Exemplo n.º 1
        // FixedUpdate is called once per phsyics frame
        private void FixedUpdate()
            // If a raycast is requested (button one on Oculus, constant for mouse)
            if (RaycastRequested())
                // Perform the raycast and store the result
                bool raycastHit = RaycastingMethod(out hit, maxRaycastDistance, layerMask);

                // If the raycast hit,
                if (raycastHit)
                    // See if the hit object has changed
                    if (hit.collider.gameObject != curObj)
                        // Clean up hover, press events on previous object

                        // Update object
                        curObj = hit.collider.gameObject;

                        // Find the event manager to trigger on the new object
                        curEvent = FindRaycastTrigger(hit);

                    // Get user press state
                    Pressing = PressCondition();
                    // If the user is not pressing, we are hovering over the object
                    Hovering = !Pressing;
                    // If we didn't hit a valid target, clean up hover, press events
                    Hovering = false;
                    Pressing = false;

                    curEvent = null;
                    curObj   = null;

                // TODO: If you hover over a different raycastable object immediately, this will not end the hover on the old object
                //      This needs to track if the raycastHit object changes
                Pressing = false;
                Hovering = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> If raycastButton is pressed, attempt to raycast to valid target and activate valid raycastTrigger events on the target </summary>
        private void TryRaycastHit()
            // If the user enables "raycast mode" by VR controller or by mouse
            bool raycastActive = OVRInput.Get(raycastButton, raycastController) || (mouseMode && Input.GetMouseButton(0));

            if (raycastActive)
                // Resolve raycast hit info for VR or mouse controller
                RaycastHit hit;
                bool       rayHit = false;
                if (mouseMode)
                    Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                    rayHit = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 10f, layerMask);
                    RequestHandRenderState(true);                                          // Enable raycasting hand
                    Vector3 globalForward = transform.TransformDirection(relativeForward); // Find the direction of the raycast
                    rayHit = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, globalForward, out hit, 10f, layerMask);
                if (rayHit)
                { // If our raycast hits a raycastable target,
                  // Are we raycasting to a new object, and does that object have any valid raycasting events?
                    valid = ResolveCurrentTarget(hit);
                    if (valid)
                    { // If we have a valid target to hit,
                        hitTriggered  = false;
                        holdTriggered = false;
                        endTriggered  = false;
                        // Don't allow calling more than one hit, hold, or end event in a single frame
                        DipointLinerendSetPositions(transform.position, hit.point);                     // Visualize our raycast as long as we have a valid target
                        ResolveClickEvents(hit);                                                        // Call events according to trigger button system
                        ResolveProximityEvents(hit);                                                    // Call events according to proximity distance activation system
                                                                                                        // If we actually activated any triggers this frame, change hand asthetics to reflect it
                        if (holdTriggered)
                        else if (hitTriggered)
                        else if (endTriggered)
                        }                                                                       // Othwerwise we are inactive
                    }                               // If we don't have a valid target, don't draw the linerender
                }    // If our raycast did NOT hit a raycastable target, don't draw the linerender
            {                                  // If we aren't in "raycast mode"
                RequestHandRenderState(false); // Return to default hand
                                               // Turn off controller vibration & don't draw the raycast
                if (touched)
                    touched = false;
                }                                       // Allow proximity touches again
                if (clicked)
                    clicked = false;
                }                                       // Allow trigger button activation again

            #region Local_Functions
            // Are we raycasting to a new object, and does that object have any valid raycasting events?
            bool ResolveCurrentTarget(RaycastHit hit)
                int newID = hit.collider.gameObject.GetInstanceID();

                if (newID != activeObjectID)
                { // If we have found a new object,
                    RaycastEventManager newTriggerManager = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <RaycastEventManager>();
                    if (newTriggerManager != null)
                    { // If it has a valid trigger,
                      // Find whether or not there are valid hit, hold, and end events based on handedness
                        if (rightHand)
                            validHitEvent  = (newTriggerManager.rightTrigger.OnPress.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0) ? true : false;
                            validHoldEvent = (newTriggerManager.rightTrigger.OnHoldPress.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0) ? true : false;
                            validEndEvent  = (newTriggerManager.rightTrigger.OnEndPress.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0) ? true : false;
                            validHitEvent  = (newTriggerManager.leftTrigger.OnPress.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0) ? true : false;
                            validHoldEvent = (newTriggerManager.leftTrigger.OnHoldPress.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0) ? true : false;
                            validEndEvent  = (newTriggerManager.leftTrigger.OnEndPress.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0) ? true : false;
                        if (validHitEvent || validHoldEvent || validEndEvent)
                        { // If we have found some active event to activate, save it and mark this target as valid
                            activeTriggerManager = newTriggerManager;
                            activeObjectID       = newID;
                    // If the object doesn't have a RaycastTriggerManager, then we don't have a valid object
                // Otherwise we have a previously valid object

