Exemplo n.º 1
 // Methods
 public static MovementPath GetClientMovement(List<UInt32> Keys)
     MovementPath path = new MovementPath();
     PathElement element = null;
     int num = 0;
     int num2 = 0;
     foreach (int num2_loopVariable in Keys)
         num2 = num2_loopVariable;
         MapPoint point = new MapPoint((num2 & 4095));
         PathElement item = new PathElement { Cell = point };
         if ((num == 0))
             path.CellStart = point;
             element.Orientation = element.Cell.OrientationTo(item.Cell);
         if ((num == (Keys.Count - 1)))
             path.CellEnd = point;
         element = item;
         num += 1;
     return path;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public MovementPath FindPath(int FromCell, int ToCell)
     SimpleCellInfo class3 = null;
     this.MapPoint_FromCell = new MapPoint(FromCell);
     this.MapPoint_ToCell = new MapPoint(ToCell);
     SimpleCellInfo item = new SimpleCellInfo(this.MapPoint_FromCell);
     class3 = this.method_0();
     if (class3 != null)
         if (class3.v_OriginPoint.CellId == ToCell)
             return this.method_3(class3);
         //INSTANT C# NOTE: Commented this declaration since looping variables in 'foreach' loops are declared in the 'foreach' header in C#:
         //				MapPoint point = null;
         foreach (MapPoint point in class3.method_0(this.IsInFight))
             if (Convert.ToBoolean(this.method_2(point.CellId)))
                 this.method_1(new SimpleCellInfo(this.MapData, point, class3, this.MapPoint_ToCell));
         goto Label_00BF;
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 3
 internal SimpleCellInfo(MapData MapData, MapPoint OriginPoint, SimpleCellInfo class13_1, MapPoint mapPoint_2)
     this.int_0 = 0;
     this.int_1 = 0;
     this.v_OriginPoint = OriginPoint;
     this.class13_0 = class13_1;
     this.int_1 = (mapPoint_2.DistanceToCell(OriginPoint) * 5);
     this.int_0 = (class13_1.int_0 + 10);
     if (((class13_1.class13_0 != null)))
         int num2 = class13_1.class13_0.v_OriginPoint.OrientationTo(class13_1.v_OriginPoint);
         int num3 = class13_1.v_OriginPoint.OrientationTo(OriginPoint);
         int num = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32((num2 - num3)));
         if ((num != 0))
             this.int_0 = (this.int_0 + 5);
             if (((num != 1) && (num != 7)))
                 this.int_0 = (this.int_0 + 50);
         if ((MapData.Data.Cells[OriginPoint.CellId].Speed == 2))
             this.int_0 = (this.int_0 - 8);
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Methods
 internal SimpleCellInfo(MapPoint OriginPoint)
     this.int_0 = 0;
     this.int_1 = 0;
     this.v_OriginPoint = OriginPoint;
     this.class13_0 = null;
     this.int_0 = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public int AdvancedOrientationTo(MapPoint point, bool b)
     int num = (point.X - this.X);
     int num2 = (this.Y - point.Y);
     int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble((Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(((Math.Acos((Convert.ToDouble(num) / Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(num), 2) + Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(num2), 2))))) * 180) / 3.14159265358979))) * ((point.Y > this.Y) ? Convert.ToDouble(-1) : Convert.ToDouble(1))))));
     if (b)
         num3 = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(((Math.Round(Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble((Convert.ToDouble(num3) / 90)))) * 2) + 1))));
         num3 = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble((Math.Round(Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble((Convert.ToDouble(num3) / 45)))) + 1))));
     if ((num3 < 0))
         num3 = (num3 + 8);
     return num3;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the cells reachable by the player.
        /// </summary>
        private List<int> GetReachableCells()
            // TODO : Manage challenge (zombie)
            List<int> listWalkableCells = new List<int>();
            MapPoint point = new MapPoint(Fighter.CellId);
            int movementPoints = Fighter.MovementPoints;

            for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++)
                if (IsCellWalkable(i))
                    MapPoint cellPoint = new MapPoint(i);
                    if (cellPoint.DistanceToCell(point) <= movementPoints)
            if (listWalkableCells.Contains(point.CellId))

            return listWalkableCells;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Place the character according to the AI positioning.
        /// </summary>
        public void PlaceCharacter(List<short> PlacementCells)
            m_error = 0;
            m_Account.Log(new BotTextInformation("Placement du personnage."),5);
                PlacementEnum position = m_AI.GetPositioning();
                int distance = -1;
                int cell = -1;
                Dictionary<int, int> cells = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                foreach (short tempCell in PlacementCells)
                    int tempDistance = 0;
                    MapPoint cellPoint = new MapPoint(Convert.ToInt32(tempCell));
                    foreach (BFighter fighter in m_Data.Fighters)
                        MapPoint fighterPoint = new MapPoint(fighter.CellId);
                        tempDistance += cellPoint.DistanceToCell(fighterPoint);

                    switch (position)
                        case PlacementEnum.Eloigné:
                        case PlacementEnum.Far:
                            if (distance < tempDistance || distance == -1)
                                distance = tempDistance;
                                cell = Convert.ToInt32(tempCell);
                        case PlacementEnum.Near:
                        case PlacementEnum.Rapproché:
                            if (distance > tempDistance || distance == -1 || tempDistance == 1)
                                distance = tempDistance;
                                cell = Convert.ToInt32(tempCell);
                if (cell != -1)
                        GameFightPlacementPositionRequestMessage msg = new GameFightPlacementPositionRequestMessage((short)cell);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_Account.Log(new ErrorTextInformation(ex.Message),0);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void ProcessPathfinding()
            int actualX = 0;
            int actualY = 0;
            int speed = 0;
            int moveCost = 0;

            bool isDownRightEnd = false;
            bool isDownRightStart = false;
            bool isTopRightEnd = false;
            bool isTopRightStart = false;

