Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the next <see cref="BNumber"/> from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to parse from.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed <see cref="BNumber"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidBencodeException{BNumber}">Invalid bencode</exception>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedBencodeException{BNumber}">The bencode is unsupported by this library</exception>
        public override BNumber Parse(BencodeStream stream)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));

            if (stream.Length < MinimumLength)
                throw InvalidBencodeException <BNumber> .BelowMinimumLength(MinimumLength, stream.Length, stream.Position);

            var startPosition = stream.Position;

            // Numbers must start with 'i'
            if (stream.ReadChar() != 'i')
                throw InvalidBencodeException <BNumber> .UnexpectedChar('i', stream.ReadPreviousChar(), stream.Position);

            var  digits = new StringBuilder();
            char c;

            for (c = stream.ReadChar(); c != 'e' && c != default(char); c = stream.ReadChar())

            // Last read character should be 'e'
            if (c != 'e')
                throw InvalidBencodeException <BNumber> .InvalidEndChar(c, stream.Position);

            var isNegative     = digits[0] == '-';
            var numberOfDigits = isNegative ? digits.Length - 1 : digits.Length;

            // We do not support numbers that cannot be stored as a long (Int64)
            if (numberOfDigits > BNumber.MaxDigits)
                throw UnsupportedException(
                          $"The number '{digits}' has more than 19 digits and cannot be stored as a long (Int64) and therefore is not supported.",

            // We need at least one digit
            if (numberOfDigits < 1)
                throw InvalidException("It contains no digits.", startPosition);

            var firstDigit = isNegative ? digits[1] : digits[0];

            // Leading zeros are not valid
            if (firstDigit == '0' && numberOfDigits > 1)
                throw InvalidException($"Leading '0's are not valid. Found value '{digits}'.", startPosition);

            // '-0' is not valid either
            if (firstDigit == '0' && numberOfDigits == 1 && isNegative)
                throw InvalidException("'-0' is not a valid number.", startPosition);

            long number;

            if (!ParseUtil.TryParseLongFast(digits.ToString(), out number))
                var nonSignChars = isNegative ? digits.ToString(1, digits.Length - 1) : digits.ToString();
                if (nonSignChars.Any(x => !x.IsDigit()))
                    throw InvalidException($"The value '{digits}' is not a valid number.", startPosition);

                throw UnsupportedException(
                          $"The value '{digits}' is not a valid long (Int64). Supported values range from '{long.MinValue:N0}' to '{long.MaxValue:N0}'.",

            return(new BNumber(number));