Exemplo n.º 1
        private void btn_Squeezer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //get values frome user:
            int    N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH;
            double threshold;
            string file_name;

            //starting time
            getValuesFromUsers_Enhancement(out N_LENGTH, out W_LENGTH, out threshold, out file_name);

            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();///calc execution time

            //call the function
            Console.WriteLine("Calling BitClustering + Squeezer ...");

            RawDataType         data;
            List <int>          cluster_belong;
            Tuple <double, int> result = Discord_Time_Series.squeezer(out cluster_belong, out data, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, threshold, file_name, Discord_Time_Series.BIT_SERIES);

            watch.Stop();//stop timer
            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            this.txt_time.Text             = elapsedMs.ToString();
            this.txt_best_so_far_dist.Text = result.Item1.ToString();
            this.txt_best_so_far_loc.Text  = result.Item2.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Writing to file...");
            IOFunctions.writeFile_Cluster(data, N_LENGTH, result.Item2, cluster_belong);
            Console.WriteLine(this.Text + " : \n\tDone \"BitClustering + Squeezer\" algorithm. Best_so_far_loc = " + result.Item2 + ". Time: " + elapsedMs);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void btn_algorithm2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //get values frome user:
            int    N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, K_CENTERS;
            string file_name;

            //starting time
            getValuesFromUsers(out N_LENGTH, out W_LENGTH, out K_CENTERS, out file_name);

            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();///calc execution time

            //call algorithm2
            Console.WriteLine("Calling BitClustering Li_Bray...");
            RawDataType         data;
            List <int>          cluster_belong;
            Tuple <double, int> result = Discord_Time_Series.bitClusterDiscord(out cluster_belong, out data, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, K_CENTERS, file_name);

            watch.Stop();//stop timer
            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            this.txt_time.Text             = elapsedMs.ToString();
            this.txt_best_so_far_dist.Text = result.Item1.ToString();
            this.txt_best_so_far_loc.Text  = result.Item2.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Writing to file...");
            IOFunctions.writeFile_Cluster(data, N_LENGTH, result.Item2, cluster_belong);
            Console.WriteLine(this.Text + " : \n\tDone Algorithm 2. Best_so_far_loc = " + result.Item2 + ". Time: " + elapsedMs);