public unsafe static void GetCalculatedTransformB(this Generic6DofConstraint obj, out OpenTK.Matrix4 value)
     fixed(OpenTK.Matrix4 *valuePtr = &value)
         *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix *)valuePtr = obj.CalculatedTransformB;
 public unsafe static void GetFrameOffsetB(this Generic6DofConstraint obj, out OpenTK.Matrix4 value)
     fixed(OpenTK.Matrix4 *valuePtr = &value)
         *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix *)valuePtr = obj.FrameOffsetB;
 public unsafe static void SetFrames(this Generic6DofConstraint obj, ref OpenTK.Matrix4 frameA, ref OpenTK.Matrix4 frameB)
     fixed(OpenTK.Matrix4 *frameAPtr = &frameA)
         fixed(OpenTK.Matrix4 *frameBPtr = &frameB)
             obj.SetFrames(ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix *)frameAPtr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix *)frameBPtr);
         *      public unsafe static void GetInfo2NonVirtual(this Generic6DofConstraint obj, ConstraintInfo2 info, ref OpenTK.Matrix4 transA, ref OpenTK.Matrix4 transB, ref OpenTK.Vector3 linVelA, ref OpenTK.Vector3 linVelB, ref OpenTK.Vector3 angVelA, ref OpenTK.Vector3 angVelB)
         *      {
         *              fixed (OpenTK.Matrix4* transAPtr = &transA)
         *              {
         *                      fixed (OpenTK.Matrix4* transBPtr = &transB)
         *                      {
         *                              fixed (OpenTK.Vector3* linVelAPtr = &linVelA)
         *                              {
         *                                      fixed (OpenTK.Vector3* linVelBPtr = &linVelB)
         *                                      {
         *                                              fixed (OpenTK.Vector3* angVelAPtr = &angVelA)
         *                                              {
         *                                                      fixed (OpenTK.Vector3* angVelBPtr = &angVelB)
         *                                                      {
         *                                                              obj.GetInfo2NonVirtual(info, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix*)transAPtr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix*)transBPtr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3*)linVelAPtr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3*)linVelBPtr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3*)angVelAPtr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3*)angVelBPtr);
         *                                                      }
         *                                              }
         *                                      }
         *                              }
         *                      }
         *              }
         *      }

        public unsafe static void SetAxis(this Generic6DofConstraint obj, ref OpenTK.Vector3 axis1, ref OpenTK.Vector3 axis2)
            fixed(OpenTK.Vector3 *axis1Ptr = &axis1)
                fixed(OpenTK.Vector3 *axis2Ptr = &axis2)
                    obj.SetAxis(ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 *)axis1Ptr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 *)axis2Ptr);
 public unsafe static void CalculateTransforms(this Generic6DofConstraint obj, ref OpenTK.Matrix4 transA, ref OpenTK.Matrix4 transB)
     fixed(OpenTK.Matrix4 *transAPtr = &transA)
         fixed(OpenTK.Matrix4 *transBPtr = &transB)
             obj.CalculateTransforms(ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix *)transAPtr, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Matrix *)transBPtr);
        //called by Physics World just before constraint is added to world.
        //the current constraint properties are used to rebuild the constraint.
        internal override bool _BuildConstraint()
            BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();
            if (constraintPtr != null) {
                if (isInWorld && world != null) {
                    isInWorld = false;
            if (targetRigidBodyA == null) {
                Debug.LogError("Constraint target rigid body was not set.");
                return false;

            RigidBody rba = targetRigidBodyA.GetRigidBody();
            if (rba == null) {
                Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body");
                return false;
            if (constraintType == ConstraintType.constrainToAnotherBody)
                RigidBody rbb = targetRigidBodyB.GetRigidBody();
                if (rbb == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body");
                    return false;

                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix frameInA = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, Quaternion.LookRotation(localForwardInA, localUpInA).ToBullet(), localPointInA.ToBullet());
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix frameInB = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, Quaternion.LookRotation(localForwardInB, localUpInB).ToBullet(), localPointInB.ToBullet());
                constraintPtr = new Generic6DofConstraint(rba,rbb, frameInA, frameInB, false);
            } else
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix frameInA = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, Quaternion.LookRotation(localForwardInA, localUpInA).ToBullet(), localPointInA.ToBullet());
                constraintPtr = new Generic6DofConstraint(rba, frameInA, false);
            Generic6DofConstraint sl = (Generic6DofConstraint)constraintPtr;
            sl.LinearLowerLimit = linearLimitLower.ToBullet();
            sl.LinearUpperLimit = linearLimitUpper.ToBullet();
            sl.AngularLowerLimit = angularLimitLower.ToBullet();
            sl.AngularUpperLimit = angularLimitUpper.ToBullet();
            sl.TranslationalLimitMotor.TargetVelocity = motorLinearTargetVelocity.ToBullet();
            sl.TranslationalLimitMotor.MaxMotorForce = motorLinearMaxMotorForce.ToBullet();
            return true;
        protected override void OnInitializePhysics()
            IsDebugDrawEnabled = true;

            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(50, 1, 50);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(Vector3.UnitY, 40);
            RigidBody body = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(0, -16, 0), groundShape);
            body.UserObject = "Ground";

            CollisionShape shape = new BoxShape(new Vector3(CubeHalfExtents));

            const float THETA = (float)Math.PI/4.0f;
            float L_1 = 2 - (float)Math.Tan(THETA);
            float L_2 = 1 / (float)Math.Cos(THETA);
            float RATIO = L_2/L_1;

            RigidBody bodyA;
            RigidBody bodyB;

            CollisionShape cylA = new CylinderShape(0.2f, 0.25f, 0.2f);
            CollisionShape cylB = new CylinderShape(L_1, 0.025f, L_1);
            CompoundShape cyl0 = new CompoundShape();
            cyl0.AddChildShape(Matrix.Identity, cylA);
            cyl0.AddChildShape(Matrix.Identity, cylB);

            float mass = 6.28f;
            Vector3 localInertia;
            cyl0.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);
            RigidBodyConstructionInfo ci = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, null, cyl0, localInertia);
            ci.StartWorldTransform = Matrix.Translation(-8, 1, -8);

            body = new RigidBody(ci); //1,0,cyl0,localInertia);
            body.LinearFactor = Vector3.Zero;
            body.AngularFactor = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            bodyA = body;

            cylA = new CylinderShape(0.2f, 0.26f, 0.2f);
            cylB = new CylinderShape(L_2, 0.025f, L_2);
            cyl0 = new CompoundShape();
            cyl0.AddChildShape(Matrix.Identity, cylA);
            cyl0.AddChildShape(Matrix.Identity, cylB);

            mass = 6.28f;
            cyl0.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);
            ci = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, null, cyl0, localInertia);
            Quaternion orn = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), -THETA);
            ci.StartWorldTransform = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(orn) * Matrix.Translation(-10, 2, -8);

            body = new RigidBody(ci);//1,0,cyl0,localInertia);
            body.LinearFactor = Vector3.Zero;
            HingeConstraint hinge = new HingeConstraint(body, Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), true);
            bodyB = body;
            body.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(0, 3, 0);


