new ProjectView(request);
            project.Status = this.projectStatusList.Data.Where(x => x.Text.Equals("Pending")).FirstOrDefault();
            project.StartDate = startDate;
            project.ManagerApprovedDate = DateTime.Today;
            project = convertProject(this.svc.saveProject(project));
            request.Parent = project;
            request.isNew = false;



            // update pointer and status
            foreach (RequestView rv in this.requestList.Data.ToList()) {
                if (rv.ID == request.ID) {
                    request.ElementList = rv.ElementList;

            HttpContext.Current.Application["Request"] = this.requestList;

            return project;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public string requestEmailUpdateRequesterBody(RequestView request)
            string url = MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console/Dashboard?type=Request&id=" + request.ID;

            UserMgr userMgr = new UserMgr(MainFactory.getUserSvc());
            string email = "<html>";
            email += "An item that you requested has been updated.<br />";
            email += "To see the updated request, please check the status by going to the following web site:";
            email += "<br /><a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a>";
            email += "<br><br>Or view all your pending details in the <a href='http://" + MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console" + "'>Dashboard</a>";
            email += "</html>";

            return email;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private REQUEST convertRequest(RequestView request)
     return new REQUEST {
         ASSIGNED_TO_ID = request.AssignedTo.EmployeeID,
         SUBMITTED_BY_ID = request.SubmittedBy.EmployeeID,
         REQUESTED_BY_ID = request.RequestedBy.EmployeeID,
         REQUEST_TYPE_ID = (short)request.CType.ID,
         REQUEST_CATEGORY_ID = (short)request.RequestCategory.ID,
         SUPPORT_AREA_ID = (short?)request.SupportArea.ID,
         PARENT_PROJECT_ID = request.Parent == null ? null : (int?)request.Parent.ID,
         PROGRAM_ID = request.Program == null ? null : (short?)request.Program.ID,
         VALUE_DRIVER_ID = (short)request.ValueDriver.ID,
         VALUE_REASON = request.ValueReason,
         REQUEST_STATUS_ID = (byte)request.Status.ID,
         SUBMITTED_DATE = request.OpenDate,
         REQUESTED_DUE_DATE = (DateTime)request.RequestedDueDate,
         ESTIMATED_DUE_DATE = request.EstimatedDueDate,
         MANAGER_QUEUE_DATE = request.ManagerQueueDate,
         MANAGER_APPROVED_DATE = request.ManagerApprovedDate,
         HOLD_DATE = request.HoldDate,
         RESUME_DATE = request.ResumeDate,
         CLOSED_DATE = request.ClosedDate,
         LAST_UPDATED_DATE = request.LastUpdated,
         ESTIMATED_HOURS = request.EstimatedHours,
         VALUE = request.Value,
         ESTIMATED_COST = request.EstimatedCost,
         ACTUAL_COST = request.ActualCost,
         REQUEST_SUMMARY = request.Summary,
         REQUEST_DESCRIPTION = request.Description
Exemplo n.º 13
        public REQUEST updateRequest(RequestView request)
            try {
                using (ConsoleDataContext db = (ConsoleDataContext)MainFactory.getDb("Console", false)) {
                    REQUEST details = db.REQUESTs.Where(x => x.REQUEST_ID == request.ID).FirstOrDefault();

                    details.ASSIGNED_TO_ID = request.AssignedTo.EmployeeID;
                    details.REQUEST_STATUS_ID = (byte)request.Status.ID;
                    details.PROGRAM_ID = request.Program == null ? null : (request.Program.ID > 0 ? (short)request.Program.ID : details.PROGRAM_ID);
                    details.REQUEST_TYPE_ID = (short)request.CType.ID;
                    details.SUPPORT_AREA_ID = (short?)request.SupportArea.ID;
                    details.VALUE_DRIVER_ID = (short)request.ValueDriver.ID;
                    details.ESTIMATED_DUE_DATE = request.EstimatedDueDate;
                    details.ESTIMATED_COST = request.EstimatedCost;
                    details.ESTIMATED_HOURS = request.EstimatedHours;
                    details.ACTUAL_COST = request.ActualCost;
                    details.REQUEST_CATEGORY_ID = (short)request.RequestCategory.ID;
                    details.PARENT_PROJECT_ID = (request.Parent == null || request.Parent.ID == 0) ? null : (int?)request.Parent.ID;
                    details.RESOLUTION = request.Resolution;
                    details.IT_FEATURE = request.ITFeatures;
                    details.TOP_OFFNET_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER = request.TopOffnetAttributeNumber;
                    details.CLOSED_DATE = request.ClosedDate;


                    return details;
            } catch (Exception se) {
                throw new Exception("Unable to update request #" + request.ID + " Due to " + se.Message);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public REQUEST saveRequest(RequestView request)
            try {
                REQUEST submittal = convertRequest(request);