            MapPoint actualPoint = null;
            int actualDistanceToEnd = 0;
            double heuristic = 0;
            uint square = 0;

            if (this.OpenList.Count > 0 && !(IsClosed(this.EndY, this.EndX)))
                square = NearerSquare();
                this.NowY = this.OpenList[(int)square].Y;
                this.NowX = this.OpenList[(int)square].X;
                this.PreviousCellId = (new MapPoint(this.NowX, this.NowY)).CellId;
                CloseSquare(this.NowY, this.NowX);

                for (actualY = this.NowY - 1; actualY <= this.NowY + 1; actualY++)
                    for (actualX = this.NowX - 1; actualX <= this.NowX + 1; actualX++)
                        if ((new MapPoint(actualX, actualY)).IsInMap())
                            if (actualY >= this.MinY && actualY < this.MaxY && actualX >= this.MinX && actualX < this.MaxX && !(actualY == this.NowY && actualX == this.NowX) && ((this.AllowDiag) || actualY == this.NowY || actualX == this.NowX && ((AllowDiagCornering) || actualY == this.NowY || actualX == this.NowX || (PointMov(this.NowX, this.NowY,  this.PreviousCellId, this.AllowTroughEntity)) || (PointMov(actualX, this.NowY, this.PreviousCellId, this.AllowTroughEntity)))))
                                if (!(!(PointMov(this.NowX, actualY, this.PreviousCellId, this.AllowTroughEntity)) && !(PointMov(actualX, this.NowY, this.PreviousCellId, this.AllowTroughEntity)) && !this.IsFighting && (this.AllowDiag)))
                                    if (PointMov(actualX, actualY, this.PreviousCellId, this.AllowTroughEntity))
                                        if (!(IsClosed(actualY, actualX)))
                                            if (actualX == this.EndX && actualY == this.EndY)
                                                speed = 1;
                                                speed = (int)GetCellSpeed((new MapPoint(actualX, actualY)).CellId, AllowTroughEntity);

                                            moveCost = this.GetCellInfo(this.NowY, this.NowX).MovementCost + ((actualY == this.NowY || actualX == this.NowX) ? this.HVCost : this.DCost) * speed;

                                            if (AllowTroughEntity)
                                                isDownRightEnd = actualX + actualY == this.EndX + this.EndY;
                                                isDownRightStart = actualX + actualY == this.StartX + this.StartY;
                                                isTopRightEnd = actualX - actualY == this.EndX - this.EndY;
                                                isTopRightStart = actualX - actualY == this.StartX - this.StartY;
                                                actualPoint = new MapPoint(actualX, actualY);

                                                if (!isDownRightEnd && !isTopRightEnd || !isDownRightStart && !isTopRightStart)
                                                    moveCost = moveCost + actualPoint.DistanceToCell(this.EndPoint);
                                                    moveCost = moveCost + actualPoint.DistanceToCell(this.StartPoint);

                                                if (actualX == this.EndX || actualY == this.EndY)
                                                    moveCost = moveCost - 3;
                                                if ((isDownRightEnd) || (isTopRightEnd) || actualX + actualY == this.NowX + this.NowY || actualX - actualY == this.NowX - this.NowY)
                                                    moveCost = moveCost - 2;
                                                if (actualX == this.StartX || actualY == this.StartY)
                                                    moveCost = moveCost - 3;
                                                if ((isDownRightStart) || (isTopRightStart))
                                                    moveCost = moveCost - 2;

                                                actualDistanceToEnd = actualPoint.DistanceToCell(this.EndPoint);
                                                if (actualDistanceToEnd < this.DistanceToEnd)
                                                    if (actualX == this.EndX || actualY == this.EndY || actualX + actualY == this.EndX + this.EndY || actualX - actualY == this.EndX - this.EndY)
                                                        this.AuxEndPoint = actualPoint;
                                                        this.AuxEndX = actualX;
                                                        this.AuxEndY = actualY;
                                                        this.DistanceToEnd = actualDistanceToEnd;