            Vector3 axisA = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 axisB = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            orn = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), -THETA);
            Matrix mat = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(orn);
            axisB = new Vector3(mat.M21, mat.M22, mat.M23);

            GearConstraint gear = new GearConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, axisA, axisB, RATIO);
            World.AddConstraint(gear, true);

            mass = 1.0f;

            RigidBody body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(0, 20, 0), shape);

            RigidBody body1 = null;//LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(2*CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,20,0), shape);
            //RigidBody body1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(2*CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,20,0), null);
            //body1.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            //body1.SetDamping(0.3f, 0.3f);

            Vector3 pivotInA = new Vector3(CubeHalfExtents, -CubeHalfExtents, -CubeHalfExtents);
            Vector3 axisInA = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

            Vector3 pivotInB;
            if (body1 != null)
                Matrix transform = Matrix.Invert(body1.CenterOfMassTransform) * body0.CenterOfMassTransform;
                pivotInB = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pivotInA, transform);
                pivotInB = pivotInA;

            Vector3 axisInB;
            if (body1 != null)
                Matrix transform = Matrix.Invert(body1.CenterOfMassTransform) * body1.CenterOfMassTransform;
                axisInB = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(axisInA, transform);
                axisInB = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(axisInA, body0.CenterOfMassTransform);

            #if P2P
                TypedConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body0, pivotInA);
                //TypedConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body0, body1, pivotInA, pivotInB);
                //TypedConstraint hinge = new HingeConstraint(body0, body1, pivotInA, pivotInB, axisInA, axisInB);
                p2p.DebugDrawSize = 5;
                hinge = new HingeConstraint(body0, pivotInA, axisInA);

                //use zero targetVelocity and a small maxMotorImpulse to simulate joint friction
                //float	targetVelocity = 0.f;
                //float	maxMotorImpulse = 0.01;
                const float targetVelocity = 1.0f;
                const float maxMotorImpulse = 1.0f;
                hinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, targetVelocity, maxMotorImpulse);
                hinge.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            RigidBody pRbA1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-20, 0, 30), shape);
            //RigidBody pRbA1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, Matrix.Translation(-20, 0, 30), shape);
            pRbA1.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            // add dynamic rigid body B1
            RigidBody pRbB1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-20, 0, 30), shape);
            //RigidBody pRbB1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, Matrix.Translation(-20, 0, 30), shape);
            pRbB1.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            // create slider constraint between A1 and B1 and add it to world
            SliderConstraint spSlider1 = new SliderConstraint(pRbA1, pRbB1, Matrix.Identity, Matrix.Identity, true);
            //spSlider1 = new SliderConstraint(pRbA1, pRbB1, Matrix.Identity, Matrix.Identity, false);
            spSlider1.LowerLinearLimit = -15.0f;
            spSlider1.UpperLinearLimit = -5.0f;
            spSlider1.LowerLinearLimit = 5.0f;
            spSlider1.UpperLinearLimit = 15.0f;
            spSlider1.LowerLinearLimit = -10.0f;
            spSlider1.UpperLinearLimit = -10.0f;

            spSlider1.LowerAngularLimit = -(float)Math.PI / 3.0f;
            spSlider1.UpperAngularLimit = (float)Math.PI / 3.0f;

            World.AddConstraint(spSlider1, true);
            spSlider1.DebugDrawSize = 5.0f;

            //create a slider, using the generic D6 constraint
            Vector3 sliderWorldPos = new Vector3(0, 10, 0);
            Vector3 sliderAxis = Vector3.UnitX;
            const float angle = 0; //SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG * 10.f;
            Matrix trans = Matrix.RotationAxis(sliderAxis, angle) * Matrix.Translation(sliderWorldPos);
            d6body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
            d6body0.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            RigidBody fixedBody1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, trans, null);

            Matrix frameInA = Matrix.Translation(0, 5, 0);
            Matrix frameInB = Matrix.Translation(0, 5, 0);

            //bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = false;//use fixed frame B for linear llimits
            const bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = true; //use fixed frame A for linear llimits
            spSlider6Dof = new Generic6DofConstraint(fixedBody1, d6body0, frameInA, frameInB, useLinearReferenceFrameA)
                LinearLowerLimit = lowerSliderLimit,
                LinearUpperLimit = hiSliderLimit,

                //range should be small, otherwise singularities will 'explode' the constraint
                //AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-1.5f,0,0),
                //AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(1.5f,0,0),
                //AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0,0,0),
                //AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0,0,0),
                AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3((float)-Math.PI, 0, 0),
                AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(1.5f, 0, 0)

            //spSlider6Dof.TranslationalLimitMotor.EnableMotor[0] = true;
            spSlider6Dof.TranslationalLimitMotor.TargetVelocity = new Vector3(-5.0f, 0, 0);
            spSlider6Dof.TranslationalLimitMotor.MaxMotorForce = new Vector3(0.1f, 0, 0);

            spSlider6Dof.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a door using hinge constraint attached to the world

            CollisionShape pDoorShape = new BoxShape(2.0f, 5.0f, 0.2f);
            RigidBody pDoorBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-5.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f), pDoorShape);
            pDoorBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            Vector3 btPivotA = new Vector3(10.0f + 2.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f); // right next to the door slightly outside
            Vector3 btAxisA = Vector3.UnitY; // pointing upwards, aka Y-axis

            spDoorHinge = new HingeConstraint(pDoorBody, btPivotA, btAxisA);

            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(0.0f, (float)Math.PI / 2);
            // test problem values
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f);

            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(1, -1);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI, 0.9f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI, 0.9f, 0.01f, 0.0f); // "sticky limits"
            spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.25f, (float)Math.PI * 0.25f);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(0, 0);
            spDoorHinge.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            RigidBody pDropBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(10.0f, Matrix.Translation(-5.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f), shape);

