Exemplo n.º 1
        //Rotate camera toward '_direction', at the rate of '_speed', around the upwards vector of this gameobject;
        public void RotateTowardsVelocity(Vector3 _velocity, float _speed)
            //Remove any unwanted components of direction;
            _velocity = VectorMath.RemoveDotVector(_velocity, GetUpDirection());

            //Calculate angle difference of current direction and new direction;
            float _angle = VectorMath.GetAngle(GetFacingDirection(), _velocity, GetUpDirection());

            //Calculate sign of angle;
            float _sign = Mathf.Sign(_angle);

            //Calculate final angle difference;
            float _finalAngle = Time.deltaTime * _speed * _sign * Mathf.Abs(_angle / 90f);

            //If angle is greater than 90 degrees, recalculate final angle difference;
            if (Mathf.Abs(_angle) > 90f)
                _finalAngle = Time.deltaTime * _speed * _sign * ((Mathf.Abs(180f - Mathf.Abs(_angle))) / 90f);

            //Check if calculated angle overshoots;
            if (Mathf.Abs(_finalAngle) > Mathf.Abs(_angle))
                _finalAngle = _angle;

            //Take movement speed into account by comparing it to 'maximumMovementSpeed';
            _finalAngle *= Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, maximumMovementSpeed, _velocity.magnitude);

            SetRotationAngles(GetCurrentXAngle(), GetCurrentYAngle() + _finalAngle);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //Rotate the camera toward a look vector in the scene;
        public void RotateTowardDirection(Vector3 _direction, float _lookSpeed)
            //Normalize direction;

            //Transform target look vector to this transform's local space;
            _direction = tr.parent.InverseTransformDirection(_direction);

            //Calculate (local) current look vector;
            Vector3 _currentLookVector = GetAimingDirection();

            _currentLookVector = tr.parent.InverseTransformDirection(_currentLookVector);

            //Calculate x angle difference;
            float _xAngleDifference = VectorMath.GetAngle(new Vector3(0f, _currentLookVector.y, 1f), new Vector3(0f, _direction.y, 1f), Vector3.right);

            //Calculate y angle difference;
            _currentLookVector.y = 0f;
            _direction.y         = 0f;
            float _yAngleDifference = VectorMath.GetAngle(_currentLookVector, _direction, Vector3.up);

            //Turn angle values into Vector2 variables for better clamping;
            Vector2 _currentAngles   = new Vector2(currentXAngle, currentYAngle);
            Vector2 _angleDifference = new Vector2(_xAngleDifference, _yAngleDifference);

            //Calculate normalized direction;
            float _angleDifferenceMagnitude = _angleDifference.magnitude;

            if (_angleDifferenceMagnitude == 0f)
            Vector2 _angleDifferenceDirection = _angleDifference / _angleDifferenceMagnitude;

            //Check for overshooting;
            if (_lookSpeed * Time.deltaTime > _angleDifferenceMagnitude)
                _currentAngles += _angleDifferenceDirection * _angleDifferenceMagnitude;
                _currentAngles += _angleDifferenceDirection * _lookSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            //Set new angles;
            currentYAngle = _currentAngles.y;
            //Clamp vertical rotation;
            currentXAngle = Mathf.Clamp(_currentAngles.x, -upperVerticalLimit, lowerVerticalLimit);

Exemplo n.º 3
        void LateUpdate()
            //Get controller velocity;
            Vector3 _velocity;

            if (ignoreControllerMomentum)
                _velocity = controller.GetMovementVelocity();
                _velocity = controller.GetVelocity();

            //Project velocity onto a plane defined by the 'up' direction of the parent transform;
            _velocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(_velocity, parentTransform.up);

            float _magnitudeThreshold = 0.001f;

            //If the velocity's magnitude is smaller than the threshold, return;
            if (_velocity.magnitude < _magnitudeThreshold)

            //Normalize velocity direction;

            //Get current 'forward' vector;
            Vector3 _currentForward = tr.forward;

            //Calculate (signed) angle between velocity and forward direction;
            float _angleDifference = VectorMath.GetAngle(_currentForward, _velocity, parentTransform.up);

            //Calculate angle factor;
            float _factor = Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, fallOffAngle, Mathf.Abs(_angleDifference));

            //Calculate this frame's step;
            float _step = Mathf.Sign(_angleDifference) * _factor * Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed;

            //Clamp step;
            if (_angleDifference < 0f && _step < _angleDifference)
                _step = _angleDifference;
            else if (_angleDifference > 0f && _step > _angleDifference)
                _step = _angleDifference;

            //Add step to current y angle;
            currentYRotation += _step;

            //Clamp y angle;
            if (currentYRotation > 360f)
                currentYRotation -= 360f;
            if (currentYRotation < -360f)
                currentYRotation += 360f;

            //Set transform rotation using Quaternion.Euler;
            tr.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, currentYRotation, 0f);