Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get random fighting scene
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Fighting()
            int text = WarMath.ResultPower(5);

            switch (text)
            case 0:
                return("Le fracas des épées se fait entendre.\n");

            case 1:
                return("La terre frémit sous le pied de attaquants.\n");

            case 2:
                return("Les généraux chargent sans merci.\n");

            case 3:
                return("Une volée de flèche siffle dans l'air.\n");

            case 4:
                return("La première ligne défensive est percée.\n");

                return("L'ardeur des combattants résonne dans l'air.\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Compute the implication
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nbArmy"></param>
 /// <param name="attack"></param>
 public Implication(int nbArmy, float attack)
     ArmyTotal     = nbArmy;
     Army          = WarMath.ResultPower(nbArmy, true);
     AttackPercent = attack;
     Attack        = (int)(ArmyTotal * AttackPercent);
     ArmyBonus     = Army + Attack;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reduce the army number WITH any logic.
        /// * Uses for normal general
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lost">The initial lost</param>
        /// <param name="withMoral">Affecting moral?</param>
        /// <returns>The left over unit to die if too much.</returns>
        public int LosingArmy(int lost, bool withMoral = true)
            int leftOver = 0;
            // Step 1, get the real number of lost
            int realLost = (int)(lost * (Stat.Lost + 1));

            Console.WriteLine("vrai perte: " + realLost);

            // Step 2, Decrease unit
            int initialActual = NbArmy;

            NbArmy -= realLost;
            Console.WriteLine("Restant: " + NbArmy);

            // Step 3, If units are more
            if (NbArmy <= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Nombre defait");
                Defeated = true;
                leftOver = -NbArmy;
                NbArmy   = 0;

                // Chief dead?
                Console.WriteLine("Show off " + Stat.ShowOff);
                GeneralDead = WarMath.ResultChance(Stat.ShowOff);
                Console.WriteLine("General mort: " + GeneralDead);


            // Step 4, decrease moral
            if (withMoral)
                float ratio        = (float)(_initial - NbArmy) / _initial;
                float ratioInstant = (float)(initialActual - NbArmy) / initialActual;
                Console.WriteLine("Moral perte: " + ratio);
                Stat.Moral += ratio;
                if (ratioInstant > 0.5f) // Too much for limit
                    Stat.MoralLimit -= 0.2f;
                Console.WriteLine("Moral: " + Stat.Moral);
                Console.WriteLine("Moral limite: " + Stat.MoralLimit);

            // Step 5, is defeated because of moral?
            if (Stat.MoralLimit < Stat.Moral)
                Console.WriteLine("Moral defeated: ");
                Defeated       = true;
                _moralDefeated = true;
                // Chief dead?
                GeneralDead = WarMath.ResultChance(Stat.ShowOff);
                Console.WriteLine("General mort: " + GeneralDead);

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Phase 6 of the skirmish
        /// Hostage phase
        /// </summary>
        public void Phase6()
            int l;
            int w;

            if (_totalForceBonus[0] == _totalForceBonus[1])
            else if (_totalForceBonus[0] < _totalForceBonus[1])
                l = 0;
                w = 1;
                l = 1;
                w = 0;

            // Step 1, Add-On usable to boost Moral
            //Add-On available
            if (_addon[l] != null)
                foreach (AddOn a in _addon[l])
                    Console.WriteLine("Can use it? " + a.CanUseMorale());
                    if (a.CanUseMorale())
                        bool useit = false;
                        int  i     = 0;
                        Console.WriteLine("Recover 0 " + _generalBest[l][0].IsRecoverable());
                        if (_generalBest[l][0].IsRecoverable())
                            useit = true;
                            i     = 0;
                        else if (_generalBest[l].Count > 1 && _generalBest[l][0].IsRecoverable())
                            useit = true;
                            i     = 1;
                        if (useit)
                            bool revive = _generalBest[l][i].IsRevive(a.Stat.Moral);
                            if (revive)
                                _technical += "L'aide " + a.Name + " donne un boost de morale à " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + ", le groupe revient sur le champ de bataille.\n";
                                _detailed  += "Incroyable! " + "L'aide" + a.Name + " donne un boost de morale à " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + ", le groupe revient sur le champ de bataille.\n";
                                _technical += "L'aide " + a.Name + " n'est pas suffisante pour le morale.\n";

