Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void VerifyEndpointRoutingMiddlewareIsRegistered(IApplicationBuilder app, out DefaultEndpointRouteBuilder endpointRouteBuilder)
            if (!app.TryGetValue(EndpointRouteBuilder, out var obj))
                var message =
                    $"{nameof(EndpointRoutingMiddleware)} matches endpoints setup by {nameof(EndpointMiddleware)} and so must be added to the request " +
                    $"execution pipeline before {nameof(EndpointMiddleware)}. " +
                    $"Please add {nameof(EndpointRoutingMiddleware)} by calling '{nameof(IApplicationBuilder)}.{nameof(UseRouting)}' inside the call " +
                    $"to 'Configure(...)' in the application startup code.";
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            // If someone messes with this, just let it crash.
            endpointRouteBuilder = (DefaultEndpointRouteBuilder)obj;

            // This check handles the case where Map or something else that forks the pipeline is called between the two
            // routing middleware.
            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(app, endpointRouteBuilder.ApplicationBuilder))
                var message =
                    $"The {nameof(EndpointRoutingMiddleware)} and {nameof(EndpointMiddleware)} must be added to the same {nameof(IApplicationBuilder)} instance. " +
                    $"To use Endpoint Routing with 'Map(...)', make sure to call '{nameof(IApplicationBuilder)}.{nameof(UseRouting)}' before " +
                    $"'{nameof(IApplicationBuilder)}.{nameof(UseEndpoints)}' for each branch of the middleware pipeline.";
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);