Exemplo n.º 1
 public void UpdateCampaignScraperUrl(string Url)
         string UpdateQuery = "UPDATE tb_CampaignScraperURL SET Status = 'Scraped'" + " WHERE Url='" + Url + "'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_CampaignScraperURL");
     { }
 public static void updatetb_emails(string follower, string followingCount, string BOARDS, string BoardsName, string screen_Name, string Username, string LoginStatus)
         string UpdateQuery = "Update tb_emails set Follower = '" + follower + "',Following = '" + followingCount + "',BOARDS= '" + BOARDS + "',BOARDSNAME='" + BoardsName + "',ScreenName='" + screen_Name + "',LoginStatus='" + LoginStatus + "' where UserName = '******'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_emails");
     catch (Exception ex)
     { };
 public void UpdatingPinRecord(string Pin)
         string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_PinRecords SET Use = 'Used' WHERE Pin = '" + Pin + "' ";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_PinRecords");
     catch (Exception)
 public void InsertAccountGroupName(string Username, string GroupName)
         string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_FBAccount SET GroupName = '" + GroupName + "' WHERE UserName = '******'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_FBAccount");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> InsertAccountGroupName --> clsDBQueryManager --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs);
 public void UpdateUserDetailsForDirectMessaging(string Screen_name, string FollowerCount, string FollowingCount, string username, string Password)
         string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_AccountSendDirectMessage SET Screen_name = '" + Screen_name + "' , FollowerCount  = '" + FollowerCount + "', FollowingCount  = '" + FollowingCount + "' WHERE UserName = '******'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_AccountSendDirectMessage");
     catch (Exception ex)
 public void InsertScreenNameFollower(string Screen_name, string FollowerCount, string FollowingCount, string username, string FullProfileName)
         string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_FBAccount SET Screen_name = '" + Screen_name + "' , FollowerCount  = '" + FollowerCount + "', FollowingCount  = '" + FollowingCount + "',ProfileName = '" + FullProfileName + "' WHERE UserName = '******'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_FBAccount");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> InsertScreenNameFollower --> clsDBQueryManager --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs);
 public void UpdatePasswordForAccount(string userName, string newPassword)
         string UpdateQuery = "update tb_FBAccount set  Password='******' WHERE UserName='******';";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_FBAccount");
     catch (Exception ex)
         GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace);
 public void UpdateSuspendedAcc(string username)
         string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_FBAccount SET Status = 'Suspended' WHERE UserName = '******'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_FBAccount");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> InsertScreenNameFollower --> clsDBQueryManager --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs);
 public void InsertUpdateTBScheduler(string username, string module, string strDateTime, string IsScheduledDaily)
         string InsertQuery = "Insert into tb_Scheduler_Module (Module, ScheduledDateTime, IsAccomplished ,IsScheduledDaily ) VALUES ('" + module + "','" + strDateTime + "', '0' , '" + IsScheduledDaily + "')";
         DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(InsertQuery, "tb_Scheduler_Module");
     catch (Exception)
         string UpdateQuery = "UPDATE tb_Scheduler_Module SET ScheduledDateTime='" + strDateTime + "', IsScheduledDaily='" + IsScheduledDaily + "', IsAccomplished='" + "0" + "' WHERE Module='" + module + "'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_Scheduler_Module");
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void UpdatePasswordForAccount(string userName, string newPassword)
         string UpdateQuery = "update tb_FBAccount set  Password='******' WHERE UserName='******';";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_FBAccount");
     catch (Exception ex)
         //AlibabaScaper.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("InsertQuery error" +ex+ ex.StackTrace, MainFrm.Error);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void UpdateGroupName()
                string strTable = "tb_FBAccount";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_FBAccount SET GroupName='" + "" + "' ";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);
            catch (Exception)
 public void InsertUpdateTBSchedulerSetting(string ModuleName, string filePath, string count, string DescriptionFile, string SchedulerStartTime, string SchedulerEndTime, int mindelay, int maxdelay)
         string InsertQuery = "Insert into tb_Schedule_Setting (ModuleType, FileName, Count , DescriptionFile , SchedulerStartTime ,SchedulerEndTime , MinDelay , MaxDelay ) VALUES ('" + ModuleName + "','" + filePath + "', '" + count + "' , '" + DescriptionFile + "' ,'" + SchedulerStartTime + "' , '" + SchedulerEndTime + "' , '" + mindelay + "' , '" + maxdelay + "')";
         DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(InsertQuery, "tb_Schedule_Setting");
     catch (Exception)
         string UpdateQuery = "UPDATE tb_Schedule_Setting SET FileName='" + filePath + "' , Count = '" + count + "' ,  DescriptionFile = '" + DescriptionFile + "' ,SchedulerStartTime = '" + SchedulerStartTime + "' , SchedulerEndTime = '" + SchedulerEndTime + "' , MinDelay = '" + mindelay + "' , MaxDelay = '" + maxdelay + "' WHERE ModuleType ='" + ModuleName + "'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_Schedule_Setting");
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void UpdateSettingData(string module, string filetype, string filepath)
                string strTable = "tb_Setting";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_Setting SET Module='" + module + "', FilePath='" + filepath + "' WHERE FileType='" + filetype + "'";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);
            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void UpdateSettingData(string module, string filetype, string filepath)
                string strTable = "tb_Setting";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_Setting SET Module='" + module + "', FilePath='" + filepath + "' WHERE FileType='" + filetype + "'";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);
            catch (Exception ex)
                GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void InsertUpdateFollowTable(string useremail, string following_id, string following_username)
         string strDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
         string strQuery    = "INSERT INTO tb_Follow (username, following_id, following_username, DateFollowed) VALUES ('" + useremail + "' , '" + following_id + "' , '" + following_username + "' , '" + strDateTime + "')";
         DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(strQuery, "tb_Follow");
     catch (Exception)
         string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_Follow SET username='******', following_id='" + following_id + "', following_username='******' WHERE username='******'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_Follow");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void UpdateFBAccount(string Usernaem, string password, string proxiaddress, string proxyport, string proxyName, string proxypassword)
                string strTable = "tb_LinkedInAccount";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_LinkedInAccount SET Password='******', IPAddress='" + proxiaddress + "', IPPort='" + proxyport + "', IPUserName='******', IPPassword='******' WHERE UserName='******'";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);
            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 17
 private void InsertUpdateDatabase(string status)
         DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery("Insert into tb_FBAccount values('" + Username + "','" + Password + "','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + AccountStatus.Status(ProfileStatus.AccountCreated) + "')", "tb_FBAccount");
     catch (Exception)  //If already there, Update
         ///Update records in Database
         string updateQuery = "Update tb_FBAccount SET ProfileStatus='" + status + "' WHERE UserName='******'";
         DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(updateQuery, "tb_FBAccount");
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void UpdateGroupName()
                string strTable = "tb_FBAccount";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_FBAccount SET GroupName='" + "" + "' ";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);
            catch (Exception ex)
                GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace);
        public void UpdateSettingData(string module, string filetype, string filepath)
                string strTable = "tb_Setting";
                string strQuery = "INSERT into tb_Setting ( Module, FileType, FilePath) VALUES ('" + module + "' ,  '" + filetype + "' , '" + filepath + "') ";

                DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(strQuery, strTable);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strTable = "tb_Setting";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_Setting SET Module='" + module + "', FilePath='" + filepath + "' WHERE FileType='" + filetype + "'";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);
 public void InsertOrUpdateDailyLimitSetting(int countDailyLimit)
         DataSet ds = SelectcheckDailyLimit();
         if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
             string strQuery = "update  tb_checkDailyLimit Set DaillyLimit=('" + countDailyLimit + "')";
             DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_checkDailyLimit");
             string strQuery = "INSERT INTO tb_checkDailyLimit (DaillyLimit) VALUES ('" + countDailyLimit + "')";
             DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(strQuery, "tb_checkDailyLimit");
     catch (Exception ex)
         //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> InsertUpdateSetting --> ScrapeData --> clsDBQueryManager --> " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs);
        public void UpdateTBScheduler(string module)
                string strTable = "tb_Setting";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_Scheduler_Module SET IsAccomplished='" + "1" + "' WHERE Module='" + module + "'";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);

                //Increase 1 day if IsScheduledDaily
                    string  selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM tb_Scheduler_Module where Module='" + module + "' and IsAccomplished='1'";
                    DataSet ds          = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(selectQuery, strTable);

                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables["tb_Setting"];

                    foreach (DataRow dRow in dt.Rows)
                        string strIsScheduledDaily = dRow["IsScheduledDaily"].ToString();
                        if (strIsScheduledDaily == "1")
                            string scheduledTime = dRow["ScheduledDateTime"].ToString();

                            DateTime dt_scheduledTime = DateTime.Parse(scheduledTime);

                            DateTime dt_nextscheduledTime = dt_scheduledTime.AddDays(1);

                            string nextscheduledTime = dt_nextscheduledTime.ToString();

                            string nextUpdateQuery = "UPDATE tb_Scheduler_Module SET ScheduledDateTime='" + nextscheduledTime + "', IsAccomplished='0" + "' WHERE Module='" + module + "'";

