Exemplo n.º 1
        private static readonly IntVec2 TexturesInAtlas = new IntVec2(2, 2); // two by two, meaning four variants for each worldmaterial.
        public override IEnumerable Regenerate()
            foreach (object obj in base.Regenerate())             // I'll be honest, I don't know what this does.
                yield return(obj);
            Rand.Seed = Find.World.info.Seed;
            WorldGrid       worldGrid             = Find.WorldGrid;
            List <BiomeDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <BiomeDef> .AllDefsListForReading;

            foreach (BiomeDef biomeDef in allDefsListForReading.Where(x => x.HasModExtension <BiomesKitControls>()))
                for (int tileID = 0; tileID < Find.WorldGrid.TilesCount; tileID++)
                    Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[tileID];
                    BiomesKitControls biomesKit = biomeDef.GetModExtension <BiomesKitControls>();
                    if (tile.biome != biomeDef)
                    if (biomesKit.materialPath == "World/MapGraphics/Default")
                    Material     material = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.materialPath, ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                    LayerSubMesh subMesh  = GetSubMesh(material);
                    Vector3      vector   = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID);
                    WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, worldGrid.averageTileSize, 0.01f, subMesh, false, true, false);
                    WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMesh);
            yield break;
Exemplo n.º 2
        static ErrorLogs()
            List <BiomeDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <BiomeDef> .AllDefsListForReading;

            foreach (BiomeDef biomeDef2 in allDefsListForReading.Where(x => x.HasModExtension <BiomesKitControls>()))
                BiomesKitControls  biomesKit = biomeDef2.GetModExtension <BiomesKitControls>();
                HashSet <BiomeDef> defs      = new HashSet <BiomeDef>();
                foreach (BiomeDef targetBiome in biomesKit.spawnOnBiomes)
                    if (!defs.Add(targetBiome))
                        Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": spawnOnBiomes includes " + targetBiome + " twice.");
                Material testMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.materialPath, ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                if (biomesKit.materialLayer >= 3560)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": The materialLayer is set to 3560 or higher, making the material display on top of the selection indicator.");
                if (!biomesKit.allowOnLand && !biomesKit.allowOnWater)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": Biome is disallowed on both land and water and will never spawn.");
                if (biomesKit.minTemperature > biomesKit.maxTemperature)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": minTemperature set above maxTemperature.");
                if (biomesKit.minNorthLatitude > biomesKit.maxNorthLatitude)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": minNorthLatitude set above maxNorthLatitude.");
                if (biomesKit.minSouthLatitude > biomesKit.maxSouthLatitude)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": minSouthLatitude set above maxSouthLatitude.");
                if (biomesKit.minHilliness > biomesKit.maxHilliness)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": minHilliness set above maxHilliness.");
                if (biomesKit.minElevation > biomesKit.maxElevation)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": minElevation set above maxElevation.");
                if (biomesKit.minRainfall > biomesKit.maxRainfall)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": minRainfall set above maxRainfall.");
                if (biomesKit.frequency > 100)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": frequency set above 100. Frequency accepts values 1-100. Setting Frequency higher than that is not supported.");
                if (biomesKit.usePerlin == false && biomesKit.useAlternativePerlinSeedPreset == true)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": usePerlin is false but useAlternativePerlinSeedPreset is true. useAlternativePerlinSeedPreset should be false if usePerlin is set to false.");
                if (biomesKit.usePerlin == false && biomesKit.perlinCustomSeed != null)
                    Log.Warning("[BiomesKit] XML Config Error: " + biomeDef2 + ": usePerlin is false but perlinCustomSeed is assigned. perlinCustomSeed will not be read if usePerlin is set to false.");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void BiomesKit()
            // Rimworld is kind enough to have a centralized list of all BiomeDefs. Here, we iterate through thouse with the BiomesKit ModExtension.
            foreach (BiomeDef biomeDef2 in DefDatabase <BiomeDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Where(x => x.HasModExtension <BiomesKitControls>()))
                // We then get the modextension from the specific BiomeDef we are iterating through right now.
                BiomesKitControls biomesKit = biomeDef2.GetModExtension <BiomesKitControls>();
                // South Latitudes need to be negative values. Here we convert them for the user's convenience.
                float minSouthLatitude = biomesKit.minSouthLatitude * -1;
                float maxSouthLatitude = biomesKit.maxSouthLatitude * -1;
                // Now we start iterating through tiles on the world map. This is inside the loop iterating through BiomeDefs.
                // so this is done for each BiomeDef with the ModExtension.
                for (int tileID = 0; tileID < Find.WorldGrid.TilesCount; tileID++)
                    WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid;
                    Tile      tile      = worldGrid[tileID];
                    // Next we find out what latitude the tile is on.
                    float latitude = worldGrid.LongLatOf(tileID).y;
                    // We set up some perlin values.
                    int perlinSeed = Find.World.info.Seed;
                    var coords     = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID);
                    // We give ourselves a way to reference the tile that's being checked.
                    // Now we start actually doing something. First up, we respond to the spawnOnBiomes tag.
                    bool validTarget = true;                     // The tile is a valid target by default.
                    // We iterate through another list. This time of biomes specified by the tag.
                    foreach (BiomeDef targetBiome in biomesKit.spawnOnBiomes)
                        // If the BiomeDef matches the tile, we declare the tile a valid target and stop iterating.
                        if (tile.biome == targetBiome)
                            validTarget = true;
                        // If the BiomeDef doesn't match the tile, we declare the tile an invalid target and move on to the next BiomeDef on the list.
                            validTarget = false;
                    // After that, if the tile is no longer a valid target, we skip to the next tile.
                    if (validTarget == false)
                    // Next up is the latitude tags.
                    bool validSouthLatitude = true; // Southern latitude is valid by default.
                                                    // If the tile's southern latitude is lesser than the minimum and greater than the maximum, declare the tile's south latitude valid.
                                                    // Since southern altitude uses negative numbers, we want it lower than the minimum and higher than the maximum.
                    if (latitude < minSouthLatitude && latitude > maxSouthLatitude)
                        validSouthLatitude = true;
                    // If the tile's southern latitude is greater than the ninimum and lesser than the maximum, we declare the tile's south latitude invalid.
                        validSouthLatitude = false;
                    // Now for the northern latitude.
                    bool validNorthLatitude = true; // Northern latitude is also valid by default.
                                                    // If the tile's northern latitude is greater than the minimum and lesser than the maximum, declare the north latitude valid.
                    if (latitude > biomesKit.minNorthLatitude && latitude < biomesKit.maxNorthLatitude)
                        validNorthLatitude = true;
                    // If the tile's northern latitude is lesser than the minimum and greater than the maximum, declare the northern latitude invalid.
                        validNorthLatitude = false;
                    // We check if both the north and the south latitudes are invalid.
                    if (validNorthLatitude == false && validSouthLatitude == false)
                        // If they are both invalid, we check if every latitude tag has been set by the user.
                        if (biomesKit.minSouthLatitude != -9999 && biomesKit.minNorthLatitude != -9999 && biomesKit.maxSouthLatitude != -9999 && biomesKit.maxNorthLatitude != 9999)
                            continue; // If not a single latitude tag has been set, we skip to the next tile.
                    // If the tile is a water tile and the biome is not allowed on water, we skip to the next tile.
                    if (tile.WaterCovered && biomesKit.allowOnWater == false)
                    // If the tile is a land tile and the biome is not allowed on land, we skip to the next tile.
                    if (!tile.WaterCovered && biomesKit.allowOnLand == false)
                    // Does the biome need a river?
                    if (biomesKit.needRiver == true)
                        // If it does, and the tile doesn't have a river, we skip to the next tile.
                        if (tile.Rivers == null || tile.Rivers.Count == 0)
                    // Now we define the Perlin Noise seed.
                    // If the user has assigned a custom seed, we use that.
                    if (biomesKit.perlinCustomSeed != null)
                        perlinSeed = biomesKit.perlinCustomSeed.Value;
                    // If not, we check if they've asked to use the alternative preset seed.
                    else if (biomesKit.useAlternativePerlinSeedPreset) // If they have, we use that.
                        perlinSeed = tileID;
                    // Are we using perlin for this biome?
                    if (biomesKit.usePerlin == true)
                        // If we are, it's time to generate our perlin noise.
                        PerlinNoise = new Perlin(0.1, 10, 0.6, 12, perlinSeed, QualityMode.Low);
                        float perlinNoiseValue = PerlinNoise.GetValue(coords);
                        // And after that we cull the lower perlin values.
                        if (perlinNoiseValue <= (biomesKit.perlinCulling))
                    // Compare a random number between 0 and 1 to the userdefined frequency to the power of two divided by ten thousand. I promise it makes sense to do it this way.
                    if (Rand.Value > (Math.Pow(biomesKit.frequency, 2) / 10000f))
                    // If the tile's elevation is higher is lower than the minimum or higher than the maximum, we skip to the next tile.
                    if (tile.elevation < biomesKit.minElevation || tile.elevation > biomesKit.maxElevation)
                    // If the tile's temperature is higher is lower than the minimum or higher than the maximum, we skip to the next tile.
                    if (tile.temperature < biomesKit.minTemperature || tile.temperature > biomesKit.maxTemperature)
                    // If the tile's rainfall is higher is lower than the minimum or higher than the maximum, we skip to the next tile.
                    if (tile.rainfall < biomesKit.minRainfall || tile.rainfall > biomesKit.maxRainfall)
                    // If the tile's hilliness is higher is lower than the minimum or higher than the maximum, we skip to the next tile.
                    if (tile.hilliness < biomesKit.minHilliness || tile.hilliness > biomesKit.maxHilliness)
                    // If we get this far, we can spawn the biome!
                    tile.biome = biomeDef2;
                    // If the user wants to give random hilliness to the biome, we do that here.
                    if (biomesKit.randomizeHilliness == true)
                        // random number from 0 to 3.
                        switch (Rand.Range(0, 3))
                        case 0:     // 0 means flat.
                            tile.hilliness = Hilliness.Flat;