            // Step 2, Decision making is defeated but by moral.
            bool[] moraleAction = { false, false };
            if (_generalBest[l][0].CanHostage())
                moraleAction[0] = true;
            if (_generalBest[l].Count > 1 && _generalBest[l][0].CanHostage())
                moraleAction[1] = true;
            if (moraleAction[0] || moraleAction[1])
                _technical += "Il y a des otages.\n";
                _detailed  += "Hô non, il y a des otages!";

                int massacre = 0;
                int mercy    = 0;
                int hostage  = 0;
                foreach (General g in _general[w])
                    if (g.IsValid())
                        int nego = WarMath.ResultPower(100 + (int)(100 * g.Stat.NegoPower), true);
                        switch (g.Stat.Behaviour)
                        case Config.EndBehaviour.None:
                        case Config.EndBehaviour.Mercy:
                            mercy += nego;

                        case Config.EndBehaviour.Carnage:
                            massacre += nego;

                        case Config.EndBehaviour.Hostage:
                            hostage += nego;
                _technical += "Décision sur les fuyards: \n";
                _technical += Config.EnumToString(Config.EndBehaviour.Mercy) + ": " + mercy + "\n";
                _technical += Config.EnumToString(Config.EndBehaviour.Carnage) + ": " + massacre + "\n";
                _technical += Config.EnumToString(Config.EndBehaviour.Hostage) + ": " + hostage + "\n";

                // Sorting
                Config.EndBehaviour decision;
                if (mercy > massacre)
                    if (hostage > mercy)
                        decision = Config.EndBehaviour.Hostage;
                        decision = Config.EndBehaviour.Mercy;
                    if (hostage > massacre)
                        decision = Config.EndBehaviour.Hostage;
                        decision = Config.EndBehaviour.Carnage;
                _technical += "Décision final: " + Config.EnumToString(decision);
                _detailed  += "Le conseil de guerre a décidé, la décision sur les otages est: " + Config.EnumToString(decision);

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    // Impact on both general
                    if (moraleAction[i])
                        if (decision == Config.EndBehaviour.Carnage && decision == Config.EndBehaviour.Hostage)
                            // Last resort! Check on aid to help escape!
                            if (_addon[l] != null)
                                foreach (AddOn a in _addon[l])
                                    if (a.CanUseEscape())
                                        bool escape = WarMath.ResultChance(a.Stat.Escape);
                                        if (escape)
                                            _technical     += "Le général " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + " s'enfuit grâce à " + a.Name + "\n";
                                            _detailed      += "Le général " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + " utilise son dernier atout, " + a.Name + ", et s'enfuit.\n";
                                            moraleAction[i] = false;
                                            _technical += "Aide de " + a.Name + " insuffisante pour " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + "\n";

                            _technical += "Le groupe du général " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + "\n";
                            _detailed  += "Le groupe du général " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + "\n";

                            if (decision == Config.EndBehaviour.Hostage)
                                _technical += " est prit en otage\n";
                                _detailed  += " est prit en otage\n";
                            if (decision == Config.EndBehaviour.Carnage)
                                _technical += " se fait massacrer\n";
                                _detailed  += " se fait massacrer\n";
                            if (_generalBest[l][i].GeneralDead)
                                _technical += "Le général " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + " est";
                                _detailed  += "Le général " + _generalBest[l][i].Name + " est";
                            if (decision == Config.EndBehaviour.Hostage)
                                _technical += " prit en otage\n";
                                _detailed  += " prit en otage\n";
                            if (decision == Config.EndBehaviour.Carnage)
                                _technical += " massacré\n";
                                _detailed  += " massacré\n";
                            _technical += "\nLes fuyards ont quitter le champ de bataille.";
                            _detailed  += "\nLes fuyards ont quitter le champ de bataille.";
                        // Mercy and nothing is normal

