TryGetPremadeThumbnail() public method

public TryGetPremadeThumbnail ( Image &image ) : bool
image Image
return bool
Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddOneBook(BookInfo bookInfo, FlowLayoutPanel flowLayoutPanel, BookCollection collection)
            string title = bookInfo.QuickTitleUserDisplay;
            if (collection.IsFactoryInstalled)
                title = LocalizationManager.GetDynamicString("Bloom", "TemplateBooks.BookName." + title, title);

            var button = new Button
                Size = new Size(ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight),
                Font = bookInfo.IsEditable ? _editableBookFont : _collectionBookFont,
                TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText,
                ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter,
                TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter,
                FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat,
                ForeColor = Palette.TextAgainstDarkBackground,
                UseMnemonic = false, //otherwise, it tries to interpret '&' as a shortcut
                ContextMenuStrip = _bookContextMenu,
                AutoSize = false,

                Tag = new BookButtonInfo(bookInfo, collection, collection == _model.TheOneEditableCollection)

            button.MouseDown += OnClickBook; //we need this for right-click menu selection, which needs to 1st select the book
            //doesn't work: item.DoubleClick += (sender,arg)=>_model.DoubleClickedBook();

            button.Text = ShortenTitleIfNeeded(title, button);
            button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 1;
            button.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = BackColor;

            toolTip1.SetToolTip(button, title);

            Image thumbnail = Resources.PagePlaceHolder;
            _bookThumbnails.Images.Add(bookInfo.Id, thumbnail);
            button.ImageIndex = _bookThumbnails.Images.Count - 1;
            flowLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(button); // important to add it before RefreshOneThumbnail; uses parent flow to decide whether primary

            // Can't use this test until after we add button (uses parent info)
            if (!IsUsableBook(button))
                button.ForeColor = Palette.DisabledTextAgainstDarkBackColor;

            Image img;
            var refreshThumbnail = false;
            //review: we could do this at idle time, too:
            if (bookInfo.TryGetPremadeThumbnail(out img))
                RefreshOneThumbnail(bookInfo, img);
                //show this one for now, in the background someone will do the slow work of getting us a better one
                refreshThumbnail = true;
            _buttonsNeedingSlowUpdate.Enqueue(new ButtonRefreshInfo(button, refreshThumbnail));