public void AddBlock(StoredBlock block)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
 public StoredBlock AddBlockContent(byte[] hash, byte[] content)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         //todo: what if there is no such block or it already has content ?
         return repo.AddBlockContent(hash, content);
 public void AddUnspentOutput(UnspentOutput unspentOutput)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
 public List<StoredBlock> GetOldestBlocksWithoutContent(int maxCount)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         return repo.GetOldestBlocksWithoutContent(maxCount);
 public void RemoveUnspentOutput(byte[] transactionHash, int outputNumber)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         repo.RemoveUnspentOutput(transactionHash, outputNumber);
 public List<StoredBlock> GetBlocksByHeight(int[] heights)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         return repo.ReadHeadersWithHeight(heights);
        public BlockLocator GetCurrentChainLocator()
            List<StoredBlock> headers = new List<StoredBlock>();

            using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
                StoredBlock lastBlock = repo.GetLastBlockHeader();
                if (lastBlock != null)
                    headers = repo.ReadHeadersWithHeight(BlockLocator.GetRequiredBlockHeights(lastBlock.Height));

            BlockLocator locator = new BlockLocator();

            foreach (StoredBlock header in headers)
                locator.AddHash(header.Height, header.Hash);

            return locator;
 public List<UnspentOutput> FindUnspentOutputs(byte[] transactionHash)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         return repo.FindUnspentOutputs(transactionHash);
 // todo: add test
 public byte[] GetBlockContent(byte[] hash)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         //todo: what if there is no such block or it already has content ?
         return repo.GetBlockContent(hash);
        public Subchain FindSubchain(byte[] hash, int length)
            //todo: move this method to InternalBlockchain ?
            using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
                StoredBlock block = repo.FindBlockByHash(hash);

                if (block == null)
                    return null;

                List<StoredBlock> blocks = new List<StoredBlock>();

                for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
                    if (block.Header.IsFirst)
                        //genesis block is reached;

                    block = repo.FindBlockByHash(block.Header.PrevBlock);

                    if (block == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The storage has a chain that starts with an invalid genesis block.");



                return new Subchain(blocks);
 public StoredBlock FindFirst(BlockSelector selector)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         return repo.FindFirst(selector);
        public StoredBlock FindBlockByHeight(int height)
            using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
                //todo: rewrite this method
                List<StoredBlock> blocks = repo.ReadHeadersWithHeight(new int[] {height});

                if (!blocks.Any())
                    return null;

                return blocks[0];
 public StoredBlock FindBlockByHash(byte[] hash)
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         return repo.FindBlockByHash(hash);
 public List<StoredBlock> Find(BlockSelector selector, int count)
     if (count <= 0 || count > 256)
         throw new ArgumentException($"The parameter '{nameof(count)}' is not within its bounds.", nameof(count));
     using (BlockchainRepository repo = new BlockchainRepository(conn))
         return repo.Find(selector, count);