Exemplo n.º 1
        static int SubMain(string[] args)
            // this check has to be done VERY early.  i stepped through a debug build with wrong .dll versions purposely used,
            // and there was a TypeLoadException before the first line of SubMain was reached (some static ColorType init?)
            // zero 25-dec-2012 - only do for public builds. its annoying during development
            if (!VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild)
                var thisversion = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version;
                var utilversion = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("Bizhawk.Client.Common")).GetName().Version;
                var emulversion = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("Bizhawk.Emulation.Cores")).GetName().Version;

                if (thisversion != utilversion || thisversion != emulversion)
                    MessageBox.Show("Conflicting revisions found!  Don't mix .dll versions!");


            HawkFile.ArchiveHandlerFactory = new SevenZipSharpArchiveHandler();

            ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser();

            if (argParser.cmdConfigFile != null)

                Global.Config = ConfigService.Load <Config>(PathManager.DefaultIniPath);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                new ExceptionBox(e).ShowDialog();
                new ExceptionBox("Since your config file is corrupted, we're going to recreate it. Back it up before proceeding if you want to investigate further.").ShowDialog();
                Global.Config = ConfigService.Load <Config>(PathManager.DefaultIniPath);


            BizHawk.Client.Common.StringLogUtil.DefaultToDisk = Global.Config.MoviesOnDisk;
            BizHawk.Client.Common.StringLogUtil.DefaultToAWE  = Global.Config.MoviesInAWE;

            // super hacky! this needs to be done first. still not worth the trouble to make this system fully proper
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                var arg = args[i].ToLower();
                if (arg.StartsWith("--gdi"))
                    Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;

            // create IGL context. we do this whether or not the user has selected OpenGL, so that we can run opengl-based emulator cores
            GlobalWin.IGL_GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.IGL_TK(2, 0, false);

            // setup the GL context manager, needed for coping with multiple opengl cores vs opengl display method
            GlobalWin.GLManager = GLManager.Instance;

            //now create the "GL" context for the display method. we can reuse the IGL_TK context if opengl display method is chosen
            if (EXE_PROJECT.PlatformLinkedLibSingleton.RunningOnUnix)
                Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
            if (Global.Config.DispMethod == Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus)
                GlobalWin.GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.GdiPlus.IGL_GdiPlus();
            else if (Global.Config.DispMethod == Config.EDispMethod.SlimDX9)
                    GlobalWin.GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.SlimDX.IGL_SlimDX9();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var e2 = new Exception("Initialization of Direct3d 9 Display Method failed; falling back to GDI+", ex);
                    new ExceptionBox(e2).ShowDialog();

                    // fallback
                    Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
                    goto REDO_DISPMETHOD;
                GlobalWin.GL = GlobalWin.IGL_GL;

                // check the opengl version and dont even try to boot this crap up if its too old
                int version = GlobalWin.IGL_GL.Version;
                if (version < 200)
                    // fallback
                    Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
                    goto REDO_DISPMETHOD;

            // try creating a GUI Renderer. If that doesn't succeed. we fallback
                using (GlobalWin.GL.CreateRenderer()) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
                var e2 = new Exception("Initialization of Display Method failed; falling back to GDI+", ex);
                new ExceptionBox(e2).ShowDialog();
                Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
                goto REDO_DISPMETHOD;

            if (!EXE_PROJECT.PlatformLinkedLibSingleton.RunningOnUnix)
                //WHY do we have to do this? some intel graphics drivers (ig7icd64.dll on an unknown chip on win8.1) are calling SetDllDirectory() for the process, which ruins stuff.
                //The relevant initialization happened just before in "create IGL context".
                //It isn't clear whether we need the earlier SetDllDirectory(), but I think we do.
                //note: this is pasted instead of being put in a static method due to this initialization code being sensitive to things like that, and not wanting to cause it to break
                //pasting should be safe (not affecting the jit order of things)
                string dllDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "dll");

            // Using a simple conditional to skip the single-instancing step caused crashes on GNU+Linux, even though the single-instancing step wasn't being executed. Something about the way instantiation works in C# means this workaround is possible.

            //cleanup IGL stuff so we can get better refcounts when exiting process, for debugging
            //GlobalWin.IGL_GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.IGL_TK();
            //if (GlobalWin.IGL_GL != GlobalWin.GL)
            //  GlobalWin.GL.Dispose();

            //return 0 assuming things have gone well, non-zero values could be used as error codes or for scripting purposes
        }         //SubMain
Exemplo n.º 2
        static int SubMain(string[] args)
            // this check has to be done VERY early.  i stepped through a debug build with wrong .dll versions purposely used,
            // and there was a TypeLoadException before the first line of SubMain was reached (some static ColorType init?)
            // zero 25-dec-2012 - only do for public builds. its annoying during development
            if (!VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild)
                var thisversion = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version;
                var utilversion = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("Bizhawk.Client.Common")).GetName().Version;
                var emulversion = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("Bizhawk.Emulation.Cores")).GetName().Version;

                if (thisversion != utilversion || thisversion != emulversion)
                    MessageBox.Show("Conflicting revisions found!  Don't mix .dll versions!");


            if (PlatformLinkedLibSingleton.RunningOnUnix)
                HawkFile.ArchiveHandlerFactory = new SharpCompressArchiveHandler();
                HawkFile.ArchiveHandlerFactory = new SevenZipSharpArchiveHandler();

