Exemplo n.º 1
        private static WaveFile MixWave(WaveFile wf1, WaveFile wf2, double fadeTime)
            int FadeSamples = (int)(fadeTime * wf1.ByteRate / wf1.NumChannels); // number of samples affected by the crossfading
            int FadeBytes = (int)(fadeTime * wf1.ByteRate); // number of affected bytes

            WaveFile Result = new WaveFile(); // resulting Wave file
            Result.FileSize = wf1.FileSize + wf2.DataSize - 2 * FadeBytes; // file size
            Result.Format = "WAVE";

            // copy information from the fmt  chunk
            Result.FmtChunkSize = wf1.FmtChunkSize;
            Result.AudioFormat = wf1.AudioFormat;
            Result.NumChannels = wf1.NumChannels;
            Result.SampleRate = wf1.SampleRate;
            Result.ByteRate = wf1.ByteRate;
            Result.BlockAlign = wf1.BlockAlign;
            Result.BitsPerSample = wf1.BitsPerSample;

            Result.DataSize = wf1.DataSize + wf2.DataSize - 2 * FadeBytes; // new size of the data chunk
            Result.Data = new int[wf1.NumChannels][]; // copy number of channels
            int NumSamples = Result.DataSize / (Result.NumChannels * (Result.BitsPerSample / 8)); //  number of samples in resulting file

            // initialize data arrays for all samples and channels
            for (int i = 0; i < Result.Data.Length; i++)
                Result.Data[i] = new int[NumSamples];

            int PosCounter = 0; // position of the current sample in the Wave file

            // copy the samples from the first Wave file into the data field of the result file
            for (int i = 0; i < wf1.Data[0].Length; i++)
                // copy the current sample for all channels
                for (int j = 0; j < wf1.NumChannels; j++)
                    // if the current sample is in the crossfading time, mix the amplitude value of the 1st file with the amplitude value of the 2nd file
                    if (i > wf1.Data[0].Length - FadeSamples)
                        Result.Data[j][PosCounter] = (int)(wf1.Data[j][i] * Factor(i - (wf1.Data[0].Length - FadeSamples), FadeSamples, 0) + wf2.Data[j][i - (wf1.Data[0].Length - FadeSamples)] * Factor(i - (wf1.Data[0].Length - FadeSamples), FadeSamples, 1));
                        //Result.Data[j][PosCounter] = (int)(wf1.Data[j][i] + wf2.Data[j][i - (wf1.Data[0].Length - FadeSamples)]);
                        Result.Data[j][PosCounter] = wf1.Data[j][i];

            // copy the remaining samples
            for (int i = FadeSamples; i < wf2.Data[0].Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < wf1.NumChannels; j++)
                    Result.Data[j][PosCounter] = wf2.Data[j][i];
            return Result;
Exemplo n.º 2
        int SampleRate; // 6

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static void StoreMixWave(string path, WaveFile wf1, WaveFile wf2, double fadeTime)
            WaveFile Mixed = MixWave(wf1, wf2, fadeTime); // Ergebnisdatei mischen
            Mixed.StoreWave(path); // Ergebnisdatei auf Festplatte speichern
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void backgroundWorker4_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            while (bgw4_done < aantal_liedjes)
                if (bgw3_done > 0)
                    if (bgw3_done > bgw4_done || bgw3_done == aantal_liedjes)
                        if (bgw4_done == 0)
                            System.IO.File.Copy(File.defaultDir + "\\faded\\" + (bgw4_done + 1) + ".wav", File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total.wav", true);
                            bgw4_done += 1;
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(File.defaultDir + "\\faded\\" + (bgw4_done + 1).ToString() + ".wav"))
                                //MusicEditor.MixMp3(File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total.mp3", File.defaultDir + "\\faded\\" + (bgw4_done + 1) + ".mp3", (liedjes[bgw4_done - 1].FadeOut - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds, File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total2.mp3");

                                WaveFile wf1 = new WaveFile();
                                wf1.LoadWave(File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total.wav");

                                WaveFile wf2 = new WaveFile();
                                wf2.LoadWave(File.defaultDir + "\\faded\\" + (bgw4_done + 1) + ".wav");

                                WaveFile.StoreMixWave(File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total2.wav", wf1, wf2, (liedjes[bgw4_done - 1].FadeOut - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds);

                                System.IO.File.Delete(File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total.wav");
                                System.IO.File.Copy(File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total2.wav", File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total.wav");
                                System.IO.File.Delete(File.defaultDir + "\\total\\total2.wav");
                                bgw4_done += 1;
                                bgw4_done += 1;