            //Delete defeated general
            for (int j = 0; j < SIDE; j++)
                for (int i = _general[j].Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (_general[j][i].Defeated)

            //Checkout the battle output
            int adverse = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++)
                bool sideLose = true;
                foreach (General g in _general[i])
                    if (!g.Saboteur)
                        sideLose = false;
                if (sideLose)
                    _technical += "\n\nLa bataille est fini " + _sides[i] + " est perdant.\n";
                    _technical += _sides[adverse] + " a gagné la bataille de " + _battleName;
                    _detailed  += "La bataille est fini! " + _sides[i] + " a perdu la bataille de " + _battleName + "\n";
                    _detailed  += _sides[adverse] + " est victorieux!!\n";

                    Final = true;
                adverse = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Phase 5 of the skirmish
        /// Calculate the lost if any (building fortification or general may be affected)
        /// </summary>
        public void Phase5()
            int l    = 0;
            int w    = 1;
            int lost = Math.Abs(_totalForceBonus[0] - _totalForceBonus[1]);

            // Get losing side
            if (_totalForceBonus[0] == _totalForceBonus[1])
                _technical += "Rien de perdu, match égale.\n\n";
                _detailed  += "Aucune armée n'a laissé un pouce de terrain!\n\n";
            else if (_totalForceBonus[0] < _totalForceBonus[1])
                l = 0;
                w = 1;
                l = 1;
                w = 0;

            int attackLost = (int)(Math.Min(_generalBest[l][0].NbArmy, lost) * 0.5f);

            _technical += "L'armée " + _generalBest[w][0].Name + " a réussi la percée.\n";
            _detailed  += "Le responsable de la percée est nul autre que " + _generalBest[w][0].Name + "!\n";

            // Check the losing general OR fortification
            _technical += "Perdant: " + _sides[l] + "\n";
            _detailed  += "Le groupe " + _sides[l] + " sembre perdre cette escarmouche.\n";

            // Losing can only be highlight general and fortication!
            // Fortification level + Defense level
            bool isOnFor = WarMath.ResultChance(Config.GetForticationPower(_for[l]) + _generalBest[l][0].Stat.Defense);

            if (isOnFor && _for[l] != 0)
                _technical += "Les défenses absorbe les dégats\n";
                _detailed  += "Heureusement, les défenses misent en place assure un repli efficace\n";
                int thresh = (int)(_generalBest[l][0].NbArmy * Config.GetForticationPower(_for[l]));
                if (lost > thresh)
                    attackLost = (int)(attackLost * 0.7f);
                    _technical += "Et elle brise, c'est maintenant équivalent à: " + Config.EnumToString(_for[l]) + "\n";
                    _detailed  += "...et les fortications actuelles prennent de lourdes dégâts.\n";
                    attackLost  = (int)(attackLost * 0.5f);
                    _technical += "Les défenses tiennent le coup.\n";
                //Add-On available
                if (_addon[l] != null)
                    foreach (AddOn a in _addon[l])
                        if (a.CanUseDefense())
                            if (a.Stat.Defense < 0)
                                _detailed  += "Hô non, le " + a.Name + " est un piège, les pertes sont encore plus lourdes..\n";
                                _technical += "Défense externe " + a.Name + " est un piège.\n";
                                int extraLost = (int)((float)lost * -a.Stat.Defense);
                                lost       += extraLost;
                                _technical += "Perte additionnel: " + extraLost + "\n";
                                attackLost  = (int)(attackLost * 0.5f);
                                bool block = WarMath.ResultChance(a.Stat.Defense);
                                if (block)
                                    lost        = 0;
                                    _detailed  += "Heureusement, " + a.Name + " permet de faire un repli efficace en dernier recours\n";
                                    _technical += "Défense externe " + a.Name + " prend l'assault.\n";
                                    _technical += "Défense externe " + a.Name + " n'est pas assez fort pour bloquer l'assault.\n";
                                    attackLost  = (int)(attackLost * 0.5f);

