Exemplo n.º 1
		public virtual void LoadFromRulesFull() {
			if (Art.ReadString("Remapable") != string.Empty) {
				// does NOT work in RA2
				if (OwnerCollection.Engine <= EngineType.Firestorm)
					IsRemapable = Art.ReadBool("Remapable");

			// Used palet can be overriden
			bool noUseTileLandType = Rules.ReadString("NoUseTileLandType") != "";
			if (noUseTileLandType) {
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Iso;
				Props.LightingType = LightingType.Full;
			if (Art.ReadBool("TerrainPalette")) {
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Iso;
				IsRemapable = false;
			else if (Art.ReadBool("AnimPalette")) {
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Anim;
				Props.LightingType = LightingType.None;
				IsRemapable = false;
			else if (Art.ReadString("Palette") != string.Empty) {
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Custom;
				Props.CustomPaletteName = Art.ReadString("Palette");

			if (Rules.ReadString("AlphaImage") != "") {
				string alphaImageFile = Rules.ReadString("AlphaImage") + ".shp";
				if (VFS.Exists(alphaImageFile)) {
					var ad = new AlphaDrawable(VFS.Open<ShpFile>(alphaImageFile));
					ad.OwnerCollection = OwnerCollection;

			Props.HasShadow = Art.ReadBool("Shadow", Defaults.GetShadowAssumption(OwnerCollection.Type));
			Flat = Rules.ReadBool("DrawFlat", Defaults.GetFlatnessAssumption(OwnerCollection.Type))
				|| Rules.ReadBool("Flat");

			if (Rules.ReadBool("Wall")) {
				IsWall = true;
				Flat = false;
				IsBuildingPart = true;
				// RA2 walls appear a bit higher
				if (OwnerCollection.Engine >= EngineType.RedAlert2) {
					Props.Offset.Offset(0, 3); // seems walls are located 3 pixels lower
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Unit;
				Props.LightingType = LightingType.Ambient;
				Props.FrameDecider = FrameDeciders.OverlayValueFrameDecider;
			if (Rules.ReadBool("Gate")) {
				IsGate = true;
				Flat = false;
				IsBuildingPart = true;
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Unit;
				Props.FrameDecider = FrameDeciders.NullFrameDecider;
            // Starkku: Overlays with IsRubble are not drawn.
            if (Rules.ReadBool("IsRubble"))
                InvisibleInGame = true;
			if (Rules.ReadBool("IsVeins")) {
				Props.LightingType = LightingType.None;
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Unit;
				IsVeins = true;
				Flat = true;
				Props.Offset.Y = -1; // why is this needed???
			if (Rules.ReadBool("IsVeinholeMonster")) {
				Props.Offset.Y = -49; // why is this needed???
				Props.LightingType = LightingType.None;
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Unit;
				IsVeinHoleMonster = true;

			if (Rules.ReadString("Land") == "Rock") {
				Props.Offset.Y += TileHeight / 2;
				//mainProps.ZBufferAdjust += Drawable.TileHeight / 2;
			else if (Rules.ReadString("Land") == "Road") {
				Props.Offset.Y += TileHeight / 2;
				// drawable.Foundation = new Size(3, 1); // ensures bridges are drawn a bit lower than where they're stored
			else if (Rules.ReadString("Land") == "Railroad") {
				if (OwnerCollection.Engine <= EngineType.Firestorm)
					Props.Offset.Y = 11;
					Props.Offset.Y = 14;
				Props.LightingType = LightingType.Full;
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Iso;
				// Foundation = new Size(2, 2); // hack to get these later in the drawing order
			if (Rules.ReadBool("SpawnsTiberium")) {
				// For example on TIBTRE / Ore Poles
				Props.Offset.Y = -1;
				Props.LightingType = LightingType.None; // todo: verify it's not NONE
				Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Unit;
            // Starkku: Jumpjet units placed on maps actually start at same height as ground units so adjusting this for the renderer makes no sense.
            if (Rules.HasKey("JumpjetHeight")) {
				Props.Offset.Offset(0, (int)(-Rules.ReadInt("JumpjetHeight") / 256.0 * TileHeight));
            // Starkku: Better support for SHP vehicles.
            Facings = 8; //Art.ReadInt("Facings", 8); // Hardcoded atm in the game, other values do not work properly.
			StartWalkFrame = Art.ReadInt("StartWalkFrame", 0);
            WalkFrames = Art.ReadInt("WalkFrames", 0);
			StartStandFrame = Art.ReadInt("StartStandFrame", StartWalkFrame + (WalkFrames * Facings));
            StandingFrames = Art.ReadInt("StandingFrames", 1);
			Props.Offset.Offset(Art.ReadInt("XDrawOffset"), Art.ReadInt("YDrawOffset"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void LoadFromRulesFull()
            if (Art.ReadString("Remapable") != string.Empty)
                // does NOT work in RA2
                if (OwnerCollection.Engine <= EngineType.Firestorm)
                    IsRemapable = Art.ReadBool("Remapable");

            // Used palet can be overriden
            bool noUseTileLandType = Rules.ReadString("NoUseTileLandType") != "";

            if (noUseTileLandType)
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Iso;
                Props.LightingType = LightingType.Full;
            if (Art.ReadBool("TerrainPalette"))
                Props.PaletteType = PaletteType.Iso;
                IsRemapable       = false;
            else if (Art.ReadBool("AnimPalette"))
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Anim;
                Props.LightingType = LightingType.None;
                IsRemapable        = false;
            else if (Art.ReadString("Palette") != string.Empty)
                Props.PaletteType       = PaletteType.Custom;
                Props.CustomPaletteName = Art.ReadString("Palette");

            if (Rules.ReadString("AlphaImage") != "")
                string alphaImageFile = Rules.ReadString("AlphaImage") + ".shp";
                if (VFS.Exists(alphaImageFile))
                    var ad = new AlphaDrawable(VFS.Open <ShpFile>(alphaImageFile));
                    ad.OwnerCollection = OwnerCollection;

            Props.HasShadow = Art.ReadBool("Shadow", Defaults.GetShadowAssumption(OwnerCollection.Type));
            Flat            = Rules.ReadBool("DrawFlat", Defaults.GetFlatnessAssumption(OwnerCollection.Type)) ||

            if (Rules.ReadBool("Wall"))
                IsWall         = true;
                Flat           = false;
                IsBuildingPart = true;
                // RA2 walls appear a bit higher
                if (OwnerCollection.Engine >= EngineType.RedAlert2)
                    Props.Offset.Offset(0, 3);                     // seems walls are located 3 pixels lower
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Unit;
                Props.LightingType = LightingType.Ambient;
                Props.FrameDecider = FrameDeciders.OverlayValueFrameDecider;
            if (Rules.ReadBool("Gate"))
                IsGate             = true;
                Flat               = false;
                IsBuildingPart     = true;
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Unit;
                Props.FrameDecider = FrameDeciders.NullFrameDecider;

            if (Rules.ReadBool("IsVeins"))
                Props.LightingType = LightingType.None;
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Unit;
                IsVeins            = true;
                Flat           = true;
                Props.Offset.Y = -1;                 // why is this needed???
            if (Rules.ReadBool("IsVeinholeMonster"))
                Props.Offset.Y     = -49;             // why is this needed???
                Props.LightingType = LightingType.None;
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Unit;
                IsVeinHoleMonster  = true;

            if (Rules.ReadString("Land") == "Rock")
                Props.Offset.Y += TileHeight / 2;
                //mainProps.ZBufferAdjust += Drawable.TileHeight / 2;
            else if (Rules.ReadString("Land") == "Road")
                Props.Offset.Y += TileHeight / 2;
                // drawable.Foundation = new Size(3, 1); // ensures bridges are drawn a bit lower than where they're stored
            else if (Rules.ReadString("Land") == "Railroad")
                if (OwnerCollection.Engine <= EngineType.Firestorm)
                    Props.Offset.Y = 11;
                    Props.Offset.Y = 14;
                Props.LightingType = LightingType.Full;
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Iso;
                // Foundation = new Size(2, 2); // hack to get these later in the drawing order
            if (Rules.ReadBool("SpawnsTiberium"))
                // For example on TIBTRE / Ore Poles
                Props.Offset.Y     = -1;
                Props.LightingType = LightingType.None;                 // todo: verify it's not NONE
                Props.PaletteType  = PaletteType.Unit;
            if (Rules.HasKey("JumpjetHeight"))
                Props.Offset.Offset(0, (int)(-Rules.ReadInt("JumpjetHeight") / 256.0 * TileHeight));
            StartWalkFrame  = Rules.ReadInt("StartWalkFrame");
            StartStandFrame = Rules.ReadInt("StartStandFrame", StartWalkFrame);
            Props.Offset.Offset(Art.ReadInt("XDrawOffset"), Art.ReadInt("YDrawOffset"));