Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void ThrownExceptions(Assert assert)

            // #230
            assert.Throws(TryCatchWithNotCaughtTypedException, "catch me", "A.Typed exception is not Caught");
            assert.Ok(IsATry, "A. exception not caught - try section called");
            assert.Ok(!IsACatch, "A. exception not caught - catch section not called");

            // #229
            assert.Throws(TryCatchWithNotCaughtTypedExceptionAndArgument, "catch me", "[#229] B. Typed exception is not Caught; and argument");
            assert.Ok(IsBTry, "[#229] B. exception not caught - try section called");
            assert.Ok(!IsBCatch, "B. exception not caught - catch section not called");

            // #231
            assert.Throws(TryCatchWithRethrow, "catch me", "[#231] C. Rethrow");
            assert.Ok(IsCTry, "C. exception caught and re-thrown - try section called");
            assert.Ok(IsCCatch, "C. exception caught and re-thrown - catch section called");

            assert.Throws(TryCatchWithRethrowEx, new Func<object, bool>((error) =>
                return error.ToString() == "catch me";
            }), "D. Rethrow with parameter");
            assert.Ok(IsDTry, "D. exception caught and re-thrown  - try section called");
            assert.Ok(IsDCatch, "D. exception caught and re-thrown  - catch section called");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void TestUseCase(Assert assert)

            assert.Throws(() => { Bridge586A.SomeDataStatic = 4; }, "a.SomeDataStatic is external");
            assert.Throws(() => { Bridge586A.DoSomethingStatic(); }, "a.DoSomethingStatic() is external");

            assert.Throws(() => { Bridge586B.SomeDataStatic = 4; }, "b.SomeDataStatic is external");
            assert.Throws(() => { Bridge586B.DoSomethingStatic(); }, "b.DoSomethingStatic() is external");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void TestUseCase(Assert assert)

            object o = Script.Undefined;
            assert.Throws(() => { var s = (string)o; }, "Unable to cast type 'null' to type String");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Test(Assert assert)

            List<string> magic1 = new List<string>();
            magic1.Insert(magic1.Count, "first");
            magic1.Insert(magic1.Count, "second");

            assert.Equal(magic1[0], "first", "magic1[0]");
            assert.Equal(magic1[1], "second", "magic1[1]");

            List<string> magic2 = new List<string>();
            magic2.InsertRange(magic2.Count, new[] { "first", "second" });
            magic2.InsertRange(magic2.Count, new[] { "third", "fourth" });

            assert.Equal(magic2[0], "first", "magic1[0]");
            assert.Equal(magic2[1], "second", "magic1[1]");
            assert.Equal(magic2[2], "third", "magic1[2]");
            assert.Equal(magic2[3], "fourth", "magic1[3]");

            assert.Throws(() =>
                List<string> magic = new List<string>();
                magic.Insert(1, "first");
            }, "Insert at length + 1");

            assert.Throws(() =>
                List<string> magic = new List<string>();
                magic.Insert(-1, "first");
            }, "Insert at -1");

            assert.Throws(() =>
                List<string> magic = new List<string>();
                magic.InsertRange(1, new[] { "first", "second" });
            }, "InsertRange at length + 1");

            assert.Throws(() =>
                List<string> magic = new List<string>();
                magic.InsertRange(-1, new[] { "first", "second" });
            }, "InsertRange at -1");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void TestUseCase(Assert assert)

            Func<string, Bridge664A> f = s => (Bridge664A)s;
            // if cast will be emitted then exception will be thrown because Bridge664A is not emitted
            assert.Equal(f("test"), "test", "Bridge664");

            assert.Throws(() => { Bridge664C b = Script.Write<Bridge664C>("{ }"); var s = (Bridge664B)b; }, "Bridge664 Should throw exception");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Test(Assert assert)

            // TEST
            var persons = Person.GetPersons();
            var person3 = (from p in Person.GetPersons() where p.ID == 3 select p).First();

            assert.DeepEqual(person3, Person.GetPersons()[2], "First() with ID = 3");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.First(x => x.ID == 3), Person.GetPersons()[2], "First() with ID = 3 by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.Where(x => x.ID == 3).First(), Person.GetPersons()[2], "First() with Where() with ID = 3 by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.First(x => x.Group == "C"), Person.GetPersons()[1], "First() with Group = 'C' by lambda");
            assert.Throws(TestLinqElementOperators.ThrowExceptionOnFirst1, "First() should throw exception if no element found");
            assert.Throws(TestLinqElementOperators.ThrowExceptionOnFirst2, "First() should throw exception on empty collection");