            // create a generic 6DOF constraint

            //RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(10.0f, 6.0f, 0), shape);
            RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(10, 6, 0), shape);
            //RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(10, 6, 0), null);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(0, 6, 0), shape);
            //RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(0, 6, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            frameInA = Matrix.Translation(-5, 0, 0);
            frameInB = Matrix.Translation(5, 0, 0);

            Generic6DofConstraint pGen6DOF = new Generic6DofConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
            //Generic6DofConstraint pGen6DOF = new Generic6DofConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, false);
            pGen6DOF.LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(-10, -2, -1);
            pGen6DOF.LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(10, 2, 1);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(-10, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(10, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            //pGen6DOF.TranslationalLimitMotor.EnableMotor[0] = true;
            //pGen6DOF.TranslationalLimitMotor.TargetVelocity = new Vector3(5, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.TranslationalLimitMotor.MaxMotorForce = new Vector3(0.1f, 0, 0);

            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, (float)Math.PI * 0.9f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, -(float)Math.PI * 0.9f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, -(float)Math.PI);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, (float)Math.PI);

            pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-(float)Math.PI / 4, -0.75f, -(float)Math.PI * 0.4f);
            pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3((float)Math.PI / 4, 0.75f, (float)Math.PI * 0.4f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, -0.75f, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0.75f, -(float)Math.PI * 0.8f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, -(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI * 1.98f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f, -(float)Math.PI * 1.98f);

            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-0.75f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-0.75f, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0.75f, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, -0.7f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0.7f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            // create a ConeTwist constraint

            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-10, 5, 0), shape);
            //pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-10, 5, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-10, -5, 0), shape);
            //pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-10, -5, 0), shape);

            frameInA = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, (float)Math.PI / 2);
            frameInA *= Matrix.Translation(0, -5, 0);
            frameInB = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, (float)Math.PI / 2);
            frameInB *= Matrix.Translation(0, 5, 0);

            coneTwist = new ConeTwistConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB);
            //coneTwist.SetLimit((float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f);
            //coneTwist.SetLimit((((float)Math.PI / 4) * 0.6f), (float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f, 1.0f); // soft limit == hard limit
            coneTwist.SetLimit((((float)Math.PI / 4) * 0.6f), (float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f, 0.5f);
            World.AddConstraint(coneTwist, true);
            coneTwist.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // Hinge connected to the world, with motor (to hinge motor with new and old constraint solver)

            RigidBody pBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Identity, shape);
            pBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            Vector3 pivotA = new Vector3(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            btAxisA = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            HingeConstraint pHinge = new HingeConstraint(pBody, pivotA, btAxisA);
            //pHinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 0.165f); // use for the old solver
            pHinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 1.65f); // use for the new SIMD solver
            pHinge.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a universal joint using generic 6DOF constraint
            // create two rigid bodies
            // static bodyA (parent) on top:
            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(20, 4, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(20, 0, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // add some (arbitrary) data to build constraint frames
            Vector3 parentAxis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            Vector3 childAxis = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            Vector3 anchor = new Vector3(20, 2, 0);

            UniversalConstraint pUniv = new UniversalConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
            pUniv.SetLowerLimit(-(float)Math.PI / 4, -(float)Math.PI / 4);
            pUniv.SetUpperLimit((float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI / 4);
            // add constraint to world
            World.AddConstraint(pUniv, true);
            // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
            pUniv.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            World.AddConstraint(pGen6DOF, true);
            pGen6DOF.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a generic 6DOF constraint with springs

            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-20, 16, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-10, 16, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            frameInA = Matrix.Translation(10, 0, 0);
            frameInB = Matrix.Identity;

            Generic6DofSpringConstraint pGen6DOFSpring = new Generic6DofSpringConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true)
                LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(5, 0, 0),
                LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(-5, 0, 0),
                AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, -1.5f),
                AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, 1.5f),
                DebugDrawSize = 5
            World.AddConstraint(pGen6DOFSpring, true);

            pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(0, true);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(0, 39.478f);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.5f);
            pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(5, true);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(5, 39.478f);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.3f);

            // create a Hinge2 joint
            // create two rigid bodies
            // static bodyA (parent) on top:
            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-20, 4, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-20, 0, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // add some data to build constraint frames
            parentAxis = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            childAxis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            anchor = new Vector3(-20, 0, 0);
            Hinge2Constraint pHinge2 = new Hinge2Constraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
            pHinge2.SetLowerLimit(-(float)Math.PI / 4);
            pHinge2.SetUpperLimit((float)Math.PI / 4);
            // add constraint to world
            World.AddConstraint(pHinge2, true);
            // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
            pHinge2.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a Hinge joint between two dynamic bodies
            // create two rigid bodies
            // static bodyA (parent) on top:
            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-20, -2, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // dynamic bodyB:
            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(10.0f, Matrix.Translation(-30, -2, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // add some data to build constraint frames
            axisA = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            axisB = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 pivotA2 = new Vector3(-5, 0, 0);
            Vector3 pivotB = new Vector3(5, 0, 0);
            spHingeDynAB = new HingeConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, pivotA2, pivotB, axisA, axisB);
            spHingeDynAB.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI / 4);
            // add constraint to world
            World.AddConstraint(spHingeDynAB, true);
            // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
            spHingeDynAB.DebugDrawSize = 5;
 public Generic6DofConstraint CreateGeneric6DofConstraint(RigidBody rbA, RigidBody rbB, ref Matrix frameInA, ref Matrix frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA)
     Generic6DofConstraint constraint = new Generic6DofConstraint(rbA, rbB, frameInA, frameInB, useLinearReferenceFrameA);
     return constraint;
 public static OpenTK.Matrix4 GetFrameOffsetB(this Generic6DofConstraint obj)
     OpenTK.Matrix4 value;
     GetFrameOffsetB(obj, out value);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public virtual void OnHandleInput()
            if (Input.KeysPressed.Count != 0)
                switch (Input.KeysPressed[0])
                    case Keys.Escape:
                    case Keys.Q:
                    case Keys.F3:
                        IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled;
                    case Keys.F8:
                        GraphicsLibraryManager.ExitWithReload = true;
                    case Keys.F11:
                        Graphics.IsFullScreen = !Graphics.IsFullScreen;
                    case Keys.G:
                        //shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled;
                    case Keys.Space:
                        ShootBox(Freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView));
                    case Keys.Return:

            if (Input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None)
                Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView);

                if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right)
                    if (_world != null)
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;

