/// <summary>
        ///		Initializes a new instance of this class with the given data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity to attach this process to.</param>
        /// <param name="process">Script process that this entitys logic script is contained in.</param>
        public ScriptExecutionProcess(EntityNode entity, ScriptProcess process)
            _entity = entity;
            Process = process;

            _eventListener = new EventListener(ProcessEvent);

            _priority = 1; // We always want to be executed before other processes.
 /// <summary>
 ///     Called when the state of this entities script is changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="process">Process that had its state changed.</param>
 /// <param name="sate">New state.</param>
 public void OnStateChange(ScriptProcess process, StateSymbol state)
     _renderFunction = state == null ? null : _process.Process.State.FindSymbol("OnRender", SymbolType.Function) as FunctionSymbol;
        // SyncCollisionEvents();
        /// <summary>
        ///		Loads a new script and creates a process out of it, then associates it
        ///		with this virtual machine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">Url of file this script is in.</param>
        /// <param name="cache">If set to true this scripts byte code will be cached for quick loading.</param>
        public ScriptProcess LoadScript(object url, bool cache)
            DebugLogger.WriteLog("Loading script into virtual machine from " + url);

            HighPreformanceTimer timer = new HighPreformanceTimer();

            if (Resources.ResourceManager.ResourceIsCached(url.ToString()))
                ScriptProcess oldProcess = (ScriptProcess)Resources.ResourceManager.RetrieveResource(url.ToString());

                // Create process and hand loading over to it.
                ScriptProcess process = new ScriptProcess(this, (ScriptProcess)oldProcess);
                process.Url = url as string;

                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Loaded script from cache in "+timer.DurationMillisecond+".");

                return process;

            // Open a stream so we can read in the script.
            Stream stream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(url, StreamMode.Open);
            if (stream == null) return null;
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            // Check if this script is already compiled or not.
            if (reader.ReadByte() == 'C' && reader.ReadByte() == 'R' && reader.ReadByte() == 'X')
                // Clean up our file handle.

                // Create process and hand loading over to it.
                ScriptProcess process = new ScriptProcess(this, url);
                process.Url = url as string;

                if (cache == true) Resources.ResourceManager.CacheResource(url.ToString(), process);

                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Script loaded in " + timer.DurationMillisecond + ".");
                return process;
                // Clean up our file handle.

                // Compiler script to byte code.
                ScriptCompiler compiler = new ScriptCompiler();
                if (compiler.Compile(url) > 0)
                    bool serious = false;
                    foreach (CompileError error in compiler.ErrorList)
                        if (error.AlertLevel == ErrorAlertLevel.Error || error.AlertLevel == ErrorAlertLevel.FatalError)
                            serious = true;

                    if (serious == true)
                        DebugLogger.WriteLog(compiler.ErrorList.Count + " error(s) occured while compiling script from " + url.ToString() + ".");
                        foreach (CompileError error in compiler.ErrorList)
                            DebugLogger.WriteLog("\t" + error.ToString());
                        return null;

                // Create a memory stream and dump the byte code into it.
                Stream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                if (memoryStream == null) return null;
                BinaryWriter memoryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream);
                BinaryReader memoryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream);


                // Create process and hand loading over to it.
                memoryStream.Position = 0;
                ScriptProcess process = new ScriptProcess(this, memoryReader);
                process.Url = url as string;


                if (cache == true) Resources.ResourceManager.CacheResource(url.ToString(), process);
                DebugLogger.WriteLog("Script loaded in " + timer.DurationMillisecond + ".");
                return process;
 /// <summary>
 ///		Removes a previously attached process from this VM.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="process">Process to remove.</param>
 public void DetachProcess(ScriptProcess process)
 /// <summary>
 ///		Attachs a process to this VM.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="process">Process to attach.</param>
 public void AttachProcess(ScriptProcess process)
        private RuntimeStack _runtimeStack = new RuntimeStack(512); // When the hell are you going to use more than 512?

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        ///		Initializes a new instance of this class: and associates it with
        ///		the given script process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="process">Script process that this thread is associated with.</param>
        public ScriptThread(ScriptProcess process)
            _process = process;
            InvokeFunction("$global", true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Copys this processes data to another process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="process">Process to copy to.</param>
        public void CopyTo(ScriptProcess process)
            process._defineList = _defineList;
            process._internalVariableIndex = _internalVariableIndex;
            process._memorySize = _memorySize;
            process._globalScope = _globalScope;
            process._memberScope = _memberScope;
            process._symbolList = _symbolList;
            process._instructionList = _instructionList;
            //process._memoryHeap = new RuntimeObject[_memoryHeap.Length];
            //process._objectHeap = new RuntimeObject[_objectHeap.Length];
            //process._currentState = _currentState;
            process._defaultEditorStateIndex = _defaultEditorStateIndex;
            process._defaultEngineStateIndex = _defaultEngineStateIndex;
            process._url = _url;
            process._memberFunctionHashTable = _memberFunctionHashTable;