            // Enable/disable static raycasting hand depending on raycast state
            void RequestHandRenderState(bool rURaycasting)
                if (!mouseMode)
                    if (rURaycasting)
                    {                                           // If we're trying to use raycasting hands,
                        if (defaultHandObject.activeSelf || !staticIndexRenderer.enabled)
                        {                                       // If our hand object isn't in raycasting mode yet,
                            defaultHandObject.SetActive(false); // Disable the default Oculus hand
                            staticIndexRenderer.enabled = true; // Enable the static hand mesh
                        if (!defaultHandObject.activeSelf || staticIndexRenderer.enabled)
                        {                                        // If our hand object is still in raycasting mode,
                            defaultHandObject.SetActive(true);   // Enable default Oculus hand
                            staticIndexRenderer.enabled = false; // Disable static hand mesh

            // Functionality for invoking trigger events with triggerButton
            void ResolveClickEvents(RaycastHit hit)
                bool buttonPressed = false;

                if (mouseMode)
                    buttonPressed = true;
                else if (OVRInput.Get(triggerButton, raycastController))
                    buttonPressed = true;
                if (buttonPressed)
                {     // If we are holding down the relevant button
                    if (!clicked)
                    { // FIRST CLICK CASE: We have just pressed the index trigger all the way down on our controller for the first time recently.
                        clicked = true;
                    // We should attempt to call a hit event every frame that the button is held
                {     // If we are not holding down the trigger
                    if (clicked)
                    { // If we were just clicking, and now we aren't, reset clicked and call the onEndEvent
                        clicked = false;

            // Functionality for invoking trigger events for close-proximity raycast hits
            void ResolveProximityEvents(RaycastHit hit)
                if (hit.distance < minHitDist)
                {                       // If we are within close enough to activate our trigger,
                    if (!touched)
                    {                   // & if we didn't just activate that trigger by being within distance already,
                        touched = true; // Don't reactivate any triggers until we move far enough away.
                    }                                  // If we're still close, but have already trigegred the hit event, then we're holding
                else if (hit.distance < hysteresisDist)
                { // If we are still within hysteresis range, don't allow further touches but continue calling hold events
                    if (touched)
                    }                                       // If we've already hit the object, then we can hold it
                { // If we are far enough away, then we are done with our proximity touch/hold
                    if (touched)
                        touched = false;        // Allow proximity touches again

            // Invoke valid hit, hold, or end events
            void AttemptHitEvent(RaycastHit hit)
                if (validHitEvent)
                {     // If the active object has a valid hit or hold event, activate the trigger and produce active aesthetics
                    if (!hitTriggered)
                    { // If we haven't already activated it, do that
                        if (rightHand)
                        hitTriggered = true;

            void AttemptHoldEvent(RaycastHit hit)
                if (validHoldEvent)
                {     // If we have an active hold event,
                    if (!holdTriggered)
                    { // If we haven't already activated it this frame,
                        if (rightHand)
                        holdTriggered = true;

            void AttemptEndEvent(RaycastHit hit)
                if (validEndEvent)
                    if (!endTriggered)
                        if (rightHand)
                        endTriggered = true;

            // Carry out changes for the current trigger state
            void RequestNewState(StateCode newState)
                if (currentState != newState)
                {                            // If we have new changes to reflect,
                    currentState = newState; // Store the new state,
                    if (!mouseMode)
                        switch (currentState)
                        { // Set the appropriate color and controller vibration
                        case StateCode.NULL:
                            OVRInput.SetControllerVibration(hapFreq, nullAmp, raycastController);

                        case StateCode.HOLD:
                            OVRInput.SetControllerVibration(hapFreq, holdAmp, raycastController);

                        case StateCode.HIT:
                            OVRInput.SetControllerVibration(hapFreq, hitAmp, raycastController);

                        case StateCode.END:
                            OVRInput.SetControllerVibration(hapFreq, endAmp, raycastController);

            // Sets both ends of a 2-point line renderer to be the same color
            void LineRendSetEndpointColors(Color newColor)
                if (lineRend != null)
                    lineRend.startColor = newColor;
                    lineRend.endColor   = newColor;

            // Sets the position of both ends of a 2-point line renderer
            void DipointLinerendSetPositions(Vector3 position0, Vector3 position1)
                if (lineRend != null)
                    lineRend.SetPositions(new Vector3[2] {
                        position0, position1
                    if (invisible)
                        invisible = false;
                    }                                       // Tell DontDrawLineRend() that there is a visible line render

            /// Don't draw the line renderer
            void DontDrawLinerend()
                if (lineRend != null)
                    if (!invisible)
                    { // If there is a visible line render,
                        lineRend.SetPositions(new Vector3[2] {
                            Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero
                        });                                                                     // Draw both points to the same position
                        invisible = true;                                                       // Don't bother again until we have a visible line render