                            DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(nextUpdateQuery, "tb_Setting");
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns "accountsPerIP" number of proxies to accounts in Database, only picks up only those accounts where IPAddress is Null or Empty
        /// </summary>
        public void AssignProxiesToAccounts(List <string> lstProxies, int noOfAccountsPerIP)
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();

                if (noOfAccountsPerIP > 0)
                    accountsPerIP = noOfAccountsPerIP;
                    MessageBox.Show("You entered invalid Accounts per IP... Default value \"10\" Set");

                using (SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(DataBaseHandler.CONstr))
                    foreach (string item in lstProxies)

                        string account = item;

                        string IPAddress  = string.Empty;
                        string IPPort     = string.Empty;
                        string IPUsername = string.Empty;
                        string IPpassword = string.Empty;

                        int DataCount = account.Split(':').Length;

                        if (DataCount == 2)
                            IPAddress = account.Split(':')[0];
                            IPPort    = account.Split(':')[1];
                        else if (DataCount > 2)
                            IPAddress  = account.Split(':')[0];
                            IPPort     = account.Split(':')[1];
                            IPUsername = account.Split(':')[2];
                            IPpassword = account.Split(':')[3];

                        //using (SQLiteDataAdapter ad = new SQLiteDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tb_FBAccount WHERE IPAddress = '" + IPAddress + "'", con))
                        using (SQLiteDataAdapter ad = new SQLiteDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tb_FBAccount WHERE IPAddress = '" + IPAddress + "' and IPPort = '" + IPPort + "'", con))
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                                using (SQLiteDataAdapter ad1 = new SQLiteDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tb_FBAccount WHERE IPAddress = '" + "" + "' OR IPAddress = '" + null + "'", con))

                                    int count = accountsPerIP;  //Set count = accountsPerIP so that it sets max this number of accounts to each IP
                                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count < count)
                                        count = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                        string UpdateQuery = "Update tb_FBAccount Set IPAddress='" + IPAddress + "', IPPort='" + IPPort + "', IPUsername='******', IPpassword='******' WHERE UserName='******'";
                                        DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_FBAccount");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> IPUtillitesFromDB -- AssignProxiesToAccounts() --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_IPSettingErroLog);
                Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> IPUtillitesFromDB -- AssignProxiesToAccounts() --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void UpdateTBScheduler(string module)
                string strTable = "tb_Setting";
                string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_Scheduler_Module SET IsAccomplished='" + "1" + "' WHERE Module='" + module + "'";

                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, strTable);

                //Increase 1 day if IsScheduledDaily
                    string  selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM tb_Scheduler_Module where Module='" + module + "' and IsAccomplished='1'";
                    DataSet ds          = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(selectQuery, strTable);

                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables["tb_Setting"];

                    foreach (DataRow dRow in dt.Rows)
                            string strIsScheduledDaily = dRow["IsScheduledDaily"].ToString();
                            if (strIsScheduledDaily == "1")
                                string scheduledTime = dRow["ScheduledDateTime"].ToString();

                                DateTime dt_scheduledTime = DateTime.Parse(scheduledTime);

                                DateTime dt_nextscheduledTime = dt_scheduledTime.AddDays(1);

                                string nextscheduledTime = dt_nextscheduledTime.ToString();

                                string nextUpdateQuery = "UPDATE tb_Scheduler_Module SET ScheduledDateTime='" + nextscheduledTime + "', IsAccomplished='0" + "' WHERE Module='" + module + "'";

                                DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(nextUpdateQuery, "tb_Setting");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace);

                #region MyRegion
                //    string selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM tb_Scheduler_Module where IsAccomplished='" + "1" + "'";
                //    DataSet ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(selectQuery, strTable);

                //    DataTable dt = ds.Tables["tb_Setting"];

                //    foreach (DataRow dRow in dt.Rows)
                //    {
                //        string strIsScheduledDaily = dRow["IsScheduledDaily"].ToString();
                //        if (strIsScheduledDaily == "1")
                //        {
                //            string scheduledTime = dRow["ScheduledDateTime"].ToString();

                //            DateTime dt_scheduledTime = DateTime.Parse(scheduledTime);

                //            DateTime dt_Now = DateTime.Now;

                //            //if (dt_Now.Day - dt_scheduledTime.Day)
                //            //{

                //            //}

                //            DateTime dt_nextscheduledTime = dt_scheduledTime.AddDays(1);

                //            string nextscheduledTime = dt_nextscheduledTime.ToString();

                //            string nextUpdateQuery = "UPDATE tb_Scheduler_Module SET ScheduledDateTime='" + nextscheduledTime + "' WHERE Module='" + module + "'";

                //            DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(nextUpdateQuery, "tb_Setting");
                //        }

                //    }
            catch (Exception ex)
                GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace);