Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void Run(FlashLfqSettings settings)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!settings.Silent)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);

            // check to see if experimental design file exists
            string assumedPathToExpDesign = Path.Combine(settings.SpectraFileRepository, "ExperimentalDesign.tsv");

            if ((settings.Normalize || settings.BayesianProteinQuant) && !File.Exists(assumedPathToExpDesign))
                if (!settings.Silent)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not find experimental design file " +
                                      "(required for normalization and Bayesian statistical analysis): " + assumedPathToExpDesign);

            // set up spectra file info
            List <SpectraFileInfo> spectraFileInfos = new List <SpectraFileInfo>();
            List <string>          filePaths        = Directory.GetFiles(settings.SpectraFileRepository)
                                                      .Where(f => acceptedSpectrumFileFormats.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f).ToLowerInvariant())).ToList();

            // check for duplicate file names (agnostic of file extension)
            foreach (var fileName in filePaths.GroupBy(p => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p)))
                if (fileName.Count() > 1)
                    var types = fileName.Select(p => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p)).Distinct();

                    if (!settings.Silent)
                        Console.WriteLine("Multiple spectra files with the same name were detected (maybe " + string.Join(" and ", types) + "?). " +
                                          "Please remove or rename duplicate files from the spectra file directory.");

            if (settings.PrintThermoLicenceViaCommandLine)

            // check thermo licence agreement
            if (filePaths.Select(v => Path.GetExtension(v).ToLowerInvariant()).Any(f => f == ".raw"))
                var licenceAgreement = LicenceAgreementSettings.ReadLicenceSettings();

                if (!licenceAgreement.HasAcceptedThermoLicence)
                    if (settings.AcceptThermoLicenceViaCommandLine)
                        if (!settings.ReadOnlyFileSystem)
                        // decided to write this even if it's on silent mode...
                        Console.WriteLine("\nIn order to search Thermo .raw files, you must agree to the above terms. Do you agree to the above terms? y/n\n");

                        string res = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (res.ToLowerInvariant() == "y")
                                if (!settings.ReadOnlyFileSystem)
                            catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Thermo licence has been declined. Exiting FlashLFQ. You can still search .mzML and .mgf files without agreeing to the Thermo licence.");

            if (File.Exists(assumedPathToExpDesign))
                var experimentalDesign = File.ReadAllLines(assumedPathToExpDesign)
                                         .ToDictionary(v => v.Split('\t')[0], v => v);

                foreach (var file in filePaths)
                    string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);

                    var expDesignForThisFile = experimentalDesign[filename];
                    var split = expDesignForThisFile.Split('\t');

                    string condition = split[1];
                    int    biorep    = int.Parse(split[2]);
                    int    fraction  = int.Parse(split[3]);
                    int    techrep   = int.Parse(split[4]);

                    // experimental design info passed in here for each spectra file
                    spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file,
                                                             condition: condition,
                                                             biorep: biorep - 1,
                                                             fraction: fraction - 1,
                                                             techrep: techrep - 1));
                for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.Count; i++)
                    var file = filePaths[i];
                    spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file,
                                                             condition: "Default",
                                                             biorep: i,
                                                             fraction: 0,
                                                             techrep: 0));

            // check the validity of the settings and experimental design
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!settings.Silent)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);

            // set up IDs
            List <Identification> ids;

                ids = PsmReader.ReadPsms(settings.PsmIdentificationPath, settings.Silent, spectraFileInfos);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Problem reading PSMs: " + e.Message);

            if (ids.Any())
                if (!settings.Silent)
                    Console.WriteLine("Setup is OK; read in " + ids.Count + " identifications; starting FlashLFQ engine");

                // write FlashLFQ settings to a file
                if (!Directory.Exists(settings.OutputPath))
                Nett.Toml.WriteFile(settings, Path.Combine(settings.OutputPath, "FlashLfqSettings.toml"));

                // make engine with desired settings
                FlashLfqEngine  engine  = null;
                FlashLfqResults results = null;
                    engine = FlashLfqSettings.CreateEngineWithSettings(settings, ids);

                    // run
                    results = engine.Run();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(filePaths.First()).FullName;
                    if (settings.OutputPath != null)
                        errorReportPath = settings.OutputPath;

                    if (!settings.Silent)
                        Console.WriteLine("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message +
                                          ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath);

                    OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(ex, Directory.GetParent(filePaths.First()).FullName, settings.OutputPath);

                // output
                if (results != null)
                        OutputWriter.WriteOutput(settings.PsmIdentificationPath, results, settings.Silent, settings.OutputPath);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (!settings.Silent)
                            Console.WriteLine("Could not write FlashLFQ output: " + ex.Message);
                if (!settings.Silent)
                    Console.WriteLine("No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! " +
                                      "Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // parameters
            List <string> acceptedSpectrumFileFormats = new List <string> {
                ".RAW", ".MZML"