                        ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo);
                        _world.RayTest(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo, rayCallback);
                        if (rayCallback.HasHit)
                            Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld;
                            RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody;
                            if (body != null)
                                if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject))
                                    pickedBody = body;
                                    pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

                                    Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform));

                                    if (Input.KeysDown.Contains(Keys.ShiftKey))
                                        Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false)
                                            LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero

                                        pickConstraint = dof6;

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5);

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5);
                                        Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot);
                                        pickConstraint = p2p;
                                        p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30;
                                        //very weak constraint for picking
                                        p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f;
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2);
                                MultiBodyLinkCollider multiCol = rayCallback.CollisionObject as MultiBodyLinkCollider;
                                if (multiCol != null && multiCol.MultiBody != null)
                                    MultiBody mb = multiCol.MultiBody;

                                    prevCanSleep = mb.CanSleep;
                                    mb.CanSleep = false;
                                    Vector3 pivotInA = mb.WorldPosToLocal(multiCol.Link, pickPos);

                                    MultiBodyPoint2Point p2p = new MultiBodyPoint2Point(mb, multiCol.Link, null, pivotInA, pickPos);
                                    p2p.MaxAppliedImpulse = 2;

                                    (World as MultiBodyDynamicsWorld).AddMultiBodyConstraint(p2p);
                                    pickingMultiBodyPoint2Point = p2p;
                            oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length;
            else if (Input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right)

            // Mouse movement
            if (Input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right)
 public static OpenTK.Matrix4 GetCalculatedTransformB(this Generic6DofConstraint obj)
     OpenTK.Matrix4 value;
     GetCalculatedTransformB(obj, out value);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates hair into allocated hair structure, using previously defined setup and entity index.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Create(HairSetup setup, Entity parentEntity)
            // No setup or parent to link to - bypass function.
            if (parentEntity == null || setup == null || setup.LinkBody >= parentEntity.Bf.BoneTags.Count ||
                parentEntity.Bt.BtBody[(int)setup.LinkBody] == null)
                return false;

            var model = EngineWorld.GetModelByID(setup.Model);

            // No model to link to - bypass function.
            if (model == null || model.MeshCount == 0) return false;

            // Setup engine container. FIXME: DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY ATM.
            Container = new EngineContainer();
            Container.Room = parentEntity.Self.Room;
            Container.ObjectType = OBJECT_TYPE.Hair;
            Container.Object = this;

            // Setup initial hair parameters.
            OwnerChar = parentEntity; // Entity to refer to.
            OwnerBody = setup.LinkBody; // Entity body to refer to.

            // Setup initial position / angles.
            var ownerBodyTransform = parentEntity.Transform * parentEntity.Bf.BoneTags[(int) OwnerBody].FullTransform;

            // Number of elements (bodies) is equal to number of hair meshes.
            Elements = new List<HairElement>();
            Elements.Resize(model.MeshCount, () => new HairElement());

            // Root index should be always zero, as it is how engine determines that it is
            // connected to head and renders it properly. Tail index should be always the
            // last element of the hair, as it indicates absence of "child" constraint.
            RootIndex = 0;
            TailIndex = (byte)(Elements.Count - 1);

            // Weight step is needed to determine the weight of each hair body.
            // It is derived from root body weight and tail body weight.
            var weightStep = (setup.RootWeight - setup.TailWeight) / Elements.Count;
            var currentWeight = setup.RootWeight;

            for (var i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++)
                // Point to corresponding mesh.
                Elements[i].Mesh = model.MeshTree[i].MeshBase;

                // Begin creating ACTUAL physical hair mesh.
                var localInertia = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3.Zero;

                // Make collision shape out of mesh.
                Elements[i].Shape = BT_CSfromMesh(Elements[i].Mesh, true, true, false);
                Elements[i].Shape.CalculateLocalInertia(currentWeight * setup.HairInertia, out localInertia);

                // Decrease next body weight to weight_step parameter.
                currentWeight -= weightStep;

                // Initialize motion state for body.
                var startTransform = ownerBodyTransform;
                var motionState = new DefaultMotionState(((Matrix4)startTransform).ToBullet());

                // Make rigid body.
                Elements[i].Body = new RigidBody(new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(currentWeight, motionState, Elements[i].Shape, localInertia));

                // Damping makes body stop in space by itself, to prevent it from continous movement.
                Elements[i].Body.SetDamping(setup.HairDamping[0], setup.HairDamping[1]);

                // Restitution and friction parameters define "bounciness" and "dullness" of hair.
                Elements[i].Body.Restitution = setup.HairRestitution;
                Elements[i].Body.Friction = setup.HairFriction;

                // Since hair is always moving with Lara, even if she's in still state (like, hanging
                // on a ledge), hair bodies shouldn't deactivate over time.

                // Hair bodies must not collide with each other, and also collide ONLY with kinematic
                // bodies (e. g. animated meshes), or else Lara's ghost object or anything else will be able to
                // collide with hair!
                Elements[i].Body.UserObject = Container;
                BtEngineDynamicsWorld.AddRigidBody(Elements[i].Body, CollisionFilterGroups.CharacterFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.KinematicFilter);


            // All constraints are generic 6-DOF type, as they seem perfect fit for hair.

            // Joint count is calculated from overall body amount multiplied by per-body constraint
            // count.
            Joints = new List<Generic6DofConstraint>();

            // If multiple joints per body is specified, joints are placed in circular manner,
            // with obvious step of (SIMD_2_PI) / joint count. It means that all joints will form
            // circle-like figure.
            var currJoint = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++)
                float bodyLength;
                var localA = new Transform();
                var localB = new Transform();

                var jointX = 0.0f;
                var jointY = 0.0f;

                RigidBody prevBody;
                if(i == 0) // First joint group
                    // Adjust pivot point A to parent body.
                    localA.Origin = setup.HeadOffset + new Vector3(jointX, 0.0f, jointY);
                    Helper.SetEulerZYX(ref localA.Basis, setup.RootAngle.X, setup.RootAngle.Y, setup.RootAngle.Z);
                    // Stealing this calculation because I need it for drawing
                    OwnerBodyHairRoot = localA;

                    localB.Origin = new Vector3(jointX, 0.0f, jointY);
                    Helper.SetEulerZYX(ref localB.Basis, 0, -HalfPI, 0);

                    prevBody = parentEntity.Bt.BtBody[(int) OwnerBody]; // Previous body is parent body.
                    // Adjust pivot point A to previous mesh's length, considering mesh overlap multiplier.
                    bodyLength = Math.Abs(Elements[i - 1].Mesh.BBMax.Y - Elements[i - 1].Mesh.BBMin.Y) *

                    localA.Origin = new Vector3(jointX, bodyLength, jointY);
                    Helper.SetEulerZYX(ref localA.Basis, 0, -HalfPI, 0);

                    // Pivot point B is automatically adjusted by Bullet.
                    localB.Origin = new Vector3(jointX, 0.0f, jointY);
                    Helper.SetEulerZYX(ref localB.Basis, 0, -HalfPI, 0);

                    prevBody = Elements[i - 1].Body; // Previous body is preceding hair mesh.

                // Create 6DOF constraint.
                Joints[currJoint] = new Generic6DofConstraint(prevBody, Elements[i].Body, ((Matrix4) localA).ToBullet(),
                    ((Matrix4) localB).ToBullet(), true);

                // CFM and ERP parameters are critical for making joint "hard" and link
                // to Lara's head. With wrong values, constraints may become "elastic".
                for (var axis = 0; axis < 6; axis++)
                    Joints[currJoint].SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, setup.JointCfm, axis);
                    Joints[currJoint].SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, setup.JointErp, axis);

                Joints[currJoint].LinearLowerLimit = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3.Zero;
                Joints[currJoint].LinearUpperLimit = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3.Zero;

                if(i == 0)
                    // First joint group should be more limited in motion, as it is connected
                    // right to the head. NB: Should we make it scriptable as well?
                    Joints[currJoint].AngularLowerLimit = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(-HalfPI, 0.0f, -HalfPI * 0.4f);
                    Joints[currJoint].AngularLowerLimit = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(-HalfPI * 0.3f, 0.0f, HalfPI * 0.4f);

                    // Increased solver iterations make constraint even more stable.
                    Joints[currJoint].OverrideNumSolverIterations = 100;
                    // Normal joint with more movement freedom.
                    Joints[currJoint].AngularLowerLimit = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(-HalfPI * 0.5f, 0.0f, -HalfPI * 0.5f);
                    Joints[currJoint].AngularLowerLimit = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(HalfPI * 0.5f, 0.0f, HalfPI * 0.5f);

                Joints[currJoint].DebugDrawSize = 5.0f; // Draw constraint axes.

                // Add constraint to the world.
                BtEngineDynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(Joints[currJoint], true);

                currJoint++; // Point to the next joint.


            return true;
        //called by Physics World just before constraint is added to world.
        //the current constraint properties are used to rebuild the constraint.
        internal override bool _BuildConstraint()
            BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();
            if (m_constraintPtr != null) {
                if (m_isInWorld && world != null) {
                    m_isInWorld = false;
            BRigidBody targetRigidBodyA = GetComponent<BRigidBody>();
            if (targetRigidBodyA == null) {
                Debug.LogError("B6DOFConstraint needs to be added to a component with a BRigidBody.");
                return false;
            if (!targetRigidBodyA.isInWorld)

            RigidBody rba = (RigidBody) targetRigidBodyA.GetCollisionObject();
            if (rba == null) {
                Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body");
                return false;
            if (m_constraintType == ConstraintType.constrainToAnotherBody)
                if (m_otherRigidBody == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Other Rigid Body is not set.");
                    return false;
                if (!m_otherRigidBody.isInWorld)
                    return false;
                RigidBody rbb = (RigidBody) m_otherRigidBody.GetCollisionObject();
                if (rbb == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body");
                    return false;

                BM.Matrix frameInA, frameInOther;
                string errormsg = "";
                if (CreateFramesA_B(m_localConstraintAxisX, m_localConstraintAxisY, m_localConstraintPoint, out frameInA, out frameInOther, ref errormsg))
                    m_constraintPtr = new Generic6DofConstraint(rbb, rba, frameInOther, frameInA, true);
                } else
                    return false;
            } else
                //TODO think about this
                BM.Matrix frameInA = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Identity;
                m_constraintPtr = new Generic6DofConstraint(rba, frameInA, false);
            m_constraintPtr.Userobject = this;
            Generic6DofConstraint sl = (Generic6DofConstraint)m_constraintPtr;
            sl.LinearLowerLimit = m_linearLimitLower.ToBullet();
            sl.LinearUpperLimit = m_linearLimitUpper.ToBullet();
            sl.AngularLowerLimit = m_angularLimitLowerRadians.ToBullet();
            sl.AngularUpperLimit = m_angularLimitUpperRadians.ToBullet();
            sl.TranslationalLimitMotor.TargetVelocity = m_motorLinearTargetVelocity.ToBullet();
            sl.TranslationalLimitMotor.MaxMotorForce = m_motorLinearMaxMotorForce.ToBullet();
            sl.BreakingImpulseThreshold = m_breakingImpulseThreshold;
            sl.DebugDrawSize = m_debugDrawSize;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected virtual void OnHandleInput()
            if (Input.KeysPressed.Count != 0)
                Keys key = Input.KeysPressed[0];
                switch (key)
                    case Keys.Escape:
                    case Keys.Q:
                    case Keys.F3:
                        IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled;
                    case Keys.F11:
                    case Keys.Space:
                        PhysicsContext.ShootBox(Freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView));

            if (Input.MousePressed != MouseButtonFlags.None)
                Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView);

                if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtonFlags.RightDown)
                    if (PhysicsContext.World != null)
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;

                        CollisionWorld.ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new CollisionWorld.ClosestRayResultCallback(rayFrom, rayTo);
                        PhysicsContext.World.RayTest(rayFrom, rayTo, rayCallback);
                        if (rayCallback.HasHit)
                            RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody;
                            if (body != null)
                                if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject))
                                    pickedBody = body;
                                    pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

                                    Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld;
                                    Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform));

                                    if (use6Dof)
                                        Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false);
                                        dof6.LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero;
                                        dof6.LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero;
                                        dof6.AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero;
                                        dof6.AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero;

                                        pickConstraint = dof6;

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5);

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5);
                                        Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot);
                                        pickConstraint = p2p;
                                        p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30;
                                        //very weak constraint for picking
                                        p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f;
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2);
                                    use6Dof = !use6Dof;

                                    oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length();
                else if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtonFlags.RightUp)
                    if (pickConstraint != null && PhysicsContext.World != null)
                        pickConstraint = null;
                        pickedBody.DeactivationTime = 0;
                        pickedBody = null;

            // Mouse movement
            if (Input.MouseDown == MouseButtonFlags.RightDown)
                if (pickConstraint != null)
                    Vector3 newRayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView);

                    if (pickConstraint.ConstraintType == TypedConstraintType.D6)
                        Generic6DofConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Generic6DofConstraint;

