Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Expert's constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_points"></param>
        /// <param name="BB">predefined bounding box, must contain all points in <paramref name="_points"/></param>
        /// <param name="Permutation">
        /// output; permutation of <paramref name="_points"/> by sorting in tree; if null, an internal buffer is allocated
        /// </param>
        public PointLocalization(MultidimensionalArray _points, BoundingBox BB, int[] Permutation)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                int D = _points.GetLength(1);
                int N = _points.GetLength(0);

                PointsBB = BB;

                // find code
                // =========
                double[] pt = new double[D];
                GeomBinTreeBranchCode[] _Codes = new GeomBinTreeBranchCode[N];
                for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                    _points.GetRow(n, pt);
                    _Codes[n] = GeomBinTreeBranchCode.CreateFormPoint(PointsBB, pt);

                // sort
                // ====

                int[] IndexIntoQuadNodes;
                if (Permutation == null)
                    IndexIntoQuadNodes = new int[N];  // we only sort an index list into the arrays 'QuadNodes', 'quadweights' and 'Locations'
                    if (Permutation.Length != N)
                        throw new ArgumentException("false Länge", "Permutation");
                    IndexIntoQuadNodes = Permutation;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    IndexIntoQuadNodes[i] = i;
                Array.Sort <int>(IndexIntoQuadNodes, delegate(int a, int b) {
                    GeomBinTreeBranchCode _a = _Codes[a];
                    GeomBinTreeBranchCode _b = _Codes[b];
                }); // radix sort would be better here, because it would have linear runtime

                // store sorted
                // ============
                this.Codes  = new GeomBinTreeBranchCode[N];
                this.Points = MultidimensionalArray.Create(N, D);
                for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                    int it = IndexIntoQuadNodes[n];
                    for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                        this.Points[n, d] = _points[it, d];
                    this.Codes[n] = _Codes[it];
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// computes the leave bounding-box of a geometric binary tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subBB">
        /// on exit, the bounding box associated with the branch code <paramref name="code"/>;
        /// The output is not returned (via return value) to avoid heap allocation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="code">
        /// branch code
        /// </param>
        public void LeaveBoxFromCode(BoundingBox subBB, GeomBinTreeBranchCode code)
            BoundingBoxCode cd;

            cd.Branch          = code;
            cd.SignificantBits = 32;
            SubBoxFromCode(subBB, cd);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="branchCode">the branch code; only the bits 32 to 32-<paramref name="BranchDepth"/> are taken into account</param>
        /// <param name="BranchDepth">num</param>
        /// <param name="i0"></param>
        /// <param name="Len"></param>
        public void GetPointsInBranch(GeomBinTreeBranchCode branchCode, int BranchDepth, out int i0, out int Len)
            if (BranchDepth < 0 || BranchDepth > 32)
                throw new ArgumentException("must be between 0 (including) and 32 (including).", "BranchDepth");

                // ancient implementation
                //i0 = 0;
                //Len = Codes.Length;
                //GetPointsInBranchRecursive(branchCode, BranchDepth, ref i0, ref Len, 0x80000000, 0);

                // faster ????

                uint mask = 0;
                uint m    = 0x80000000;
                for (int i = 0; i < BranchDepth; i++)
                    mask += m >> i;

                GeomBinTreeBranchCode loCode;
                loCode.Code = branchCode.Code & mask;

                GeomBinTreeBranchCode hiCode;
                hiCode.Code = branchCode.Code | (~mask);

                //int _i0, _Len;
                if (hiCode < this.Codes[0] || loCode > this.Codes[this.Codes.Length - 1])
                    i0  = 0;
                    Len = 0;
                    int loi = Array.BinarySearch(this.Codes, loCode); // use the .NET binary search ...
                    if (loi < 0)
                        loi = ~loi;

                    int hii = Array.BinarySearch(this.Codes, hiCode); // use the .NET binary search ...
                    if (hii < 0)
                        hii = ~hii;

                    i0  = loi;
                    Len = hii - loi + 1;

            Test_GetPointsInBranch(i0, Len, branchCode, BranchDepth);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// old implementation of <see cref="GetPointsInBranch"/>
        /// </summary>
        void GetPointsInBranchRecursive(GeomBinTreeBranchCode branchCode, int BranchDepth, ref int i0, ref int Len, uint mask, int idxIntoTree)
            if (BranchDepth <= 0)

            TreeNode[] tree = InitTree();

            int iMid = tree[idxIntoTree].iMid;

            //if (iMid < 0) {
            //    iMid = Array.BinarySearch<GeomBinGeomTreeCode>(this.Codes, 0, this.Codes.Length, ???);
            //    if (iMid < 0) iMid = ~iMid;

            if ((branchCode.Code & mask) == 0)
                // left
                Len = iMid - i0;
                if (Len > 0)
                    GetPointsInBranchRecursive(branchCode, BranchDepth, ref i0, ref Len, mask >> 1, tree[idxIntoTree].Left);
                // right
                Len = i0 + Len - iMid;
                i0  = iMid;
                if (Len > 0)
                    GetPointsInBranchRecursive(branchCode, BranchDepth, ref i0, ref Len, mask >> 1, tree[idxIntoTree].Right);
Exemplo n.º 5
        ///// <summary>
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="container"></param>
        ///// <param name="bbout"></param>
        //public void GetBox(BoundingBox container, BoundingBox bbout) {
        //    container.SubBoxFromCode

