Exemplo n.º 1
        void LoadCards(CardDatabase database, String s)
            string[] parts    = s.Split('@');
            String[] cardList = parts[0].Split(',');
            foreach (String c in cardList)
                Card curCard = database.GetCard(c);
                if (curCard != null)

            splitType = "";
            if (parts.Contains("34Split"))
                splitType = "data/34SplitSmall.png";
            if (parts.Contains("25Split"))
                splitType = "data/25SplitSmall.png";
            prosperity = parts.Contains("Prosperity");
Exemplo n.º 2
        void DrawStrategy(CardDatabase database, String s, string leaderName, bool displayRating, int x, int y)
            //Leader 0:	4.18262	e1-d3-p4-gold@99|laboratory@3|militia@1|silver@99
            String[] parts = s.Split('\t');
            g.DrawString(leaderName, bigFont, blackBrush, x, y);

            x += 55;

            double d = Convert.ToDouble(parts[1]);

            g.DrawString(FormatPercentage(d), drawFont, PercentageBrush(d), x, y + 20);

            x += 90;

            int estateThreshold   = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2].Split('-')[0].Replace("e", ""));
            int duchyThreshold    = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2].Split('-')[1].Replace("d", ""));
            int provinceThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2].Split('-')[2].Replace("p", ""));

            if (prosperity)
                Image  template = Bitmap.FromFile("data/prosperityBuyTemplate.png");
                double ratio    = (double)template.Height / (double)template.Width;
                g.DrawImage(template, new Rectangle(x, y, 120, (int)(120.0 * ratio)), new Rectangle(0, 0, template.Width, template.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                int yOffset  = -3;
                int ySpacing = 21;
                g.DrawString(estateThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset);
                g.DrawString(duchyThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset + ySpacing);
                g.DrawString(provinceThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset + ySpacing * 2);
                Image  template = Bitmap.FromFile("data/coreBuyTemplate.png");
                double ratio    = (double)template.Height / (double)template.Width;
                g.DrawImage(template, new Rectangle(x, y, 120, (int)(120.0 * ratio)), new Rectangle(0, 0, template.Width, template.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                int yOffset  = 1;
                int ySpacing = 31;
                g.DrawString(estateThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset);
                g.DrawString(duchyThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset + ySpacing);

            x += 145;

            String[] cardParts = parts[2].Split('-')[3].Split('|');
            for (int cardIndex = 0; cardIndex < cardParts.Length; cardIndex++)
                Card c     = database.GetCard(cardParts[cardIndex].Split('@')[0]);
                int  count = Convert.ToInt32(cardParts[cardIndex].Split('@')[1]);
                if (c.fullImage == null)
                double croppedCardRatio = 252.0 / 296.0;

                int yOffset = 0;
                if (c.set == "core")
                    yOffset = 116;
                g.DrawImage(c.fullImage, new Rectangle(x + cardIndex * 80, y, (int)75.0, (int)(75.0 * croppedCardRatio)), new Rectangle(0, yOffset, c.fullImage.Width, 252), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                //if (count > 1 && count < 99)
                if (count > 1)
                    int xOffset = 25;
                    if (count >= 10)
                        xOffset = 17;
                    g.DrawString("x" + count.ToString(), smallFont, blackBrush, x + cardIndex * 80 + xOffset, y + 59);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public DominionVisualization(CardDatabase database, String filename, String saveFilename)
            if (File.Exists(saveFilename))

            List <String> lines;

                lines = new List <String>(File.ReadAllLines(filename));
            catch (Exception)
                // File might be in use by the strategization process.

            if (lines.Count <= 1)

            LoadCards(database, (lines.Find(delegate(String s) { return(s.StartsWith("Kingdom cards:")); }).Split('\t')[1]));

            if (lines[0] == "Leaderboard")
                int leaderStartIndex = lines.FindIndex(delegate(String s) { return(s.StartsWith("Leaders:")); });
                int leaderCount      = Convert.ToInt32(lines[leaderStartIndex].Split('\t')[1]);

                int tournamentWidth  = cellWidth * leaderCount + 75;
                int tournamentHeight = cellHeight * leaderCount + 19 + 35;

                int tournamentX = 1095;

                int imageWidth  = tournamentX + tournamentWidth + 20;
                int iamgeHeight = 205 + leaderCount * 90 + 5;

                int tournamentY = iamgeHeight / 2 - tournamentHeight / 2;