                        //keep it at the same picking distance
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;
                        Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom;
                        dir *= oldPickingDist;
                        Vector3 newPivotB = rayFrom + dir;

                        Matrix tempFrameOffsetA = pickCon.FrameOffsetA;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M41 = newPivotB.X;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M42 = newPivotB.Y;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M43 = newPivotB.Z;
                        pickCon.FrameOffsetA = tempFrameOffsetA;
                        Point2PointConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Point2PointConstraint;

                        //keep it at the same picking distance
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;
                        Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom;
                        dir *= oldPickingDist;
                        pickCon.PivotInB = rayFrom + dir;
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected virtual void OnHandleInput()
            if (Input.KeysPressed.Count != 0)
                switch (Input.KeysPressed[0])
                    case Keys.Escape:
                    case Keys.Q:
                    case Keys.F1:
                            "Move using mouse and WASD + shift\n" +
                            "Space - Shoot box\n" +
                            "Q - Quit\n\n" +
                            "G - Toggle shadows\n" +
                            "L - Toggle deferred lighting\n",
                    case Keys.F3:
                        //IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled;
                    case Keys.F11:
                    case (Keys.Control | Keys.F):
                        const int maxSerializeBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5;
                        DefaultSerializer serializer = new DefaultSerializer(maxSerializeBufferSize);

                        byte[] dataBytes = new byte[serializer.CurrentBufferSize];
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(serializer.BufferPointer, dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length);

                        System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream("world.bullet", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
                        file.Write(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length);
                    case Keys.G:
                        shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled;
                    case Keys.L:
                        deferredLightingEnabled = !deferredLightingEnabled;
                    case Keys.Space:
                        PhysicsContext.ShootBox(Freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView));

            if (Input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None)
                Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView);

                if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right)
                    if (PhysicsContext.World != null)
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;

                        ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo);
                        PhysicsContext.World.RayTest(rayFrom, rayTo, rayCallback);
                        if (rayCallback.HasHit)
                            RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody;
                            if (body != null)
                                if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject))
                                    pickedBody = body;
                                    pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

                                    Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld;
                                    Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform));

                                    if (Input.KeysDown.Contains(Keys.ShiftKey))
                                        Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false)
                                            LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero

                                        pickConstraint = dof6;

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5);

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5);
                                        Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot);
                                        pickConstraint = p2p;
                                        p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30;
                                        //very weak constraint for picking
                                        p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f;
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2);

                                    oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length();
            else if (Input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right)

            // Mouse movement
            if (Input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right)
                if (pickConstraint != null)
                    Vector3 newRayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView);

                    if (pickConstraint.ConstraintType == TypedConstraintType.D6)
                        Generic6DofConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Generic6DofConstraint;

                        //keep it at the same picking distance
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;
                        Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom;
                        dir *= oldPickingDist;
                        Vector3 newPivotB = rayFrom + dir;

                        Matrix tempFrameOffsetA = pickCon.FrameOffsetA;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M41 = newPivotB.X;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M42 = newPivotB.Y;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M43 = newPivotB.Z;
                        pickCon.SetFrames(tempFrameOffsetA, pickCon.FrameOffsetB);
                        Point2PointConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Point2PointConstraint;

                        //keep it at the same picking distance
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;
                        Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom;
                        dir *= oldPickingDist;
                        pickCon.PivotInB = rayFrom + dir;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public virtual void OnHandleInput()
            if (_input.KeysPressed.Count != 0)
                switch (_input.KeysPressed[0])
                    case Keys.Escape:
                    case Keys.Q:
                    case Keys.F3:
                        IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled;
                    case Keys.F8:
                        LibraryManager.ExitWithReload = true;
                    case Keys.F11:
                        Graphics.IsFullScreen = !Graphics.IsFullScreen;
                    case Keys.G:
                        //shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled;
                    case Keys.Space:
                        ShootBox(_freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(_input.MousePoint, _freelook.Eye, _freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView));
                    case Keys.Return:

            if (_input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None)
                Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(_input.MousePoint, _freelook.Eye, _freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView);

                if (_input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right)
                    if (_world != null)
                        Vector3 rayFrom = _freelook.Eye;

                        CollisionWorld.ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new CollisionWorld.ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo);
                        _world.RayTest(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo, rayCallback);
                        if (rayCallback.HasHit)
                            RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody;
                            if (body != null)
                                if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject))
                                    pickedBody = body;
                                    pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

                                    Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld;
                                    Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform));

                                    if (_input.KeysDown.Contains(Keys.ShiftKey))
                                        Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false)
                                            LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero

                                        pickConstraint = dof6;

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5);

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5);
                                        Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot);
                                        pickConstraint = p2p;
                                        p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30;
                                        //very weak constraint for picking
                                        p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f;
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2);

                                    oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length();
            else if (_input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right)

            // Mouse movement
            if (_input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right)
                if (pickConstraint != null)
                    Vector3 newRayTo = GetRayTo(_input.MousePoint, _freelook.Eye, _freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView);

                    if (pickConstraint.ConstraintType == TypedConstraintType.D6)
                        Generic6DofConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Generic6DofConstraint;

                        //keep it at the same picking distance
                        Vector3 rayFrom = _freelook.Eye;
                        Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom;
                        dir *= oldPickingDist;
                        Vector3 newPivotB = rayFrom + dir;

                        Matrix tempFrameOffsetA = pickCon.FrameOffsetA;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M41 = newPivotB.X;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M42 = newPivotB.Y;
                        tempFrameOffsetA.M43 = newPivotB.Z;
                        pickCon.FrameOffsetA = tempFrameOffsetA;
                        Point2PointConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Point2PointConstraint;