                                            if (IsOpened(actualY, actualX))
                                                if (moveCost < this.GetCellInfo(actualY, actualX).MovementCost)
                                                    this.OpenSquare(actualY, actualX, new[] { this.NowY, this.NowX }, moveCost, 0, true);
                                                heuristic = Convert.ToDouble(this.HeuristicCost) * Math.Sqrt((this.EndY - actualY) * (this.EndY - actualY) + (this.EndX - actualX) * (this.EndX - actualX));
                                                OpenSquare(actualY, actualX, new[] { this.NowY, this.NowX }, moveCost, heuristic, false);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private double GetCellSpeed(int cellId, bool throughEntities)
            BlueSheep.Data.D2p.Map data = MapData.Data;
            var speed = data.Cells[cellId].Speed;
            MapPoint cell = new MapPoint(cellId);

            if (throughEntities)
                if (!(MapData.NoEntitiesOnCell(cellId)))
                    return 20;

                if (speed >= 0)
                    return 1 + (5 - speed);

                return 1 + (11 + Math.Abs(speed));

            var cost = 1.0D;
            MapPoint adjCell = null;

            if (!(MapData.NoEntitiesOnCell(cellId)))
                cost += 0.3;

            adjCell = new MapPoint(cell.X + 1, cell.Y);
            if (adjCell != null && !(MapData.NoEntitiesOnCell(adjCell.CellId)))
                cost += 0.3;

            adjCell = new MapPoint(cell.X, cell.Y + 1);
            if (adjCell != null && !(MapData.NoEntitiesOnCell(adjCell.CellId)))
                cost += 0.3;

            adjCell = new MapPoint(cell.X - 1, cell.Y);
            if (adjCell != null && !(MapData.NoEntitiesOnCell(adjCell.CellId)))
                cost += 0.3;

            adjCell = new MapPoint(cell.X, cell.Y - 1);
            if (adjCell != null && !(MapData.NoEntitiesOnCell(adjCell.CellId)))
                cost += 0.3;

            // todo
            //            if (m_context.IsCellMarked(cell))
            //                cost += 0.2;

            return cost;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public List<MapPoint> GetListPointAtGoodDistance(MapPoint characterPoint, MapPoint elementPoint, int weaponRange)
     List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
     int num = -1;
     int direction = 1;
     while (true)
         int i = 0;
         while (i < weaponRange)
             i += 1;
             MapPoint nearestCellInDirection = elementPoint.GetNearestCellInDirection(direction, i);
             if (nearestCellInDirection.IsInMap() && Data.IsWalkable(nearestCellInDirection.CellId))
                 int dist = characterPoint.DistanceToCell(nearestCellInDirection);
                 if ((num == -1) || (num >= dist))
                     if (dist < num)
                     num = dist;
         direction = (direction + 2);
         if (direction > 7)
             return list;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void MovementPathFromArray(MapPoint[] squares)
            PathElement path = null;

            for (var i = 0; i <= squares.Length - 2; i++)
                path = new PathElement();
                path.Cell = squares[i];
                path.Orientation = squares[i].OrientationTo(squares[i + 1]);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public bool CanGatherElement(int id, int distance)
            if (distance <= 1 && distance >= 0)
                return true;
            if (m_Account.Inventory.HasFishingRod)
                MapPoint characterPoint = new MapPoint(Character.CellId);
                //Elements.StatedElement element = (Elements.StatedElement)StatedElements.GetValueOrNull(id);
                Elements.StatedElement element = null;
                if (StatedElements.ContainsKey(id))
                    element = StatedElements[id];

