Exemplo n.º 1
        void Start()
            AkSoundEngine.SetRTPCValue("density", 0, gameObject);
            AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("Play_musBlend", gameObject);

            // Get all stream points in the scene
            // Maybe we should use an octree
            StreamPoint[] p = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <StreamPoint>();
            streamPoints = new List <StreamPoint>(p);

            float x, y, i;

            for (int r = 0; r < races.Length; ++r)
                Transform ancester = new GameObject(races[r].id).GetComponent <Transform>();
                ancester.parent = this.transform;

                List <BoidController> racepopulation = new List <BoidController>(races[r].population);
                for (i = 0; i < races[r].population; ++i)
                    x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-entitySpawnSurface.x / 2, entitySpawnSurface.x / 2);
                    y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-entitySpawnSurface.y / 2, entitySpawnSurface.y / 2);
                    BoidController boid = Instantiate(races[r].prefab, new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity, ancester).GetComponent <BoidController>();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void UpdateBoidWithOther(Vector3 selfPos, BoidController other, ref Vector3 repulsion)
            float squaredDistance = (other.transform.position - selfPos).sqrMagnitude;

            if (squaredDistance < detectionRange * detectionRange)
                // Repulsion
                if (squaredDistance <= repulsionRange * repulsionRange)
                    repulsion += (selfPos - other.transform.position);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void UpdateBoidWithOther(Vector3 selfPos, BoidController other,
                                         ref Vector3 barycenter, ref Vector3 repulsion, ref Vector3 imitation, ref int baryN)
            float squaredDistance = (other.transform.position - selfPos).sqrMagnitude;

            if (squaredDistance < detectionRange * detectionRange)
                // Cohesion
                barycenter += other.transform.position;

                // Imitation
                imitation += other.currentVelocity;

                // Repulsion
                if (squaredDistance <= repulsionRange * repulsionRange)
                    repulsion += (selfPos - other.transform.position);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void CheckLevelBorders(BoidController boid, Vector3 pos)
     if (pos.x <= -entitySpawnSurface.x / 2)
         pos.x += entitySpawnSurface.x;
         boid.transform.position = pos;
     else if (pos.x >= entitySpawnSurface.x / 2)
         pos.x -= entitySpawnSurface.x;
         boid.transform.position = pos;
     else if (pos.y >= entitySpawnSurface.y / 2)
         pos.y -= entitySpawnSurface.y;
         boid.transform.position = pos;
     else if (pos.y <= -entitySpawnSurface.y / 2)
         pos.y += entitySpawnSurface.y;
         boid.transform.position = pos;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void UpdateOneBoid(BoidController boid,
                                   bool likesA1, bool likesA2, bool likesB1, bool likesB2, bool likesC1, bool likesC2)
            Vector3 pos = boid.transform.position;

            boid.targetVelocity = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 cohesion   = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 repulsion  = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 imitation  = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 follow     = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 streaming  = Vector3.zero; // courants
            Vector3 barycenter = Vector3.zero;

            boid.isFollowing = false;
            int n = 0;

            ConsiderRace(0, likesA1, pos, ref repulsion, ref imitation, ref barycenter, ref n);
            ConsiderRace(1, likesA2, pos, ref repulsion, ref imitation, ref barycenter, ref n);
            ConsiderRace(2, likesB1, pos, ref repulsion, ref imitation, ref barycenter, ref n);
            ConsiderRace(3, likesB2, pos, ref repulsion, ref imitation, ref barycenter, ref n);
            ConsiderRace(4, likesC1, pos, ref repulsion, ref imitation, ref barycenter, ref n);
            ConsiderRace(5, likesC2, pos, ref repulsion, ref imitation, ref barycenter, ref n);

            cohesion  = ((barycenter / n) - pos).normalized;
            repulsion = repulsion.normalized;
            imitation = imitation.normalized;

            // Repulsion by player
            if ((player.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude <= repulsionRange * repulsionRange)
                repulsion += (pos - player.transform.position);

            // Courants
            foreach (var point in streamPoints)
                if ((point.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude < streamDetectionRange * streamDetectionRange)
                    streaming += point.Direction;

            // Trail
            for (int i = trailZoneManager.trails.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                TrailBoidZone zone = trailZoneManager.trails[i];
                if ((pos - zone.transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= zone.range * zone.range)
                    follow           = zone.direction;
                    boid.isFollowing = true;

            CheckLevelBorders(boid, pos);

            // Apply to boid velocity
            boid.targetVelocity = cohesion * cohesionForce
                                  + repulsion * repulsionForce
                                  + imitation * imitationForce
                                  + follow * followForce
                                  + streaming * currentStreamForce;