Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the orthography conversion settings file and applies the specified mapping to a list of strings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fragments">The texts (as an IEnumerable<string>) to apply the mapping to</param>
        /// <param name="orthographyConversionFile">The filename containing the conversion settings. It should be tab-delimited with 2 columns. The 1st column is a sequence of 1 or more characters in the source language. The 2nd column contains a sequence of characteres to map to in the target language.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <string> ApplyOrthographyConversion(IEnumerable <string> fragments, string orthographyConversionFile)
            var converter = new OrthographyConverter(orthographyConversionFile);

            foreach (var fragment in fragments)
                string mappedFragment = converter.ApplyMappings(fragment);
                yield return(mappedFragment);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the orthography conversion settings file and applies the specified mapping to a piece of text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text (as a scalar string) to apply the mapping to</param>
        /// <param name="orthographyConversionFile">The filename containing the conversion settings. It should be tab-delimited with 2 columns. The 1st column is a sequence of 1 or more characters in the source language. The 2nd column contains a sequence of characteres to map to in the target language.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ApplyOrthographyConversion(string text, string orthographyConversionFile)
            var converter = new OrthographyConverter(orthographyConversionFile);

Exemplo n.º 3
        // Determines which language code to use for eSpeak
        private string GetBestSupportedLanguage(string requestedLangCode, out string stdOut, out string stdErr)
            stdOut = "";
            stdErr = "";

            // Normally requestedLangCode should be under our control.
            // But just do a quick and easy check to make sure it looks reasonable. (there are some highly contrived scenarios where a XSS injection would be possible with some social engineering.)
            if (requestedLangCode.Contains('"') || requestedLangCode.Contains('\\'))
                // This doesn't look like a lang code and has non-zero potential for injection. just return a default value instead


            // First try the requested langauge directly.
            // (We need to test eSpeak directly instead of Aeneas because when using TTS overrides, there's no Aeneas error message that tells us if the language is unsupported.
            // Therefore, we explicitly test if the language is supported by the dependency (eSpeak) before getting started.
            if (!DoesCommandCauseError($"espeak -v {requestedLangCode} -q \"hello world\"", kWorkingDirectory, out stdOut, out stdErr))

            // Nope, looks like the requested language is not supported by the eSpeak installation.
            // Let's check the fallback languages.

            var potentialFallbackLangs = new List <string>();

            // Check the orthography conversion files. If present, they specify the (first) fallback language to be used.
            string collectionPath = _bookSelection.CurrentSelection.CollectionSettings.FolderPath;
            var    matchingFiles  = Directory.EnumerateFiles(collectionPath, $"convert_{requestedLangCode}_to_*.txt");

            foreach (var matchingFile in matchingFiles)
                Tuple <string, string> sourceAndTargetTuple = OrthographyConverter.ParseSourceAndTargetFromFilename(matchingFile);
                if (sourceAndTargetTuple != null)
                    string targetLang = sourceAndTargetTuple.Item2;

            // Add more default fallback languages to the end
            potentialFallbackLangs.Add("eo");                   // "eo" is Esperanto

            // Now go and try the fallback languages until we (possibly) find one that works
            string langCode = null;

            foreach (var langCodeToTry in potentialFallbackLangs)
                if (!DoesCommandCauseError($"espeak -v {langCodeToTry} -q \"hello world\"", kWorkingDirectory, out stdOut, out stdErr))
                    langCode = langCodeToTry;
