protected void btnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool CheckTrue = false;
                for (int r = 0; r < gvRequest.Rows.Count; r++) //find checkbox checked or not
                    CheckBox chkResult = (CheckBox)gvRequest.Rows[r].Cells[0].FindControl("chkResult1");
                    if (chkResult.Checked == true)

                        CheckTrue = true;
                if (CheckTrue != true)
                    string script = "alert('At least one check box need to selected to delete process.');";
                    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "test", script, true);
                    DepartmentBLL deptbll = new DepartmentBLL();
                    //int empid = 1004;// to update empid
                    int empid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]);

                    Department depart = deptbll.getDeptCodebyEmpID(empid); //need to update session value of employee id

                    DepartmentRequBLL deptreqBll = new DepartmentRequBLL();
                    DateTime processdate = DateTime.Now;

                    int dep_reqid = deptreqBll.insertHeaderRecord(processdate, "current", depart.Department_Code); //create header record first

                    if (dep_reqid > 0)
                        for (int r = 0; r < gvRequest.Rows.Count; r++) //find checkbox checked or not
                            CheckBox chkResult = (CheckBox)gvRequest.Rows[r].Cells[0].FindControl("chkResult1");
                            if (chkResult.Checked == true)

                                string emp_reqID = gvRequest.DataKeys[r].Values["Emp_ReqID"].ToString();
                                deptreqBll.insertDetailRecord(dep_reqid, Convert.ToInt32(emp_reqID), processdate);//insert detail records
                                updateStatustoEmpReq(Convert.ToInt32(emp_reqID), "Approved");//update request status

                                String body = "Your registration have been approved! \n" + txtRejectInfo.Text + "\n Thanks \nBest Regards,\n";
                                String subject = "Approved your Stationery Request ";
                                String employeeid = gvRequest.DataKeys[r].Values["EmployeeID"].ToString();
                                SendNotification(Convert.ToInt32(employeeid), body, subject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;
        void SaveHeaderRecord()
            DepartmentBLL deptbll = new DepartmentBLL();
            //int empid = 1004;// to update empid

            int empid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]);
            Department depart = deptbll.getDeptCodebyEmpID(empid); //need to update session value of employee id

            int empreqid = emreqbll.insertHeaderRecord(empid, DateTime.Now, txtStatus.Text, depart.Department_Code);
            txtRequestID.Text = Convert.ToString(empreqid);
            txtDeptName.Text = depart.Department_Name; //need to bind the correct departname by empid
        void gvRequest_DataBind()
            DepartmentBLL deptbll = new DepartmentBLL();

            //int empid = 1004; //to update empid
             int empid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]);
            Department depart = deptbll.getDeptCodebyEmpID(empid);
            gvRequest.DataSource = emreqbll.GetPendingRequest(depart.Department_Code);