                        //keep it at the same picking distance
                        Vector3 rayFrom = _freelook.Eye;
                        Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom;
                        dir *= oldPickingDist;
                        pickCon.PivotInB = rayFrom + dir;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public virtual void OnHandleInput()
            if (Input.KeysPressed.Count != 0)
                switch (Input.KeysPressed[0])
                    case Keys.Escape:
                    case Keys.Q:
                    case Keys.F1:
                            "Move using WASD + shift\n" +
                            "Left click - point camera\n" +
                            "Right click - pick up an object using a Point2PointConstraint\n" +
                            "Right click + shift - pick up an object using a fixed Generic6DofConstraint\n" +
                            "Space - shoot box\n" +
                            "Q - quit\n\n" +
                        // Key release won't be captured
                    case Keys.F3:
                        IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled;
                    case Keys.F8:
                        GraphicsLibraryManager.ExitWithReload = true;
                    case Keys.F11:
                        Graphics.IsFullScreen = !Graphics.IsFullScreen;
                    case (Keys.Control | Keys.F):
                        const int maxSerializeBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5;
                        using (var serializer = new DefaultSerializer(maxSerializeBufferSize))
                            byte[] dataBytes = new byte[serializer.CurrentBufferSize];
                            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(serializer.BufferPointer, dataBytes, 0,
                            using (var file = new System.IO.FileStream("world.bullet", System.IO.FileMode.Create))
                                file.Write(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length);
                    case Keys.G:
                        //shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled;
                    case Keys.Space:
                        ShootBox(Freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView));
                    case Keys.Return:

            if (Input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None)
                Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView);

                if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right)
                    if (World != null)
                        Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye;

                        ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo);
                        World.RayTestRef(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo, rayCallback);
                        if (rayCallback.HasHit)
                            Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld;
                            RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody;
                            if (body != null)
                                if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject))
                                    pickedBody = body;
                                    pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

                                    Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform));

                                    if (Input.KeysDown.Contains(Keys.ShiftKey))
                                        Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false)
                                            LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero,
                                            AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero

                                        pickConstraint = dof6;

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5);

                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4);
                                        dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5);
                                        Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot);
                                        pickConstraint = p2p;
                                        p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30;
                                        //very weak constraint for picking
                                        p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f;
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1);
                                        p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2);
                                MultiBodyLinkCollider multiCol = rayCallback.CollisionObject as MultiBodyLinkCollider;
                                if (multiCol != null && multiCol.MultiBody != null)
                                    MultiBody mb = multiCol.MultiBody;

                                    prevCanSleep = mb.CanSleep;
                                    mb.CanSleep = false;
                                    Vector3 pivotInA = mb.WorldPosToLocal(multiCol.Link, pickPos);

                                    MultiBodyPoint2Point p2p = new MultiBodyPoint2Point(mb, multiCol.Link, null, pivotInA, pickPos);
                                    p2p.MaxAppliedImpulse = 2;

                                    (World as MultiBodyDynamicsWorld).AddMultiBodyConstraint(p2p);
                                    pickingMultiBodyPoint2Point = p2p;
                            oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length;
            else if (Input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right)

            // Mouse movement
            if (Input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right)
Exemplo n.º 18
        public Physics()

            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(50, 1, 50);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(Vector3.UnitY, 40);
            RigidBody body = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(0, -16, 0), groundShape);
            body.UserObject = "Ground";

            CollisionShape shape = new BoxShape(new Vector3(CubeHalfExtents));

            float mass = 1.0f;

            RigidBody body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(0, 20, 0), shape);

            RigidBody body1 = null;//LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(2*CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,20,0), shape);
            //RigidBody body1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(2*CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,20,0), null);
            //body1.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            //body1.SetDamping(0.3f, 0.3f);

            Vector3 pivotInA = new Vector3(CubeHalfExtents, -CubeHalfExtents, -CubeHalfExtents);
            Vector3 axisInA = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

            Vector3 pivotInB;
            if (body1 != null)
                Matrix transform = Matrix.Invert(body1.CenterOfMassTransform) * body0.CenterOfMassTransform;
                pivotInB = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pivotInA, transform);
                pivotInB = pivotInA;

            Vector3 axisInB;
            if (body1 != null)
                Matrix transform = Matrix.Invert(body1.CenterOfMassTransform) * body1.CenterOfMassTransform;
                axisInB = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(axisInA, transform);
                axisInB = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(axisInA, body0.CenterOfMassTransform);

            if (P2P)
                TypedConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body0, pivotInA);
                //TypedConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body0,body1,pivotInA,pivotInB);
                //TypedConstraint hinge = new HingeConstraint(body0,body1,pivotInA,pivotInB,axisInA,axisInB);
                p2p.DebugDrawSize = 5;
                HingeConstraint hinge = new HingeConstraint(body0, pivotInA, axisInA);

                //use zero targetVelocity and a small maxMotorImpulse to simulate joint friction
                //float	targetVelocity = 0.f;
                //float	maxMotorImpulse = 0.01;
                float targetVelocity = 1.0f;
                float maxMotorImpulse = 1.0f;
                hinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, targetVelocity, maxMotorImpulse);
                hinge.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            //create a slider, using the generic D6 constraint
            Vector3 sliderWorldPos = new Vector3(0, 10, 0);
            Vector3 sliderAxis = Vector3.UnitX;
            float angle = 0;//SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG * 10.f;
            Matrix trans = Matrix.RotationAxis(sliderAxis, angle) * Matrix.Translation(sliderWorldPos);
            d6body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, shape);
            d6body0.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            RigidBody fixedBody1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, trans, null);

            Matrix frameInA = Matrix.Translation(0, 5, 0);
            Matrix frameInB = Matrix.Translation(0, 5, 0);

            //bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = false;//use fixed frame B for linear llimits
            bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = true;//use fixed frame A for linear llimits
            spSlider6Dof = new Generic6DofConstraint(fixedBody1, d6body0, frameInA, frameInB, useLinearReferenceFrameA);
            spSlider6Dof.LinearLowerLimit = lowerSliderLimit;
            spSlider6Dof.LinearUpperLimit = hiSliderLimit;

            //range should be small, otherwise singularities will 'explode' the constraint
            //spSlider6Dof.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-1.5f,0,0);
            //spSlider6Dof.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(1.5f,0,0);
            //spSlider6Dof.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0,0,0);
            //spSlider6Dof.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0,0,0);
            spSlider6Dof.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3((float)-Math.PI, 0, 0);
            spSlider6Dof.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(1.5f, 0, 0);

            spSlider6Dof.TranslationalLimitMotor.EnableMotor[0] = true;
            spSlider6Dof.TranslationalLimitMotor.TargetVelocity = new Vector3(-5.0f, 0, 0);
            spSlider6Dof.TranslationalLimitMotor.MaxMotorForce = new Vector3(0.1f, 0, 0);

            spSlider6Dof.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a door using hinge constraint attached to the world

            CollisionShape pDoorShape = new BoxShape(2.0f, 5.0f, 0.2f);
            RigidBody pDoorBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-5.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f), pDoorShape);
            pDoorBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            Vector3 btPivotA = new Vector3(10.0f + 2.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f); // right next to the door slightly outside
            Vector3 btAxisA = Vector3.UnitY; // pointing upwards, aka Y-axis

            spDoorHinge = new HingeConstraint(pDoorBody, btPivotA, btAxisA);