            // Create a new memory heap of the correct size
            for (int i = 0; i < _memorySize; i++)
                process._memoryHeap[i] = new RuntimeValue(RuntimeValueType.Invalid);

            // Set the 'special' globals to their appropriate values.
            //process._memoryHeap[0].ValueType = RuntimeValueType.Object;
            //process._memoryHeap[0].ObjectIndex = -1;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Copys the given processes data to this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm">Virtual machine this oricess us associated with.</param>
        /// <param name="process">Process to recieve data from.</param>
        public ScriptProcess(VirtualMachine vm, ScriptProcess process)
            HighPreformanceTimer timer = new HighPreformanceTimer();

            // Store virtual machine for layer use.
            _virtualMachine = vm;

            // Load the given script into this process.

            // Create a default thread that should run this process.
            ScriptThread newThread = new ScriptThread(this);

            // Attach console commands / exported command to this thread.
            // TODO: What if they already exist?
            foreach (Symbol symbol in _symbolList)
                if (symbol != null && symbol.Type == SymbolType.Function)
                    if (((FunctionSymbol)symbol).IsConsole == true)
                        new ScriptConsoleCommand((FunctionSymbol)symbol, newThread);
                    else if (((FunctionSymbol)symbol).IsExport == true)
                        new ScriptExportFunction((FunctionSymbol)symbol, newThread);
                    else if (((FunctionSymbol)symbol).IsImport == true)
                        // Find the functions parameter types.
                        DataTypeValue[] parameterTypes = new DataTypeValue[((FunctionSymbol)symbol).ParameterCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < ((FunctionSymbol)symbol).ParameterCount; i++)
                            parameterTypes[(((FunctionSymbol)symbol).ParameterCount - 1) - i] = ((VariableSymbol)symbol.Symbols[i]).DataType;

                        ((FunctionSymbol)symbol).NativeFunction = _virtualMachine.FindNativeFunction(symbol.Identifier, parameterTypes);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Called when the state of this entities script is changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="process">Process that had its state changed.</param>
 /// <param name="sate">New state.</param>
 public void OnStateChange(ScriptProcess process, StateSymbol state)
     _tickFunction = (state == null ? null : (state.FindSymbol("OnTick", SymbolType.Function) as FunctionSymbol));
 /// <summary>
 ///     Called when this process needs to be destroyed.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Dispose()
     if (_eventListener != null) EventManager.DetachListener(_eventListener);
     if (_process != null)
     _eventListener = null;
     _process = null;
     _entity = null;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        ///		Inserts the current object into the map at the cursors position (or center-screen - 
        ///     - if this is not the active window) at the highest level on the scene graph
        /// </summary>
        private void InsertCurrentObject(bool inCenter, string overrideObjectURL)
            string objectURL = overrideObjectURL != "" ? overrideObjectURL : _assetManagerWindow.SelectedObjectURL;
            EntityNode entity = null;

            // Keep a log of this insertion.
            DebugLogger.WriteLog("Inserting object of type '" + objectURL + "' into map");

            // Check the extension to see if this is a built-in object or not.
            if (objectURL.IndexOf(".fso") >= 0)
                // Compile the script.
                ScriptCompiler compiler = new ScriptCompiler();
                bool errorOccured = false;
                string errorDescription = "\t";
                if (compiler.Compile(objectURL) > 0)
                    foreach (CompileError error in compiler.ErrorList)
                        if (error.AlertLevel == ErrorAlertLevel.Error || error.AlertLevel == ErrorAlertLevel.FatalError)
                            errorDescription += (errorDescription == "" ? "" : "\n\t") + error.ToString();
                            errorOccured = true;

                // If an error occured notify the user if not then
                // insert a new scripted entity into the map.
                if (errorOccured == true)
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to insert object into map, the following error(s) occured while attempt to compile this objects script.\n\n"+errorDescription,"Compile Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Object insertion aborted. The following error(s) occured while attempting to compile this objects script.\n\n" + errorDescription, LogAlertLevel.Warning);
                    // Dump the compiled code into a memory stream.
                    MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
                    BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memStream);
                    BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(memStream);
                    memStream.Position = 0;

                    // Create a new scripted entity with the given script attached to it.
                    ScriptedEntityNode scriptedEntity = new ScriptedEntityNode();
                    entity = scriptedEntity;
                    entity.RenderMode = EntityRenderMode.Rectangle;
                    entity.BoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16);
                    entity.Width = 16;
                    entity.Height = 16;
                    entity.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(objectURL);

