Exemplo n.º 1
        static void GetAllCoins(BinanceClient client)
                decimal  walletPercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ETHWalletPercentage"]);
                string[] coinArray        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Coins"].Split(',').ToArray();
                var      allPrices        = client.GetAllPrices().Result;
                //now get the ETH/USD conversion rate
                var ethValue = allPrices.Where(p => p.Symbol == "ETHUSDT");
                numETH = client.GetAccountInfo().Result.Balances.Where(p => p.Asset == "ETH").FirstOrDefault().Free;

                Console.WriteLine("Free ETH: " + numETH);
                Console.WriteLine("ETH Percentage: " + walletPercentage.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("ETH For Trading: " + (walletPercentage / 100) * numETH);

                foreach (var value in coinArray)
                    var coin = allPrices.Where(p => p.Symbol == value).FirstOrDefault();
                    //Get the binance coin/price pair for each coin specified in the appSettings file.
                    string  trimmedString   = coin.Symbol.Substring(coin.Symbol.Length - 3);
                    decimal currentValueUSD = trimmedString == "ETH" ? coin.Price * ethValue.FirstOrDefault().Price : coin.Price;

                    if (currentValueUSD >= 10)

                    Currency c = new Currency
                        Name            = coin.Symbol,
                        Price           = coin.Price,
                        CurrentValueUSD = currentValueUSD,

                    //Look to see if we have anything with the specific coin. If we do, then we are in a trade, and add it to the coinsBought and set the InTrade to true.
                    if (File.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\BinanceAPI\" + coin.Symbol + ".txt"))
                        Dictionary <decimal, decimal> priorHoldings = ReadFromCurrencyFiles(coin.Symbol);

                        if (priorHoldings.Count > 0)
                            c.CoinsBought.Add(new Tuple <decimal, decimal>(priorHoldings.ElementAt(0).Key, priorHoldings.ElementAt(0).Value));
                            c.InTrade = true;
                            Console.WriteLine(c.Name + " found in previous trade, " + priorHoldings.ElementAt(0).Key.ToString() + " coins at " +

                    Console.WriteLine(c.Name + " Price: " + c.Price + " Current Value USD: " + c.CurrentValueUSD + " allotted coins: " + c.AllottedCoins);
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteToLog(ex.Message + ex.InnerException, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + ex.InnerException);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void ExecuteTradeDebug(BinanceClient client, KlineData data, Currency currency, OrderSide side)
            var allPrices = client.GetAllPrices().Result;
            var price     = allPrices.Where(p => p.Symbol.Contains(currency.Name)).Select(a => a.Price).FirstOrDefault();

            var finalPrice = BinanceAPIMain.Debug == "true" ? data.Close : price;

            DateTime currentTime = BinanceAPIMain.Debug == "true" ? CurrencyCalc.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(data.EndTime) : DateTime.Now;

            if (side == OrderSide.BUY)
                //Orders will break if not successful, so check for try/catch block and add into currency ledger or move on.
                    currency.CoinsBought.Add(new Tuple <decimal, decimal>(currency.AllottedCoins, data.Close));
                    currency.InTrade = true;
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(currency.AllottedCoins + ":" + currency.Name + ": go in on trade at: " + data.Close + " Time: " + currentTime, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLogTrades(currency.Name + ": Buy " + currency.AllottedCoins + " coins at " + data.Close + " for the kline ending at " + currentTime);
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToCurrencyFile(currency.AllottedCoins + "|" + data.Close, currency.Name);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(ex.Message + " while buying " + currency.Name, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
            else if (side == OrderSide.SELL)
                    foreach (Tuple <decimal, decimal> tuplePair in currency.CoinsBought)
                        decimal      percentage = Math.Round(((data.Close - tuplePair.Item2) / tuplePair.Item2) * 100, 2);
                        ConsoleColor color      = percentage > 0 ? ConsoleColor.White : ConsoleColor.Red;

                        BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLogTrades(currency.Name + ": Sell " + currency.AllottedCoins + " coins at " + data.Close + " for the kline ending at " + currentTime +
                                                        " for a " + percentage + " percent change");
                        BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(currency.Name + ": sold " + tuplePair.Item1 + " coins at " + data.Close + " on " + currentTime + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  currency.Name + ": Made: " + (data.Close - tuplePair.Item2) + " Percentage: " + percentage, color);
                    currency.LastSalePrice       = data.Close;
                    currency.LastTransactionTime = DateTime.Now;