                if (element != null)
                    //StatedElement selectedStatedElement = findValue(StatedElements, id);
                    //if (selectedStatedElement != null)
                    //    element = (Elements.StatedElement)selectedStatedElement;
                    MapPoint elementPoint = new MapPoint((int)element.CellId);
                    List<MapPoint> goodPointsList = GetListPointAtGoodDistance(characterPoint, elementPoint, 1); //m_Account.Inventory.WeaponRange);
                    var selectedPoint = goodPointsList.FirstOrDefault((point) => point.CellId == characterPoint.CellId);
                    if (selectedPoint != null)
                        return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public bool MoveToCellWithDistance(int cellId, int maxDistance, bool bool1)
     MovementPath path = null;
     int savDistance = -1;
     MapPoint characterPoint = new MapPoint(m_Account.MapData.Character.disposition.cellId);
     MapPoint targetPoint = new MapPoint(cellId);
     foreach (MapPoint point in m_Account.MapData.GetListPointAtGoodDistance(characterPoint, targetPoint, maxDistance))
         Pathfinder pathFinding = null;
         if ((targetPoint.DistanceToCell(point) > maxDistance) || ((targetPoint.X != point.X) && (targetPoint.Y != point.Y)))
         int distance = characterPoint.DistanceTo(point);
         if ((savDistance != -1) && (distance >= savDistance))
         if (bool1)
             if (m_Account.MapData.Data.IsWalkable(point.CellId))
                 goto Label_00A8;
         if (!(m_Account.MapData.NothingOnCell(point.CellId)))
         pathFinding = new Pathfinder(m_Account.MapData);
     MovementPath path2 = pathFinding.FindPath(m_Account.MapData.Character.disposition.cellId, point.CellId);
         if (path2 != null)
             path = path2;
             savDistance = distance;
     if (path == null)
         return false;
     List<UInt32> serverMovement = MapMovementAdapter.GetServerMovement(path);
     if (serverMovement[serverMovement.Count - 1] == m_Account.MapData.Character.disposition.cellId)
         Moving = false;
         return true;
     int timetowait;
     if (serverMovement.Count() < 3)
         timetowait = serverMovement.Count() * 514;
         timetowait = serverMovement.Count() * 320;
     m_time = timetowait;
     using (BigEndianWriter writer = new BigEndianWriter())
         GameMapMovementRequestMessage msg = new GameMapMovementRequestMessage(serverMovement.Select<uint, short>(ui => (short)ui).ToArray(), m_Account.MapData.Id);
         writer.Content = m_Account.HumanCheck.hash_function(writer.Content);
         MessagePackaging pack = new MessagePackaging(writer);
         Moving = true;
         if (m_Account.DebugMode.Checked)
             m_Account.Log(new DebugTextInformation("[SND] 950 (GameMapMovementRequestMessage)"), 0);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>Obtient la distance entre ce point et le point donné</summary>
 /// <param name="Point">Point donc on veut connaître la distance par rapport à ce MapPoint</param>
 /// <returns>La distance entre les deux points</returns>
 public int DistanceTo(MapPoint Point)
     return Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble((Point.X - this.X)), 2) + Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble((Point.Y - this.Y)), 2)))));
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>Obtient la distance entre ce point et le point donné</summary>
 /// <param name="Point">Point donc on veut connaître la distance par rapport à ce MapPoint</param>
 /// <returns>La distance entre les deux points</returns>
 public int DistanceToCell(MapPoint Point)
     return (Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32((this.X - Point.X))) + Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32((this.Y - Point.Y))));
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>Obtient la distance entre ce point et le point donné</summary>
 /// <param name="Point">Point donc on veut connaître la distance par rapport à ce MapPoint</param>
 /// <returns>La distance entre les deux points</returns>
 public int DistanceToCell(MapPoint Point)
     return(Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32((this.X - Point.X))) + Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32((this.Y - Point.Y))));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>Obtient la distance entre ce point et le point donné</summary>
 /// <param name="Point">Point donc on veut connaître la distance par rapport à ce MapPoint</param>
 /// <returns>La distance entre les deux points</returns>
 public int DistanceTo(MapPoint Point)
     return(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble((Point.X - this.X)), 2) + Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble((Point.Y - this.Y)), 2))))));
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the distance between the character and the ressource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Id">
 /// The id of the ressource.
 /// </param>
 public int GetRessourceDistance(int Id)
     MapPoint CharacterMapPoint = new MapPoint(account.MapData.Character.disposition.cellId);
     StatedElement StatedRessource = account.MapData.StatedElements.FirstOrDefault((se) => se.Id == Id);
     if (StatedRessource != null)
         MapPoint RessourceMapPoint = new MapPoint((int)StatedRessource.CellId);
         return CharacterMapPoint.DistanceTo(RessourceMapPoint);
     return -1;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public bool MoveToCellWithDistance(int cellId, int maxDistance, bool bool1)
     m_Account.ModifBar(6, 0, 0, "Déplacement");
     MovementPath path = null;
     int savDistance = -1;
     MapPoint characterPoint = new MapPoint(Character.CellId);
     MapPoint targetPoint = new MapPoint(cellId);
     foreach (MapPoint point in GetListPointAtGoodDistance(characterPoint, targetPoint, maxDistance))
         Pathfinder pathFinding = null;
         if ((targetPoint.DistanceToCell(point) > maxDistance) || ((targetPoint.X != point.X) && (targetPoint.Y != point.Y)))
         int distance = characterPoint.DistanceTo(point);
         if ((savDistance != -1) && (distance >= savDistance))
         if (bool1)
             if (Data.IsWalkable(point.CellId))
                 goto Label_00A8;
         if (!(NothingOnCell(point.CellId)))
         pathFinding = new Pathfinder(m_Account.Map.Data, m_Account.Map);
         MovementPath path2 = pathFinding.FindPath(Character.CellId, point.CellId);
         if (path2 != null)
             path = path2;
             savDistance = distance;
     if (path == null)
         return false;
     //if (AutoTimeout)
     //    m_Account.Game.Character.State.SetTimeout(StateEnum.Moving, false, TimeoutMin, TimeoutMax);
     List<UInt32> serverMovement = MapMovementAdapter.GetServerMovement(path);
     int timetowait;
     if (serverMovement.Count() < 3)
         timetowait = serverMovement.Count() * 500;
         timetowait = serverMovement.Count() * 300;
     //m_Account.Network.SendToServer(new GameMapMovementRequestMessage(serverMovement.Select<uint, short>(ui => (short)ui).ToArray(), Id));
     using (BigEndianWriter writer = new BigEndianWriter())
         GameMapMovementRequestMessage msg = new GameMapMovementRequestMessage(serverMovement.Select<uint, short>(ui => (short)ui).ToArray(), Id);
         writer.Content = m_Account.HumanCheck.hash_function(writer.Content);
         MessagePackaging pack = new MessagePackaging(writer);
     m_Account.Wait(timetowait, timetowait + 100);
     using (BigEndianWriter writer = new BigEndianWriter())
         GameMapMovementConfirmMessage newmsg = new GameMapMovementConfirmMessage();
         MessagePackaging pack = new MessagePackaging(writer);
         if (m_Account.Fight != null && m_Account.Fight.IsFollowingGroup())
             //m_Account.Wait(3000, 4000);
             //if (m_Account.StatusLb.Text != "Combat")
             //    m_Account.Fight.SearchFight();
         else if (m_Account.Gather.Id != -1)
             UseElement(m_Account.Gather.Id, m_Account.Gather.SkillInstanceUid);
         m_Account.ModifBar(6, 0, 0, "Connecté");
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the target is targetable by the specified spell (with and without moving).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spell">Spell to launch</param>
        /// <param name="target">Target</param>
        /// <returns>The cellId we need to move to. -1 if we can't use. 0 if we don't need to move.</returns>
        public int CanUseSpell(BSpell spell, BFighter target)
            if (CanLaunchSpell(spell.SpellId) != SpellInabilityReason.None)
                return -1;