                SetupGraphics(imageWidth, iamgeHeight);

                DrawKingdomCards(5, 4);

                g.DrawString("Dominant strategies", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 170);

                for (int leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
                    DrawStrategy(database, lines[leaderStartIndex + leaderIndex + 1], ((char)('A' + leaderIndex)).ToString(), true, 5, 205 + leaderIndex * 90);

                DrawTournament(lines, tournamentX, tournamentY);
            else if (lines[0] == "Progression")
                int opponentStartIndex = lines.FindIndex(delegate(String s) { return(s.StartsWith("Opponents:")); });
                int opponentCount      = Convert.ToInt32(lines[opponentStartIndex].Split('\t')[1]);

                SetupGraphics(1170, 310 + opponentCount * 90 + 6);

                DrawKingdomCards(5, 4);

                g.DrawString("Leading strategy", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 165);
                DrawStrategy(database, lines.Find(delegate(String s) { return(s.StartsWith("Leader")); }), "", false, -15, 195);

                g.DrawString("Competing strategies", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 275);
                for (int opponentIndex = 0; opponentIndex < opponentCount; opponentIndex++)
                    DrawStrategy(database, lines[opponentStartIndex + opponentIndex + 1], "", false, -15, 310 + opponentIndex * 90);
            else if (lines[0] == "Generation")
                int leaderStartIndex = lines.FindIndex(delegate(String s) { return(s.StartsWith("Leaders:")); });
                int leaderCount      = Convert.ToInt32(lines[leaderStartIndex].Split('\t')[1]);

                SetupGraphics(1026, 210 + leaderCount * 90 + 6);

                DrawKingdomCards(5, 4);

                g.DrawString("Dominant strategies", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 170);

                for (int leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
                    DrawStrategy(database, lines[leaderStartIndex + leaderIndex + 1], ((char)('A' + leaderIndex)).ToString(), true, 5, 205 + leaderIndex * 90);
            else if (lines[0] == "Counters")
                // Not yet visualized; counters don't seem to be that useful since as far as I can tell there is almost always a single dominant strategy

Exemplo n.º 4
        public DominionVisualization(CardDatabase database, String filename, String saveFilename)
            if (File.Exists(saveFilename)) return;

            List<String> lines;
                lines = new List<String>(File.ReadAllLines(filename));
            catch (Exception)
                // File might be in use by the strategization process.

            if (lines.Count <= 1)

            LoadCards(database, (lines.Find(delegate(String s) { return s.StartsWith("Kingdom cards:"); }).Split('\t')[1]));

            if (lines[0] == "Leaderboard")
                int leaderStartIndex = lines.FindIndex(delegate(String s) { return s.StartsWith("Leaders:"); });
                int leaderCount = Convert.ToInt32(lines[leaderStartIndex].Split('\t')[1]);

                int tournamentWidth = cellWidth * leaderCount + 75;
                int tournamentHeight = cellHeight * leaderCount + 19 + 35;

                int tournamentX = 1095;

                int imageWidth = tournamentX + tournamentWidth + 20;
                int iamgeHeight = 205 + leaderCount * 90 + 5;

                int tournamentY = iamgeHeight / 2 - tournamentHeight / 2;

                SetupGraphics(imageWidth, iamgeHeight);

                DrawKingdomCards(5, 4);

                g.DrawString("Dominant strategies", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 170);

                for (int leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
                    DrawStrategy(database, lines[leaderStartIndex + leaderIndex + 1], ((char)('A' + leaderIndex)).ToString(), true, 5, 205 + leaderIndex * 90);

                DrawTournament(lines, tournamentX, tournamentY);
            else if (lines[0] == "Progression")
                int opponentStartIndex = lines.FindIndex(delegate(String s) { return s.StartsWith("Opponents:"); } );
                int opponentCount = Convert.ToInt32(lines[opponentStartIndex].Split('\t')[1]);

                SetupGraphics(1170, 310 + opponentCount * 90 + 6);

                DrawKingdomCards(5, 4);

                g.DrawString("Leading strategy", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 165);
                DrawStrategy(database, lines.Find(delegate(String s) { return s.StartsWith("Leader"); }), "", false, -15, 195);

                g.DrawString("Competing strategies", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 275);
                for (int opponentIndex = 0; opponentIndex < opponentCount; opponentIndex++)
                    DrawStrategy(database, lines[opponentStartIndex + opponentIndex + 1], "", false, -15, 310 + opponentIndex * 90);
            else if (lines[0] == "Generation")
                int leaderStartIndex = lines.FindIndex(delegate(String s) { return s.StartsWith("Leaders:"); });
                int leaderCount = Convert.ToInt32(lines[leaderStartIndex].Split('\t')[1]);

                SetupGraphics(1026, 210 + leaderCount * 90 + 6);

                DrawKingdomCards(5, 4);

                g.DrawString("Dominant strategies", drawFont, blackBrush, 5, 170);

                for (int leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
                    DrawStrategy(database, lines[leaderStartIndex + leaderIndex + 1], ((char)('A' + leaderIndex)).ToString(), true, 5, 205 + leaderIndex * 90);
            else if (lines[0] == "Counters")
                // Not yet visualized; counters don't seem to be that useful since as far as I can tell there is almost always a single dominant strategy

Exemplo n.º 5
        void LoadCards(CardDatabase database, String s)
            string[] parts = s.Split('@');
            String[] cardList = parts[0].Split(',');
            foreach (String c in cardList)
                Card curCard = database.GetCard(c);
                if (curCard != null) cards.Add(curCard);

            splitType = "";
            if (parts.Contains("34Split")) splitType = "data/34SplitSmall.png";
            if (parts.Contains("25Split")) splitType = "data/25SplitSmall.png";
            prosperity = parts.Contains("Prosperity");
Exemplo n.º 6
        void DrawStrategy(CardDatabase database, String s, string leaderName, bool displayRating, int x, int y)
            //Leader 0:	4.18262	e1-d3-p4-gold@99|laboratory@3|militia@1|silver@99
            String[] parts = s.Split('\t');
            g.DrawString(leaderName, bigFont, blackBrush, x, y);

            x += 55;

            double d = Convert.ToDouble(parts[1]);
            g.DrawString(FormatPercentage(d), drawFont, PercentageBrush(d), x, y + 20);

            x += 90;

            int estateThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2].Split('-')[0].Replace("e",""));
            int duchyThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2].Split('-')[1].Replace("d", ""));
            int provinceThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2].Split('-')[2].Replace("p", ""));

            if (prosperity)
                Image template = Bitmap.FromFile("data/prosperityBuyTemplate.png");
                double ratio = (double)template.Height / (double)template.Width;
                g.DrawImage(template, new Rectangle(x, y, 120, (int)(120.0 * ratio)), new Rectangle(0, 0, template.Width, template.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                int yOffset = -3;
                int ySpacing = 21;
                g.DrawString(estateThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset);
                g.DrawString(duchyThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset + ySpacing);
                g.DrawString(provinceThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset + ySpacing * 2);
                Image template = Bitmap.FromFile("data/coreBuyTemplate.png");
                double ratio = (double)template.Height / (double)template.Width;
                g.DrawImage(template, new Rectangle(x, y, 120, (int)(120.0 * ratio)), new Rectangle(0, 0, template.Width, template.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                int yOffset = 1;
                int ySpacing = 31;
                g.DrawString(estateThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset);
                g.DrawString(duchyThreshold.ToString(), drawFont, blackBrush, x + 60, y + yOffset + ySpacing);

            x += 145;

            String[] cardParts = parts[2].Split('-')[3].Split('|');
            for (int cardIndex = 0; cardIndex < cardParts.Length; cardIndex++)
                Card c = database.GetCard(cardParts[cardIndex].Split('@')[0]);
                int count = Convert.ToInt32(cardParts[cardIndex].Split('@')[1]);
                if (c.fullImage == null) c.LoadBitmaps();
                double croppedCardRatio = 252.0 / 296.0;

                int yOffset = 0;
                if (c.set == "core") yOffset = 116;
                g.DrawImage(c.fullImage, new Rectangle(x + cardIndex * 80, y, (int)75.0, (int)(75.0 * croppedCardRatio)), new Rectangle(0, yOffset, c.fullImage.Width, 252), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                //if (count > 1 && count < 99)
                if (count > 1)
                    int xOffset = 25;
                    if(count >= 10) xOffset = 17;
                    g.DrawString("x" + count.ToString(), smallFont, blackBrush, x + cardIndex * 80 + xOffset, y + 59);