            // setup parameters
            var p = new FluentCommandLineParser <ApplicationArguments>();

            p.SetupHelp("?", "help")
            .Callback(text => Console.WriteLine(
                          "Valid arguments:\n" +
                          "--idt [string|identification file path (TSV format)]\n" +
                          "--rep [string|directory containing spectrum data files]\n" +
                          "--out [string|output directory]\n" +
                          "--ppm [double|ppm tolerance]\n" +
                          "--iso [double|isotopic distribution tolerance in ppm]\n" +
                          "--sil [bool|silent mode]\n" +
                          "--int [bool|integrate features]\n" +
                          "--mbr [bool|match between runs]\n" +
                          "--mrt [double|maximum MBR window in minutes]\n" +
                          "--chg [bool|use only precursor charge state]\n" +
                          "--rmm [bool|require observed monoisotopic mass peak]\n" +
                          "--nis [int|number of isotopes required to be observed]\n" +
                          "--nor [bool|normalize intensity results]\n" +
                          "--pro [bool|advanced protein quantification]\n"

            p.Setup(arg => arg.PsmInputPath) // PSMs file

            p.Setup(arg => arg.RawFilesPath) // spectrum files

            p.Setup(arg => arg.OutputPath) // output path

            p.Setup(arg => arg.PpmTolerance) // ppm tolerance

            p.Setup(arg => arg.IsotopePpmTolerance) // isotope ppm tolerance

            p.Setup(arg => arg.Silent) // do not display output messages

            p.Setup(arg => arg.Integrate) // integrate

            p.Setup(arg => arg.MatchBetweenRuns) // match between runs

            p.Setup(arg => arg.MbrRtWindow) // maximum match-between-runs window in minutes

            p.Setup(arg => arg.IdSpecificChargeState) // only use PSM-identified charge states

            p.Setup(arg => arg.RequireMonoisotopicMass) // require observation of monoisotopic peak

            p.Setup(arg => arg.NumIsotopesRequired) // num of isotopes required

            p.Setup(arg => arg.Normalize) // normalize

            p.Setup(arg => arg.AdvancedProteinQuant) // advanced protein quant

            // args are OK - run FlashLFQ
            if (!p.Parse(args).HasErrors&& p.Object.PsmInputPath != null)
                if (!File.Exists(p.Object.PsmInputPath))
                    if (!p.Object.Silent)
                        Console.WriteLine("Could not locate identification file " + p.Object.PsmInputPath);

                if (!Directory.Exists(p.Object.RawFilesPath))
                    if (!p.Object.Silent)
                        Console.WriteLine("Could not locate folder " + p.Object.RawFilesPath);

                string assumedPathToExpDesign = Path.Combine(p.Object.RawFilesPath, "ExperimentalDesign.tsv");
                if (p.Object.Normalize && !File.Exists(assumedPathToExpDesign))
                    if (!p.Object.Silent)
                        Console.WriteLine("Could not find experimental design file (required for normalization): " + assumedPathToExpDesign);

                // set up spectra file info
                // get experimental design info for normalization
                List <SpectraFileInfo> spectraFileInfos = new List <SpectraFileInfo>();
                IEnumerable <string>   files            = Directory.GetFiles(p.Object.RawFilesPath)
                                                          .Where(f => acceptedSpectrumFileFormats.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f).ToUpperInvariant()));

                if (p.Object.Normalize)
                    var experimentalDesign = File.ReadAllLines(assumedPathToExpDesign)
                                             .ToDictionary(v => v.Split('\t')[0], v => v);

                    foreach (var file in files)
                        string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);

                        var expDesignForThisFile = experimentalDesign[filename];
                        var split = expDesignForThisFile.Split('\t');

                        string condition = split[1];
                        int    biorep    = int.Parse(split[2]);
                        int    fraction  = int.Parse(split[3]);
                        int    techrep   = int.Parse(split[4]);

                        // experimental design info passed in here for each spectra file
                        spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file,
                                                                 condition: condition,
                                                                 biorep: biorep - 1,
                                                                 fraction: fraction - 1,
                                                                 techrep: techrep - 1));
                    foreach (var file in files)
                        spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file,
                                                                 condition: "",
                                                                 biorep: 0,
                                                                 fraction: 0,
                                                                 techrep: 0));

                // set up IDs
                List <Identification> ids;
                    ids = PsmReader.ReadPsms(p.Object.PsmInputPath, p.Object.Silent, spectraFileInfos);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Problem reading PSMs: " + e.Message);

                if (ids.Any())
                    if (!p.Object.Silent)
                        Console.WriteLine("Setup is OK; read in " + ids.Count + " identifications; starting FlashLFQ engine");

                    // make engine with desired settings
                    FlashLfqEngine  engine  = null;
                    FlashLfqResults results = null;
                        engine = new FlashLfqEngine(
                            allIdentifications: ids,
                            normalize: p.Object.Normalize,
                            ppmTolerance: p.Object.PpmTolerance,
                            isotopeTolerancePpm: p.Object.IsotopePpmTolerance,
                            matchBetweenRuns: p.Object.MatchBetweenRuns,
                            matchBetweenRunsPpmTolerance: p.Object.MbrPpmTolerance,
                            integrate: p.Object.Integrate,
                            numIsotopesRequired: p.Object.NumIsotopesRequired,
                            idSpecificChargeState: p.Object.IdSpecificChargeState,
                            requireMonoisotopicMass: p.Object.RequireMonoisotopicMass,
                            silent: p.Object.Silent,
                            optionalPeriodicTablePath: null,
                            maxMbrWindow: p.Object.MbrRtWindow,
                            advancedProteinQuant: p.Object.AdvancedProteinQuant);

                        // run
                        results = engine.Run();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(files.First()).FullName;
                        if (p.Object.OutputPath != null)
                            errorReportPath = p.Object.OutputPath;

                        if (!p.Object.Silent)
                            Console.WriteLine("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message +
                                              ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath);

                        OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(ex, Directory.GetParent(files.First()).FullName, p.Object.OutputPath);

                    // output
                    if (results != null)
                            OutputWriter.WriteOutput(p.Object.PsmInputPath, results, p.Object.OutputPath);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (!p.Object.Silent)
                                Console.WriteLine("Could not write FlashLFQ output: " + ex.Message);
                    if (!p.Object.Silent)
                        Console.WriteLine("No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! " +
                                          "Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files");
            else if (p.Parse(args).HasErrors == false && p.Object.PsmInputPath == null)
                // no errors - just requesting help?
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid arguments - type \"--help\" for valid arguments");