            // Use without move
            if (CanLaunchSpellOn(spell.SpellId, Fighter.CellId, target.CellId) == SpellInabilityReason.None)
                return 0;

            // Try with move
            int moveCell = -1;
            int distance = -1;
            foreach (int cell in GetReachableCells())
                if (CanLaunchSpellOn(spell.SpellId, cell, target.CellId, true) == SpellInabilityReason.None)
                    MapPoint characterPoint = new MapPoint(cell);
                    int tempDistance = characterPoint.DistanceToCell(new MapPoint(target.CellId));

                    if (tempDistance > distance || distance == -1)
                        distance = tempDistance;
                        moveCell = cell;
            return moveCell;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Return whether or not we can gather an element at the specified distance.
 /// </summary>
 public bool CanGatherElement(int id, int distance)
     if (distance <= 1 && distance >= 0)
         return true;
     if (m_Account.Inventory.HasFishingRod)
         MapPoint characterPoint = new MapPoint(Character.disposition.cellId);
         Elements.StatedElement element = StatedElements.Find(s => s.Id == id);
         if (element != null)
             MapPoint elementPoint = new MapPoint((int)element.CellId);
             List<MapPoint> goodPointsList = GetListPointAtGoodDistance(characterPoint, elementPoint, m_Account.Inventory.WeaponRange);
             foreach (MapPoint mp in goodPointsList)
                 m_Account.Log(new DebugTextInformation("[CanGatherElement] GoodPoints -> " + mp.CellId), 0);
             m_Account.Log(new DebugTextInformation("[CanGatherElement] Player CellId ? " + characterPoint.CellId),0);
             var selectedPoint = goodPointsList.FirstOrDefault((point) => point.CellId == characterPoint.CellId);
             if (selectedPoint != null)
                 return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the distance between our player and the specified fighter. Default is the nearest monster.
 /// </summary>
 public int DistanceFrom(BFighter fighter = null)
     if (fighter == null)
         fighter = NearestMonster();
     MapPoint CharacterPoint = new MapPoint(Fighter.CellId);
     MapPoint TestFighterPoint = new MapPoint(fighter.CellId);
     int dist = new SimplePathfinder(m_Account.MapData).FindPath(fighter.CellId, TestFighterPoint.CellId).Cells.Count();
     dist += CharacterPoint.DistanceToCell(TestFighterPoint);
     return dist;
Exemplo n.º 23
 private int GetRessourceDistance(int Id)
     MapPoint CharacterMapPoint = new MapPoint(account.Map.Character.CellId);
     StatedElement StatedRessource = account.Map.StatedElements.FirstOrDefault((se) => se.Value.Id == Id).Value;
     if (StatedRessource != null)
         MapPoint RessourceMapPoint = new MapPoint((int)StatedRessource.CellId);
         return CharacterMapPoint.DistanceTo(RessourceMapPoint);
     return -1;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns if we are currently hand to hand with the nearest monster or not.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsHandToHand(int cell = 0)
            if (cell == 0)
                cell = Fighter.CellId;
            MapPoint characterPoint = new MapPoint(cell);
            MapPoint targetPoint = new MapPoint(NearestMonster().CellId);

            if (characterPoint.DistanceToCell(targetPoint) <= 1)
                return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public bool PointMov(int x, int y, int cellId, bool troughtEntities)
            bool isNewSystem = MapData.Data.IsUsingNewMovementSystem;
            MapPoint actualPoint = new MapPoint(x, y);
            BlueSheep.Data.D2p.CellData fCellData = null;
            BlueSheep.Data.D2p.CellData sCellData = null;
            bool mov = false;
            int floor = 0;

            if (actualPoint.IsInMap())
                fCellData = MapData.Data.Cells[actualPoint.CellId];
                mov = ((fCellData.Mov()) && (!this.IsFighting || !fCellData.NonWalkableDuringFight()));

                if (!((mov == false)) && isNewSystem && cellId != -1 && cellId != actualPoint.CellId)
                    sCellData = (MapData).Data.Cells[cellId];
                    floor = Math.Abs(Math.Abs(fCellData.Floor) - Math.Abs(sCellData.Floor));
                    if (!(sCellData.MoveZone == fCellData.MoveZone) && floor > 0 && sCellData.MoveZone == fCellData.MoveZone && fCellData.MoveZone == 0 && floor > 11)
                        mov = false;
                    if (!troughtEntities)
                        int count = 0;
                        count += MapData.Monsters.Where((e) => e.m_cellId == actualPoint.CellId).ToList().Count;
                        if (count > 0)
                        //    //ToDo Voir à travers les entity
                            return false;
                mov = false;
            return mov;
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the nearest cell from the specified fighter. Default is the nearest monster.
 /// </summary>
 public int NearestCellFrom(BFighter fighter = null)
     if (fighter == null)
         fighter = NearestMonster();
     List<int> ReachableCells = GetReachableCells();
     int CellId = -1;
     int SavDistance = -1;
     foreach (int ReachableCell in ReachableCells)
         MapPoint ReachableCellPoint = new MapPoint(ReachableCell);
         int Distance = 0;
         Distance = (Distance + ReachableCellPoint.DistanceToCell(new MapPoint(fighter.CellId)));
         if (((SavDistance == -1) || (Distance < SavDistance)))
             CellId = ReachableCell;
             SavDistance = Distance;
     return CellId;
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void StartPathfinding(MapPoint startP, MapPoint endP)
            this.Start = startP;
            this.End = endP;
            this.StartX = startP.X;
            this.StartY = startP.Y;
            this.EndX = endP.X;
            this.EndY = endP.Y;

