Exemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual async Task ValidatePaymentRangeAsync(FiscalPeriodUnit input)
            if (input.PeriodStartDate > input.PeriodEndDate)
                throw new UserFriendlyException(L("FiscalPeriodStartDate should not be greaterthan FiscalPeriodEndDate"));

            if (_fiscalPeriodUnitRepository != null)
                var payrange = await _fiscalPeriodUnitRepository.GetAll().Where(
                    u => (((u.PeriodStartDate <= input.PeriodStartDate &&
                            u.PeriodEndDate >= input.PeriodStartDate)
                           (u.PeriodStartDate <= input.PeriodEndDate &&
                            u.PeriodEndDate >= input.PeriodEndDate)
                           (u.PeriodStartDate >= input.PeriodStartDate &&
                            u.PeriodEndDate <= input.PeriodEndDate)) &&
                          u.FiscalYearId == input.FiscalYearId)).ToListAsync();

                if (input.Id == 0)
                    if (payrange.Count > 0)
                        throw new UserFriendlyException(L("FiscalPeriod should not be overlap"));
                    if (payrange.Select(p => p.Id != input.Id &&
                                        p.PeriodStartDate == input.PeriodStartDate &&
                                        p.PeriodEndDate == input.PeriodEndDate).Count() != 0)
                        throw new UserFriendlyException(L("FiscalPeriod should not be overlap"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual async Task UpdateAsync(FiscalPeriodUnit input)
            await ValidatePaymentRangeAsync(input);

            await _fiscalPeriodUnitRepository.UpdateAsync(input);