Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the context string from the specified context file. This could be a .ctx
        /// file or an apsim .xml file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strContext"></param>
        /// <param name="modelConsts"></param>
        /// <param name="dllPath"></param>
        /// <param name="expandModel">Expand the Model macro in an APSIM init section</param>
        public void getContextFromFile(out String strContext, out String modelConsts, String dllPath, Boolean expandModel)
            StreamReader  fileStream;
            String        context;
            TXMLParser    xmlParse;
            XmlNode       anode;
            XmlNode       metaDataNode;
            XmlNode       modelNode;
            XmlNode       compNode;
            XmlNode       childNode;
            String        compName;
            String        compDll   = "";
            string        compClass = "";
            String        model;
            StringBuilder buf;
            String        xml;
            int           i;
            List <String> dllList;
            String        nodeName;

            model      = "";
            strContext = "";

            fileStream = new StreamReader(FContextFile);
            context    = fileStream.ReadToEnd();

            if (Path.GetExtension(FContextFile).ToLower() == ".ctx")
                strContext = context;
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                String exe = doc.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("executable");
                if ((exe.Length > 0) && !exe.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()) && dllPath.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
                    XmlNode exeAttr = doc.DocumentElement.GetAttributeNode("executable");
                    if (exeAttr != null)
                        exeAttr.Value = dllPath;
                        strContext    = doc.OuterXml;
            else  //an apsim .xml file
                dllList  = new List <String>();
                xmlParse = new TXMLParser(context);

                metaDataNode = xmlParse.firstElementChild(xmlParse.rootNode(), "MetaData");
                if (metaDataNode != null)
                    modelNode = null;
                    getDllList(xmlParse, metaDataNode, dllList);
                    anode = xmlParse.firstElementChild(metaDataNode, "ApsimToSim");
                    if (anode != null)
                        if (dllList.Count < 1)
                            throw new Exception("No dll's found in the context file.");
                        compNode = FindCompNode(xmlParse, anode, dllList[0], dllPath);   //find the matching component section for dllPath
                        if (compNode != null)
                            compDll   = dllPath; //we know the full path so use it
                            compClass = xmlParse.getAttrValue(compNode, "class");

                            //now expand the sections under <component><initdata>

                            anode = xmlParse.firstElementChild(compNode, "initdata");
                            if (anode != null)
                                anode = xmlParse.firstChild(anode);
                                while (anode != null)                              //while more children under <initdata>
                                    nodeName = anode.Name;
                                    if (nodeName == "PerformInstructions")
                                        childNode = xmlParse.firstElementChild(anode, "ConstructModel");
                                        if (childNode != null)
                                            model = StripMacros(xmlParse.InnerXml(childNode));
                                    xml = anode.OuterXml;
                                    if (xml.Length > 0)
                                        if (xml.Contains("[Model"))                                  //if this is a [Model] macro
                                            if (expandModel)
                                                modelNode = getModelNode(xmlParse, xml);     //search for the matching <model> section
                                                model     = xmlParse.InnerXml(modelNode);
                                                model = "    " + MODELMACRO + CR;
                                        if (xmlParse.getNodeType(anode) == XmlNodeType.Element)     //get all the init names
                                    anode = xmlParse.nextSibling(anode);
                        } //endif compNode <> nil

                    compName = findCompClassName(xmlParse, modelNode, compDll);
                    if (compName == "")
                        compName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(compDll);
                    if (compClass == "")
                        compClass = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(compDll);

                    buf = new StringBuilder();
                    //now build the correct xml for the context file
                    buf.Append("<component name=\"" + compName.Trim() + "\" executable=\"" + compDll + "\"" + " class=\"" + compClass + "\">");
                    buf.Append("  <initdata>\r\n");
                    if (compClass.ToLower().StartsWith("plant."))
                        if (InitNames.IndexOf("uptake_source") < 0)
                            InitNames.Add("uptake_source");                       //ensure it is an init
                    for (i = 0; i < FInitList.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (FInitList[i] == "uptake_source")
                            buf.Append("    <" + FInitList[i] + ">apsim</" + FInitList[i] + ">\r\n");
                            buf.Append("    <" + FInitList[i] + "></" + FInitList[i] + ">\r\n");
                    buf.Append("  </initdata>");
                    strContext = buf.ToString();
            modelConsts = model;