                    ScriptProcess process = new ScriptProcess(VirtualMachine.GlobalInstance, reader);
                    process.Url = objectURL;
                    if (process.DefaultEditorState != null)
                        process.State = null;
                    scriptedEntity.ScriptProcess = process;

                    // Are we allowed to place the entity?
                    bool canPlace = true;
                    string placeError = "This entity has been flagged as unplaceable. Please choose another or check this objects script.";
                    foreach (Define define in process.Defines)
                        switch (define.Ident.ToUpper())
                            case "UNPLACEABLE":
                                canPlace = false;
                            case "UNPLACEABLE_ERROR":
                                placeError = define.Value;
                    if (canPlace == false)
                        MessageBox.Show(placeError, "Unplaceable", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


                    // Invoke OnCreate event.
                    scriptedEntity.ScriptProcess[0].InvokeFunction("OnCreate", true, false);

                    // Free up the streams.

            // Its built in so create the object requested.
                switch (objectURL.ToLower())
                    case "tilemap segment":
                        TilemapSegmentNode segment = new TilemapSegmentNode(8, 8, 16, 16);
                        segment.IsGridVisible = true;
                        entity = segment;

                    case "emitter":
                        entity = new EmitterNode();
                        entity.BoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16);
                        entity.Width = 16;
                        entity.Height = 16;

                    case "entity":
                        entity = new EntityNode();
                        entity.BoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16);
                        entity.Width = 16;
                        entity.Height = 16;

                    case "path marker":
                        entity = new PathMarkerNode();
                        entity.BoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16);
                        entity.Width = 16;
                        entity.Height = 16;
                        entity.Image = _pathMarkerImage;
                        entity.RenderMode = EntityRenderMode.Image;
                        entity.Name = "Path Marker " + MathMethods.Random(MathMethods.Random(0, 10000), MathMethods.Random(10000, 10000000));

                        foreach (EntityNode selEntity in _selectedEntityList)
                            if (selEntity is PathMarkerNode && ((PathMarkerNode)selEntity).NextNodeName == "")
                                ((PathMarkerNode)selEntity).NextNode = (PathMarkerNode)entity;
                                ((PathMarkerNode)selEntity).NextNodeName = entity.Name;


            if (entity == null) return;

            // Find the correct position for our new entity.
            int mapX, mapY;
            if (inCenter == false)
                mapX = (int)Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Transformation.X + (int)((mousePositionBeforeRightClick[0] / Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Zoom));
                mapY = (int)Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Transformation.Y + (int)((mousePositionBeforeRightClick[1] / Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Zoom));
                mapX = (int)Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Transformation.X + (int)(((mapPanel.ClientSize.Width - entity.BoundingRectangle.Width) / 2) / Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Zoom);
                mapY = (int)Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Transformation.Y + (int)(((mapPanel.ClientSize.Height - entity.BoundingRectangle.Height) / 2) / Editor.GlobalInstance.CameraNode.Zoom);

            if (_snapToGrid == true)
                mapX = (mapX / _gridWidth) * _gridWidth;
                mapY = (mapY / _gridHeight) * _gridHeight;

            entity.Position(mapX, mapY, 0.0f);
            entity.IsBoundingBoxVisible = _viewBoundingBoxs;
            entity.IsEventLinesVisible = _viewEventLines;
            entity.IsCollisionBoxVisible = _viewCollisionBoxs;
            entity.ForceVisibility = true;


            // Update the scene graph window if it exists.
            if (_sceneGraphWindow != null) _sceneGraphWindow.SyncronizeData();

            // Update this entitys event nodes and the event nodes of others.
            foreach (SceneNode node in Engine.Engine.GlobalInstance.Map.SceneGraph.EnumerateNodes())
                EntityNode subNode = node as EntityNode;
                if (subNode == null) continue;
                if (subNode.Event.ToLower() == entity.Name.ToString().ToLower()) subNode.EventNodes.Add(entity);

            PushUndoOperation(new InsertNodesUndoOperation(new SceneNode[] { entity }));

            _mapChangedSinceSave = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Called when the state of this entities script is changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="process">Process that had its state changed.</param>
        /// <param name="sate">New state.</param>
        public void OnStateChange(ScriptProcess process, StateSymbol state)
            if (_isServer == true) return;

            if (_mapScriptProcess != null && process == _mapScriptProcess.Process)
                _window.MapScriptRenderFunction = state.FindSymbol("OnRender", SymbolType.Function) as FunctionSymbol;
            else if (_gameScriptProcess != null && process == _gameScriptProcess.Process)
                _window.GameScriptRenderFunction = state.FindSymbol("OnRender", SymbolType.Function) as FunctionSymbol;