                        case 1:     // 1 means small hills.
                            tile.hilliness = Hilliness.SmallHills;

                        case 2:     // 2 means large hills.
                            tile.hilliness = Hilliness.LargeHills;

                        case 3:     // 3 means mountainous.
                            tile.hilliness = Hilliness.Mountainous;
                    // If the user wants to give the biome a specific hilliness we can do that too.
                    if (biomesKit.spawnHills != null)
                        tile.hilliness = biomesKit.spawnHills.Value;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static readonly IntVec2 TexturesInAtlas = new IntVec2(2, 2); // two by two, meaning four variants for each worldmaterial.
        public override IEnumerable Regenerate()
            foreach (object obj in base.Regenerate())
                yield return(obj);
            Rand.Seed = Find.World.info.Seed;
            WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid;

            for (int tileID = 0; tileID < Find.WorldGrid.TilesCount; tileID++)
                Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[tileID];
                if (tile.biome.HasModExtension <BiomesKitControls>())
                    Dictionary <Tile, Hilliness> backupHilliness = LateBiomeWorker.backupHilliness;
                    BiomesKitControls            biomesKit       = tile.biome.GetModExtension <BiomesKitControls>();
                    Vector3 vector = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID);
                    if (biomesKit.hillMaterialPath != "World/MapGraphics/Default")
                        tile.hilliness = backupHilliness[tile];
                        Material hill;
                        if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.SmallHills)
                            hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/SmallHills", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                            LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill);
                        if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.LargeHills)
                            hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/LargeHills", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                            LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill);
                        if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.Mountainous)
                            hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/Mountains", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                            LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill);
                        if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.Impassable)
                            hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/Impassable", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                            LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill);
                    if (biomesKit.materialMaxHilliness != Hilliness.Undefined)
                        if (tile.hilliness > biomesKit.materialMaxHilliness || tile.hilliness < biomesKit.materialMinHilliness)
                    bool roadPresent = true;
                    if (tile.Roads == null || tile.Roads.Count == 0)
                        roadPresent = false;
                    bool riverPresent = true;
                    if (tile.Rivers == null || tile.Rivers.Count == 0)
                        riverPresent = false;
                    if (biomesKit.forestMaterialPath != "World/MapGraphics/Default")
                        if (!riverPresent && !roadPresent)
                            Material forestMaterial;
                            if (tile.temperature < biomesKit.forestSnowyBelow)
                                forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest_Snowy", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                            else if (tile.rainfall < biomesKit.forestSparseBelow)
                                forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest_Sparse", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                            else if (tile.rainfall > biomesKit.forestDenseAbove)
                                forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest_Dense", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                                forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                            LayerSubMesh subMeshForest = GetSubMesh(forestMaterial);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * biomesKit.materialSizeMultiplier), 0.01f, subMeshForest, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false);
                            WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshForest);
                    if (biomesKit.materialPath != "World/MapGraphics/Default")
                        Material     material = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.materialPath, ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer);
                        LayerSubMesh subMesh  = GetSubMesh(material);
                        WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * biomesKit.materialSizeMultiplier), 0.01f, subMesh, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false);
                        WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMesh);
            yield break;