            // Uncomment for system-agnostic glory!
            //HawkFile.ArchiveHandlerFactory = new SharpCompressArchiveHandler();

            ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser();

            if (argParser.cmdConfigFile != null)

                Global.Config = ConfigService.Load <Config>(PathManager.DefaultIniPath);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                new ExceptionBox(e).ShowDialog();
                new ExceptionBox("Since your config file is corrupted, we're going to recreate it. Back it up before proceeding if you want to investigate further.").ShowDialog();
                Global.Config = ConfigService.Load <Config>(PathManager.DefaultIniPath);


            BizHawk.Client.Common.StringLogUtil.DefaultToDisk = Global.Config.MoviesOnDisk;
            BizHawk.Client.Common.StringLogUtil.DefaultToAWE  = Global.Config.MoviesInAWE;

            // super hacky! this needs to be done first. still not worth the trouble to make this system fully proper
            if (Array.Exists(args, arg => arg.ToLower().StartsWith("--gdi")))
                Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;

            // create IGL context. we do this whether or not the user has selected OpenGL, so that we can run opengl-based emulator cores
            GlobalWin.IGL_GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.IGL_TK(2, 0, false);

            // setup the GL context manager, needed for coping with multiple opengl cores vs opengl display method
            GlobalWin.GLManager = GLManager.Instance;

            //now create the "GL" context for the display method. we can reuse the IGL_TK context if opengl display method is chosen

            if (Global.Config.DispMethod == Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus)
                GlobalWin.GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.GdiPlus.IGL_GdiPlus();
            else if (Global.Config.DispMethod == Config.EDispMethod.Vulkan)
                    GlobalWin.GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.Vulkan.IGL_Vulkan();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    new ExceptionBox(new Exception("Something in Vulkan init failed, using GDI+ as fallback", ex))

                    // fallback
                    Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
                    goto REDO_DISPMETHOD;
            else if (Global.Config.DispMethod == Config.EDispMethod.SlimDX9 && !EXE_PROJECT.PlatformLinkedLibSingleton.RunningOnUnix)
                    GlobalWin.GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.SlimDX.IGL_SlimDX9();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    new ExceptionBox(new Exception("Initialization of Direct3d 9 Display Method failed; falling back to GDI+", ex))

                    // fallback
                    Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
                    goto REDO_DISPMETHOD;
                GlobalWin.GL = GlobalWin.IGL_GL;

                // check the opengl version and dont even try to boot this crap up if its too old
                if (GlobalWin.IGL_GL.Version < 200)
                    // fallback
                    Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
                    goto REDO_DISPMETHOD;

            // try creating a GUI Renderer. If that doesn't succeed. we fallback
                using (GlobalWin.GL.CreateRenderer()) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
                new ExceptionBox(new Exception("Initialization of Display Method failed; falling back to GDI+", ex))
                Global.Config.DispMethod = Config.EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
                goto REDO_DISPMETHOD;

            if (!EXE_PROJECT.PlatformLinkedLibSingleton.RunningOnUnix)
                //WHY do we have to do this? some intel graphics drivers (ig7icd64.dll on an unknown chip on win8.1) are calling SetDllDirectory() for the process, which ruins stuff.
                //The relevant initialization happened just before in "create IGL context".
                //It isn't clear whether we need the earlier SetDllDirectory(), but I think we do.
                //note: this is pasted instead of being put in a static method due to this initialization code being sensitive to things like that, and not wanting to cause it to break
                //pasting should be safe (not affecting the jit order of things)
                SetDllDirectory(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "dll"));

                if (Global.Config.SingleInstanceMode)
                        new SingleInstanceController(args).RunWithArgs();
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                        // Eat it, MainForm disposed itself and Run attempts to dispose of itself.  Eventually we would want to figure out a way to prevent that, but in the meantime it is harmless, so just eat the error
                    using (var mf = new MainForm(args))
                        var title = mf.Text;
                        mf.Text = title;
                            GlobalWin.ExitCode = mf.ProgramRunLoop();
                        catch (Exception e) when(!Debugger.IsAttached && !VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild && Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive)
                            var result = MessageBox.Show(
                                "EmuHawk has thrown a fatal exception and is about to close.\nA movie has been detected. Would you like to try to save?\n(Note: Depending on what caused this error, this may or may not succeed)",
                                "Fatal error: " + e.GetType().Name,

                            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
            catch (Exception e) when(!Debugger.IsAttached)
                new ExceptionBox(e).ShowDialog();
                if (GlobalWin.Sound != null)
                    GlobalWin.Sound = null;

            //cleanup IGL stuff so we can get better refcounts when exiting process, for debugging
            //GlobalWin.IGL_GL = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.IGL_TK();
            //if (GlobalWin.IGL_GL != GlobalWin.GL)
            //  GlobalWin.GL.Dispose();

            //return 0 assuming things have gone well, non-zero values could be used as error codes or for scripting purposes
        }         //SubMain