        /// <summary>
        /// true, if the branch notated by <paramref name="code"/> is contained in this box
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsInside(GeomBinTreeBranchCode code)
            uint mask = GetBitMask();

            return((this.Branch.Code & mask) == (code.Code & mask));
Exemplo n.º 6
             * static int MyBinarySearch(GeomBinTreeBranchCode[] array, int i0, int Length, GeomBinTreeBranchCode searchValue) {
             *  if(Length <= 0)
             *      return -1;
             *  if (array[i0] >= searchValue)
             *      return i0;
             *  if (array[i0 + Length - 1] < searchValue)
             *      return i0 + Length;
             *  if (Length >= 2) {
             *      int ifnd = int.MinValue;
             *      MyBinarySearchRec(array, i0, Length, i0, Length, ref searchValue, out ifnd);
             *      return ifnd;
             *  } else {
             *      if (array[i0] >= searchValue)
             *          return i0;
             *      else
             *          return i0 + 1;
             *  }
             * }
             * static void MyBinarySearchRec(GeomBinTreeBranchCode[] array, int i0, int Length, int _i0, int _Len, ref GeomBinTreeBranchCode searchValue, out int ifnd) {
             *  if( Length < 2)
             *      throw new ApplicationException();
             *  int iMid = i0 + Length / 2;
             *  if (array[iMid] >= searchValue && array[iMid - 1] < searchValue) {
             *      ifnd = iMid;
             *  } else {
             *      if (array[iMid] >= searchValue) {
             *          MyBinarySearchRec(array, i0, Length, iMid, i0 + _Len - iMid, ref searchValue, out ifnd);
             *      } else {
             *          MyBinarySearchRec(array, i0, Length, i0, iMid - i0, ref searchValue, out ifnd);
             *      }
             *  }
             *  //if( iMid == i0 && array[iMid] >= searchValue && ) {
             *  //    return i0;
             *  //}
             *  //if(
             * }*/

            public void InitRecursive(GeomBinTreeBranchCode BoxCode, uint shifti, PointLocalization owner, int i0, int Len, uint RecDepth)
                GeomBinTreeBranchCode BoxB = BoxCode; BoxB.Code |= shifti;

                int __iMid;

                for (__iMid = i0; __iMid < (i0 + Len); __iMid++)
                    if (owner.Codes[__iMid].Code >= BoxB.Code)
                    // if there is a performance problem, this linear search should be exchanged by a binary one
                this.iMid = __iMid;

                //    GeomBinTreeBranchCode search = BoxB;
                //    search.Code -= 1;
                //    int iMid2 = MyBinarySearch(owner.Codes, 0, owner.Codes.Length, search);
                //    if (iMid2 != iMid)
                //        throw new ApplicationException();

                //if (iMid < 0) iMid = ~iMid;

                int LenLeft = iMid - i0;
                int LenRigt = Len + i0 - iMid;

                     * // test left
                     * {
                     *  BoundingBoxCode cdLeft;
                     *  cdLeft.Branch = BoxCode;
                     *  cdLeft.SignificantBits = RecDepth + 1;
                     *  Test(i0, iMid, owner, cdLeft);
                     * }
                     * // test right
                     * {
                     *  BoundingBoxCode cdRight;
                     *  cdRight.Branch = BoxB;
                     *  cdRight.SignificantBits = RecDepth + 1;
                     *  Test(iMid, i0 + Len, owner, cdRight);
                     * }

                if (shifti == 1)
                    return; // reached max. supported tree depth
                shifti = shifti >> 1;

                if (LenLeft > 0)
                    Left = new TreeNodeTmp();
                    Left.InitRecursive(BoxCode, shifti, owner, i0, LenLeft, RecDepth + 1);
                if (LenRigt > 0)
                    Right = new TreeNodeTmp();
                    Right.InitRecursive(BoxB, shifti, owner, iMid, LenRigt, RecDepth + 1);
Exemplo n.º 7
        void Test_GetPointsInBranch(int i0, int Len, GeomBinTreeBranchCode branchCode, int BranchDepth)
            // logischer test
                 * uint mask = 0;
                 * uint m = 0x80000000;
                 * for (int i = 0; i < BranchDepth; i++) {
                 *  mask += m >> i;
                 * }
                 * GeomBinTreeBranchCode loCode;
                 * loCode.Code = branchCode.Code & mask;
                 * GeomBinTreeBranchCode hiCode;
                 * hiCode.Code = branchCode.Code | (~mask);
                 * int L = Codes.Length;
                 * for (int l = 0; l < L; l++) {
                 *  var Code = Codes[l].Code;
                 *  bool inside = (l >= i0 && l < (i0 + Len));
                 *  bool gt = (Code >= loCode.Code) && (Code <= hiCode.Code);
                 *  if (inside != gt)
                 *      Console.WriteLine("schas");
                 * }
                 * /*
                 * int InsideErr = 0, OutsideErr = 0;
                 * int L = Codes.Length;
                 * for (int l = 0; l < L; l++) {
                 *  var Code = Codes[l].Code;
                 *  if ((Code & mask) == (branchCode.Code & mask)) {
                 *      // inside
                 *      if (l < i0 || l >= (i0 + Len))
                 *          InsideErr++;
                 *  } else {
                 *      if (l >= i0 && l < (i0 + Len))
                 *          OutsideErr++;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * if (InsideErr != 0 || OutsideErr != 0)
                 *  throw new ApplicationException("internal error - should not happen.");

            // geometrischer test
                BoundingBox     bb = new BoundingBox(this.Points.GetLength(1));
                BoundingBoxCode bbcode;
                bbcode.SignificantBits = (uint)BranchDepth;
                bbcode.Branch          = branchCode;
                this.PointsBB.SubBoxFromCode(bb, bbcode);
                int D = this.Points.GetLength(1);

                double[] pt = new double[D];
                for (int i = i0; i < (i0 + Len); i++)
                    for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                        pt[d] = this.Points[i, d];

                    if (!bb.Contains(pt))
                        throw new ApplicationException("test failed.");