                //Generals take the blow
                if (lost > 0)
                    int leftOver = _generalBest[l][0].LosingArmy(lost);
                    _technical += "Le général " + _generalBest[l][0].Name + " prend le coup.\n";
                    _technical += _generalBest[l][0].ToDetailedHit();
                    _detailed  += "Le général " + _generalBest[l][0].Name + " a prit le plus gros de l'assault.\n";
                    _detailed  += _generalBest[l][0].ToDetailedHit();

                    if (leftOver > 0 && _generalBest[l].Count > 1)
                        _technical += "En plus, le général " + _generalBest[l][1].Name + " prend le coup.\n";
                        _technical += _generalBest[l][1].ToDetailedHit();
                        _detailed  += "Le coup fut tellement puissant que le général " + _generalBest[l][1].Name + " a aussi encaissé.\n";
                        _detailed  += _generalBest[l][1].ToDetailedHit();

            _technical += _generalBest[w][0].ToDetailedHit();

            _technical += "\n";
            _detailed  += "\n";
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Phase 3 of the skirmish.
        /// Calculate the implication of the Saboteur
        /// At this stage, the battle is decided according to strenght, but the applicaiton of it can be tweak a little bit.
        /// </summary>
        public void Phase3()
            //_totalForceBonus base on this
            // Calculate Saboteur implication
            // If possible, add necessary (Balance equation of failing)
            // Delete army - % units
            _technical += "Intervention des saboteurs\n";

            // Phase 2 continues, add another round of reéquilibration
            int[] order = { 0, 1 };
            // Normally, if 1 is greater than 0, 1 can have another shot.
            // If 0 is greater than 1, than 1 has the rights.
            if (_totalForceBonus[0] > _totalForceBonus[1])
                order[0]    = 1;
                order[1]    = 0;
                _technical += "Côté " + _sides[1] + " est l'actuelle perdant.\n";
            else if (_totalForceBonus[0] == _totalForceBonus[1])
                _technical += "Bataille égale, pas besoin de Saboteur.\n";
                _technical += "Côté " + _sides[0] + " est l'actuelle perdant.\n";

            // If order 0 is worst, check if Saboteur available, use only one.
            General saboteur = null;

            foreach (General g in _general[order[1]])
                if (g.Saboteur && g.IsValid())
                    saboteur = g;
            if (saboteur != null)
                ImplicationSaboteur imp = saboteur.GetImplicationSaboteur();
                _saboteurImpact[order[0]] = imp;
                _technical += "Saboteur " + saboteur.Name + ": " + _saboteurImpact[order[0]].ToTechnicalString() + " est diponible.\n";
                int delta = _totalForceBonus[order[1]] - _totalForceBonus[order[0]];
                if (delta > imp.ArmyBonus)
                    _technical += "Le saboteur ne peut rien y faire, il reste tranquille.\n";
                    _totalForceBonus[order[0]] += delta * 2;
                    Console.WriteLine(delta + " and " + saboteur.NbArmy);
                    _technical += "Le saboteur " + saboteur.Name + " a changé la balance, il lui reste " + saboteur.NbArmy + " armées.";

                    // Can get busted
                    if (WarMath.ResultChance(saboteur.Stat.ShowOff))
                        _technical += "Nous savons qu'il s'agit de " + saboteur.Name + "\n";
                        _detailed  += "Un revirement de situation vient d'avoir lieu!\n";
                        _detailed  += "On aurait juré voir " + saboteur.Name + " nuire à son groupe, c'est un saboteur!\n";
                        _technical += "Le saboteur reste dans l'anonimat.\n";

