Exemplo n.º 1
        public TieScreenState(GameStateManager gameStateManager)
            : base(gameStateManager)
            bgtex = new TiledTexture(new Rectangle(0, 0, GlobalGameData.windowWidth, GlobalGameData.windowHeight));

            playerInputTypes = new int[4];
Exemplo n.º 2
        public OptionsState(GameStateManager gameStateManager)
            : base(gameStateManager)
            bgtex = new TiledTexture(new Rectangle(0, 0, GlobalGameData.windowWidth, GlobalGameData.windowHeight));

            oldState = Keyboard.GetState();

            oldGamepadStates = new GamePadState[4];
Exemplo n.º 3
        public GameplayState(GameStateManager gameStateManager, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
            : base(gameStateManager)
            level = new Level.Level(MoveToWinState, MoveToTieState);
            scoreRenderer = new ScoreRenderer();

            //Create the render target to the level size
            //Initialise it with Bgr565 (no need for alpha) and no mipmap or depth buffer
            levelRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(graphicsDevice, GlobalGameData.levelSizeX, GlobalGameData.levelSizeY, false, SurfaceFormat.Bgr565, DepthFormat.None);

            this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;

            playerInputTypes = new int[4];
            songList = new Song[5];
Exemplo n.º 4
        public MenuState(GameStateManager gameStateManager)
            : base(gameStateManager)
            blastPos = new Vector2(GlobalGameData.windowWidth / 2, 20);
            zonePos = blastPos + new Vector2(0, 60);

            bgtex = new TiledTexture(new Rectangle(0, 0, GlobalGameData.windowWidth, GlobalGameData.windowHeight));

            oldState = Keyboard.GetState();

            //menuBeginPosY = 250;
            menuBeginPosY = 250;
            menuOffset = 100;

            oldGamepadStates = new GamePadState[4];
Exemplo n.º 5
        public LobbyState(GameStateManager gameStateManager)
            : base(gameStateManager)
            bgtex = new TiledTexture(new Rectangle(0, 0, GlobalGameData.windowWidth, GlobalGameData.windowHeight));

            iconPos = new Vector2[4];
            controller = new int[4];
            ready = new bool[4];

            lastGamepadState = new GamePadState[4];

            int spacing = 20;
            int iconVerticalPos = GlobalGameData.windowHeight / 2 - 128;
            float icon2Offset = -256 - spacing / 2;
            float icon3Offset = spacing / 2;
            iconPos[0] = new Vector2(GlobalGameData.windowWidth / 2 + icon2Offset - 256 - spacing, iconVerticalPos);
            iconPos[1] = new Vector2(GlobalGameData.windowWidth / 2 + icon2Offset, iconVerticalPos);
            iconPos[2] = new Vector2(GlobalGameData.windowWidth / 2 + icon3Offset, iconVerticalPos);
            iconPos[3] = new Vector2(GlobalGameData.windowWidth / 2 + icon3Offset + 256 + spacing, iconVerticalPos);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public ControlsState(GameStateManager gameStateManager)
     : base(gameStateManager)
     bgtex = new TiledTexture(new Rectangle(0, 0, GlobalGameData.windowWidth, GlobalGameData.windowHeight));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            gameStateManager = new GameStateManager(this, GraphicsDevice);

Exemplo n.º 8
 public GameState(GameStateManager gameStateManager)
     manager = gameStateManager;