            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(0.0f, (float)Math.PI / 2);
            // test problem values
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f);

            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(1, -1);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI, 0.9f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI, 0.9f, 0.01f, 0.0f); // "sticky limits"
            spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI * 0.25f, (float)Math.PI * 0.25f);
            //spDoorHinge.SetLimit(0, 0);
            spDoorHinge.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            RigidBody pDropBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(10.0f, Matrix.Translation(-5.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f), shape);

            // create a generic 6DOF constraint

            //RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(10.0f, 6.0f, 0), shape);
            RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(10, 6, 0), shape);
            //RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(10, 6, 0), null);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(0, 6, 0), shape);
            //RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(0, 6, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            frameInA = Matrix.Translation(-5, 0, 0);
            frameInB = Matrix.Translation(5, 0, 0);

            Generic6DofConstraint pGen6DOF = new Generic6DofConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
            //Generic6DofConstraint pGen6DOF = new Generic6DofConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, false);
            pGen6DOF.LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(-10, -2, -1);
            pGen6DOF.LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(10, 2, 1);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(-10, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(10, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            //pGen6DOF.TranslationalLimitMotor.EnableMotor[0] = true;
            //pGen6DOF.TranslationalLimitMotor.TargetVelocity = new Vector3(5, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.TranslationalLimitMotor.MaxMotorForce = new Vector3(0.1f, 0, 0);

            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, (float)Math.PI * 0.9f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, -(float)Math.PI * 0.9f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, -(float)Math.PI);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, (float)Math.PI);

            pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-(float)Math.PI / 4, -0.75f, -(float)Math.PI * 0.4f);
            pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3((float)Math.PI / 4, 0.75f, (float)Math.PI * 0.4f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, -0.75f, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0.75f, -(float)Math.PI * 0.8f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, -(float)Math.PI * 0.8f, (float)Math.PI * 1.98f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f, -(float)Math.PI * 1.98f);

            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-0.75f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-0.75f, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0.75f, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, -0.7f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0.7f, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
            //pGen6DOF.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            // create a ConeTwist constraint

            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-10, 5, 0), shape);
            //pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-10, 5, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-10, -5, 0), shape);
            //pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-10, -5, 0), shape);

            frameInA = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, (float)Math.PI / 2);
            frameInA *= Matrix.Translation(0, -5, 0);
            frameInB = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, (float)Math.PI / 2);
            frameInB *= Matrix.Translation(0, 5, 0);

            coneTwist = new ConeTwistConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB);
            //coneTwist.SetLimit((float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f);
            //coneTwist.SetLimit((((float)Math.PI / 4) * 0.6f), (float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f, 1.0f); // soft limit == hard limit
            coneTwist.SetLimit((((float)Math.PI / 4) * 0.6f), (float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI * 0.8f, 0.5f);
            World.AddConstraint(coneTwist, true);
            coneTwist.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // Hinge connected to the world, with motor (to hinge motor with new and old constraint solver)

            RigidBody pBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Identity, shape);
            pBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            Vector3 PivotA = new Vector3(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            btAxisA = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            HingeConstraint pHinge = new HingeConstraint(pBody, btPivotA, btAxisA);
            //pHinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 0.165f); // use for the old solver
            pHinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 1.65f); // use for the new SIMD solver
            pHinge.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a universal joint using generic 6DOF constraint
            // create two rigid bodies
            // static bodyA (parent) on top:
            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(20, 4, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(20, 0, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // add some (arbitrary) data to build constraint frames
            Vector3 parentAxis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            Vector3 childAxis = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            Vector3 anchor = new Vector3(20, 2, 0);

            UniversalConstraint pUniv = new UniversalConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
            pUniv.SetLowerLimit(-(float)Math.PI / 4, -(float)Math.PI / 4);
            pUniv.SetUpperLimit((float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI / 4);
            // add constraint to world
            World.AddConstraint(pUniv, true);
            // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
            pUniv.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            World.AddConstraint(pGen6DOF, true);
            pGen6DOF.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a generic 6DOF constraint with springs 

            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-20, 16, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-10, 16, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;

            frameInA = Matrix.Translation(10, 0, 0);
            frameInB = Matrix.Identity;

            Generic6DofSpringConstraint pGen6DOFSpring = new Generic6DofSpringConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
            pGen6DOFSpring.LinearUpperLimit = new Vector3(5, 0, 0);
            pGen6DOFSpring.LinearLowerLimit = new Vector3(-5, 0, 0);

            pGen6DOFSpring.AngularLowerLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, -1.5f);
            pGen6DOFSpring.AngularUpperLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, 1.5f);

            World.AddConstraint(pGen6DOFSpring, true);
            pGen6DOFSpring.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(0, true);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(0, 39.478f);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.5f);
            pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(5, true);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(5, 39.478f);
            pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.3f);

            // create a Hinge2 joint
            // create two rigid bodies
            // static bodyA (parent) on top:
            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(-20, 4, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-20, 0, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // add some data to build constraint frames
            parentAxis = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            childAxis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            anchor = new Vector3(-20, 0, 0);
            Hinge2Constraint pHinge2 = new Hinge2Constraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, anchor, parentAxis, childAxis);
            pHinge2.SetLowerLimit(-(float)Math.PI / 4);
            pHinge2.SetUpperLimit((float)Math.PI / 4);
            // add constraint to world
            World.AddConstraint(pHinge2, true);
            // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
            pHinge2.DebugDrawSize = 5;

            // create a Hinge joint between two dynamic bodies
            // create two rigid bodies
            // static bodyA (parent) on top:
            pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, Matrix.Translation(-20, -2, 0), shape);
            pBodyA.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // dynamic bodyB:
            pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(10.0f, Matrix.Translation(-30, -2, 0), shape);
            pBodyB.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            // add some data to build constraint frames
            Vector3 axisA = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 axisB = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 pivotA = new Vector3(-5, 0, 0);
            Vector3 pivotB = new Vector3(5, 0, 0);
            spHingeDynAB = new HingeConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, pivotA, pivotB, axisA, axisB);
            spHingeDynAB.SetLimit(-(float)Math.PI / 4, (float)Math.PI / 4);
            // add constraint to world
            World.AddConstraint(spHingeDynAB, true);
            // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
            spHingeDynAB.DebugDrawSize = 5;