Exemplo n.º 1
        private void dataListView1_BeforeCreatingGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
             * int groupNumber = 0;
             * foreach(BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVGroup group in e.Groups)
             * {
             *  foreach(OLVListItem item in group.Items)
             *  {
             *       rowObject = item.RowObject as DataListView;
             *      groupNumber += rowObject.
             *  }
             * }
            // e.Canceled = true;


            dataListView1.AllColumns[6].CellEditUseWholeCell = true;
            dataListView1.AllColumns[0].IsEditable           = false;
            dataListView1.AllColumns[1].IsEditable           = false;
            dataListView1.AllColumns[2].IsEditable           = false;
            dataListView1.AllColumns[3].IsEditable           = false;
            dataListView1.AllColumns[4].IsEditable           = false;
            dataListView1.AllColumns[5].IsEditable           = false;
            dataListView1.AllColumns[6].IsEditable           = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void fastGroups_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     if (e.Groups != null && e.Groups.Count > 0)
         foreach (OLVGroup olvGroup in e.Groups)
             olvGroup.TitleImage = sender.Equals(this.fastUserControlIndexes) ? "UserGroupN" : (sender.Equals(this.fastUserGroupDetails) ? "Assembly-32" : "group-of-users-silhouette");
             olvGroup.Subtitle   = olvGroup.Contents.Count.ToString() + (sender.Equals(this.fastUserControlIndexes) ? " User" : (sender.Equals(this.fastUserGroupDetails) ? " Group" : " Salesperson")) + (olvGroup.Contents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void fastNMVNTasks_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     if (e.Groups != null && e.Groups.Count > 0)
         foreach (OLVGroup olvGroup in e.Groups)
             olvGroup.TitleImage = "Assembly-32";
             olvGroup.Subtitle   = "Count: " + olvGroup.Contents.Count.ToString() + " Task" + (olvGroup.Contents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
 private void fastAvailableItems_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     if (e.Groups != null && e.Groups.Count > 0)
         foreach (OLVGroup olvGroup in e.Groups)
             olvGroup.TitleImage = sender.Equals(this.fastAvailablePallets) ? "Pallet-32-O" : "Carton-32";
             olvGroup.Subtitle   = "List count: " + olvGroup.Contents.Count.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void fastGroups_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     if (e.Groups != null && e.Groups.Count > 0)
         foreach (OLVGroup olvGroup in e.Groups)
             olvGroup.TitleImage = sender.Equals(this.fastUserGroups) ? "Assembly-32" : "UserGroupN";
             olvGroup.Subtitle   = olvGroup.Contents.Count.ToString() + (sender.Equals(this.fastUserGroups) ? " Group" : " User") + (olvGroup.Contents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void fastAvailableItems_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     if (e.Groups != null && e.Groups.Count > 0)
         foreach (OLVGroup olvGroup in e.Groups)
             olvGroup.TitleImage = sender.Equals(this.fastWholePendingSalesOrderDetails) ? "Sign_Order_32" : (sender.Equals(this.fastWholePendingDeliveryAdviceDetails) ? "Schedule-32" : "filetransfer32");
             olvGroup.Subtitle   = "List count: " + olvGroup.Contents.Count.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Organise the view items into groups, based on the given columns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupByColumn">What column will be used for grouping</param>
        /// <param name="groupByOrder">What ordering will be used for groups</param>
        /// <param name="column">The column whose values should be used for sorting. Cannot be null</param>
        /// <param name="order">The order in which the values from column will be sorted</param>
        /// <param name="secondaryColumn">When the values from 'column' are equal, use the values provided by this column</param>
        /// <param name="secondaryOrder">How will the secondary values be sorted</param>
        /// <remarks>This method does not trigger sorting events. Use BuildGroups() to do that</remarks>
        public virtual void BuildGroups(OLVColumn groupByColumn, SortOrder groupByOrder,
            OLVColumn column, SortOrder order, OLVColumn secondaryColumn, SortOrder secondaryOrder)
            // Sanity checks
            if (groupByColumn == null)

            // Getting the Count forces any internal cache of the ListView to be flushed. Without
            // this, iterating over the Items will not work correctly if the ListView handle
            // has not yet been created.
            int dummy = this.Items.Count;

            // Collect all the information that governs the creation of groups
            GroupingParameters parms = this.CollectGroupingParameters(groupByColumn, groupByOrder,
                column, order, secondaryColumn, secondaryOrder);

            // Trigger an event to let the world create groups if they want
            CreateGroupsEventArgs args = new CreateGroupsEventArgs(parms);
            if (parms.GroupByColumn != null)
                args.Canceled = !parms.GroupByColumn.Groupable;
            if (args.Canceled)

            // If the event didn't create them for us, use our default strategy
            if (args.Groups == null)
                args.Groups = this.MakeGroups(parms);

            // Give the world a chance to munge the groups before they are created
            if (args.Canceled)

            // Create the groups now
            this.OLVGroups = args.Groups;

            // Tell the world that new groups have been created
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected virtual void OnAfterCreatingGroups(CreateGroupsEventArgs e) {
     if (this.AfterCreatingGroups != null)
         this.AfterCreatingGroups(this, e);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected virtual void OnBeforeCreatingGroups(CreateGroupsEventArgs e) {
     if (this.BeforeCreatingGroups != null)
         this.BeforeCreatingGroups(this, e);
Exemplo n.º 10
        #region OnEvents

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected virtual void OnAboutToCreateGroups(CreateGroupsEventArgs e) {
            if (this.AboutToCreateGroups != null)
                this.AboutToCreateGroups(this, e);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void dataListView2_BeforeCreatingGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     //e.Canceled = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
        void listView_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
            foreach (var group in e.Groups)
                Int64 insertedCharacters = 0;
                Int64 keystrokesSaved = 0;
                var efficiencies = new List<double>();
                foreach (var item in group.Items)
                    var trackInfoView = (TrackInfoView) item.RowObject;
                    insertedCharacters += trackInfoView.InsertedCharacters;
                    keystrokesSaved += trackInfoView.KeystrokesSaved;

                var efficiency = efficiencies.Average(x => Math.Round(x, 0));

                group.Header = string.Format("{0} {1:n0} (inserted characters) - {2}% (efficiency) - {3:n0} (keystrokes saved)", group.Header, insertedCharacters, efficiency,
 private void fastUserControlAvailableSalespersons_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     if (e.Groups != null && e.Groups.Count > 0)
         foreach (OLVGroup olvGroup in e.Groups)
             olvGroup.TitleImage = "group-of-users";
             olvGroup.Subtitle   = "Available " + olvGroup.Contents.Count.ToString() + " Salesperson" + (olvGroup.Contents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
Exemplo n.º 14
 private void olv_BeforeCreatingGroups(object sender, CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     e.Parameters.GroupByColumn = new OLVColumn("Group", "GroupOrder")
         AspectToStringConverter = AspectToStringConverter
 private void fastUserGroupAvailableMembers_AboutToCreateGroups(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CreateGroupsEventArgs e)
     if (e.Groups != null && e.Groups.Count > 0)
         foreach (OLVGroup olvGroup in e.Groups)
             olvGroup.TitleImage = "UserGroupR";
             olvGroup.Subtitle   = "Available " + olvGroup.Contents.Count.ToString() + " User" + (olvGroup.Contents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");