                _technical += "Résultat de l'escarmouche avec saboteur: \n";

                for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++)
                    _technical += "Côté " + _sides[i] + ": " + _totalForceBonus[i] + "\n";
                _technical += "Même résultat de l'escarmouche car aucun saboteur: \n";

                for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++)
                    _technical += "Côté " + _sides[i] + ": " + _totalForceBonus[i] + "\n";
            _technical += "\n";
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Phase 2 of the skirmish
        /// Calculate the AddOn implication.
        /// First step if the base one.
        /// Second step is a counter and a counter's counter if possible.
        /// Please note that add-on can be negative, you cannot control them.
        /// </summary>
        public void Phase2()
            // Phase 2
            // Add-on essentials
            // Normal
            _technical += "Implication des aide extérieures OBLIGATOIRE dans la bataille: \n";

            for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++)
                bool hasOne = false;
                _technical += "Côté " + _sides[i] + "\n";

                if (_addon[i] != null)
                    foreach (AddOn a in _addon[i])
                        if (a.IsOrder() && a.IsOrderWhen(_time))
                            int imp = a.GetCombatImplication(_totalForce[i]);
                            _add[i]    += imp;
                            _technical += a.Name + ": " + imp + "\n";
                            if (imp > 0)
                                if (!hasOne)
                                    _detailed += "Les tactiques " + _sides[i] + " commencent!\n";
                                    _detailed += "Du côté " + _sides[i] + ", nous avons: ";
                                    hasOne     = true;
                                _detailed += a.Name + "; ";
                _detailed += "\n";

            _technical += "Résultat de l'escarmouche sans ajout: \n";

            for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++)
                _totalForceBonus[i] = _force[i] + _add[i];
                _technical         += "Côté " + _sides[i] + ": " + _totalForceBonus[i] + "\n";

            // Phase 2 continues, add another round of reéquilibration
            int[] order = { 0, 1 };

            _detailed += Flavor.Fighting();

            // Normally, if 1 is greater than 0, 1 can have another shot.
            // If 0 is greater than 1, than 1 has the rights.
            if (_totalForceBonus[0] > _totalForceBonus[1])
                _detailed += "L'armée " + _sides[1] + " est en mauvaise posture...\n";
                order[0]   = 1;
                order[1]   = 0;
            else if (_totalForceBonus[0] == _totalForceBonus[1])
                _detailed += "La situation est tendue, chaque côté maintient son bout de terrain!\n";
                // For tie, get 50% to get advantage
                float rand = WarMath.ResultPower(10);
                if (rand < 5)
                    order[0] = 0;
                    order[1] = 1;
                    order[0] = 1;
                    order[1] = 0;
                _detailed += "L'armée " + _sides[0] + " est en mauvaise posture...\n";

            // The weakest attack first as a reply if he can!!
            if (_addon[order[0]] != null)
                foreach (AddOn a in _addon[order[0]])
                    if (a.CanUseAttack())
                        int imp = a.GetCombatImplication(_totalForce[order[0]]);
                        _counterAdd[order[0]] = imp;
                        _technical           += "Côté " + _sides[order[0]] + " contre attaque avec " + a.Name + ": " + imp + "\n";
                        _detailed            += "Mais attention! Le groupe " + _sides[order[0]] + " contre attaque avec " + a.Name + "\n";
                _detailed += "Est-ce que ce sera suffisant?\n";
            // If the help is useful, we can counter attack the counter attack
            if (_counterAdd[order[0]] > 0)
                // Fight back
                if (_addon[order[1]] != null)
                    foreach (AddOn a in _addon[order[1]])
                        if (a.CanUseAttack())
                            int imp = a.GetCombatImplication(_totalForce[order[1]]);
                            _counterAdd[order[1]] = imp;
                            _technical           += "Côté " + _sides[order[1]] + " contre attaque la contre attaque avec " + a.Name + ": " + imp + "\n";
                            _detailed            += "Attention, le groupe " + _sides[order[1]] + " n'en a pas fini! Une contre attaque avec " + a.Name + "\n";

            _technical += "Résultat de l'escarmouche AVEC ajout: \n";

            for (int i = 0; i < SIDE; i++)
                _totalForceBonus[i] = _force[i] + _add[i] + _counterAdd[i];
                _technical         += "Côté " + _sides[i] + ": " + _totalForceBonus[i] + "\n";
            _technical += "\n";