Exemplo n.º 1
        } //END Start

        private void CallStart()
            //Find the current XR device
            XRMode.GetCurrentXRDevice(out currentXRDevice);

            //Set the current Screen Orientation
            currentOrientation = Screen.orientation;
        } //END CallStart
Exemplo n.º 2
        } //END IsTouchInputEnabled

        public void SetDistortionBasedOnSettings()

            //Make sure that the proper scripts exist in the scene

            //Find the current XR device, if we're supposed to, then set the barrel settings based on the current XR device
            if( FixLensDistortionSettings != null && FixLensDistortionSettings.Count > 0 && XRMode.GetCurrentXRDevice( out currentHelper.XRDeviceType ) )
                foreach( XRCameraBarrelDistortionHelper helper in FixLensDistortionSettings )
                    if( showDebug ) Debug.Log( "SetDistortionBasedOnSettings() helper.PlatformType( " + helper.PlatformType + " ) == Application.Platform( " + Application.platform + ") = " + ( helper.PlatformType == Application.platform ) + ", ......... and helper.device( " + helper.device + " ) == currentHelper.XRDeviceType( " + currentHelper.XRDeviceType + " ) = " + ( helper.device == currentHelper.XRDeviceType ) + ", ....... enableDistortion = " + helper.enableDistortion );

                    if( helper.PlatformType == Application.platform && helper.device == currentHelper.XRDeviceType )
                        if( XRCameraBarrelDistortion.instance != null )
                            XRCameraBarrelDistortion.instance.SetCameraDistortionCorrection( helper.enableDistortion, helper.strength );
                        if( XRCameraBarrelDistortionLine.instance != null )
                            XRCameraBarrelDistortionLine.instance.SetDistortionLine( helper.showCenterLine );


            //We didn't find any matching settings, disable distortion and the center line
            if( XRCameraBarrelDistortion.instance != null )
                XRCameraBarrelDistortion.instance.enableDistortion = false;

            if( XRCameraBarrelDistortionLine.instance != null )
                XRCameraBarrelDistortionLine.instance.SetDistortionLine( false );

        } //END SetDistortionBasedOnSettings