            this.StartPoint = new MapPoint(startP.X, startP.Y);
            this.EndPoint = new MapPoint(endP.X, endP.Y);

            this.AuxEndPoint = this.StartPoint;
            this.AuxEndX = this.StartPoint.X;
            this.AuxEndY = this.StartPoint.Y;

            this.DistanceToEnd = this.StartPoint.DistanceToCell(this.EndPoint);

            for (int y = -19; y <= this.MaxY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x <= this.MaxX; x++)
                    this.MapStatus.Add(new CellInfo(0, null, false, false, x, y));
            OpenList = new List<OpenSquare>();
            OpenSquare(this.StartY, this.StartX, null, 0, 0, false);
Exemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the nearest monster from our player, in the specified list.
 /// </summary>
 public BFighter NearestMonster(List<BFighter> LFighters)
     MapPoint CharacterPoint = new MapPoint(this.Fighter.CellId);
     BFighter Fighterr = null;
     int SavDistance = -1;
     foreach (BFighter TestFighter in LFighters)
         if (TestFighter.TeamId == Fighter.TeamId || TestFighter.IsAlive == false)
         MapPoint TestFighterPoint = new MapPoint(TestFighter.CellId);
         int dist = new SimplePathfinder(m_Account.MapData).FindPath(CharacterPoint.CellId, TestFighterPoint.CellId).Cells.Count();
         dist += CharacterPoint.DistanceToCell(TestFighterPoint);
         if (((dist < SavDistance) || (SavDistance == -1)) && TestFighter != this.Fighter)
             SavDistance = dist;
             Fighterr = TestFighter;
     if (Fighterr == null)
         return null;
     return Fighterr;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void EndPathfinding()
            List<MapPoint> mapsArray = new List<MapPoint>();
            int parentY = 0;
            int parentX = 0;
            MapPoint btwPoint = null;
            List<MapPoint> tempArray = new List<MapPoint>();
            int i = 0;
            int actualX = 0;
            int actualY = 0;
            int thirdX = 0;
            int thirdY = 0;
            int btwX = 0;
            int btwY = 0;
            bool endPointClosed = IsClosed(this.EndY, this.EndX);

            if (!endPointClosed)
                this.EndPoint = this.AuxEndPoint;
                this.EndX = this.AuxEndX;
                this.EndY = this.AuxEndY;
                endPointClosed = true;
                MovPath.CellEnd = this.EndPoint;
            this.PreviousCellId = -1;
            if (endPointClosed)
                this.NowX = this.EndX;
                this.NowY = this.EndY;

                while (!(this.NowX == this.StartX) || !(this.NowY == this.StartY))
                    mapsArray.Add(new MapPoint(this.NowX, this.NowY));
                    parentY = this.GetCellInfo(this.NowY, this.NowX).Parent[0];
                    parentX = this.GetCellInfo(this.NowY, this.NowX).Parent[1];
                    this.NowX = parentX;
                    this.NowY = parentY;
                if (AllowDiag)
                    for (i = 0; i < mapsArray.Count; i++)
                        this.PreviousCellId = mapsArray[i].CellId;
                        if ((mapsArray.Count > i + 2 && !((mapsArray[i + 2] == null)) && (mapsArray[i].DistanceToCell(mapsArray[i + 2]) == 1)) && (!(IsChangeZone(mapsArray[i].CellId, mapsArray[i + 1].CellId))) && !(IsChangeZone(mapsArray[i + 1].CellId, mapsArray[i + 2].CellId)))
                            i += 1;
                            if ((mapsArray.Count > i + 3 && !((mapsArray[i + 3] == null))) && mapsArray[i].DistanceToCell(mapsArray[i + 3]) == 2)
                                actualX = mapsArray[i].X;
                                actualY = mapsArray[i].Y;
                                thirdX = mapsArray[i + 3].X;
                                thirdY = mapsArray[i + 3].Y;
                                btwX = actualX + (int)Math.Round((thirdX - actualX) / 2.0);
                                btwY = actualY + (int)Math.Round((thirdY - actualY) / 2.0);
                                btwPoint = new MapPoint(btwX, btwY);
                                if ((PointMov(btwX, btwY, this.PreviousCellId, true)) && GetCellSpeed(btwPoint.CellId, this.AllowTroughEntity) < 2)
                                    this.PreviousCellId = btwPoint.CellId;
                                    i += 2;
                                if (mapsArray.Count > i + 2 && !((mapsArray[i + 2] == null)) && mapsArray[i].DistanceToCell(mapsArray[i + 2]) == 2)
                                    actualX = mapsArray[i].X;
                                    actualY = mapsArray[i].Y;
                                    thirdX = mapsArray[i + 2].X;
                                    thirdY = mapsArray[i + 2].Y;
                                    btwX = mapsArray[i + 1].X;
                                    btwY = mapsArray[i + 1].Y;

