Exemplo n.º 1
        protected bool BuildEncoder(string outputPath)
            if (_vCfgEnc != IntPtr.Zero || _vidEnc != IntPtr.Zero || _vTxfEnc != IntPtr.Zero ||
                _audEnc != IntPtr.Zero || _aCfgEnc != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.LogError("Could not setup the encoder, previous session is still running");

            encodeInterface = -1;

            //build our encoder here
            _vCfgEnc = MixCastAV.getVideoEncodeCfg(outputPath, _width, _height,
                                                   Framerate, SRC_PIX_FMT, _width, _height, Framerate, DST_PIX_FMT,
                                                   GopSize, BitRate, CODEC_TYPE, CODEC_NAME, FLIP_VERTICAL);

            //Debug.LogWarningFormat( "vCfgEnc: w({0}), h({1}), src_pix({2}), dst_pix({3}), GopSize({4}), bitrate({5}), codec_type({6}), codec_name({7})",
            //    _width, _height, SRC_PIX_FMT, DST_PIX_FMT, GopSize, BitRate, CODEC_TYPE, CODEC_NAME );

            //_aCfgEnc = LibAvStuff.getAudioEncodeCfg(new StringBuilder(dummyName), DEFCHANNELS, DEFSAMPLERATE, DEFBITDEPTH,
            //    DEFCHANNELS, DEFSAMPLERATE, DEFBITDEPTH, AudioBitrate, new StringBuilder(MP2_CODECNAME), new StringBuilder(MP2_CODECNAME));

            //for AAC, we should be using 32 bit depth
            _aCfgEnc = MixCastAV.getAudioEncodeCfg(dummyName, DEFCHANNELS, DEFSAMPLERATE, DEFBITDEPTH,
                                                   DEFCHANNELS, DEFSAMPLERATE, AAC_BITDEPTH, AudioBitrate, AAC_CODECNAME, AAC_CODECNAME);

            int ret = MixCastAV.getAudioAndVideoEncodeContextMux(ref _audEnc, ref _vidEnc, _aCfgEnc, _vCfgEnc);

            if (_vidEnc == IntPtr.Zero || _audEnc == IntPtr.Zero || ret < 0)
                Debug.LogError("Could not setup the encoder, please check configuration");
                EventCenter.HandleEvent(Category, EventCenter.Result.Error, "Warning_Video_Encoder_Error", true);
                _vCfgEnc = IntPtr.Zero;
                _aCfgEnc = IntPtr.Zero;

            _vTxfEnc = MixCastAV.getVideoTransformContext(_vCfgEnc);
            if (_vTxfEnc == IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.LogError("Could not setup the video transformer for encoding, please check configuration");
                EventCenter.HandleEvent(Category, EventCenter.Result.Error, "Warning_Video_Encoder_Error", true);
                _vCfgEnc = IntPtr.Zero;
                _vidEnc  = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (_bitrateKbps <= 0)
                _bitrateKbps = (ulong)(_width * _height / BITS_IN_KILOBIT);

            if (_vidEnc != IntPtr.Zero && _vCfgEnc != IntPtr.Zero && _vTxfEnc != IntPtr.Zero)
                encodeInterface = MixCastAV.CreateEncodeInterface(_vidEnc, _vCfgEnc, _vTxfEnc);

            return(encodeInterface != -1);