                    //Remove the file which indicated we had an open position on the trade.
                    if (File.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\BinanceAPI\" + currency.Name + ".txt"))
                        File.Delete(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\BinanceAPI\" + currency.Name + ".txt");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(ex.Message + " while selling " + currency.Name, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static string GetCurrentPurchases(BinanceClient client)
            var currentCurrencies = BinanceAPIMain.AllCurrencies.Where(p => p.InTrade);
            var currentPrices     = client.GetAllPrices().Result;

            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

            b.AppendLine("Current gain/loss:");

            foreach (Currency c in currentCurrencies)
                var     purchasePrice = c.CoinsBought.FirstOrDefault().Item2;
                var     currentPrice  = currentPrices.Where(p => p.Symbol.ToLower() == c.Name.ToLower()).Select(p => p.Price).FirstOrDefault();
                decimal percentage    = Math.Round(((currentPrice - purchasePrice) / purchasePrice) * 100, 2);
                b.AppendLine(c.Name + ":");
                b.AppendLine("\tBought at: " + purchasePrice);
                b.AppendLine("\tCurrent Price: " + currentPrice);
                b.AppendLine("\tPercent Change:" + percentage.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void ExecuteTrade(BinanceClient client, KlineData data, Currency currency, OrderSide side)
            var allPrices = client.GetAllPrices().Result;
            var price     = allPrices.Where(p => p.Symbol.Contains(currency.Name)).Select(a => a.Price).FirstOrDefault();

            DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (side == OrderSide.BUY && BinanceAPIMain.TotalTrades < 4)
                //Before we execute, update the allotted coins
                BinanceAPIMain.CalculateCoinsToTrade(client, currency, allPrices);

                //Orders will break if not successful, so check for try/catch block and add into currency ledger or move on.
                    var order = client.PostNewOrder(currency.Name.ToLower(), currency.AllottedCoins, 0.1m, side, OrderType.MARKET, TimeInForce.IOC);
                    if (order.Result.OrderId != -1)
                        currency.InTrade = true;
                        var finalCoinsBought = GetHeldCoins(client, currency.Name);
                        currency.CoinsBought.Add(new Tuple <decimal, decimal>(finalCoinsBought, price));
                        BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(finalCoinsBought + ":" + currency.Name + ": go in on trade at: " + price + " Time: " + currentTime, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                        BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLogTrades(currency.Name + ": Buy " + finalCoinsBought + " coins at " + price + " Time: " + currentTime);
                        BinanceAPIMain.WriteToCurrencyFile(finalCoinsBought + "|" + price, currency.Name);
                catch (OperationCanceledException oce)
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(oce.Message + " while buying " + currency.Name + " " + DateTime.Now, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(ex.InnerException + " while buying " + currency.Name + " " + DateTime.Now, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
            else if (side == OrderSide.SELL)
                    foreach (Tuple <decimal, decimal> tuplePair in currency.CoinsBought)
                        var order = client.PostNewOrder(currency.Name.ToLower(), tuplePair.Item1, 0.1m, side, OrderType.MARKET, TimeInForce.IOC);
                        if (order.Result.OrderId != -1)
                            decimal      percentage = Math.Round(((price - tuplePair.Item2) / tuplePair.Item2) * 100, 2);
                            ConsoleColor color      = percentage > 0 ? ConsoleColor.White : ConsoleColor.Red;

                            BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLogTrades(currency.Name + ": Sell " + tuplePair.Item1 + " coins at " + price + " Time: " + currentTime +
                                                            " for a " + percentage + " percent change");
                            BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(currency.Name + ": sold " + tuplePair.Item1 + " coins at " + price + " on " + currentTime + Environment.NewLine +
                                                      currency.Name + ": Made: " + (price - tuplePair.Item2) + " Percentage: " + percentage, color);
                    currency.LastSalePrice       = data.Close;
                    currency.LastTransactionTime = DateTime.Now;

                    //Remove the file which indicated we had an open position on the trade.
                    if (File.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\BinanceAPI\" + currency.Name + ".txt"))
                        File.Delete(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\BinanceAPI\" + currency.Name + ".txt");
                catch (OperationCanceledException oce)
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(oce.Message + " while selling " + currency.Name + " " + DateTime.Now, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    BinanceAPIMain.WriteToLog(ex.InnerException + " while selling " + currency.Name + " " + DateTime.Now, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);