                                    if (actualX + actualY == thirdX + thirdY && !(actualX - actualY == btwX - btwY) && !(IsChangeZone((new MapPoint(actualX, actualY)).CellId, (new MapPoint(btwX, btwY)).CellId)) && !(IsChangeZone((new MapPoint(btwX, btwY)).CellId, (new MapPoint(thirdX, thirdY)).CellId)))
                                        i += 1;
                                        if (actualX - actualY == thirdX - thirdY && !(actualX - actualY == btwX - btwY) && !(IsChangeZone((new MapPoint(actualX, actualY)).CellId, (new MapPoint(btwX, btwY)).CellId)) && !(IsChangeZone((new MapPoint(btwX, btwY)).CellId, (new MapPoint(thirdX, thirdY)).CellId)))
                                            i += 1;
                                            if (actualX == thirdX && !(actualX == btwX) && GetCellSpeed((new MapPoint(actualX, btwY)).CellId, this.AllowTroughEntity) < 2 && (PointMov(actualX, btwY, this.PreviousCellId, this.AllowTroughEntity)))
                                                btwPoint = new MapPoint(actualX, btwY);
                                                this.PreviousCellId = btwPoint.CellId;
                                                i += 1;
                                                if (actualY == thirdY && !(actualY == btwY) && GetCellSpeed((new MapPoint(btwX, actualY)).CellId, this.AllowTroughEntity) < 2 && (PointMov(btwX, actualY, this.PreviousCellId, this.AllowTroughEntity)))
                                                    btwPoint = new MapPoint(btwX, actualY);
                                                    this.PreviousCellId = btwPoint.CellId;
                                                    i += 1;
                    mapsArray = tempArray;
                if (mapsArray.Count == 1)
                    mapsArray = new List<MapPoint>();
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns if a spell is launchable on a specified spellId or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spellId">ID du sort</param>
        /// <param name="characterCellId">CellId du personnage</param>
        /// <param name="cellId">CellId cible</param>
        /// <returns>SpellInabilityReasons: Unknown, ActionPoints, TooManyLaunch, Cooldown, TooManyInvocations, None </returns>
        private SpellInabilityReason CanLaunchSpellOn(int spellId, int characterCellId, int cellId, bool withMove = false)
            if (!withMove)
                SpellInabilityReason canLaunchSpell = CanLaunchSpell(spellId);
                if (canLaunchSpell != SpellInabilityReason.None)
                    return canLaunchSpell;
            Inventory.Item weapon = m_Account.Inventory.Weapon;
            DataClass weaponData = null;

            DataClass spellData = GameData.GetDataObject(D2oFileEnum.Spells, spellId);
            ArrayList ids = (ArrayList)spellData.Fields["spellLevels"];
            int level = m_Account.Spells.FirstOrDefault(Spell => Spell.Id == spellId).Level;
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(ids[level - 1]);
            DataClass spellLevelsData = GameData.GetDataObject(D2oFileEnum.SpellLevels, id);

            if (spellLevelsData == null && spellId != -1) // spellId = -1 -> Use weapon.
                return SpellInabilityReason.Unknown;
            if (spellId == 0 && weapon != null)
                weaponData = GameData.GetDataObject(D2oFileEnum.Items, weapon.GID);

            MapPoint characterPoint = new MapPoint(characterCellId);
            MapPoint targetPoint = new MapPoint(cellId);
            int distanceToTarget = characterPoint.DistanceToCell(targetPoint);
            int minRange = (spellId != -1) ? (int)spellLevelsData.Fields["minRange"] : (int)weaponData.Fields["minRange"];
            if ((spellId != 0 && (bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["castInDiagonal"]) || (weaponData != null && !(bool)weaponData.Fields["castInLine"]))
                minRange = (minRange * 2);
            if (minRange < 0)
                minRange = 0;
            int maxRange = (spellId != 0) ? (int)((int)spellLevelsData.Fields["range"] + ((bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["rangeCanBeBoosted"] ? (m_Account.CharacterStats.range.objectsAndMountBonus + m_Account.CharacterStats.range.contextModif) : 0)) : (int)spellLevelsData.Fields["range"];
            if ((spellId != 0 && (bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["castInDiagonal"]) || (weaponData != null && !(bool)weaponData.Fields["castInLine"]))
                maxRange = (maxRange * 2);
            if (maxRange < 0)
                maxRange = 0;
            if (distanceToTarget < minRange && distanceToTarget > 0)
                return SpellInabilityReason.MinRange;
            if (distanceToTarget > maxRange)
                return SpellInabilityReason.MaxRange;
            if (((spellId != 0 && (bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["castInLine"]) || (weaponData != null && (bool)weaponData.Fields["castInLine"]))
               && characterPoint.X != targetPoint.X &&
                characterPoint.Y != targetPoint.Y)
                return SpellInabilityReason.NotInLine;
            if ((spellId != 0 && (bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["castInDiagonal"]) || (weaponData != null && !(bool)weaponData.Fields["castInLine"]))
                ArrayList list = Dofus1Line.GetLine(characterPoint.X, characterPoint.Y, targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y);