                using (ConsoleDataContext db = (ConsoleDataContext)MainFactory.getDb("Console", false)) {

                    return submittal;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                                                 e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
                throw new Exception("Something terrible went wrong with your request.");
            throw new Exception("Something terrible went wrong with your request. Please notify us if you continue to see these errors.");
Exemplo n.º 15
        private RequestView submitRequest(NewRequestModel request)
            UserMgr userMgr = new UserMgr(MainFactory.getUserSvc());
            LookupMgr lookupMgr = new LookupMgr(ConsoleFactory.getRequestSvc());
            RequestView submittal = new RequestView();
            submittal.RequestedBy = (User)userMgr.getUser(request.RequestBy);
            submittal.SubmittedBy = (User)userMgr.getUser(request.SubmittedBy);
            submittal.SupportArea = lookupMgr.getSupportAreas().Where(x => x.ID == request.SupportAreaID).FirstOrDefault();
            submittal.CType = lookupMgr.getRequestTypes(EOpenType.Request, true).Where(x => x.ID == request.TypeID).FirstOrDefault();
            submittal.RequestCategory = lookupMgr.getRequestCategories(true).Where(x => x.ID == request.RequestCategory).FirstOrDefault();
            submittal.RequestedDueDate = request.RequestedDueDate;
            submittal.Summary = request.RequestSummary;
            submittal.Description = request.RequestDescription;
            submittal.ValueDriver = lookupMgr.getValueDrivers().Where(x => x.ID == request.ValueDriverID).Cast<ValueDriver>().FirstOrDefault();
            submittal.Value = request.Value;
            submittal.ValueReason = request.ValueReason;

            RequestMgr requestMgr = new RequestMgr(ConsoleFactory.getRequestSvc());
            RequestView r = (RequestView)requestMgr.createRequest(submittal);
            return r;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static string requestEmailSubmitterBody(RequestView request)
            string url = MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console/Dashboard/Request/" + request.ID;

            string email = "<html>";
            email += "We appreciate your business and are currently working on your case for : <b>" + request.Summary + "</b>";
            if (request.SubmittedBy != request.RequestedBy)
                email += "<br>This case was submitted on your behalf by <b>" + request.SubmittedBy.EnglishName + "</b>";
            email += "<br><br>Your case is being worked by a BI Support member.";
            email += "<br><br>Please feel free to check the status anytime by going to the following web site:";
            email += "<br><a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a>";
            email += "<br><br>Or view all your pending details in the <a href='http://" + MainFactory.getInstance() + "/Console" + "'>Dashboard</a>";
            email += "</html>";

            return email;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private RequestView convertRequest(REQUEST request)
            UserMgr userMgr = new UserMgr(MainFactory.getUserSvc());
            LookupMgr lookupMgr = new LookupMgr(this.svc);
            Configuration config = MainFactory.getConfiguration();
            RequestView r = new RequestView(request,
                                    lookupMgr.getRequestCategories(false).Where(x => x.ID == request.REQUEST_CATEGORY_ID).FirstOrDefault(),
                                    lookupMgr.getSupportAreas().Where(x => x.ID == request.SUPPORT_AREA_ID).FirstOrDefault(),
                                    lookupMgr.getPrograms().Where(x => x.ID == request.PROGRAM_ID).Cast<Program>().FirstOrDefault(),
                                    lookupMgr.getValueDrivers().Where(x => x.ID == request.VALUE_DRIVER_ID).Cast<ValueDriver>().FirstOrDefault(),
                                    this.requestStatusList.Data.Where(x => x.ID == request.REQUEST_STATUS_ID).FirstOrDefault(),
                                    lookupMgr.getRequestTypes(EOpenType.Request, false).Where(x => x.ID == request.REQUEST_TYPE_ID).FirstOrDefault(),

            return r;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public ActionResult updateRequest(RequestView requestView)
            RequestView request = null;
            UserMgr userMgr = new UserMgr(MainFactory.getUserSvc());
            if (requestView != null) {
                try {
                    RequestMgr requestMgr = new RequestMgr(ConsoleFactory.getRequestSvc());
                    requestView.RequestedBy = (User)userMgr.getUser(requestView.RequestedBy.EmployeeID);
                    requestView.AssignedTo = (User)userMgr.getUser(requestView.AssignedTo.EmployeeID);
                    request = requestMgr.updateRequest(requestView);
                    TempData["error"] = "Update Successful";
                    TempData["valid"] = true;

                    string from = (string)MainFactory.getConfiguration().get(CONFIG_EMAIL);

                    return RedirectToAction("Request", "Console", new { id = request.ID });
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    request = requestView;
                    request.isNew = false;
                    TempData["error"] = e.Message;
                    TempData["valid"] = false;
                    return RedirectToAction("Request", "Console", new { id = request.ID });
            return Dashboard(null, null);