/// <summary>
        /// Ensures that a log path is created, calls <see cref="o:DumpPipLiteAnalysisUtilities.DumpPip"/>, and updates
        /// the state of the analyzer if it runs into an error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pip">Pip to be dumped.</param>
        /// <param name="dynamicData"> Dynamic data to be dumped.</param>
        /// <param name="currentNumLogFiles">The current number of dump pip lite files that have been created.</param>
        private void DumpPip(Pip pip, ProcessExecutionMonitoringReportedEventData?dynamicData, int currentNumLogFiles)
            var dumpPipResult = false;

            if (!m_logPathCreated)
                // A log entry should have been generated already if this fails
                m_logPathCreated = DumpPipLiteAnalysisUtilities.CreateLoggingDirectory(m_logPath.ToString(m_pipExecutionContext.PathTable), m_loggingContext);

            if (m_logPathCreated)
                // A log entry should have been generated already if this fails
                dumpPipResult = DumpPipLiteAnalysisUtilities.DumpPip(pip,

            if (!(m_logPathCreated && dumpPipResult))
                // This failure was already logged in DumpPipLiteAnalysisUtilies
                m_loggingErrorOccured = true;

            if (currentNumLogFiles >= m_maxLogFiles)
                // Log limit reached, log this once
                Logger.Log.RuntimeDumpPipLiteLogLimitReached(m_loggingContext, m_maxLogFiles);
        /// <summary>
        /// Hooks into the log target for pip execution performance data which will be called
        /// when a pip fails. This will then dump relevant information on the failing pip
        /// to a JSON file specified under <see cref="m_logPath"/>.
        /// The maximum number of logs generated can be specified using the
        /// /DumpFailedPipsLogCount parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If an error occurs while serializing/dumping the specified pip,
        /// then this analyzer will be disabled for the remainder of this build and
        /// a warning will be logged with more details.
        /// </remarks>
        public override void PipExecutionPerformance(PipExecutionPerformanceEventData data)
            if (data.ExecutionPerformance.ExecutionLevel == PipExecutionLevel.Failed && !m_loggingErrorOccured)
                var currentNumLogFiles = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_numLogFilesGenerated);

                if (currentNumLogFiles <= m_maxLogFiles)
                    var dumpPipResult = false;

                    if (!m_logPathCreated)
                        // A log entry should have been generated already if this fails
                        m_logPathCreated = DumpPipLiteAnalysisUtilities.CreateLoggingDirectory(m_logPath.ToString(m_pipExecutionContext.PathTable), m_loggingContext);

                    if (m_logPathCreated)
                        var pip = m_pipTable.HydratePip(data.PipId, PipQueryContext.DumpPipLiteAnalyzer);

                        // A log entry should have been generated already if this fails
                        dumpPipResult = DumpPipLiteAnalysisUtilities.DumpPip(pip,

                    if (!(m_logPathCreated && dumpPipResult))
                        // This failure was already logged in DumpPipLiteAnalysisUtilies
                        m_loggingErrorOccured = true;

                    if (currentNumLogFiles >= m_maxLogFiles)
                        // Log limit reached, log this once
                        Logger.Log.RuntimeDumpPipLiteLogLimitReached(m_loggingContext, m_maxLogFiles);