Exemplo n.º 1
        public Task ResetAsync([Remainder][Summary("The text to echo")] string userName)
            Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Discord.Emoji("👍"));

            lock (Data.Streamers){
                foreach (var si in Data.Streamers)
                    if (si.Key == userName)
                        TwitchUser user = Twitch.GetUserByID(si.Value.id);
                        if (user == null)
                            return(ReplyAsync("I couldn't find that Twitch streamer. Sorry!"));

                        DateTime?lastStreamTime = si.Value.lastStream;

                        Data.Streamers.Add(user.displayName, new StreamerInfo(user.id, lastStreamTime));

                        return(ReplyAsync("Success - data for **" + Utility.SanitizeForMarkdown(user.displayName) + "** has been reset."));

            return(ReplyAsync("No users with that ID are currently in the list."));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Task AddAsync([Remainder][Summary("Name of the Twitch streamer you want to add or remove from the list")] string streamerName)
            Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Discord.Emoji("👍"));             //Thumbs up to acknowledge that the command was received

            bool containsKey  = false;
            int  numStreamers = 0;

            lock (Data.Streamers){
                numStreamers = Data.Streamers.Count;
                foreach (var s in Data.Streamers)
                    if (streamerName.Equals(s.Key, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        containsKey  = true;
                        streamerName = s.Key;

                if (containsKey)

            if (containsKey)
                return(ReplyAsync("Success - **" + Utility.SanitizeForMarkdown(streamerName) + "** will no longer be announced. There are now " + (numStreamers - 1) + " streamers in the list."));

            TwitchUser user = Twitch.GetUserByName(streamerName);

            if (user == null)
                return(ReplyAsync("I couldn't find any Twitch streamers with that name. Sorry!"));

            lock (Data.Streamers){
                foreach (var s in Data.Streamers)
                    if (s.Value.id == user.id)
                        return(ReplyAsync("User is currently in list with an older username (**" + Utility.SanitizeForMarkdown(s.Key) + ")"));

                Data.Streamers.Add(user.displayName, new StreamerInfo(user.id));

            return(ReplyAsync("Success - **" + Utility.SanitizeForMarkdown(user.displayName) + "** will now be announced. There are now " + (numStreamers + 1) + " streamers in the list."));