            // TEST
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == -1), null, "FirstOrDefault() unexisting element by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.Where(x => x.ID == -1).FirstOrDefault(), null, "FirstOrDefault() with Where() unexisting element by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Nemo"), persons[7], "FirstOrDefault() with Name = 'Nemo' by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.Where(x => x.Name == "Nemo").FirstOrDefault(), persons[7], "FirstOrDefault() with Where() with Name = 'Nemo' by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual((new object [] { }).FirstOrDefault(), null, "FirstOrDefault() within zero-length array by lambda");

            // TEST
            var lastPerson = (from p in Person.GetPersons() select p).Last();

            assert.DeepEqual(lastPerson, Person.GetPersons()[7], "Last() person");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.Last(x => x.ID == 4), Person.GetPersons()[3], "Last() with ID = 4 by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.Last(x => x.Group == "B"), Person.GetPersons()[6], "Last() with Group = 'B' by lambda");
            assert.Throws(TestLinqElementOperators.ThrowExceptionOnLast1, "Last() should throw exception if no element found");
            assert.Throws(TestLinqElementOperators.ThrowExceptionOnLast2, "Last() should throw exception on empty collection");

            // TEST
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.LastOrDefault(x => x.ID == -1), null, "LastOrDefault() unexisting element by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.Where(x => x.ID == -1).LastOrDefault(), null, "LastOrDefault() with Where() unexisting element by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual(persons.LastOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Nemo"), persons[7], "LastOrDefault() with Name = 'Nemo' by lambda");
            assert.DeepEqual((new object[] { }).LastOrDefault(), null, "LastOrDefault() within zero-length array by lambda");

            // TEST
            int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
            int elementAt1 = (from n in numbers where n > 5 select n).ElementAt(1);

            assert.DeepEqual(elementAt1, 8, "ElementAt() should return 8");
            assert.Throws(TestLinqElementOperators.ThrowExceptionOnElementAt1, "ElementAt() should throw exception if no element found");
            assert.Throws(TestLinqElementOperators.ThrowExceptionOnElementAt2, "ElementAt() should throw exception on empty collection");

            // TEST
            int elementAt1OrDefault = numbers.ElementAtOrDefault(1);
            assert.DeepEqual(elementAt1OrDefault, 4, "ElementAtOrDefault() should return 4");

            // TEST
            int elementAt2OrDefault = (from n in numbers where n > 5 select n).ElementAtOrDefault(2);
            assert.DeepEqual(elementAt2OrDefault, 6, "ElementAtOrDefault() should return 6");

            // TEST
            int elementAt100OrDefault = (from n in numbers where n > 5 select n).ElementAtOrDefault(100);
            assert.DeepEqual(elementAt100OrDefault, 0, "ElementAtOrDefault() should return 0");
Exemplo n.º 7
        // String functions
        public static void Strings(Assert assert)
            //In PhantomJS some correct tests failed. We will skip them in this environment.
            var isPhantomJs = Utilities.BrowserHelper.IsPhantomJs();

            var expectedCount = isPhantomJs ? 28 : 48;

            // TEST ToLower, ToLowerCase, ToLocaleLowerCase
            var s = "HELLO".ToLower();
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "hello", "'HELLO'.ToLower()");

            s = "HELLO".ToLowerCase();
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "hello", "'HELLO'.ToLowerCase()");

            s = "HELLO".ToLocaleLowerCase();
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "hello", "'HELLO'.ToLocaleLowerCase()");

            // TEST ToUpper, ToUpperCase, ToLocaleUpperCase
            s = "hello".ToUpper();
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "HELLO", "'hello'.ToUpper()");

            s = "hello".ToUpperCase();
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "HELLO", "'hello'.ToUpperCase()");

            s = "HELLO".ToLocaleUpperCase();
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "HELLO", "'hello'.ToLocaleUpperCase()");

            s = "Hello Bridge.NET";
            // TEST String(string) constructor
            assert.DeepEqual(new String(s), s, "new String('" + s + "')");

            // TEST String(char, count) constructor
            assert.DeepEqual(new String('-', 4), "----", "new String('-',4)");

            // TEST IndexOfAny
            char[] anyOf = new char[] { 'x', 'b', 'i' };
            string sAnyOf = "['x','b','i']";

            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOfAny(anyOf), 8, "'" + s + "'.IndexOfAny(" + sAnyOf + ")");
            assert.Throws(() => s.IndexOfAny(anyOf, 18, 8), "'" + s + "'.IndexOfAny(" + sAnyOf + ")");
            assert.Throws(() => s.IndexOfAny(null), "'" + s + "'.IndexOfAny(null)");

            s = string.Empty;
            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOfAny(anyOf), -1, "String.Empty.IndexOfAny(" + sAnyOf + ")");

            s = null;
            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOfAny(anyOf), -1, "null.IndexOfAny(" + sAnyOf + ")");

            // TEST IndexOf
            s = "Hello Bridge.NET";

            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOf('e'), 1, "'" + s + "'.IndexOf('e')");
            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOf("e."), 11, "'" + s + "'.IndexOf('e.')");
            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOf('e', 6, 8), 11, "'" + s + "'.IndexOf('e', 6, 8)");
            assert.Throws(() => s.IndexOf(null), "'" + s + "'.IndexOf(null)");

            if (!isPhantomJs)
                assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOf("E", 6, 8, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase), 11, "'" + s + "'.IndexOf('E', 6, 8, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)");

            s = string.Empty;
            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOf('e'), -1, "String.Empty.IndexOf('e')");

            s = null;
            assert.DeepEqual(s.IndexOf('e'), -1, "null.IndexOf('e')");

            // TEST Compare
            string s1 = "Animal";
            string s2 = "animal";

            assert.DeepEqual(string.Compare(s1, s2, true), 0, "String.Compare('" + s1 + "', '" + s2 + "', true)");

            if (!isPhantomJs)
                assert.DeepEqual(string.Compare(s1, s2, false), 1, "String.Compare('" + s1 + "', '" + s2 + "', false)");

            if (!isPhantomJs)
                string[] threeIs = new string[3];
                threeIs[0] = "\u0069";
                threeIs[1] = "\u0131";
                threeIs[2] = "\u0049";

                StringComparison[] scValues = {
                StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase };

                int[] expected = { -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
                int expectedIndex = 0;

                foreach (StringComparison sc in scValues)
                    Test(0, 1, sc, threeIs, expected, expectedIndex++, assert);
                    Test(0, 2, sc, threeIs, expected, expectedIndex++, assert);
                    Test(1, 2, sc, threeIs, expected, expectedIndex++, assert);

            // TEST Contains
            s = "Hello Bridge.NET";

            assert.DeepEqual(s.Contains("Bridge"), true, "'" + s + "'.Contains('Bridge')");
            assert.DeepEqual(s.Contains(String.Empty), true, "'" + s + "'.Contains(String.Empty)");
            assert.DeepEqual(String.Empty.Contains("Bridge"), false, "String.Empty.Contains('Bridge')");
            assert.Throws(() => s.Contains(null), "null.Contains('Bridge')");

            // TEST Concat
            s = string.Concat(s, "2", "3", "4");
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "Hello Bridge.NET234", "string.Concat()");

            s = string.Concat(null,true,3,false);
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "true3false", "string.Concat()");

            s = string.Concat(new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" });
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "12345", "string.Concat()");

            s = string.Concat(new object[] { 1, null, 2, null, 3 });
            assert.DeepEqual(s, "123", "string.Concat()");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void TestToString(Assert assert)

            var v1 = new Version("2.4.1128.65537");
            var v2 = new Version(100, 200, 300, (400 << 16) + 500);
            var v3 = new Version(100, 200, 300);
            var v4 = new Version(100, 200);
            var v5 = new Version();

            assert.Equal(v1.ToString(), "2.4.1128.65537", "c1.ToString()");
            assert.Equal(v2.ToString(), "100.200.300.26214900", "c2.ToString()");
            assert.Equal(v3.ToString(), "100.200.300", "c3.ToString()");
            assert.Equal(v4.ToString(), "100.200", "c4.ToString()");
            assert.Equal(v5.ToString(), "0.0", "c5.ToString()");

            assert.Equal(v1.ToString(1), "2", "c1.ToString(1)");
            assert.Equal(v1.ToString(2), "2.4", "c1.ToString(2)");
            assert.Equal(v1.ToString(3), "2.4.1128", "c1.ToString(3)");
            assert.Equal(v1.ToString(4), "2.4.1128.65537", "c1.ToString(4)");
            assert.Throws(() =>
            }, "c1.ToString(5)");
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void TestParse(Assert assert)

            var s1 = "105.1.1128.65547";
            var v1 = new Version(s1);

            assert.Equal(Version.Parse(s1).ToString(), v1.ToString(), "Version.Parse(s1)");

            var s2 = "105.1";
            var v2 = new Version(s2);

            assert.Equal(Version.Parse(s2).ToString(), v2.ToString(), "Version.Parse(s2)");

            assert.Throws(() =>
            }, "Version.Parse(\"12,123.23.12\")");