                int i = 0;
                while (i < list.Count - 1)
                    Dofus1Line.Point actualPoint = (Dofus1Line.Point)list[i];
                    Dofus1Line.Point nextPoint = (Dofus1Line.Point)list[i + 1];
                    i += 1;
                    if (actualPoint.X == nextPoint.X + 1 && actualPoint.Y == nextPoint.Y + 1)
                    else if (actualPoint.X == nextPoint.X - 1 && actualPoint.Y == nextPoint.Y - 1)
                    else if (actualPoint.X == nextPoint.X + 1 && actualPoint.Y == nextPoint.Y - 1)
                    else if (actualPoint.X == nextPoint.X - 1 && actualPoint.Y == nextPoint.Y + 1)
                    return SpellInabilityReason.NotInDiagonal;
            if (((spellId != 0 && (bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["castTestLos"] && distanceToTarget > 1)) || (weaponData != null && (bool)weaponData.Fields["castTestLos"]) && distanceToTarget > 1)
                ArrayList list = Dofus1Line.GetLine(characterPoint.X, characterPoint.Y, targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y);
                int i = 0;
                while (i < list.Count - 1)
                    Dofus1Line.Point point3 = (Dofus1Line.Point)list[i];
                    MapPoint point4 = new MapPoint((int)Math.Round(Math.Floor(point3.X)), (int)Math.Round(Math.Floor(point3.Y)));
                    if (!(IsFreeCell(point4.CellId)) || !(m_Account.MapData.Data.IsLineOfSight(point4.CellId)))
                        return SpellInabilityReason.LineOfSight;
                    i += 1;
            if ((TotalLaunchByCellBySpell.ContainsKey(spellId) && TotalLaunchByCellBySpell[spellId].ContainsKey(targetPoint.CellId)) && this.TotalLaunchByCellBySpell[spellId][targetPoint.CellId] >= (int)spellLevelsData.Fields["maxCastPerTarget"] && (int)spellLevelsData.Fields["maxCastPerTarget"] > 0)
                return SpellInabilityReason.TooManyLaunchOnCell;
            if (IsFreeCell(cellId))
                if ((bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["needTakenCell"])
                    return SpellInabilityReason.NeedTakenCell;
            else if ((bool)spellLevelsData.Fields["needFreeCell"])
                return SpellInabilityReason.NeedFreeCell;
            return SpellInabilityReason.None;
Exemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Move to the specified cell (Fight).
 /// </summary>
 private bool MoveToCell(int cellId)
     if (cellId != m_Data.Fighter.CellId)
         if (!(m_Data.IsCellWalkable(cellId)))
             int num = -1;
             int num2 = 5000;
             MapPoint point = new MapPoint(m_Data.Fighter.CellId);
             MapPoint point2 = new MapPoint(cellId);
             int direction = 1;
             while (true)
                 MapPoint nearestCellInDirection = point2.GetNearestCellInDirection(direction, 1);
                 if (m_Data.IsCellWalkable(nearestCellInDirection.CellId))
                     int num4 = point.DistanceToCell(nearestCellInDirection);
                     if (num4 < num2)
                         num2 = num4;
                         num = nearestCellInDirection.CellId;
                 direction = (direction + 2);
                 if (direction > 7)
                     if (num == -1)
                         return false;
                     cellId = num;
         SimplePathfinder pathfinder = new SimplePathfinder(m_Account.MapData);
         pathfinder.SetFight(m_Data.Fighters, m_Data.Fighter.MovementPoints);
         MovementPath path = pathfinder.FindPath(m_Data.Fighter.CellId, cellId);
         if (path != null)
             List<UInt32> serverMovement = MapMovementAdapter.GetServerMovement(path);
             using (BigEndianWriter writer = new BigEndianWriter())
                 GameMapMovementRequestMessage msg = new GameMapMovementRequestMessage(serverMovement.ToList().Select<uint, short>(ui => (short)ui).ToArray(), m_Account.MapData.Id);
                 writer.Content = m_Account.HumanCheck.hash_function(writer.Content);
                 MessagePackaging pack = new MessagePackaging(writer);
                 flag = 0;
                 if (m_Account.DebugMode.Checked)
                     m_Account.Log(new DebugTextInformation("[SND] 950 (GameMapMovementRequestMessage)"), 0);
             return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>Donne l'orientation du point vers le point donné</summary>
 /// <param name="Point">Point dont on veut connaitre l'orientation par rapport à ce MapPoint</param>
 /// <returns>La valeur de l'orientation vers le point donné</returns>
 public int OrientationTo(MapPoint Point)
     int num = (Point.X > this.X) ? 1 : (Point.X < this.X) ? -1 : 0;
     int num2 = (Point.Y > this.Y) ? 1 : (Point.Y < this.Y) ? -1 : 0;
     if (((num == 1) && (num2 == 1)))
         return 0;
     if (((num == 1) && (num2 == 0)))
         return 1;
     if (((num == 1) && (num2 == -1)))
         return 2;
     if (((num == 0) && (num2 == -1)))
         return 3;
     if (((num == -1) && (num2 == -1)))
         return 4;
     if (((num == -1) && (num2 == 0)))
         return 5;
     if (((num == -1) && (num2 == 1)))
         return 6;
     if (((num == 0) && (num2 == 1)))
         return 7;
     return -1;