            Version vp1;
            var b1 = Version.TryParse("12,123.23.12", out vp1);
            assert.Equal(b1, false, "b1");

            Version vp2;
            var b2 = Version.TryParse("", out vp2);
            assert.Equal(b2, true, "b2");
            assert.Equal(vp2.ToString(), "", "vp2.ToString()");
Exemplo n.º 10
        //Check static methods and constructor
        public static void TestStaticConstructorsAndMethods(Assert assert)

            // TEST
            //Check static fields initialization
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StatitIntNotInitialized, 0, "#74 StatitInt not initialized");
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StatitStringNotInitialized, null, "#74 StatitString not initialized");
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.CONST_CHAR, 81, "#74 CONST_CHAR Q");
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.CONST_DECIMAL, 3.123456789324324324, "#74 CONST_DECIMAL 3.123456789324324324m");

            // TEST
            //Check static constructor
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StaticInt, -340, "StatitInt initialized");
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StaticString, "Defined string", "StatitString initialized");

            // TEST
            //Check static methods
            var a = ClassA.StaticMethod1(678, "ASD", double.NaN);

            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StatitIntNotInitialized, 678, "StatitIntNotInitialized 678");
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StatitStringNotInitialized, "ASD", "ClassA.StatitStringNotInitialized ASD");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.DoubleA, double.NaN, "DoubleA double.NaN");

            a = ClassA.StaticMethod2((object)678, "QWE", 234);
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StatitIntNotInitialized, 1678, "StatitIntNotInitialized 1678");
            assert.DeepEqual(ClassA.StatitStringNotInitialized, "QWE", "ClassA.StatitStringNotInitialized QWE");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.DoubleA, 234, "DoubleA 234");

            assert.Throws(TestSet1FailureHelper.StaticMethod2Failure, "Unable to cast type String to type Bridge.Int", "Cast exception should occur");
Exemplo n.º 11
        //Check instance methods and constructors
        public static void TestInstanceConstructorsAndMethods(Assert assert)

            //Check parameterless constructor
            var a = new ClassA();

            // TEST
            assert.DeepEqual(a.NumberA, 10, "NumberA 10");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.StringA, "Str", "StringA Str");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.BoolA, true, "BoolA true");
            assert.Ok(a.DoubleA == Double.PositiveInfinity, "DoubleA Double.PositiveInfinity");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.DecimalA, -1, "DecimalA Decimal.MinusOne");
            assert.Ok(a.Data != null, "Data not null");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.Data.Number, 700, "Data.Number 700");

            // TEST
            //Check constructor with parameter
            assert.Throws(TestSet1FailureHelper.TestConstructor1Failure, "Related should not be null", "Related should not be null");

            // TEST
            //Check constructor with parameter
            assert.Throws(TestSet1FailureHelper.TestConstructor2Failure, "Should pass six parameters", "Should pass six parameters");

            a = new ClassA(150, "151", true, 1.53d, 1.54m, new ClassA.Aux1() { Number = 155 });

            assert.DeepEqual(a.NumberA, 150, "NumberA 150");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.StringA, "151", "StringA 151");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.BoolA, true, "BoolA true");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.DoubleA, 1.53, "DoubleA Double.PositiveInfinity");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.DecimalA, 1.54, "DecimalA 154");
            assert.Ok(a.Data != null, "Data not null");
            assert.DeepEqual(a.Data.Number, 155, "Data.Number 155");

            // TEST
            //Check instance methods
            var b = a.Method1();

            assert.Ok(b != null, "b not null");
            assert.DeepEqual(b.Number, 2, "b Number 2");
            assert.Ok(b.Related != null, "b.Related not null");
            assert.DeepEqual(b.Related.Number, 1, "b.Related Number 1");

            a.Data = b;
            assert.DeepEqual(a.Method3(), "2 Has related 1", "Method3 2 Has related 1");
            a.Data = null;
            assert.DeepEqual(a.Method3(), "no data", "Method3 no data");

            // TEST
            //Check [#68]
            var c68 = new Class68();

            assert.DeepEqual(c68.x, 0, "c68.x 0");
            assert.DeepEqual(c68.y, 1, "c68.y 1");

            // TEST
            //Check local vars do not get overridden by fields

            assert.DeepEqual(c68.x, 0, "c68.x 0");
            assert.DeepEqual(c68.y, 1, "c68.y 1");